Tag: data

  • The impact of AI on banking       

    The impact of AI on banking       


    Increasingly present in our lives, technology enriches and transforms various sectors and industries. The banking system is no exception, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) being vital to maintain a competitive level and offer a better experience to customers, according to specialists in the field. Streamlining administrative processes, personalizing banking services, preventing fraud and improving customer experience are just some of the areas where the introduction of artificial intelligence can bring significant advantages. However, there are also risks, mainly related to data protection and shortage of jobs.


    How can artificial intelligence contribute to protecting and securing financial resources and sensitive data? First, by detecting and preventing cyber-attacks in a faster and more accurate way, which is one of the key features of banking firewalls using AI. Then, artificial intelligence can quickly assess and analyze a large volume of data in real time, enabling the effective identification of threats and the implementation of appropriate security measures. AI algorithms can also be used to automate repetitive and routine tasks, such as verifying documents and their authenticity or opening bank accounts, for example.


    AI technology can be used to analyze customer data and to provide personalized solutions regarding account management, financial planning or investments. Experts say that the use of artificial intelligence in the banking system can also play a crucial role in fraud detection and prevention, as machine learning algorithms can be trained to identify patterns and anomalies in transactions, alerting banks over possible fraud.


    From the perspective of a central bank, artificial intelligence is a promising tool for balancing inflation, according to Cristian Popa, a member of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Romania (BNR), present at a conference on this topic. He explained that, similar to the influence of globalization, which played down inflation in the past decades, artificial intelligence, by streamlining and optimizing economic processes, offers good prospects for stabilizing prices, in a context marked by significant challenges.


    Cristian Popa: “The process of taking monetary policy decisions is all the more complex during periods defined by huge structural changes, such as the ones under way. I am talking about globalization, which is shrinking, regulation, which is becoming more intense, protectionism, which is growing, the peace dividend, which disappears or about directing part of the expenses to the military sector, to the detriment of education and health. The population, that ages simultaneously with the decrease in the birth rate, the energy dividend, which disappears, the problem of fiscal deficits, which is growing and the transition to green economy, which also involves new costs, are some other examples. All these structural changes seem to indicate that the pressure of inflation will be present for a long time. But there is a change that can work in the opposite direction, as artificial intelligence can limit the impact of the mentioned structural changes, if it is large enough, stimulating sustainable economic growth through higher labor productivity and opening new paths to innovation and progress.”


    Cristian Popa believes, however, that the pace of these changes is still uncertain and that the widespread impact of the implementation of AI technology can be felt only in the long term, as it requires a period of gradual adjustment and more intense collaboration between people and technology. What artificial intelligence does in the long run is enhance certain abilities that we can capitalize on in new professional opportunities, Cristian Popa explained. But, he added, there are risks associated with data protection and its correct interpretation by artificial intelligence. That is why, the BNR will support innovation, but will keep an eye on macro-stability and is expected to have an approach that takes into account the level of risk in terms of artificial intelligence. That is, a permissive approach towards non-critical banking activities, but a firm one about core activities, current realities causing the central bank to view, for example, with some reluctance the transformation of the digital assistant into an expert in banking risk management or in decision-making as regards granting loans, Cristian Popa also said.


    Risks associated with artificial intelligence include the loss of jobs, as certain processes are automated, as well as data privacy risks, given that artificial intelligence requires access to customers’ personal data. All in all, experts say, in 2030 it is expected that the use of artificial intelligence in the Romanian banking sector and many other sectors for that matter, to be widespread and fully integrated in most banking processes and services. (EE/AMP)



  • January 28, 2023 UPDATE

    January 28, 2023 UPDATE

    France and the Netherlands are eagerly waiting
    for Romania’s Schengen accession as soon as possible. This is one of the main
    elements in a joint statement on security cooperation signed in Bucharest on
    Friday by the foreign ministers of the 3 countries. The message was also
    highlighted by the Dutch diplomacy chief, Wopke Hoekstra, in the bilateral
    talks with his Romanian counterpart, Bogdan Aurescu. The 2 officials, together
    with the French foreign minister, Catherine
    Colonna,Friday visited the Getica National Joint Training Centre in
    Cincu, where French and Dutch troops are deployed as part of the NATO Battle
    Group created in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In fact, after the
    trilateral talks concerning Moscow’s armed aggression, Catherine Colonna said
    Ukraine must be helped to defend itself, to regain its independence and
    sovereignty. In Bucharest, the foreign officials were also received by
    president Klaus Iohannis and PM
    Nicolae Ciucă.

