Tag: demography

  • The trials and tribulations of The Union Act of December 1st, 1918

    The trials and tribulations of The Union Act of December 1st, 1918

    Transylvanias union with Romania received votes in favour from 1,228 delegates. They were assembled in Alba Iulia, in central Transylvania, on December 1st, 1918. At the end of World War One, the national idea galvanized the Zeitgeist, so the Union was an act of free will accomplished by the Romanians living in the Carpathian basin. December 1st officially became the National Day of Romania after the collapse of the communist regime on December 22nd, 1989. After this date, historical debates have become free, so the accomplishment of December 1st, 1918, was emphatically broached from a geo-political perspective. However, at that time, other categories of ideas were no less relevant, for example, the ideas of eugenics and race. The two concepts were issues included in Hungarys dossier, compiled to support Hungarys defending its own standpoint during the peace treaties of 1919-1920.

    Historian Marius Turda teaches the History of medicine at Oxford Brookes University. Dr Turda is the author of an appreciable number of books and research articles on eugenics and race. Marius Turda detailed the concepts of eugenics and race underpinning the Hungarian standpoint.

    Marius Turda.:

    “The Hungarian eugenics and racial thought was quite advanced ahead of World War One. Many prominent Hungarian politicians as well as those who somehow contributed to the talks of the Peace Congress were noted eugenicists. They had their own contribution as to what Hungary had to offer, race-wise, for the stability in the region, as to why eugenics was important for the survival of the Hungarian nation in the region, demographically, culturally, as well as economically. The entire discussion they initiated revolved around a couple of key topics, in the hopes that they will persuade the Great Powers to keep Hungarys territorial integrity intact.”

    The eugenic and racial ideas emerged in the second half of the 19th century. Those ideas became very popular in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, France and in the Central-European area. At that time, a widely-circulated concept was that of “biopolitics”, pertaining to political thought based on biological principles. Dr Marius Turda has detailed how the Hungarian dossier attempted to raise the winning powers awareness, resorting to the eugenic and racial reasoning.

    Marius Turda:

    “Count Teleki Pal, one of the main promoters of the eugenic trend, and president of the Hungarian Society for Racial Hygiene and the Study of Population, dispatched letters to presidents of Eugenics societies worldwide, as well as to the president of the British Eugenics Society, Leonard Darwin, Charles Darwins son. Telekis attempted reasoning focused on why the British Eugenics Society had to promote and fight for the preservation of Hungarys national integrity. From one empire to the next, stated Teleki, if we take Transylvania into account, the entire class of intellectuals is Hungarian. But if we target the intellectual class in Transylvania and have it relocated, two things are going to happen. First off, Transylvania will be deprived of a cultural, political and economic elite in its own right. Secondly, the city of Budapest and Hungary will be overpopulated, and that will also trigger a lodging and living space crisis. “.

    The confrontation between the Hungarian and Romanian dossiers was uncompromisingly sorted out in favour of the population majority claim, promoted by Romania. According to Marius Turda, we cannot speak about a failure of the eugenic claim, but rather about the whole range of ideas being interpreted and included in one single decision.

    Marius Turda:

    “The demographic superiority claim in Transylvania was much more important than the fact that the eugenic outcome of the dismantling of the Hungarian state would have had its aftermath. The fact that the Romanians were the majority population in Transylvania counted more during the political talks than what would happen to Transylvania after it became part of Romania, what they would lose, culturally, and how many of the biological qualities were to be lost, of the population living there. We cannot speak about a failure, but about prioritising and about which of the two levels of reasoning would prevail in the confrontation. The ethnographic talks on Transylvania during the peace treaties were to a great extent based on the claim that the Romanians were the majority population. The racial failure was rather more visible here. All those claims several Hungarian racists put forward, instead of pursuing the path of ethnic symbiosis and mutual interest, they opted for a much more categorical separation of the populations.”

    Marius Turda puzzled us out as to whether Romania counteracted Hungarys claims also resorting to a eugenic and racial reasoning.

