• March 21, 2019

    March 21, 2019

    CONFERENCE As a strategic partner of the USA, Romania considers its mandate
    at the rotating EU presidency as an opportunity to promote a positive agenda of
    cooperation between the EU and the USA, Romanian president Klaus Iohannis said
    on Thursday at the annual Transatlantic Conference staged by AmCham in
    Brussels. Iohannis went on to say that annual trade exchanges between the two
    entities exceed one trillion dollars creating 7 million jobs in the USA and 5
    million in the EU. On Thursday and Friday the Romanian official is attending the
    European Spring Council where he is expected to urge the EU members to carry on
    efforts towards the consolidation and streamlining of the single market in all
    its dimensions. Several other issues are also high on the summit’s agenda, such
    as the consolidation of Europe’s economic base, climate change, the future
    summit with China as well as ways of fighting disinformation. The European
    leaders are also to discuss a request by Prime Minister Theresa May for postponing
    Britain’s leaving the bloc until June 30th.

    PROTESTS Trade unionists from Bucharest’s
    underground are picketing the building of the Transport Ministry in Bucharest
    today and tomorrow. They are denouncing the authorities’ indifference towards
    the safety issues present in some of the trains. Transporters have again
    rallied today in downtown Bucharest for their second day of protest. After the
    protest rally staged by FORT Federation on Wednesday, the Confederation of
    Authorized Operators and Transporters COTAR has mounted its own protests during
    which taxi drivers in Bucharest are calling on the authorities to amend the
    present legislation to be able to regulate alternative city transportation,
    which they consider disloyal competition.

    TENNIS During the tennis tournament in Miami, Florida, Romanian challenger Irina Begu is today playing the Romanian-born
    Canadian Bianca Andreescu, who has recently won the Indian Wells tournament.
    Another Romanian, Monica Niculescu will be up against Tamara Zidansek of
    Slovenia, while the best Romanian player Simona Halep will be meeting either Taylor
    Townsend of the USA or Johanna Larson of Sweden. In the men’s competition, Marius
    Copil will be up against Albert Ramos Vinolas of Spain while in the women’s
    doubles, a Romanian-German pair made up of Simona Halep and Julia Goerges will
    be up against Timea Babos of Hungary and Kristina Mladenovic of France. Monica
    Niculescu of Romania and Abigail Spears of the USA will be playing Anna-Lena
    Groenefeld of Germany and Lucie Hradecka of the Czech Republic. Romanians Irina
    Begu and Mihaela Buzarnescu are meeting the Taiwanese pair made up of Hao-Ching
    and Latisha Chan, while Raluca
    Olaru of Romania and Darija Jurak of Croatia will be meeting US players Desirae
    Krawczyk and Sabrina Santamaria. In the men’s doubles the
    Romanian-Dutch pair Horia Tecau – Jean-Julien Rojer will be taking on Oliver
    Marach of Austria and Mate Pavic of Croatia.

    MIGRATION 4.4 million migrants entered the EU countries in 2017, a figure,
    which includes migration inside the EU, data released by Eurostat today show.
    The statistical office of the European Union registered 2.8 million migrants in
    the 28 member states from outside the union as well as 1.9 million people who
    already were in a member state and migrated to another. At the same time, 3.1
    million migrants have left a state in the EU. More immigrants than migrants
    have been registered in 22 EU countries. The number of emigrants exceeded immigrants
    in six countries, Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania. The
    largest number of immigrants was reported by Malta (46 per 1,000 inhabitants.
    Luxembourg reported the largest number of emigrants in 2017 (23 per 1,000 inhabitants).

    FOOTBALL Romania’s under-21 football side will today play
    Spain in a friendly game in Granada. The Romanians will next take on Denmark in
    Marabella on Monday. All the three sides are qualified for EURO U21 due in
    Italy in June. Romania’s national football side is making its debut on Saturday
    in the preliminaries of the European championship 2020 with a match against
    Sweden in Stockholm. In order to qualify for the final tournament Romania has
    to end on the first two position in group F. Romania’s next game is against the
    Feroe Islands on Tuesday. Group F also includes Malta Spain and Norway.

