• May 28, 2022 UPDATE

    May 28, 2022 UPDATE

    TALKS The prime minister of Romania Nicolae Ciucă Saturday received a delegation of the US Senate headed by Senator Robert Portman. PM Ciucă presented the situation of Ukrainian exports and of Romanias efforts to support the food security of the affected countries, particularly those in the Middle East and Northern Africa, and the viability of Ukraines economy. He mentioned support options including the ports of Constanţa and Galaţi, navigation on the Danube to central Europe, railway and road transport. A large part of the talks was devoted to Russias invasion in Ukraine and the need for concrete support for this country. Senator Robert Portman thanked Romania for its efforts and highlighted his interest in the country, considering that the state he is representing, Ohio, is home to a large community of Romanians and an important Ukrainian community.

    DIPLOMACY The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu was received on Friday by the president of Tukey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on the sidelines of a trilateral security meeting that brought together the foreign ministers of Romania, Poland and Turkey in Istanbul. Erdogan commended Romanias and Polands management of the humanitarian crisis entailed by Russias aggression in Ukraine, while Bogdan Aurescu highlighted Turkeys role at the Black Sea. The Romanian foreign minister also voiced support for NATOs open door policy and for the accession of Sweden and Finland. Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Bogdan Aurescu also emphasised the relevance of the bilateral strategic partnership signed in 2011, in the current geopolitical circumstances.

    CYBER ATTACK The English version of the website of the Romanian defence ministry has been attacked by hackers. The DDOS cyber-attack took place on Friday night, and experts with the ministrys cyber defence unit managed to restore the website in around 30 minutes. The ministry says the website does not contain sensible or classified databases and the attack did not affect other services or networks of the institution. Investigations are under way to identify the source of the attack. A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, by overwhelming the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic.

    RADIO CHIŞINAU The Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation issued a news release stating it was confident the decision to ban the use of the name “Chişinău” in the name of the radio station Radio Chişinău was a misunderstanding and it has reasons to believe the situation will be resolved. Radio Romania mentions that at Fridays meeting of the Chişinău City Council, a draft decision on the use of the name Chişinău was dismissed by a majority of Council members. The name of the city Chişinău was used by Radio Chişinău, a Radio Romania station, between 2011 and 2021, based on a similar validation procedure. Radio Romania emphasized that, should the situation continue, it will have to take all the necessary administrative and judicial steps to address it, to the benefit of its listeners in the Republic of Moldova. Previously, the Romanian foreign ministry said the decision of the Chişinǎu Council was unjustified, ungrounded and driven by political considerations.

    FESTIVAL “Mogoşoaia Classic Fest” takes place this weekend at the Brâncovenesc Palace (near Bucharest), under the title “Cultures of the world.” The festival includes exhibitions, film screenings and performances, concerts. The music, fine arts, dance, images and traditions of 8 countries are showcased in the festival: Armenia, Spain, Hungary, Lithuania, Peru, Mexico, China and Romania.

    TENNIS The Romanian Irina Begu Saturday qualified into the 8th-finals of the Roland Garros tournament, after defeating Leolia Jeanjean of France 6-1, 6-4, in the 3rd round. The round of 16 is the best performance for the Romanian player in Grand Slams. Begu is the only Romanian player left in the singles competition of this years tournament in Paris. (AMP)

  • DNSC atrage atenţia asupra diversificării atacurilor cibernetice

    DNSC atrage atenţia asupra diversificării atacurilor cibernetice

    Directoratul Naţional de Securitate Cibernetică (DNSC) a atras duminică atenţia asupra unor atacuri de tip phishing şi spear-phishing propagate pe email sau platforme de mesagerie, în condiţiile în care continuă atacurile cibernetice de tip DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) auto-asumate de gruparea pro-rusă Killnet asupra unor site-uri web din România.

    Potrivit sursei citate, atacatorii cibernetici transmit mesaje pe email, WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Messenger, Slack, etc. pretinzând că sunt o sursă/persoană de încredere, pentru a convinge victimele potenţiale să divulge informaţii confidenţiale, date personale sau să efectueze acţiuni care permit preluarea controlului unor infrastructuri sau dispozitive informatice de către atacatori.

    Specialiştii Directoratului recomandă prudenţă în cazul în care se recepţionează mesaje ce au următoarele caracteristici: sunt prezentate ca fiind solicitări urgente, inclusiv din partea autorităţilor; sunt ciudat formulate şi apar ca provenind de la o sursă sau persoană de încredere; includ linkuri sau ataşamente care nu au fost solicitate; cer furnizarea unor date cu caracter personal sau tehnice (parole, PIN, IP etc.).

    Pentru a limita riscul infectării cu ransomware şi a evita criptarea sau distrugerea datelor, este obligatorie şi realizarea de copii de siguranţă (backup) pentru site-uri, baze de date sau orice alt tip de date expuse în mediul Internet, precum şi stocarea acestor copii în locaţii separate.

    Pe de altă parte, specialiştii în securitate cibernetică ai Serviciului de Telecomunicaţii Speciale au blocat la fârşitul săptămânii mii de atacuri maliţioase îndreptate asupra site-urilor unora dintre cele mai importante instituţii din România.

    Este o creştere semnificativă, pe anumite pagini web depăşindu-se procentul de 100% a acestor tipuri de atacuri în comparaţie cu alte perioade. STS a aplicat măsuri eficiente şi rapide de securitate cibernetică, utilizând atât mecanisme automatizate, dar şi operaţiuni tehnice în timp real implementate la nivelul Centrului Operaţional de Răspuns la Incidente de Securitate (CORIS-STS) şi la nivelul Infrastructurii de Internet (ISP-STS), pentru toate autorităţile pentru care instituţia noastră asigură administrare tehnică sau furnizare de servicii de tip Internet, informează STS.

    Potrivit sursei citate, în cazul unui atac cibernetic deciziile şi măsurile luate într-un timp extrem de scurt sunt esenţiale, iar atunci când echipele de administrare tehnică şi cele de securitate cibernetică sunt comune, lanţul de decizie este extrem de scurt şi cu impact imediat. În timpul desfăşurării atacurilor, specialiştii STS au identificat tipologia acestora, sursele maliţioase şi au aplicat soluţii de protecţie la nivelul sistemelor de operare care găzduiesc serviciile informatice atacate şi le-au transmis către celelalte entităţi de tip CERT.

    Totodată, STS a partajat analizele proprii şi a colaborat cu specialiştii IT ai beneficiarilor şi experţii CERT de la nivelul DNSC şi ai instituţiilor din Sistemul Naţional de Apărare.