Tag: Cristian Badescu

  • October 18, 2016

    October 18, 2016

    POVERTY — Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos has today said in Bucharest that poverty is the result of corruption and of the way in which public resources are allocated. In another move, Ciolos says that a change in the citizens’ behavioural attitudes is also necessary in order to eradicate poverty. The head of government attended debates on the program drafted by the government in an effort to curb poverty. It includes 47 measures destined for all age brackets, from preschoolers to elderly people. Over 37% of the Romanians are exposed to a risk of poverty and social exclusion, Romania ranking second in the EU from this point of view, data released by Eurostat show. One in three children in Romania is facing poverty.

    CORRUPTION — One of the shareholders in the wine making company Murfatlar (in south-eastern Romania) and nine other persons have been taken into custody by the anti-corruption prosecutors, in a tax evasion file. The estimated value of the prejudice stands at some 600 million lei (135 million Euro). The anti-corruption prosecutors on Monday searched the headquarters of several firms in the wine-growing industry and the houses of several people, in several counties in the south and south-east, in a file in which investigations are carried out for crimes assimilated to corruption and tax evasion. The acts were reportedly carried out in the 2010-2014 period. In 2015, the wine company Murfatlar, one of the first ten players on the Romanian wine industry reported a turnover of 124.4 million lei (27 million Euro) and a net profit of 3.5 million lei (some 800 thousand Euro), according to the balance sheet submitted to the Finance Ministry.

    GENERAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL — State secretary for European affairs, Cristian Badescu, is today attending in Luxembourg the General Affairs Council, a communiqué issued by the Romanian Foreign Ministry shows. The agenda of the meeting also includes talks on the stage revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework. The ministers will also be briefed on the stage of implementing the provisions of the Inter-institutional Agreement, referring to annual scheduling and inter-institutional cooperation, the Romanian Foreign Ministry also writes. The debates of the EU ministers for European affairs are held ahead of the European Council meeting due on Thursday and Friday. The agenda of the Council covers such issues as migration, the trade policy pursued by the EU, global and economic issues as well as foreign relations.

    SIMPLE MOTION — Romanian MPs have today adopted the simple motion “Lies can kill, too”, tabled by the Social Democratic Party against the justice minister in the current technocratic cabinet, Raluca Pruna. The MPs of the National Liberal Party and of the national minorities haven’t cast their votes. In the document, the Social Democrats were demanding the resignation of justice minister Raluca Pruna for a series of statements she made in a plenary session of the Higher Council of the Magistracy, on October 6, when she claimed “she had lied to the European Court of Human Rights” about the situation of funds allotted to penitentiaries. Ahead of the vote in parliament, Raluca Pruna defended herself, saying her mandate does not have a biased political stake. She assumed responsibility for the statements she made, saying that no one can take away her right to signal problems in the justice system, among which a severe one, such as under-financing. Today’s vote does not lead to the sacking of the minister.

    MIGRATION — Eight Pakistani nationals were stopped at the Romanian-Serbian border, in the southwest, on Tuesday morning, while trying to illegally cross into Serbia, from Romania. Following checkouts, the police officers established that the respective persons were Pakistani citizens, who said they had crossed the border on foot, with the declared intention to head for a West European state. Many such attempts by migrants trying to illegally cross the border have been foiled in the past two months. (Translated by D. Vijeu)

  • May 24, 2016

    May 24, 2016

    PROSECUTION- The Speaker of the Romanian Senate, Calin Popescu Tariceanu is prosecuted for false testimony and encouraging the offender, the National Anti-Corruption Directorate has announced. His name appears in a file in which prosecutors are investigating illegal return of property. Tariceanu is the second most important official in the state, given the position he is currently holding, that of Senate Speaker. He is also co-president of the recently set up centre-rightist Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, (ALDE). Between 2004 and 2008, when he was the leader of the National Liberal Party, he held the position of prime minister. We recall that scores of people have been sent to court by the anti-corruption prosecutors in the case of illegal return of land and forests on the outskirts of Bucharest.

    VISIT – Romanian prime minister Dacian Ciolos is today having talks in Washington with US vice-president, Joe Biden. Dacian Ciolos is also due to meet other US officials, to whom he will present Romanias business development potential. The second day of the official visit paid by the Romanian prime minister to the US will end in Washington, after a meeting with members of the Romanian community living in the area.

    EUROPEAN FUNDS – Romania reports delays in the process of accessing European funds in healthcare, which is a matter of concern for the European Commission, the EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Cretu, has warned in Bucharest. In the field of healthcare, Romanias degree of absorption since the start of the year is ZERO, the European Commissioner underlined. Corina Cretu has also drawn attention that Bucharest might lose the 326 million Euros available to it to develop infrastructure and medical assistance services if the needs in the domain of healthcare are not identified by the end of the year.

    GENERAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL –State Secretary for European Affairs with the Romanian Foreign Ministry, Cristian Badescu, is today attending a meeting of the General Affairs Council, held in Brussels. According to a communiqué issued by the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the participants will hold talks on the integration of migrants and the fundamental values of the EU, at a time when the second dialogue on the rule of law is being held across the Union. They will also make preparations for the European Council meeting scheduled for June 28 and 29, laying emphasis on the relationship between the UK and the EU, the communiqué also reads.

    INVESTIGATION – Experts continue the investigation into the circumstances of the car crash in which Dan Condrea, the owner of the Hexi Pharma biocide producer, died on Sunday evening. Condrea has died at a time when his company is at the centre of the biggest scandal in the Romanian healthcare system, after it was disclosed that his company supplied diluted disinfectants. Prosecutors from the General Prosecutors Office have demanded a DNA identification analysis as well as technical analysis of the car in order to cast light on the circumstances in which the accident occurred. The Prosecutor General, Augustin Lazar, has announced that the value of the prejudice in the Hexi Pharma case will be established today.

