Tag: defender

  • Athlete of the week

    Athlete of the week

    Only one Romanian football team in the
    ongoing competition season, early into 2023, has advanced to the European Cups’
    upcoming stages. In the autumn of 2022, CFR Cluj qualified to the playoffs as
    part of the European Conference League’s round of 16, ranking 2nd in
    the competition’s Group G. In Rome last week, holders CFR competed for a place
    in this year’s round of 16. CFR Cluj sustained a defeat by the narrowest of
    margins in their away game against Lazio, ni-1. In two days’ time, the match deciding
    the qualification in the League’s round of 16 will be played in Cluj. However,
    we made mention of the match in Rome since it provided a record: CFR’s captain,
    Mario Camora, is the footballer boasting most caps in the European Cups for a
    Romanian squad. For this very reason, Radio Romania International has
    designated CFR’s Portuguese-born left-back Mario Camora the Athlete of the week.

    Up until the ongoing season, Marius Lacatus
    was the footballer with most caps in European cups. We recall Marius Lacatus was
    one of the stars of Steaua Bucharest, a team that saw its heyday in the 20th
    century’s 1980s. Over 1984 and 1999, Lacatus played 72 matches in the European Champions
    Cup, The Cup Winners’ Cup and the UEFA Cup. With Steaua Bucharest, in 1986 Lacătus won
    the European Champions Cup, an unparalleled performance in Romanian
    football. This past Thursday in Rome, Mario Camora played his 73rd
    match in European competitions. Camora’s first such game was played on August 1st,
    2012, when CFR Cluj defeated Slovan Liberec 1-nil, in a fixture counting
    towards the Champions League’s 3rd preliminary round.

    Mario Camora was born
    on September 21, 1986, in Portugal. He made his debut as an amateur footballer,
    then in 2006, he turned pro, being signed up by second-tier team Beira-Mar. Mario
    arrived in Romania in 2011, playing for CFR Cluj. Seven years later, on April
    17, 2018, he broke the caps record for CFR, until
    then held by another Portuguese, Cadú. In 2020, Mario Camora was granted
    Romanian citizenship. Also in 2020, on October 8, he made his debut with the
    national team, setting a new record. Being 37 years and 17 days old, Mario
    Camora became Romanian national squad’s oldest first-time footballer. (EN)

  • Athlete of the week

    Athlete of the week

    Only one Romanian football team in the
    ongoing competition season, early into 2023, has advanced to the European Cups’
    upcoming stages. In the autumn of 2022, CFR Cluj qualified to the playoffs as
    part of the European Conference League’s round of 16, ranking 2nd in
    the competition’s Group G. In Rome last week, holders CFR competed for a place
    in this year’s round of 16. CFR Cluj sustained a defeat by the narrowest of
    margins in their away game against Lazio, ni-1. In two days’ time, the match deciding
    the qualification in the League’s round of 16 will be played in Cluj. However,
    we made mention of the match in Rome since it provided a record: CFR’s captain,
    Mario Camora, is the footballer boasting most caps in the European Cups for a
    Romanian squad. For this very reason, Radio Romania International has
    designated CFR’s Portuguese-born left-back Mario Camora the Athlete of the week.

    Up until the ongoing season, Marius Lacatus
    was the footballer with most caps in European cups. We recall Marius Lacatus was
    one of the stars of Steaua Bucharest, a team that saw its heyday in the 20th
    century’s 1980s. Over 1984 and 1999, Lacatus played 72 matches in the European Champions
    Cup, The Cup Winners’ Cup and the UEFA Cup. With Steaua Bucharest, in 1986 Lacătus won
    the European Champions Cup, an unparalleled performance in Romanian
    football. This past Thursday in Rome, Mario Camora played his 73rd
    match in European competitions. Camora’s first such game was played on August 1st,
    2012, when CFR Cluj defeated Slovan Liberec 1-nil, in a fixture counting
    towards the Champions League’s 3rd preliminary round.

    Mario Camora was born
    on September 21, 1986, in Portugal. He made his debut as an amateur footballer,
    then in 2006, he turned pro, being signed up by second-tier team Beira-Mar. Mario
    arrived in Romania in 2011, playing for CFR Cluj. Seven years later, on April
    17, 2018, he broke the caps record for CFR, until
    then held by another Portuguese, Cadú. In 2020, Mario Camora was granted
    Romanian citizenship. Also in 2020, on October 8, he made his debut with the
    national team, setting a new record. Being 37 years and 17 days old, Mario
    Camora became Romanian national squad’s oldest first-time footballer. (EN)

  • Sports flash

    Sports flash

    Sports flash 31.03.2022

    Welcome to Sports flash. I am Eugen Nasta

    Brazilian handball player Eduarda Amorim got
    transferred to Romanian title holders CSM Bucharest. Amorim will play for CSM
    until the end of the season. So far the Brazilian has been signed up by Russia’s
    Rostov Don. Teams from Russia and Belarus have been edged out of the European
    cups, which enables their foreign handballers to get transferred to other clubs
    by the end of the season. Amorim is officially allowed to play for CSM even in
    the Champions League’s quarterfinals, when CSM Bucharest take on Danish
    opponents Team Esbjerg. In 2013, 36-year-old Eduarda Amorim was designated the World
    Championship’s best handballer. In 2014, Amorim was designated the world’s handballer by the International Handball Federation. In 2020, the Handball-Planet publication
    designated Eduarda Amorim the best handballer of the decade.