    Marius Turda:

    “Romania did not have a eugenic reasoning in its own right, but it did have a racial, ethnographic and demographic set of arguments, which mattered a lot. The entire debate on ethnic groups and the importance of a certain ethnic group in a region had been initiated by people who were very well-read in physical anthropology. The kept themselves abreast of the race debates, were speaking about such thinkers as Aurel C. Popovici and Alexandru Vaida-Voevod, debates related to the racial qualities of a certain ethnic group. All those ideas greatly mattered, regarding the emergence of a certain opinion trend on the vitality of the Romanian nation in Transylvania, on its racial importance, even though the reasoning for all that was rather demographical. As for the eugenics claims like those put forwards by the Hungarian delegation, they did not exist as part of the Romanian delegations set of arguments or the Romanian campaigns abroad, carried to promote Transylvanias unification with Romania.”

    The making of Greater Romania was something hard to come by, for all our being tempted to think otherwise. The confrontation was really strong, between the eugenic and racial set of arguments and those pertaining to the demographic majority criterium. Romanias set of arguments prevailed, since Romania was part of the alliance bringing together France, Great Britain and the USA.

    (Translation by Eugen Nasta)

  • August 29, 2018

    August 29, 2018

    SWINE FEVER – Romanias President Klaus Iohannis has called on the Government to urgently adopt all measures to contain the number of African swine fever outbreaks and to offer compensations to the affected producers, as soon as possible. Because of the mismanagement of this crisis situation, the government has pushed local producers on the brink of bankruptcy, the President writes in a communiqué. According to him, tens of million of Euros worth of losses have already been registered, thousands of jobs have disappeared and the country missed significant commercial opportunities. At present there are over 700 hotbeds in Romania, in 10 counties, mostly in the south-east and north-west. Hundreds of thousands of pigs have been slaughtered because the virus was spreading at a fast pace, including in a pig farm in Braila, in the south-east, the largest in Romania and the second largest in Europe.

    POPULATION – Some 19.5 million people were residing in Romania on January 1, 2018, that is some 121,000 people less than in the same period of 2017, data released by the National Statistics Institute show. The drop is caused mainly by the negative birth rate, the number of the deceased exceeding the number of living newly born babies by some 71,000. The urban population and women are prevailing over rural population and men, the figures standing at 53% and 51%, respectively. Demographic aging is a phenomenon which continues to grow. Consequently, the difference between the elderly people, aged over 65, and the young population, in the 0 to 14 age bracket exceeding 500,000 people. In another move, Romania continues to be a source of migrants, the phenomenon being the second main cause leading to the decreasing number of the population, the National Statistics Institute shows. As regards international figures, they were negative in 2017, as the number of emigrants exceeded the number of immigrants by over 53,000 people.

    THE ROMANIAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE – The Director of the Romanian Intelligence Service, Eduard Hellvig, has sent a letter to the leaders of the parliamentary parties in which he draws attention to the attacks on his institution. In his opinion, as a result of these attacks officers are less committed to their activity and unmotivated. Such attacks impact the support for the protection and promotion of the constitutional values of the rule of law. Eduard Hellvig reiterates, in his letter, that there is no longer any protocol in force, which can be associated with the act of doing justice in Romania. The head of the Romanian Intelligence Service and the Prosecutor General, Augustin Lazar, have recently said that there were two legal protocols between the two institutions, and the Supreme Council of Magistracy had been briefed on their existence. The protocols were later scrapped because they were no longer needed. Justice minister, Tudorel Toader, has however said that protocols are unnatural in a rule of law. He launched the assessment procedure for the Prosecutor General, Augustin Lazar. Representatives of the Save Romania Union, in opposition, say minister Toader should resign because he puts in jeopardy the stability and independence of the justice system, and that by assessing Augustin Lazars activity he intends to stop the investigation by the Prosecutor General ‘s Office into the anti-government protest rally of August 10. We recall that prosecutors are investigating the wave of violence at the meeting and the forceful intervention by the gendarmes, which has been considered excessive by the protesters, the opposition and presidency.

    THE GOLDEN STAG MUSIC FESTIVAL – The 18th edition of the “Golden Stag International Music festival kick-starts in the central Romanian city of Brasov this evening. This is an anniversary edition, unfolding in the year of the Great Union Centennial. Renowned soloists and bands from the Romanian and international music industry will give recitals. Performing among others will be Nicole Scherzinger, James Blunt, Edvin Marton, Andra, Delia and The Motans. Running in the competition are 18 singers from 15 countries. Well revert to this issue, later in RN.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player Sorana Cîrstea has qualified to the second round of the US Open, the last Grand Slam tournament of the year, with some 53 million USD in prize money up for grabs. She defeated the American Alison Riske in three sets. In the next match, Cirstea will face 22nd seeded Russian Maria Sharapova. Romania is also represented in the singles at the US Open by Ana Bogdan and Irina Begu. Bogdan will face in the second round 8th seeded Karolina Pliskova of the Czeck Republic, whereas Begu will play against Chinas Qiang Wang. On Tuesday, Monica Niculescu lost to Israeli Julia Glushko, and Mihaela Buzărnescu withdrew in the last moment because of an injury. In the mens competition, Marius Copil abandoned the match against Croatias Marin Cilici. We recall that Simona Halep, no.1 WTA, was surprisingly defeated in the inaugural round by Kaia Kanepi of Estonia.