    CINEMA Two
    Romanian films, ‘Metronome’ by Alexandru Belc and ‘M.R.I.’ by Cristian Mungiu, are
    in the competition of the Gothenburg International Film Festival in Sweden, which
    started on Friday. According to the Romanian Cultural Institute in Stockholm,
    the event brings together around 400 works from around the world every year,
    with 160,000 viewers attending. ‘Metronome’, the debut feature of the director Alexandru
    Belc, is a love story in 1972 communist Romania, and critics describe it as a
    social and historical analysis of a generation forced to live in a society
    marred by suspicion and distrust. Cristian Mungiu’s ‘M.R.I.’ is set in a
    Transylvanian village, where a small factory hires new workers, troubling the
    apparent peace of the locals. The over 40-year old
    film festival in Gothenburg is the most important such event in the

    SURVEY As many as 80% of Romanian consumers allow the use of their
    personal data for advertising purposes, according to a survey conducted on the
    European Data Protection Day. The latest data in the Survey on the usage of IT&C
    in households and by individuals indicate that 1 of 2 Europeans aged between 16
    and 74 do not allow the use of their personal data for advertising purposes
    when using the internet. As many as 46% reported having allowed only restricted
    access to their location or having denied access to their data altogether. The
    countries where the use of personal data for advertising is mostly denied by
    users include the Netherlands (73%), Finland (70%), Denmark and Germany (63%
    each), Spain (62%). At the opposite pole, the lowest rates were reported in
    Bulgaria (10%), Romania (20%), Greece (29%), Slovakia (30%) and Latvia (32%).

    The president of Romania Klaus Iohannis Saturday
    congratulated the president elect of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, and
    pleaded for strengthening the relations between the 2 countries. Petr Pavel, a former
    chairman of the NATO Military Committee and supporter of military support for
    Ukraine, Saturday won the runoff of the presidential elections in the Czech
    Republic, with 57.4% of the votes, according to international news agencies,
    after over 90% of the
    ballots were counted. His opponent, ex-PM Andrej Babis, got around 42% of the
    votes. The turnout was 70%. Petr Pavel, a retired general aged 61, ran as an
    independent candidate with the support of the right-of-centre government. He
    will replace the controversial Milos Zeman, who had had close ties with Moscow
    before changing course during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Petr Pavel vowed to
    be an independent president, without political bias, and to continue to support
    war-torn Ukraine and Kyiv’s bid for EU membership.

    SPORTS The Romanian
    athlete Laura Ilie won the bronze in the 10m air rifle women event of the ISSF
    World Championship on Saturday in Jakarta, Indonesia. The gold went to Eszter
    Meszaros (Hungary), who defeated Poland’s Aneta Stankiewicz in the final. Another
    Romanian, Roxana Sidi, came out 28th in the qualifiers. (AMP)

  • January 28, 2023

    January 28, 2023

    France and the Netherlands are eagerly waiting
    for Romania’s Schengen accession as soon as possible. This is one of the main
    elements in a joint statement on security cooperation signed in Bucharest on
    Friday by the foreign ministers of the 3 countries. The message was also
    highlighted by the Dutch diplomacy chief, Wopke Hoekstra, in the bilateral
    talks with his Romanian counterpart, Bogdan Aurescu. The 2 officials, together
    with the French foreign minister, Catherine
    Colonna,Friday visited the Getica National Joint Training Centre in
    Cincu, where French and Dutch troops are deployed as part of the NATO Battle
    Group created in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In fact, after the
    trilateral talks concerning Moscow’s armed aggression, Catherine Colonna said
    Ukraine must be helped to defend itself, to regain its independence and
    sovereignty. In Bucharest, the foreign officials were also received by
    president Klaus Iohannis and PM
    Nicolae Ciucă.

