Tag: Deepfake

  • Anti-deepfake guide

    Anti-deepfake guide

    Informed or manipulated? The use of digital technology to create systems capable of performing tasks, considered until recently exclusively human in nature, is certainly a historic revolution. And, in a very short period of time, the advances in the development of what everyone knows as “artificial intelligence” are huge. It is already used in many applications in everyday life – virtual assistance, medical diagnostics, automatic translations, navigation tools, quality control in the manufacturing process or anticipation of natural disasters.


    However, the benefits of artificial intelligence, unfortunately come with potential risks. Advanced artificial intelligence techniques can be used to create false photo or audio-video content, able to easily manipulate a large audience. There have been cases, including in Romania, of videos with public personalities who offer so-called financial advice and strongly recommend investing in a certain company or business with high profits and minimal risks. The picture and sound quality are high, the respective public figures seem sincere and convincing, using accessible language and persuasive arguments.


    The videos are shared on social networks, are watched by millions of people, and many of those who see them can be easily deceived into investing in the recommended business, in reality illegal, and risk losing significant amounts of money to manipulators who have created the videos.


    On Monday, the National Cyber Security Directorate in Bucharest launched a guide on identifying deepfake materials. The main objective is to raise awareness over cyber security risks. The guide contains detailed information about what deepfake means, the process of making it and how such materials can be identified. Available on the dnsc.ro website, the guide also teaches Romanians what to do if they fall victim to a deepfake.


    The Directorate of Cyber Security also signals the fact that the manipulation of artificial intelligence can have dire consequences not only on a single individual, but on the whole society. Let’s not forget, for example, that, this year, in Romania, all four types of electoral polls are taking place. In the digital field, where the border between reality and fiction is constantly blurring, the electoral process goes beyond the simple confrontation of ideologies and political promises, turning into a complex terrain of ideological struggle. Or, deepfake technologies, capable of almost perfectly reproducing images and voices, can, among other things, significantly influence the opinion and vote of the electorate during election campaigns. So, outmost attention is recommended. (EE)


  • April 1, 2024 UPDATE

    April 1, 2024 UPDATE

    Deepfake – The National Cyber Security Directorate Romania published a “Guide to Deepfakes”, aimed at protecting and educating the general public on cyber security risks. The Guideline provides detailed information on deepfake production and identification. The authors are confident that by understanding these concepts, users are more aware of the related risks and may take adequate protection measures. Deepfake is a form of digital manipulation using advanced AI techniques to create false images or audio-video materials. According to the institution, this may have a severe impact on society, as it erodes public confidence in online information.


    Banking – The consumer credit reference index (IRCC) dropped to 5.90% per year, from 5.97% 3 months ago, the National Bank announced. This is the first significant decrease of the index in the past 12 months, and will lead to smaller interest rates as of this month. In June the IRCC is expected to decrease further, to 5.84%. The downward trend will help bring down interest rates for mortgage loans for nearly half a million Romanians. Meanwhile, the 3-month ROBOR index which influences the costs of variable-rate loans in the national currency has reached 6.06% per year, as opposed to 6.05%. IRCC is the index used for setting the interest rates for variable-rate loans in the national currency since May 2019, when it stood at 2.36%. It was designed by the government as a solution to offset the effects of the ROBOR index, which had been rising from one month to the next at the end of 2018.


    Parliament – The Parliament of Romania convenes on Tuesday in a joint meeting to mark 20 years since the country joined the North Atlantic Alliance and 75 years since the establishment of NATO. Parliament will adopt a declaration on this occasion. Also this week, the Chamber of Deputies is scheduled to give its final vote on a government bill introducing penalties for breaches of the EU regulation on the use of fluorinated greenhouse gases in appliances such as refrigerators or AC systems. The penalties may reach EUR 20,000 in fines, and 6-month to 3-year prison sentences. Deputies in the specialist committees are also to discuss as of this week new draft regulations on the compulsory motor insurance, stipulating fines 15 times higher than in the past for uninsured drivers and a ceiling of EUR 400 on self-paid car repairs. Also this week, the Senate is to discuss the merger of local elections with the European Parliament elections, scheduled for June 9th.


    Protests – The Romanian Post Workers’ Union went on an all-out strike on Monday, but the postal offices’ activity is taking place normally in most counties of Romania, as the management of the institution claims. The protesters demand an increase in salaries by a net amount of 400 lei (approx. 80 euros) and an increase in the loyalty bonus. They draw attention to the fact that the pay of 90% of the employees will be, as of this summer, at the level of the minimum wage. According to the authorities, it will increase to 3,700 lei (approx. 740 euros) from July 1. The company management announced that the demands of the employees are justified, but that there have already been significant salary increases. The Romanian Post is a national operator and is owned by the state.