  • The Week in Review December 6-12

    The Week in Review December 6-12

    David Cameron pays a visit to Bucharest

    Bucharest and London boast important bilateral relations and the two sides want to strengthen and develop this partnership, said Romanias President Klaus Iohannis after the talks he held with the visiting British Prime Minister, David Cameron. The Romanian President said the military and security dimension of bilateral cooperation had a major role, in a complex context marked by challenges. The economic side of the relationship between Romania and Great Britain was also tackled during the talks.

    President Iohannis underlined that trade exchanges last year reached the highest level so far. In turn, the British PM Cameron said that Romanians have a valuable contribution to the development of Great Britain in important domain such as finances, science and medicine. However he highlighted what he called the pressure put by the free movement of labour force on the public services in the UK. In turn, the Romanian Prime Minister, Dacian Ciolos, said upon his meeting with his British counterpart, that most Romanians who work in Great Britain are paying their taxes.

    The state and social security budget

    For the new technocratic government in Bucharest led by Dacian Ciolos the state and social security budgets for 2016 are a major challenge. If parliamentary parties have generally agreed with the draft budget, the representatives of civil society expressed their discontent with being consulted rather late. Institutions such as the Fiscal Council also criticized certain infringements of the fiscal rules.

    According to the bill proposed by the Ciolos cabinet, the Education and Healthcare Ministries will receive additional money, alongside the Interior, Defense and European Funds Ministries. Less money will be channeled towards the Labour Ministry. The budget is based on a deficit of 3% of the GDP, the maximum threshold agreed upon with the EU, and on an economic growth rate of 4.1%. The two draft budgets have already been forwarded to Parliament, which, according to the established timetable, is to give its verdict next week.

    Important decisions by the Supreme Council of National Defense

    As many as 1,200 Romanian soldiers and over 1,500 gendarmes will participate in various NATO, EU, the OSCE and UN missions abroad in 2016. The decision was made by Romanias Supreme Defense Council, in a meeting chaired by president Klaus Iohannis and attended, for the first time, by the ministers of the new government. On the occasion, they approved the Guide of the National Strategy for the Countrys Defense for 2015- 2019 and the Intelligence Strategy of the Romanian Intelligence Service, valid for the same period of time. Also, according to the Presidential Administration, the members of the Supreme National Defense Council have ascertained that the line Romanian institutions applied the sanctions set up at international level between October 2014- September 2015.

    The anti-corruption fight continues

    The National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) has registered the highest credibility rate among the population thanks to its relentless fight against corruption of the last years. This week the DNA has opened a new case related to illegal retrocession, a common crime, that brought huge revenues to those involved in the case, among whom two public figures: journalist Dan Andronic, the director of the well known post-Communist daily paper, “Evenimentul Zilei, and the controversial businessman Remus Truica. In the early 2000, the latter was the head of the chancellery of the then PM Adrian Nastase, himself sentenced to prison on corruption charges. Prosecutors accuse the abovementioned of several acts of corruption and of setting up a criminal group to deal in illegal retrocession.

    The estimated damage in this case exceeds 136 million euros. In another DNA case, the High Court of Cassation and Justice has decided this week that the Liberal MPs Ioan Oltean, a veteran of post-Communist politics and Catalin Teodorescu, alongside the former head of the National Authority for the Restitution of Property, Crinuta Dumitrean, should be subject to legal restrictions pending trial. They are being investigated in a case related to illegal compensations worth more than 20 million euros, granted to a businessman by the National Authority for the Restitution of Property.

    Demography on a downward trend

    In 2014, Romanias population dropped under the threshold of 20 million – a level similar to that reported in mid 1960s. According to the National Institute for Statistics, last year Romanias population dropped by 80 thousand people, let alone the 40 thousand citizens who migrated. Such a great number of people is equivalent to the disappearance of two small towns every year. The president of the National Institute for Statistics, Tudorel Andrei, claims that until 2013 the number of population was reduced especially due to migration. In the years to come the main cause of the demographic downward trend is expected to be the low birthrate.