    HUMANITARIAN SUMMIT – Romania will show solidarity with other countries in the context in which, according to the UN, the world is facing the most severe humanitarian crisis since World War II, says labour minister, Dragos Paslaru, who leads the Romanian delegation at the World Humanitarian Summit organised by the United Nations in Istanbul. Dragos Paslaru has made clear that the Romanian delegations mandate is to support all commitments proposed by the UN, relating to such issues as refugees, for instance, and even to come up with private initiatives, in such domains as emergency assistance and education, where Romania has already had a significant contribution. The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, has pleaded in Istanbul, for the governments, alongside the business circle and humanitarian organisations the world over to commit themselves to reducing by half the number of refugees by 2030. Official data show that, at global level, some 60 million people have been forcibly displaced and 125 million are in dire need of assistance.

    FOOTBALL– Romanias national football team will meet Congo in a friendly match in Como, Italy, on Wednesday. The match, just like that against Ukraine, scheduled for Sunday in Turin, is part of a campaign held in preparation for the European Championship due in France, this summer. Romania and the host country will play the opening match, in Paris, on June 10. Also playing in Group A are Switzerland and Albania.

    (Translated by Diana Vijeu)

  • Jurnal românesc – 29.03.2016

    Jurnal românesc – 29.03.2016

    Secretarul de stat
    pentru afaceri europene, Cristian Bădescu, a primit, luni, la sediul
    Ministerului Afacerilor Externe, o delegaţie parlamentară turcă, în timpul
    discuţiilor oficialul de la Bucureşti reafirmând disponibilitatea României de a
    oferi Turciei expertiza acumulată în procesul de aderare la Uniunea Europeană.
    Delegaţia parlamentară a fost condusă de preşedintele Comisiei pentru
    armonizare cu Uniunea Europeană din Marea Adunare Naţională de la Ankara,
    Mehmet Kasim Gulpinar. În cadrul discuţiilor, oficialii au
    reiterat aprecierea pentru bunele relaţii politice şi economice bilaterale, având
    la bază parteneriatul strategic româno-turc. Totodată, secretarul de stat
    Cristian Bădescu a apreciat eforturile Turciei în contextul crizei migraţiei.

    Comisia comună româno-rusă
    pentru studierea problemelor izvorâte din istoria relaţiilor bilaterale,
    inclusiv a Tezaurului, s-a reunit la Sinaia, pe 25 şi 26 martie, după o pauză
    de 10 ani, lucrările desfăşurându-se într-o atmosferă deschisă şi constructivă
    – informează Ministerul de Externe.Potrivit unui comunicat, aceasta este a patra sesiune a
    comisiei şi marchează un nou pas important pentru studierea problemelor ce ţin
    de competenţa sa. Părţile au continuat schimbul de opinii
    privind diferite aspecte referitoare la Tezaurul României, inclusiv la valorile
    Băncii Naţionale a României depuse la Moscova în timpul Primului Război
    Mondial, precum şi la restituirile din 1935 şi din 1956 de către Uniunea
    Sovietică ale unor părţi din valorile româneşti. Sursa citată adaugă că pentru
    atingerea obiectivelor stabilite prin Declaraţia comună a miniştrilor
    Afacerilor Externe, din 2003, părţile au convenit dinamizarea activităţii
    comisiei, aprofundarea activităţii de identificare a documentelor în arhive,
    iniţierea elaborării unor publicaţii comune, precum şi înfiinţarea unor grupuri
    comune de experţi pentru cercetarea documentelor de arhivă. Următoarea sesiune a comisiei urmează să aibă loc la
    Moscova, în a doua parte a anului viitor.

    Ambasada României la
    Paris cunoaşte incidentul produs în noaptea de 20 spre 21 martie, când un
    magazin care comercializa produse româneşti în oraşul Denain din nordul Franţei
    a fost incendiat de către doi agenţi municipali şi urmăreşte îndeaproape cazul. Misiunea
    diplomatică română va trimite o echipă consulară mobilă la Denain pentru a
    discuta cu autorităţile locale, poliţieneşti şi judiciare, în vederea obţinerii
    unor informaţii suplimentare cu privire la circumstanţele producerii
    incidentului. Totodată, ambasada se află în
    legătură permanentă cu patronul magazinului, cetăţean român, şi îi acordă
    acestuia asistenţă consulară, în limita competenţelor legale. Agenţii
    municipali, plasaţi sub control judiciar, sunt cercetaţi penal pentru incendiu
    voluntar cu tentă rasistă.

    Luni a fost inaugurată
    cursa aeriană Iaşi – Barcelona, acesta fiind cel de-al 14-lea zbor direct
    extern de pe aeroportul din Iaşi. Cursa va fi operată de compania Blue Air în
    zilele de marţi şi duminică. Directorul Aeroportului, Marius Bodea, a declarat
    că, săptămâna aceasta, se va introduce cursa de Bruxelles, iar din vară legăturile
    cu Larnaca (Cipru) şi Catania (Sicilia).

    Bucureştenii sunt cetăţenii
    europeni cei mai nemulţumiţi de transportul public din oraşul lor, un studiu
    arătând că doar 6% sunt satisfăcuţi de acesta. Comparativ, 46% din
    locuitorii Berlinului sunt mulţumiţi de transportul lor public, în timp ce la
    Londra procentul este de 43%.Cu 446 de autovehicule la 1.000 de locuitori,
    rata de motorizare a Bucureştiului este superioară celor din Berlin (333) şi
    Londra (301). În cazul în care nemulţumirea
    bucureştenilor faţă de transportul public va persista, odată cu creşterea forţei
    lor de cumpărare este de aşteptat ca ei să achiziţioneze mai multe maşini.