    Drills – Joint exercises of the Moldovan, Romanian and American military are taking place in the Republic of Moldova until April 19. The Moldovan Defense Ministry announced that they would train, will exchange experience and increase the level of interoperability. The drills will take place in the training centers of the National Army of the Republic of Moldova.


    Visit – The special representative of the United States of America for the economic recovery of Ukraine, Penny Pritzker, arrives in Bucharest in two days. She will visit the UN Refugee Agency Center at the Romexpo Exhibition Compound, together with Romanian officials and the US Ambassador to Bucharest, Kathleen Kavalec. She will talk about the life of refugees in Romania and their role in the reconstruction of Ukraine. At the same time, Penny Pritzker will meet with members of the Romanian Government and private sector leaders to discuss regional cooperation, including emergency energy assistance for Ukraine and the long-term benefits of infrastructure investments. (AMP, LS)

  • April 1, 2024

    April 1, 2024


    STRIKE The Romanian Postal Workers Union went on all-out strike as of today, but the management promises there will be no delays in public pension payments and other services. The protesters demand pay raises of EUR 80 after tax and increased loyalty bonuses, and argue that as of this summer 90% of the staff will be gaining minimum wages. According to the authorities, national minimum wages will be around EUR 740 as of July 1. The post company claims on the other hand that only 20% of the workers have given written consent for the strike initiated by a union which has been rejecting all the offers made by the management since the start of negotiations late last year. The Romanian Post Corporation is the national postal service and is owned by the Romanian state.


    BANKING The consumer credit reference index (IRCC) dropped to 5.90% per annum, from 5.97% 3 months ago, the National Bak announced. This is the first significant decrease of the index in the past 12 months, and will lead to smaller interest rates as of this month. In June the IRCC is expected to decrease further, to 5.84%. The downward trend will help bring down interest rates for mortgage loans for nearly half a million Romanians. Meanwhile, the 3-month ROBOR index which influences the costs of variable-rate loans in the national currency has reached 6.06% per annum, as opposed to 6.05%. IRCC is the index used for setting the interest rates for variable-rate loans in the national currency since May 2019, when it stood at 2.36%. It was designed by the government as a solution to offset the effects of the ROBOR index, which had been rising from one month to the next at the end of 2018.


    PARLIAMENT The Parliament of Romania convenes on Tuesday in a joint meeting to mark 20 years since the country joined the North Atlantic Alliance and 75 years since the establishment of NATO. Parliament will adopt a declaration on this occasion. Also this week, the Chamber of Deputies is scheduled to give its final vote on a government bill introducing penalties for breaches of the EU regulation on the use of fluorinated greenhouse gases in appliances such as refrigerators or AC systems. The penalties may reach EUR 20,000 in fines, and 6-month to 3-year prison sentences. Deputies in the specialist committees are also to discuss as of this week new draft regulations on the compulsory motor insurance, stipulating fines 15 times higher than in the past for uninsured drivers and a ceiling of EUR 400 on self-paid car repairs. Also this week, the Senate is to discuss the merger of local elections with the European Parliament elections, scheduled for June 9th.


    DEEPFAKE The Romanian Cyber Security Directorate published a “Guideline for Identifying Deepfake”, aimed at protecting and educating the general public on cyber security risks. The Guideline provides detailed information on deepfake production and identification. The authors are confident that by understanding these concepts, users are more aware of the related risks and may take adequate protection measures. Deepfake is a form of digital manipulation using advanced AI techniques to create false images or audio-video materials. According to the institution, this may have a severe impact on society, as it erodes public confidence in online information.


    EASTER Roman-Catholic and Protestant Christians around the world, including around 1.3 million believers in mostly Orthodox Romania, celebrate Easter Monday. This year, Easter for Roman Catholics and Protestants is 5 weeks before the corresponding Orthodox, Greek Catholic and Neo-Protestant celebration on May 5. In his peace message from Vatican’s St. Peter Basilica, Pope Francis urged people not to “yield to the logic of weapons,” for war is always an absurdity and a defeat. As new negotiations are scheduled for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, Pope Francis appealed once again for the prompt release of the Israeli hostages and for an immediate cease-fire in the Strip.