    Time now for news from football. According to the Italian
    sports publication Corriere dello Sport quoted by Agerpres, Romanian defender Stefan
    Radu was a whisker away from being granted a contract extension by his current team,
    Lazio. We recall that in the summer of 2021 Radu got his contract with Lazio extended
    by only one year, with the promise that in 2022 he will be granted another 12-month
    contract, so that the Romanian can end his career with Lazio. 35-year-old Stefan
    Radu has been playing for Lazio since 2008, when he got transferred from Dinamo
    Bucharest. Stefan Radu boasts 422 caps for Lazio, a record high for the Romanian.
    Of those, Radu had 346 caps in Serie A.

    Romanian Football Federation’s acting president, Răzvan
    Burleanu, is highly likely to be the winner of a new term in office in the
    election for the same position, to be held on April 12. Burleanu is the only candidate
    in the race, as the files’ selection commission turned down candidacy files submitted
    by Sorin Răducanu and Gabriel Şeitan. Razvan Burleanu has been at the helm of
    the Romanian Football Federation since 2014. Back then Burleanu outclassed rivals
    Vasile Avram, Gheorghe Chivorchian and Sorin Răducanu.


  • Sports flash

    Sports flash

    Sports flash 31.03.2022

    Welcome to Sports flash. I am Eugen Nasta

    Brazilian handball player Eduarda Amorim got
    transferred to Romanian title holders CSM Bucharest. Amorim will play for CSM
    until the end of the season. So far the Brazilian has been signed up by Russia’s
    Rostov Don. Teams from Russia and Belarus have been edged out of the European
    cups, which enables their foreign handballers to get transferred to other clubs
    by the end of the season. Amorim is officially allowed to play for CSM even in
    the Champions League’s quarterfinals, when CSM Bucharest take on Danish
    opponents Team Esbjerg. In 2013, 36-year-old Eduarda Amorim was designated the World
    Championship’s best handballer. In 2014, Amorim was designated the world’s handballer by the International Handball Federation. In 2020, the Handball-Planet publication
    designated Eduarda Amorim the best handballer of the decade.

    Time now for news from football. According to the Italian
    sports publication Corriere dello Sport quoted by Agerpres, Romanian defender Stefan
    Radu was a whisker away from being granted a contract extension by his current team,
    Lazio. We recall that in the summer of 2021 Radu got his contract with Lazio extended
    by only one year, with the promise that in 2022 he will be granted another 12-month
    contract, so that the Romanian can end his career with Lazio. 35-year-old Stefan
    Radu has been playing for Lazio since 2008, when he got transferred from Dinamo
    Bucharest. Stefan Radu boasts 422 caps for Lazio, a record high for the Romanian.
    Of those, Radu had 346 caps in Serie A.

    Romanian Football Federation’s acting president, Răzvan
    Burleanu, is highly likely to be the winner of a new term in office in the
    election for the same position, to be held on April 12. Burleanu is the only candidate
    in the race, as the files’ selection commission turned down candidacy files submitted
    by Sorin Răducanu and Gabriel Şeitan. Razvan Burleanu has been at the helm of
    the Romanian Football Federation since 2014. Back then Burleanu outclassed rivals
    Vasile Avram, Gheorghe Chivorchian and Sorin Răducanu.


  • Румунія та стаття 5 Договору НАТО

    Румунія та стаття 5 Договору НАТО

    сили Румунії здатні виконувати оборонні завдання як в національному, так і в союзному
    контексті, у разі активації статті 5 Договору НАТО. Про це заявив у неділю начальник Генерального штабу Румунії
    генерал-лейтенант Данієль Петреску в контексті проведення в Румунії військових навчань
    DEFENDER-Europe 21, найбільших в НАТО за останні 25 років. Масштабні щорічні
    багатонаціональні навчання, заплановані та очолювані Командуванням сухопутних
    військ США в Європі та Африці, DEFENDER-Europe мають на меті підвищити
    швидкість реагування та взаємодію Сухопутних військ США з силами країн-членів
    НАТО та країн-партнерів.

