Tag: dérogation

  • February 14, 2024

    February 14, 2024

    VISIT A Romanian
    delegation headed by PM Marcel Ciolacu is on a visit to Rome as of today. The
    main item on the agenda is the 3rd joint meeting of the 2 countries’
    governments, held 13 years
    after the previous inter-governmental summit. An economic forum will also be organised,
    attended by business people from the 2 countries. PM Ciolacu has meetings today with
    members of the Romanian community in Italy, and is to be received by His
    Holiness Pope Francis at the Vatican. Also today, the Romanian official has
    talks with the Mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri. On Thursday Marcel Ciolcacu
    will have an official meeting with the PM of Italy, Georgia Meloni, followed by
    joint press statements. Italy is home to the largest Romanian community abroad,
    comprising more than 1.1 million citizens, and is Romania’s second-largest
    trade partner, with exchanges accounting for approx. 9.5% of the country’s
    foreign trade.

    CYBER ATTACK Several hospitals in Romania, including
    in Bucharest, have been targeted by a cyber-attack that encrypted data on their
    servers, the National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC) announced. Most of the
    healthcare units affected by the incident had safety copies of their data.
    According to the health ministry, exceptional security measures have been
    implemented, with many units in the healthcare system disconnected from the
    internet for further inquiries. The Directorate Investigating Organised Crime
    and Terrorism Offences has started a criminal investigation.

    FARMERS The European Commission has officially endorsed a regulation which
    grants a one-year exemption from the rule requiring farmers to keep 4% of their
    arable land fallow. The rule, designed to help improve environment
    conditions, had sparked protests across the EU, including in Romania. In exchange, farmers
    are now required to grow nitrogen fixing crops such as lentils or peas. The new
    regulation is intended to give farmers more flexibility, while also protecting
    biodiversity and land quality. The measure is to be applied for the year 2024. Member
    States have 15 days to notify the Commission of the implementation option that they
    choose out of the 2 alternatives available.

    STUDENTS Romanian schoolchildren may
    have free of charge access to museums, concerts, theatre and opera shows,
    movies and other cultural and sports events organised by public institutions,
    within approved budgets, under a new bill passed in the Senate and backed by
    all parliamentary parties. In a society threatened by the absence of role
    models, museums and other informal learning venues should be available to
    students free of charge, and this facility is an investment in their
    educational future, the bill authors argue. The draft law is to be forwarded to
    the Chamber of Deputies for the decisive vote.

    TRANSPORTS Special lanes for EU and third-country lorries will be
    operational in several Romanian checkpoints as of this week, the public road
    company has announced. This is one of the measures agreed on with the carriers
    that have been protesting in Romania over the past month, and it is designed to
    reduce waiting times at the border. Moreover, carriers will no longer be
    charged additional fees for weight 5% over the accepted ceiling. A new round of
    talks on separate flows for EU and non-EU lorries was held on Tuesday by the
    transport ministry, the public road company and road transport operators.

    National Bank of Romania has decided to keep the monetary policy interest rate
    at 7% per year, the institution announced. The key interest rate has not been
    changed since last January, when the National Bank decided to raise it from
    6.75% to 7% per year. A balanced mix of macroeconomic policies and structural
    reforms, including the use of EU funding to encourage the country’s growth
    potential in the long run, are vital to maintaining macroeconomic stability and
    to strengthening the Romanian economy’s capacity to withstand negative
    developments, the institution said.

    NATO Eighteen NATO member states will reach the 2% of GDP defence allocation
    target in 2024, the NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg announced on
    Wednesday, ahead of a meeting of NATO defence ministers. According to Reuters, he
    also said that EU member states will invest a combined USD 380 bln in defence
    this year. The decision to earmark at least 2% of GDP to defence dates back to
    2006, but only some member states have reached this target. After Russia
    invaded Ukraine in February 2022, NATO member countries reiterated this
    commitment. Romania has channelled over 2% of its GDP for defence for several
    years, and after the start of the war in Ukraine it has committed to invest
    2.5% of GDP in Army equipment. (AMP)

