Tag: cyclone

  • Extreme weather in Romania

    Extreme weather in Romania

    Scorching heat and torrential rains are familiar to Romanians. However, when the two weather phenomena come one after the other or, even worse, overlap, inconvenience follows naturally. Or, the recent forecasts, seasoned with messages sent through the RoAlert system for warning and alarming the population, are signs of emergency situations that have put many to the test. After a gloomy and colder ending of May and beginning of June than usual for this time of the year, torrential rains followed.

    At the end of last week, a cyclone formed in the Black Sea brought storms and heavy rainfall, especially in the eastern half of the country. Two people killed by the raging torrents, entire localities flooded, including parts of Bucharest, significant material damage … are, in short, the effects of the cyclone. The magnitude of the weather phenomenon has been termed as unprecedented for the last years in Romania. And the danger is not over yet!

    The whole week that is about to end, heavy rains have overlapped with extreme heat, especially in the west of the country. Red, orange and yellow codes for floods, adding to red, orange and yellow codes for excessive heat, that’s what meteorologists and hydrologists’ maps have shown lately. What should Romanians expect this weekend?

    Here is weather expert Viorica Dima: The mercury in thermometers will stop in the Western Plain somewhere at 35-36 degrees Celsius, and this slight decrease is not necessarily due to colder air coming towards us, but due to nebulosity, as a fairly well-defined and quite active atmospheric front is coming from Central Europe heading to Romania. This front will cover the western and northwestern areas of Romania, to eventually cross the entire country by Saturday evening. There will be torrential downpours, and also strong winds, of 60-80 kilometers per hour, and temperatures will drop accordingly. Given that, along the way, the storm potential of this frontal system will be losing its virulence, it is very likely that we will not face heavy hailstorms like the ones that destroyed significant areas in Austria. As for the tornado that formed on the territory of the Czech Republic, if the atmospheric conditions encourage it, it is possible that we will also have such clouds with rotational motion.

    Given the extent of the damage caused, throughout this year, by floods, landslides or other special meteorological phenomena, the Romanian Government has decided to grant those affected emergency aid up to 5 million lei (about 1 million euros). (MI)

  • Extreme weather in Romania

    Extreme weather in Romania

    Scorching heat and torrential rains are familiar to Romanians. However, when the two weather phenomena come one after the other or, even worse, overlap, inconvenience follows naturally. Or, the recent forecasts, seasoned with messages sent through the RoAlert system for warning and alarming the population, are signs of emergency situations that have put many to the test. After a gloomy and colder ending of May and beginning of June than usual for this time of the year, torrential rains followed.

    At the end of last week, a cyclone formed in the Black Sea brought storms and heavy rainfall, especially in the eastern half of the country. Two people killed by the raging torrents, entire localities flooded, including parts of Bucharest, significant material damage … are, in short, the effects of the cyclone. The magnitude of the weather phenomenon has been termed as unprecedented for the last years in Romania. And the danger is not over yet!

    The whole week that is about to end, heavy rains have overlapped with extreme heat, especially in the west of the country. Red, orange and yellow codes for floods, adding to red, orange and yellow codes for excessive heat, that’s what meteorologists and hydrologists’ maps have shown lately. What should Romanians expect this weekend?

    Here is weather expert Viorica Dima: The mercury in thermometers will stop in the Western Plain somewhere at 35-36 degrees Celsius, and this slight decrease is not necessarily due to colder air coming towards us, but due to nebulosity, as a fairly well-defined and quite active atmospheric front is coming from Central Europe heading to Romania. This front will cover the western and northwestern areas of Romania, to eventually cross the entire country by Saturday evening. There will be torrential downpours, and also strong winds, of 60-80 kilometers per hour, and temperatures will drop accordingly. Given that, along the way, the storm potential of this frontal system will be losing its virulence, it is very likely that we will not face heavy hailstorms like the ones that destroyed significant areas in Austria. As for the tornado that formed on the territory of the Czech Republic, if the atmospheric conditions encourage it, it is possible that we will also have such clouds with rotational motion.

    Given the extent of the damage caused, throughout this year, by floods, landslides or other special meteorological phenomena, the Romanian Government has decided to grant those affected emergency aid up to 5 million lei (about 1 million euros). (MI)

  • Entre inondations et canicule

    Entre inondations et canicule

    Les conditions météorologiques extrêmes ont divisé la Roumanie en deux. Alors que dans la moitié est, les pluies ne sarrêtent plus, à louest cest la canicule, avec des températures avoisinant les 40 °C. Dailleurs, les prévisionnistes annoncent que le temps se réchauffe à travers le pays et que nous allons avoir du mal à supporter la chaleur, en raison de lhumidité. Qui plus est, des phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes tels que des tornades et des orages violents pourraient se faire jour. Les spécialistes affirment que les fortes pluies de ces derniers temps sont causées par le cyclone qui sest formé en mer Noire, un phénomène normal en général, qui semblait reculer au milieu de la semaine dernière, mais il est ensuite revenu avec des orages encore plus violents dans la moitié orientale de la Roumanie. Ces dernières semaines, dans la capitale aussi, de fortes pluies ont alterné avec les moments où il na pas plu, mais le ciel était couvert – un temps auquel les Roumains ne sont pas habitués, en particulier à la mi-juin. Presque tout le pays a fait lobjet dalertes jaunes et orange aux pluies torrentielles, aux phénomènes électriques, aux orages et aux chutes de grêle, et les pluies et les inondations menacent encore une grande partie de la Roumanie.

    Les hydrologues ont émis à leur tour plusieurs alertes aux inondations sur presque toutes les rivières du pays, à lexception de la région ouest et nord-ouest. Suite aux pluies des derniers jours, certaines rivières ont débordé et ont inondé des routes et des maisons dans plusieurs régions de Roumanie. Les problèmes les plus graves ont été signalés dans lest, le sud et le sud-est du pays, où lintervention des pompiers a été nécessaire. Des dizaines de localités ont été touchées par les crues, et on déplore également des pertes de vies humaines. Plusieurs vigilances météorologiques rouges de prévision immédiate ont été émises au cours des derniers jours en raison des pluies abondantes et des inondations.

    Selon les météorologues, dici la fin de la semaine, linstabilité atmosphérique restera temporairement importante, de sorte que surtout dans laprès-midi et le soir, la probabilité daverses torrentielles et de phénomènes électriques sera élevée dans tout le pays. Les quantités deau dépasseront par endroits les 25 à 50 l/m². Le vent sintensifiera durant les pluies, favorisant lapparition des orages et des chutes de grêle. Vers la fin de la semaine, le temps deviendra chaud, voire caniculaire le jeudi et le vendredi, et linconfort thermique sera également intense.

    Les météorologues, les climatologues et les hydrologues ajoutent aussi des avertissements pour les prochains mois dété, lorsque le temps nous réservera de plus en plus de surprises extrêmes telles quune forte instabilité, des pluies abondantes, des orages et des tornades.

    Qui plus est, les statistiques indiquent que ce mois-ci pourrait compter parmi les mois de juin les plus pluvieux en lespace dun demi-siècle. Il y a des signes évidents que les saisons telles que nous les connaissons changent, et pas seulement chez nous, mais dans toute lEurope, où nous avons aussi des conditions météorologiques extrêmes. En France, par exemple, plusieurs régions ont été couvertes par les eaux à la suite de fortes pluies. En revanche, le nord de lAllemagne est frappé par une vague de canicule.

    (Trad. : Ligia)