    CINEMA Two
    Romanian films, ‘Metronome’ by Alexandru Belc and ‘M.R.I.’ by Cristian Mungiu, are
    in the competition of the Gothenburg International Film Festival in Sweden, which
    started on Friday. According to the Romanian Cultural Institute in Stockholm,
    the event brings together around 400 works from around the world every year,
    with 160,000 viewers attending. ‘Metronome’, the debut feature of the director Alexandru
    Belc, is a love story in 1972 communist Romania, and critics describe it as a
    social and historical analysis of a generation forced to live in a society
    marred by suspicion and distrust. Cristian Mungiu’s ‘R.M.N.’ is set in a
    Transylvanian village, where a small factory hires new workers, troubling the
    apparent peace of the locals. The over 40-year old
    film festival in Gothenburg is the most important such event in the

    SURVEY As many as 80% of Romanian consumers allow the use of their
    personal data for advertising purposes, according to a survey conducted on the
    European Data Protection Day. The latest data in the Survey on the usage of ITC
    in households and by individuals indicate that 1 of 2 Europeans aged between 16
    and 74 do not allow the use of their personal data for advertising purposes
    when using the internet. As many as 46% reported having allowed only restricted
    access to their location or having denied access to their data altogether. The
    countries where the use of personal data for advertising is mostly denied by
    users include the Netherlands (73%), Finland (70%), Denmark and Germany (63%
    each), Spain (62%). At the opposite pole, the lowest rates were reported in
    Bulgaria (10%), Romania (20%), Greece (29%), Slovakia (30%) and Latvia (32%).

    Petr Pavel looks set
    to win the runoff of the presidential elections in the Czech Republic, ahead of
    ex-PM Andrej Babis, AFP reports. Polling
    stations opened on Friday and close today. Petr
    Pavel, 61, a retired general who held a senior NATO post, is running as an
    independent candidate and has the support of the right-of-centre government. Billionaire
    Andrej Babis, 68, who was the country’s PM between 2017 and 2021, promised to
    force the government to help citizens handle the rising inflation. The winner
    of the vote will replace the controversial Milos Zeman, who had had close ties
    with Moscow before changing course during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    WEATHER In Romania, weather experts issued code orange and yellow alerts
    for heavy snowfalls, snowstorms and rainfalls in over 20 counties in the east
    and centre of the country. The bad weather left thousands of households without
    electricity, road, railway and air traffic was disrupted and several national
    and county roads were closed. (AMP)

  • 5G strategy and policies

    5G strategy and policies

    A document concerning the implementation of the 5G strategy adopted in August by the Government, will soon be submitted to the Supreme Defence Council, the Romanian Communications Minister Alexandru Petrescu announced. He was invited by the National Liberal Party to a Question Time session in Parliament.

    The Liberals, backed by the other opposition parties, accused the Government of a lack of transparency with respect to how the 5G strategy for mobile communications will be implemented. The Liberal Deputy Sorin Dan Moldovan emphasised that failure to implement this strategy would lead to Romania losing a chance to create new jobs and to secure substantial economic gains:

    Sorin Dan Moldovan: “The Government delays with no excuse transposing the memorandum signed by Romania and the US with respect to the 5G technology. Another problem for the Government is the calendar for 5G frequency band bid, which was supposed to be launched in late September. There are also problems with the state budget. The government estimated 2 billion lei will come from this bid, but if the bid is not held this year after all, the consequence is that the state budget loses this 425 million euros.