    (translated by bill)

  • March 21, 2019

    March 21, 2019

    CONFERENCE As a strategic partner of the USA, Romania considers its mandate
    at the rotating EU presidency as an opportunity to promote a positive agenda of
    cooperation between the EU and the USA, Romanian president Klaus Iohannis said
    on Thursday at the annual Transatlantic Conference staged by AmCham in
    Brussels. Iohannis went on to say that annual trade exchanges between the two
    entities exceed one trillion dollars creating 7 million jobs in the USA and 5
    million in the EU. On Thursday and Friday the Romanian official is attending the
    European Spring Council where he is expected to urge the EU members to carry on
    efforts towards the consolidation and streamlining of the single market in all
    its dimensions. Several other issues are also high on the summit’s agenda, such
    as the consolidation of Europe’s economic base, climate change, the future
    summit with China as well as ways of fighting disinformation. The European
    leaders are also to discuss a request by Prime Minister Theresa May for postponing
    Britain’s leaving the bloc until June 30th.

    PROTESTS Trade unionists from Bucharest’s
    underground are picketing the building of the Transport Ministry in Bucharest
    today and tomorrow. They are denouncing the authorities’ indifference towards
    the safety issues present in some of the trains. Transporters have again
    rallied today in downtown Bucharest for their second day of protest. After the
    protest rally staged by FORT Federation on Wednesday, the Confederation of
    Authorized Operators and Transporters COTAR has mounted its own protests during
    which taxi drivers in Bucharest are calling on the authorities to amend the
    present legislation to be able to regulate alternative city transportation,
    which they consider disloyal competition.

    TENNIS During the tennis tournament in Miami, Florida, Romanian challenger Irina Begu is today playing the Romanian-born
    Canadian Bianca Andreescu, who has recently won the Indian Wells tournament.
    Another Romanian, Monica Niculescu will be up against Tamara Zidansek of
    Slovenia, while the best Romanian player Simona Halep will be meeting either Taylor
    Townsend of the USA or Johanna Larson of Sweden. In the men’s competition, Marius
    Copil will be up against Albert Ramos Vinolas of Spain while in the women’s
    doubles, a Romanian-German pair made up of Simona Halep and Julia Goerges will
    be up against Timea Babos of Hungary and Kristina Mladenovic of France. Monica
    Niculescu of Romania and Abigail Spears of the USA will be playing Anna-Lena
    Groenefeld of Germany and Lucie Hradecka of the Czech Republic. Romanians Irina
    Begu and Mihaela Buzarnescu are meeting the Taiwanese pair made up of Hao-Ching
    and Latisha Chan, while Raluca
    Olaru of Romania and Darija Jurak of Croatia will be meeting US players Desirae
    Krawczyk and Sabrina Santamaria. In the men’s doubles the
    Romanian-Dutch pair Horia Tecau – Jean-Julien Rojer will be taking on Oliver
    Marach of Austria and Mate Pavic of Croatia.

    MIGRATION 4.4 million migrants entered the EU countries in 2017, a figure,
    which includes migration inside the EU, data released by Eurostat today show.
    The statistical office of the European Union registered 2.8 million migrants in
    the 28 member states from outside the union as well as 1.9 million people who
    already were in a member state and migrated to another. At the same time, 3.1
    million migrants have left a state in the EU. More immigrants than migrants
    have been registered in 22 EU countries. The number of emigrants exceeded immigrants
    in six countries, Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania. The
    largest number of immigrants was reported by Malta (46 per 1,000 inhabitants.
    Luxembourg reported the largest number of emigrants in 2017 (23 per 1,000 inhabitants).