  • February 13, 2024 UPDATE

    February 13, 2024 UPDATE

    VISIT The PM
    of Romania, Marcel Ciolacu, will be on an official visit to Rome on February
    14-15, and will take part in the 3rd joint government meeting of Romania and
    Italy, held 13 years after the previous inter-governmental summit. PM Ciolacu
    will have meetings with the PM of Italy, Georgia Meloni, and will attend a
    meeting of the 2 official delegations and the signing of bilateral documents. His
    agenda also includes talks with the Mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri, and a
    meeting with the Romanian community in Italy. Italy is one of Romania’s most
    important economic partners, and the Economic Forum focusing on areas such as IT&C,
    energy, the processing industry, infrastructure and the agri-food industry is
    another excellent opportunity to improve our economic cooperation, PM Marcel
    Ciolacu said. Marcel Ciolacu will also be received by His Holiness Pope Francis
    at the Vatican.

    National Bank of Romania Tuesday decided to keep the monetary policy interest
    rate at 7% per year, the institution announced. The central bank will also keep
    the credit facility interest rate at 8% per year and the deposit facility
    interest rate at 6% per year, and also maintain the current levels of the
    compulsory minimum reserve rates for banks’ national and foreign currency
    liabilities. The key interest rate has not been changed since last January, when
    the National Bank decided to raise it from 6.75% to 7% per year. A balanced mix
    of macroeconomic policies and structural reforms, including the use of EU
    funding to encourage the country’s growth potential in the long run, are vital
    to maintaining macroeconomic stability and to strengthening the Romanian
    economy’s capacity to withstand negative developments, the institution said. An
    updated forecast by the central bank reconfirms the prospects of an increase of
    the annual inflation rate in the first months of this year, following the
    increase of existing indirect taxes and the introduction of new ones, and of a
    subsequent downward trend, at a slower pace than in 2023 and than originally

    CYBERSECURITY On Tuesday 4 more hospitals in
    Bucharest and elsewhere in the country were added to the list of 21 public and
    private healthcare units affected since last weekend by a large-scale cyber
    security incident, the National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC) announced. A crypto
    currency ransom demand has been received, amounting to approx. EUR 157,000, but
    the attackers only provided an email address, without disclosing the name of
    the group claiming the attack. Both the DNSC and other cyber security
    authorities involved urge the victims not to contact the perpetrators and not
    to pay the ransom. The healthcare minister, Alexandru Rafila, has told Radio
    Romania that some of the hospitals have managed to fix the problems, and the
    authorities will come up with a new technical standard designed to prevent such
    actions. Other public institutions in Romania have been targeted by cyber-attacks
    in the past.

    Tuesday the European Commission officially endorsed a regulation which grants a
    partial exemption for farmers from the rule binding them to keep 4% of their
    arable land fallow. In exchange, they are required to grow nitrogen fixing
    crops such as lentils or peas. The measure comes after large-scale farmer
    protests across the EU, including in Romania. Member States who wish to apply
    the derogation at national level need to notify the Commission within 15 days
    of entry into force of the Regulation so that farmers can be informed as soon
    as possible.

    WRD World Radio Day was celebrated on Tuesday, and this year’s theme
    was A century of information, entertainment and education. To mark this
    celebration, Radio Romania’s stations broadcast interviews with journalists,
    media experts, teachers, public figures and listeners, and their programmes
    featured debates on the future of radio and broadcasts from the European
    Broadcasting Union. The UNESCO declaration on World Radio Day, entitled Radio,
    the Trusted Guide in a Changing World, can be found on the websites of all
    Radio Romania’s stations.

    Romanian athlete Denis Florin Mihai won the bronze in the Greco-Roman style 55
    kilo category of the European Wrestling Championship in Bucharest on Tuesday, after
    defeating Georgia’s Nugzari Tsurtsumia. Mihai ranks 4th in the world
    standings and was the bronze winner in last year’s European Championships. Romania
    takes part in the event in Bucharest with 30 athletes, 10 in each style.