    In response, the Communications Minister said the document regarding the 5G strategy was subject to public debate prior to being adopted, and that it had been drawn up in keeping with the suggestions of the National Communications Administration and Regulatory Authority (ANCOM), of telecoms companies and of public administration experts and academia:

    Alexandru Petrescu: “The 5G strategy has been the foundation, the stepping stone on which all the subsequent steps in implementing the 5G technology are based. It is only based on this strategy that a bid can be launched, and there are many other elements in this document which concern the national 5G coverage, first in urban areas alongside the main national roads, up until 2025 when we will have complete national coverage.

    In turn, the Social Democrat Dinu Socotar said the Communications Minister is heading a sector in which Romania is a European leader:

    Dinu Socotar: “Romania is acknowledged as a leader in Europe in terms of the internet speed provided to users. At the same time, the fact that we are the only EU member country where all the 3 telecoms giants operate, is tale telling of the development of the telecoms industry in our country.

    The 5G technology offers data transfer speeds for mobile telecommunications 10 times higher than at present.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Alegerile şi Parlamentul

    Alegerile şi Parlamentul

    Guvernul de la Bucureşti a stabilit data alegerilor
    parlamentare din acest an. Românii îşi vor alege senatorii şi deputaţii pe 11
    decembrie, campania electorală urmând să se desfăşoare în perioada 11 noiembrie
    – 10 decembrie.

    Deşi au existat mai multe variante în vederea stabilirii datei
    alegerilor, membrii Cabinetului au optat pentru a doua duminică din decembrie.
    Purtătorul de cuvânt al Executivului, Liviu Iolu, a explicat această decizie.
    Liviu Iolu: În urma
    consultărilor s-a observat că există o majoritate de partide parlamentare care
    susţin această dată – 11 decembrie – şi anume: Partidul Naţional Liberal, UDMR,
    PMP şi UNPR. Susţineau data de 4 decembrie doar Partidul Social Democrat şi

    Totodată, Guvernul a adoptat, printre altele, şi unele modificări în
    privinţa procedurii de vot pentru românii din străinătate. Maria Ligor,
    ministrul pentru relaţiile cu românii de pretutindeni, a precizat că s-a dorit
    în principal eliminarea unor obstacole tehnice din calea votării. Astfel,
    românii pot vota fie prin corespondenţă, fie la secţiile de votare de pe lângă
    misiunile diplomatice, fie la noile secţii de vot organizate pe baza
    solicitării a cel puţin 100 de români aflaţi în străinătate într-o anumită
    regiune sau localitate. Maria Ligor: Românii cu domiciliul sau reşedinţa în străinătate să poată vota la
    orice secţie de votare din străinătate, respectiv posibilitatea să fie înscrişi
    în listele suplimentare, indiferent de secţia de votare la care se prezintă.

    Sub semnul apropiatelor alegeri pentru un nou legislativ a debutat, la 1
    septembrie şi sesiunea parlamentară. Liderii principalelor formaţiuni spun că
    pe lista de priorităţi figurează proiecte care vizează mai multe domenii,
    social-economic, medical sau educaţional. Liderul PSD, Liviu Dragnea: Vorbim şi de diaspora, ne interesează acest
    domeniu, vorbim, de asemenea, de un proiect de lege care să dea posibilitatea
    guvernelor viitoare să aibă un instrument prin care să poată să creeze capacităţi
    de producţie.

    Şi PNL pregăteşte
    mai multe iniţiative legislative. Purtătorul de cuvânt al liberalilor, Adriana
    Săftoiu, enumeră proiectele pe care PNL le va iniţia în această sesiune
    parlamentară. Adriana Săftoiu: Legea
    privind statutul aleşilor locali, legea privind codul incompatibilităţilor
    aleşilor locali, legea cu privire la reprezentarea de gen în politică, legea
    privind prevenţia în sănătate, propunerea legislativă privind sărbătoarea zilei
    de 10 mai ca Ziua Independenţei Naţionale a României, legea mecenatului.

    lista de proiecte ce aşteaptă să fie dezbătute de Parlament se află şi
    reducerea CAS cu 5%, legea avocaţilor, sau legea care să permită
    fumatul în spaţiile închise.