    FOOTBALL Romania’s under-21 football side will today play
    Spain in a friendly game in Granada. The Romanians will next take on Denmark in
    Marabella on Monday. All the three sides are qualified for EURO U21 due in
    Italy in June. Romania’s national football side is making its debut on Saturday
    in the preliminaries of the European championship 2020 with a match against
    Sweden in Stockholm. In order to qualify for the final tournament Romania has
    to end on the first two position in group F. Romania’s next game is against the
    Feroe Islands on Tuesday. Group F also includes Malta Spain and Norway.

    (translated by bill)

  • Proteste ale transportatorilor

    Proteste ale transportatorilor

    Transportatorii români
    protestează. Ei şi-au strigat nemulţumirile două zile la rând, miercuri şi joi, în piaţa din
    centrul Bucureştiului, din faţa sediului Guvernului. Nemulţumirea lor e clară:
    mult aşteptatele două ordonanţe de urgenţă în domeniul transporturilor de
    pasageri, promise de Executiv, sunt blocate pe circuitul de avizare.

    piaţa din faţa Guvernului a fost ocupată de membrii Federaţiei Operatorilor
    Români de Transport FORT, care aveau revendicări legate de cursele cu microbuze
    şi autocare la nivel judeţean şi naţional. Contractele în vigoare în prezent
    urmează să expire în luna iunie, iar pentru a participa la noile licitaţii,
    firmele trebuie să aibă microbuze şi autocare noi. Or, ei vor să fie scutiţi de
    obligaţia cu pricina. Scopul protestului lor a fost atins: Guvernul le-a promis
    că modificările legislative cerute vor fi aplicate în viitorul apropiat,
    probabil chiar săptămâna viitoare.

    Chiar şi aşa, cealaltă mare confederaţie
    sindicală din domeniu, a Operatorilor şi Transportatorilor Autorizaţi din
    România COTAR, nu a renunţat la protestul anunţat pentru ziua următoare – joi. COTAR
    îi reprezintă în speţă pe taximetrişti, care vor ca Legea care le gestionează
    activitatea să fie modificată prin eliminarea sintagmei ‘în mod repetat’, prin
    care, în baza actualului act normativ, nu este permisă sancţionarea şoferilor
    care folosesc aplicaţii pentru telefoanele mobile atunci când efectuează
    transport de persoane contra cost, dar fără licenţă. Sintagma respectivă le
    permite, în acest moment, firmelor din judeţul Ilfov, vecin Bucureştiului, să
    aibă activitate în Capitală, deşi nu au autorizaţii eliberate de Primăria

    Apoi, este vorba şi de Uber şi Taxify, care – trebuie spus – fac, la
    ora actuală, concurenţă serioasă companiilor de taxi clasice ai căror angajaţi
    au fost, nu o dată, în centrul criticilor clienţilor lor pentru condiţiile de
    transport ce lăsau de dorit sau pentru negocierea ilegală a tarifului unei

    Deşi şi-au cerut scuze, transportatorii au creat, prin protestele lor, un
    disconfort serios atât în Bucureşti, cât şi pe
    drumurile naţionale. Au avertizat, însă, şi că, dacă nu li se rezolvă
    problemele semnalate, transportatorii rutieri autorizaţi de persoane vor
    organiza, în perioada următoare, săptămânal, un miting de amploare.

    sindicaliştii din metrou nu sunt foarte mulţumiţi! Au anunţat că pichetează,
    timp de două zile, joi şi vineri, timp de o oră, sediul Ministerului
    Transporturilor, acuzând că autorităţile sunt indiferente la problemele de siguranţă pe care
    le au unele garnituri. Sindicaliştii au evocat incidentul produs la începutul
    acestui an într-un depou, când două vagoane goale au sărit de pe şine şi au
    explicat că, din cele 80 de garnituri din dotarea Metrorex, la 13 pot apărea
    astfel de situaţii.

    Ministrul de resort Răzvan Cuc s-a declarat convins că
    trenurile de la metrou nu au nicio problemă şi că, de fapt, scopul acţiunilor
    sindicale legat de spaţiile
    comerciale din subteran. Până acum gestionate de sindicatele din Metrorex, ele
    urmeasă fie atribuite printr-o procedură transparentă de licitaţie.