    POLO Romania’s men’s water polo team will play for the 9th
    place at the World Championships in Doha, Qatar, after defeating China 9-7 on Tuesday. In
    the match for the 9th and 10th places, scheduled on
    February 15, Romania takes on the USA. Romania finished 8th last
    month in the European Championships held in Croatia, and the team’s best performance
    to date at a World Championship is a 5th place in 1975. (AMP)

  • February 7, 2024

    February 7, 2024

    EU STRASBOURG The unity of the UE is being
    tested, said the president of Romania in his address before the European
    Parliament on Wednesday, as
    part of a debate in the This is Europe series. According to the Romanian
    official, instability has reached alarming levels in the EU. The European
    Union must improve the efficiency of its decision-making processes, and Romania
    is fully engaged in this effort, he added. As for the war in neighbouring
    Ukraine, Klaus Iohannis said Europeans must stand by Ukraine and its people. Prior to the address, the Romanian official had
    a meeting with the president of the EP, Roberta Metsola, and discussed Romania’s
    Schengen accession, the war in Ukraine and the neighbouring R. of Moldova. Romania’s
    full Schengen accession as soon as possible, with its land borders as well,
    will considerably strengthen the Union and its security and will facilitate
    cohesion and cooperation among member states, the Romanian official argued. In
    turn, Metsola said Europe would be stronger with Romania in the Eurozone and the
    Schengen area, and told Romanians it was important for them to take part in
    June’s elections for the EP and not to take Europe for granted.

    MOLDOVA For the Republic of Moldova, carrying on and
    consolidating strategic relations with neighbouring Romania in all sectors is a
    priority, was the message brought to Bucharest by Chişinău’s new foreign
    minister, Mihai Popşoi. He had talks with his Romanian counterpart, Luminiţa
    Odobescu, and was also received by PM Marcel Ciolacu, who emphasised the interest
    in developing joint projects benefitting the citizens of both states. Romania will
    continue to support Moldova in its EU accession negotiations, the Romanian
    official promised.

    The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced
    the EC was dropping a proposal to halve the use of pesticides across the EU,
    and explained this had become a symbol of polarisation. The move seems to be a
    concession to the farmers protesting in many EU member states. Meanwhile, the
    EC proposed last week a partial derogation from rules obliging farmers to keep
    certain areas non-productive, and a limitation of Ukrainian imports, while also
    promising to streamline the Common Agricultural Policy.

    NAVAL The Damen Shipyard in Galaţi (south-eastern
    Romania) will build a state-of-the-art multifunctional vessel for the
    Portuguese Navy. The ship will be able to conduct ocean research missions,
    search and rescue as well as emergency aid missions, and will be equipped with a
    UAV launching system. Damen Group was awarded the construction works following
    an EU call for tenders. Funding will be provided under the EU Recovery and Resilience

    MIDDLE EAST The US secretary of state
    Antony Blinken is in Israel today, at a time when Tel Aviv is analysing
    the response given by Hamas to a proposed truce, including hostage releases,
    after 4 months of war that have seen countless victims. Blinken, whose country
    is a close ally of Israel, said he would discuss the Hamas answer with the
    Israeli authorities today, as part of his 5th tour in the Middle
    East since October 7. The US secretary of
    state, who has visited Saudi Arabia, Egypt and
    Qatar, is to travel next to the West Bank, an autonomous Palestinian territory
    occupied by Israel since 1967.

    TENNIS The Romanian tennis player Sorana Cîrstea plays today in the
    eighth-finals of the WTA 500 tournament in Abu Dhabi (UAE), against third-seed
    Maria Sakkari of Greece (9 WTA). Cîrstea (26 WTA), leads 2-1 head-to-head, the
    Greek player having won the last match 2-6, 6-3, 7-5 in the second round at
    Cincinnati. (AMP)

  • 20.03.2020 (mise à jour)

    20.03.2020 (mise à jour)

    Message – Le président Klaus Iohannis a transmis vendredi un message par lequel il appelle à la responsabilité et demande aux Roumains de respecter les règles imposées par les autorités. « Nous traversons actuellement une crise qui, il y a quelques mois, semblait inconcevable à lhumanité tout entière. Je sais que la vie de chacun dentre nous a changé et que nous craignons chaque jour pour la santé de nos proches. Cest pour nous protéger que nous avons pris et devrons continuer à prendre des mesures sévères », a précisé le chef de lEtat roumain. Klaus Iohannis sest dit profondément ému par la vague de soutien de la part de tous ceux qui épaulent les médecins et les hôpitaux et qui restent auprès de leurs semblables en détresse.