    року навчання були проведені за участю приблизно 28 000 солдатів з 26 країн,
    які майже одночасно проходили у понад 30 навчальних районах на території 12 країн,
    в тому числі в Румунії. З цієї нагоди начальник Генерального штабу Румунії
    генерал-лейтенант Данієль Петреску ще раз наголосив, що Румунія є важливою
    державою у Чорноморському регіоні, відповідно на східному фланзі Альянсу,
    забезпечуючи та розробляючи значний внесок у регіональні, європейські та євро- атлантичні
    безпеку та стабільність

    це завдяки двом основним елементам національної оборони та безпеки – членству в
    НАТО та Румунсько-американському Стратегічному партнерству! Представники румунської
    влади зазначають, що офіційний Бухарест активно та суттєво сприяє місіям та
    операціям союзників, бере участь у формуванні політики та рішень НАТО та діє з
    метою посилення співпраці зі своїми союзними партнерами. Слід зазначити, серед
    іншого, що протягом останніх кількох років Бухарест виділяє 2% ВВП на оборону.
    Водночас минулого року парламент Румунії прийняв рішення щодо створення штабу багатонаціонального
    корпусу «Південний схід» в Сібіу, центр Румунії, з тимчасовим розміщенням у

    неділю, під час навчань DEFENDER-Europe 21, начальник Генерального штабу
    Румунії генерал-лейтенант Данієль Петреску уточнив, що в даний час Штаб, з
    точки зору командної та контрольної спроможності у сухопутному компоненті,
    досягло необхідного рівня, щоб забезпечити можливість функціонування як складової
    в структурі сил НАТО. І за його словами, розвиток цієї структури буде
    продовжуватися поступово, поки вона не досягне остаточної оперативної
    спроможності, в 2024 році. Штаб багатонаціонального корпусу «Південний Схід» має
    на меті зміцнити позиції стримування та оборони східного флангу НАТО, а також забезпечити
    більшу узгодженість ланцюга командування та контролю на регіональному рівні.

  • The Athlete of the week

    The Athlete of the week

    It’s still early days for the New Year and it’s also
    early days for the football competitions that have been resumed around Europe.
    In the Turkish championship, the Romanian Alexandru Maxim plays for Gaziantep,
    in the Super Lig. Maxim drew first blood in his team’s match against Sivasspor;
    Gaziantep were defeated, 1-2. Alexandru Maxim’s success prompted sports pundits
    from Romania to realize, once again, that the midfielder was achieving his
    career best, and was in top shape. Reason enough for Radio Romania
    International to designate him the Athlete of the week. According to gsp.ro
    sports platform, Maxim’s goal against Sivasspor was the 9th in the
    Super Lig, where he has played 15 games so far. Added to which was a success in
    the Cup of Turkey. Furthermore, Maxim scored no less than 6 goals in the last
    six games.

    Alexandru Maxim was born on July 8, 1990, in Piatra
    Neamț (north-east). As a junior, he had a stint with Espanyol Barcelona, then
    Alexandru got promoted to the club’s second-tier team. He then played for
    Badalona, also in Spain. In 2011, Alexandru Maxim played for Pandurii Targu
    Jiu, in Romania. From 2013 to 2020 he played for the German team Stuttgart,
    then Maxim got transferred to Mainz, also in Germany. With the national team, for
    which he scored 7 goals, Alexandru Maxim made his debut on May 30, 2012, in a
    friendly game against the national team of Switzerland. He has had no less than
    40 caps ever since. The Romanian Football Federation rated Maxim’s goal in the
    match against Austria last year the most beautiful goal scored by Romania’s
    national teams in 2020.

    Gaziantep are 4th-placed in Turkey’s Super
    Lig, after 17 rounds. However, Gaziantep has a vacancy for the head-coach job,
    since the Romanian Marius Sumudica quit in the wake of a dispute with
    Gaziantep’s management. Romanian defender Alin Tosca has also been signed up by


  • The Athlete of the week

    The Athlete of the week

    It’s still early days for the New Year and it’s also
    early days for the football competitions that have been resumed around Europe.
    In the Turkish championship, the Romanian Alexandru Maxim plays for Gaziantep,
    in the Super Lig. Maxim drew first blood in his team’s match against Sivasspor;
    Gaziantep were defeated, 1-2. Alexandru Maxim’s success prompted sports pundits
    from Romania to realize, once again, that the midfielder was achieving his
    career best, and was in top shape. Reason enough for Radio Romania
    International to designate him the Athlete of the week. According to gsp.ro
    sports platform, Maxim’s goal against Sivasspor was the 9th in the
    Super Lig, where he has played 15 games so far. Added to which was a success in
    the Cup of Turkey. Furthermore, Maxim scored no less than 6 goals in the last
    six games.

    Alexandru Maxim was born on July 8, 1990, in Piatra
    Neamț (north-east). As a junior, he had a stint with Espanyol Barcelona, then
    Alexandru got promoted to the club’s second-tier team. He then played for
    Badalona, also in Spain. In 2011, Alexandru Maxim played for Pandurii Targu
    Jiu, in Romania. From 2013 to 2020 he played for the German team Stuttgart,
    then Maxim got transferred to Mainz, also in Germany. With the national team, for
    which he scored 7 goals, Alexandru Maxim made his debut on May 30, 2012, in a
    friendly game against the national team of Switzerland. He has had no less than
    40 caps ever since. The Romanian Football Federation rated Maxim’s goal in the
    match against Austria last year the most beautiful goal scored by Romania’s
    national teams in 2020.

    Gaziantep are 4th-placed in Turkey’s Super
    Lig, after 17 rounds. However, Gaziantep has a vacancy for the head-coach job,
    since the Romanian Marius Sumudica quit in the wake of a dispute with
    Gaziantep’s management. Romanian defender Alin Tosca has also been signed up by
