Tag: Constantin Sandru

  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    These days we
    celebrate the 85th anniversary of Romania’s cycling tour, whose debut edition
    was staged in 1934. On August 15 that year, a notable Romanian magazine signaled
    that on a Sunday, a great number of competitors took the start, while those
    attending were also in great numbers, drawn by the unique image of the competing
    cyclists. Journalists and organizers were in hot pursuit of the new adventure.
    61 participants took the start, with a mere 19 being able to finish the race.
    The winner of the seven legs was the Bulgarian Marin Nicoloff.

    In 1934, Romania
    was the world’s 7th country to have staged a national cycling tour.
    In descending order, the other six countries were France, where the inaugural
    tour was staged in 1903, Belgium, where the first such tour was held in 1906,
    the Netherlands, where the national tour was staged in 1909, Bulgaria, where
    the national cycling tour was first organized in 1924, Hungary, where such a
    tour was fist mounted in 1925 and Poland, where the inaugural edition of the national
    cycling tour was held in 1928.

    Only three
    editions of the circuit were held until World War Two, in 1934, 1935 and 1936.
    All three were won by foreign cyclists. It was not until 1946 that the fourth
    edition was held, while the fifth was staged in 1950 and won by a Romanian
    cyclist, Constantin Şandru. Later, Steaua’s Constantin Dumitrescu and Dinamo’s
    Mircea Romascanu emerged as winners of the competition three times each.

    After 1990,
    Romania’s Cycling Tour faced management problems that in 1991 lead to the
    reduction of the overall route. There were only 430 kilometers, divided in six

    The competition
    was not held in 1996, and also in 2014 and 2017. Romania’s cycling tour was
    resumed in 2018, when the Romanian Sergey Tsvetkov won the race.

    In 2019, according
    to the Romanian Cycling Federation’s website, Romania’s Cycling Tour will be
    held between September 11 and 15th.

  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    These days we
    celebrate the 85th anniversary of Romania’s cycling tour, whose debut edition
    was staged in 1934. On August 15 that year, a notable Romanian magazine signaled
    that on a Sunday, a great number of competitors took the start, while those
    attending were also in great numbers, drawn by the unique image of the competing
    cyclists. Journalists and organizers were in hot pursuit of the new adventure.
    61 participants took the start, with a mere 19 being able to finish the race.
    The winner of the seven legs was the Bulgarian Marin Nicoloff.

    In 1934, Romania
    was the world’s 7th country to have staged a national cycling tour.
    In descending order, the other six countries were France, where the inaugural
    tour was staged in 1903, Belgium, where the first such tour was held in 1906,
    the Netherlands, where the national tour was staged in 1909, Bulgaria, where
    the national cycling tour was first organized in 1924, Hungary, where such a
    tour was fist mounted in 1925 and Poland, where the inaugural edition of the national
    cycling tour was held in 1928.

    Only three
    editions of the circuit were held until World War Two, in 1934, 1935 and 1936.
    All three were won by foreign cyclists. It was not until 1946 that the fourth
    edition was held, while the fifth was staged in 1950 and won by a Romanian
    cyclist, Constantin Şandru. Later, Steaua’s Constantin Dumitrescu and Dinamo’s
    Mircea Romascanu emerged as winners of the competition three times each.

    After 1990,
    Romania’s Cycling Tour faced management problems that in 1991 lead to the
    reduction of the overall route. There were only 430 kilometers, divided in six

    The competition
    was not held in 1996, and also in 2014 and 2017. Romania’s cycling tour was
    resumed in 2018, when the Romanian Sergey Tsvetkov won the race.

    In 2019, according
    to the Romanian Cycling Federation’s website, Romania’s Cycling Tour will be
    held between September 11 and 15th.

  • Sport Club RRI: Turul ciclist al României – 85 de ani

    Sport Club RRI: Turul ciclist al României – 85 de ani

    Se împlinesc, în
    aceste zile, 85 de ani de la prima ediţie a Turului României la ciclism.
    Aceasta avea loc în vara anului 1934. În acel an, pe 15 august, revista
    Ilustraţiunea Română relata: Plecarea s-a dat Duminică, în faţa unei
    asistenţe numeroase, atrasă de ineditul spectacolului. Concurenţi numeroşi -
    pentru prima ediţie a acestei competiţiuni – ziarişti şi organizatori au
    plecat, entuziasmaţi, în urmărirea noii aventuri”.
    La start s-au prezentat 61
    de participanţi, iar la final au ajuns 19. Câştigătorul
    celor şapte etape a fost bulgarul Marin Nicoloff.

    În 1934, România era a şaptea ţară din lume
    care organiza un tur ciclist naţional, după Franţa, care-şi inaugura turul în
    1903, apoi Belgia – în 1906, Olanda – în 1909, Bulgaria – în 1924, Ungaria – în
    1925 şi Polonia, în 1928.

    Până la al doilea
    război mondial au avut loc doar trei ediţii ale circuitului, în 1934, ’35 şi
    ’36, toate câştigate de rutieri străini. Abia în 1946 a
    avut loc ediţia a patra, iar a cincea în 1950. Această ediţie de mijloc de secol a fost şi prima
    câştigată de un român, şi anume Constantin Şandru. Cele mai multe victorii în
    Turul României au fost obţinute de Constantin Dumitrescu, de la CCA (ulterior
    Steaua) şi Mircea Romaşcanu, de la Dinamo.
    Ambii au câştigat competiţia de câte trei ori.

    După 1990, Turul
    României a început să se confrunte cu probleme de organizare care au dus până
    la reducerea traseului, în 1991, la doar 430 de kilometri, împărţiţi în 6
    etape. În 1996, concursul nu s-a organizat, la fel ca
    şi între anii 2014 şi 2017. S-a reluat în 2018, când s-a impus rutierul român
    Serghei Ţvetcov.

    Anul acesta,
    potrivit website-ului Federaţiei Române de Ciclism, Turul României se va
    desfăşura între 11 şi 15 septembrie.