    Par ailleurs, le gouvernement a annoncé le durcissement des peines en cas dentrave à la lutte contre la propagation de lépidémie ou de fausses déclarations par rapport à la pandémie de coronavirus. Cela, dans le contexte où de nombreuses amendes ont été infligées et des dizaines de dossiers pénaux ont été ouverts contre des personnes considérées comme étant en situation disolement, mais qui nont pas été trouvées chez elles ou qui ont menti aux autorités pour ne pas être placées en quarantaine. Les nouvelles peines peuvent aller jusquà 15 ans de prison ferme. 308 cas de contamination par le coronavirus ont jusquici été confirmés en Roumanie. 31 personnes ont guéri.

    3 ressortissants roumains dItalie sont décédés des suites de linfection par le nouveau coronavirus et près de 30 autres Roumains vivant à létranger ont été testés positifs au COVID-19, ont fait savoir les autorités.

    Fonds – La
    Commission européenne a fait savoir vendredi qu’elle allait diriger vers la Roumanie
    plus de 1 milliard d’euros destiné au système de santé et aux prêts pour les PME
    touchées par la crise du coronavirus. Sur ce montant total, 483 millions
    d’euros sont disponibles en vertu de la décision de la Commission relative aux
    fonds structurels, à savoir de ne plus obliger cette année la Roumanie à
    rembourser les préfinancements de 2019 non dépensés. A cette somme devraient
    s’ajouter 637 millions d’euros, représentant le virement en avance des fonds
    structurels afférents aux mois de mars et avril de l’année en cours. En ce
    sens, la Commission européenne a envoyé une lettre aux autorités

    Dérogation – La Roumanie, la République de Moldova, la Lettonie et lArménie, membres du Conseil de lEurope, ont activé, face au coronavirus, larticle de la Convention européenne des droits de lhomme qui permet dy déroger en état durgence.

    La Roumanie a officiellement notifié au Conseil de lEurope lactivation de la dérogation, car, suite à linstauration de létat durgence sur son territoire, lexercice dun certain nombre de libertés et de droits fondamentaux a été limité. Larticle 15 de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme stipule quen cas de guerre ou en cas d’autre danger public menaçant la vie de la nation, un Etat membre peut prendre des mesures dérogeant aux obligations prévues par la Convention.

    Coronavirus dans le monde – Le nombre total des décès causés par le COVID-19 au niveau mondial a franchi ce vendredi le seuil des 10.000, a fait savoir le Centre pour la science et l’ingénierie des systèmes de l’Université Johns Hopkins des Etats-Unis. Au total, 250 mille cas de contaminations ont été confirmés à l’échelle mondiale. L’Italie a enregistré le plus grand nombre de décès, soit plus de 4 mille. Des pays comme la Chine, l’Iran, l’Espagne, la France, les Etats-Unis et le Royaume-Uni, comptent eux aussi un nombre important de victimes de cette pandémie. Alors que la Chine ne rapporte plus de cas de contamination locale, la situation en Europe ne cesse d’empirer. L’Union européenne a décidé de fermer ses frontières aux ressortissants de pays tiers et interdit la circulation non essentielle à l’intérieur de l’espace Schengen, afin de ralentir la propagation du virus.

    Par ailleurs, la Commission européenne a adopté un cadre temporaire afin de permettre aux Etats membres d’utiliser toute la flexibilité prévue par les règles en matière d’aides d’Etat pour soutenir l’économie dans le contexte de l’épidémie de Covid-19. Une nouvelle visioconférence est prévue le 26 mars avec les leaders européens afin de faire à nouveau le point sur l’impact de l’épidémie. Le même jour, le Parement européen devrait majorer l’aide accordée par l’UE au milieu économique dans ce contexte. La Banque centrale européenne a quant à elle annoncé un plan d’urgence de 750 milliards d’euros pour venir en aide à la dette publique et privée, dans une tentative de contrecarrer les répercussions de la pandémie sur l’économie.

    Météo – Il fera très chaud pour cette période de lannée, les températures maximales devant sétaler entre 10° et 23°. Le ciel sera partiellement couvert et le vent soufflera modérément