    (Translated by: Lacramioara Simion; Edited by: Diana Vijeu)

  • August 30, 2015

    August 30, 2015

    KIDNAPPING – The Romanian authorities confirm the information on the existence of a video footage featuring a Romanian citizen who claims to have been kidnapped by a Jihadist group in Burkina Faso and asks to be saved. The Foreign Ministry has announced that a crisis sell is currently investigating the authenticity of the video recording and is also analysing all possible ways to solve the situation of the Romanian national taken hostage in Burkino Faso. According to media sources, the mining company the Romanian was working for announced his being kidnapped in April, but the first images showing proofs of life were released on Saturday. The crisis cell is made up of representatives of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Ministries, respectively, of the intelligence services and of the Presidential Administration.

    RAILWAY TRANSPORTATION Fresh from an emergency meeting held in Paris, French interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, has made a thorough presentation of the measures agreed upon by the EU member states in an effort to improve railway transport safety and security, in the wake of last weeks attack on a high speed train running from Amsterdam to Paris. He referred to a thorough control of the passengers identity, with visual checks being likely to be introduced again. Furthermore, luggage will be verified both in stations and on board the train. Joint patrols, made up of security officers from various countries will be set up to assure transport security, the French minister has underlined. The perpetrator of the attack on the Thalys train, Moroccan Ayoub El Khazzani, was charged with attempted murder last week. Carrying a Kalashnikov assault rifle, nine chargers, a Luger automatic pistol and a cutter, the 26 year old Moroccan bought a ticket for the Thalys train without problems. Later on, he opened fire on board the train, being immobilised by passengers.

    DEMOGRAPHY The total population residing in Romania remains under 20 million people, according to preliminary data from the National Statistics Institute. On January 1, 19,861,000 people were residing in Romania, down 85,900 since the beginning of the previous year. The urban and female population account, respectively, for 53.8%, and 51.1% of the total, and the ageing phenomenon is deepening, the difference between the population over 65 and the young population of up to 14 years of age having widened to more than 300,000 people. The survey also indicates that Romania remains an emigration country, with a number of emigrants 42,000 higher than the number of immigrants last year.

    MUSICAL FEAST – In the following three weeks, Bucharest is hosting Romanias most important cultural event, the “George Enescu International Festival, which has reached its 22nd edition. Nearly 3,000 foreign and Romanian artists will take part in this years edition of the Festival. The participating orchestras include the San Francisco Symphony, Israel Philharmonic, conducted by the world famous Zubin Mehta, the Vienna Philharmonic, the Bavarian State Orchestra, Staatskapelle Dresden, London Symphony Orchestra, Saint Petersburg Orchestra, Monte Carlo Philharmonic, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam. According to the organisers, the 2015 edition of the worlds leading promoter of the works of the great Romanian composer George Enescu, will consist in 58 indoor concerts and many other outdoor events. Radio Romania will broadcast 36 live transmissions. The rest of the concerts will be recorded and broadcast in the following days. Furthermore, the Casa Radio Publishers launches five albums to mark this edition of the festival.

    BEIJING BOOK FAIR Romania has recently participated for the first time in the Beijing International Book Fair, having its own stand organised by the Romanian Cultural Institute. According to the organisers, the Romanian Cultural Institute designed the events so as to cast light on the Romanian literary heritage and to provide a fresh perspective on the current literary and editorial developments in Romania. Now, in its 22nd edition, the International Book Fair in Beijing is the largest event of its kind organised by China. According to the Director General of the General Department of Romanian Cultural Institutes Abroad, Ioana Dragan, on August 31st, the Foreign Language University in Beijing will host two much awaited events, a conference devoted to the Romanian Language Day and the announcement on the official opening of the Beijing-based Library of the Romanian Cultural Institute.

    WEATHER Meteorologists have issued a code yellow alert against heat valid today for 12 counties in the west, south-west and the east of the Romanian territory, where the temperature- humidity index exceeds the 80 unit critical threshold. An orange code warning valid for Monday and Tuesday has been issued for 10 counties in the west. The rest of the territory will further be under code yellow alert. The highs of the day range between 29 and 36 degrees C. The noon reading in Bucharest was 32 degrees.