Tag: director

  • Ray Iunius din Elveţia

    Ray Iunius din Elveţia

    Prof. Dr. Ray Florian Iunius din Elveţia, directorul executiv al winsedswiss education group, grup elveţian activ în domeniul educaţiei şi al consultanţei, cu sucursale în Elveţia, România, Serbia şi Cipru- grup care deţine şi Academiile de Ospitalitate OHMA(Oradea Hospitality Management Academy), membru al Camerei de Comerţ Elveţia-România, co-fondator al Institutului Regal de Management al Ospitalităţii, doctor în ştiinţe tehnice la Universitatea Transilvania din Braşov, doctor în management la Universitatea din Lausanne, unde e încă profesor, autor a numeroase articole şi cărţi în domeniul ospitalităţii.

  • Andrei Breahnă, directorul galeriei bucureştene GAEP

    Andrei Breahnă, directorul galeriei bucureştene GAEP

    Andrei Breahnă, antreprenor cultural şi iubitor de artă, care a trăit câţiva ani în Franţa, revenit în România natală, unde a co-fondat galeria bucureşteană GAEP (Galeria de Artă Eastwards Prospectus)

  • Radio Romania’s Radio Drama Desk, nominated for a Theater Union award

    Radio Romania’s Radio Drama Desk, nominated for a Theater Union award

    Three of Radio Romania’s National Radio Drama Desk productions
    have received nominations for Romanian Theaters’ Union
    Awards, the Best Radio Drama Category. They are A century of Romanian theater
    in Chisinau
    The revenge of forbidden memory, script by Mariana Onceanu, Radio
    Noir. Thrillers (Season1)
    adapted for the radio by Mihnea Chelaru and The
    Case of Tudor Vladimirescu,
    written for the radio by Gavriil Pinte.

    Gavriil Pinte graduated from the Acting Faculty in
    Targu Mures and the Directing Faculty of Bucharest’s School of Film And Drama.
    He staged shows in theatres across Romania, in Bucharest,
    Satu Mare, Ploieşti, Baia Mare, Tulcea, Miercurea-Ciuc, Giurgiu, Sibiu,
    Constanţa, Oradea, Timișoara. Since 1999 Gavriil Pinte has been the artistic
    director of Radio Romania’s Radio Drama Desk and in that capacity he directed
    several radio drama shows. Gavriil Pinte is the recipient of many awards, among
    which the Theater Union Radio Drama Award, in 2002, 2003 and 2011. Gavriil Pinte staged
    shows taking up on the life and work of quite a few writers. Among them, A Streetcar
    Named Popescu, after poet Cristian Popescu’s life and work (the show was on
    in Bucharest and Sibiu, in a rolling streetcar), The Cioran Temptation, based on Emil Cioran’s life and work, A Guide to Retrocessed Childhood, based on the work of Andrei Codrescu, The Journey, taking up on Constantin Abaluta’s work, as well as an adaptation
    for the radio of poet Ioan Es. Pop’s work, titled so the last shall be the
    last as well.

    Gavriil Pinte’s most recent radio drama show is The
    Case of Tudor Vladimirescu.
    It starts off from the personality of Tudor
    Vladimirescu, who was born in 1780. Tudor Vladimirescu was ruler
    of Wallachia and the leader of the 1821 Revolution, one of the events that
    marked the beginning of Romania’s national rebirth process. In 1821, under the
    heading The Supplications of the Romanian people, Tudor Vladimirescu made
    known the programme of the revolution, which first and foremost stipulated foreign
    powers’ refraining from interfering with the country’s internal affairs whatsoever,
    as well as the implementation of a series of reforms. It is arguably Romanian Principalities’ first document
    with a constitutional status. Sometimes Vladimirescu was idealized, he was
    mortified in certain stereotypes. We didn’t mean to create a pathetic show, yet the inkling of a parodical intention was also far from us, and so was any means
    of ironizing and have a derogatory take on the great pandour. What we were
    interested in was a hero who, before anything else, was a man. But a man who
    played a first-rate historical part and went on to become a national hero. The script captures episodes of Vladimirescu’s public
    life, intertwined with episodes of his private life, while jointly, they make
    what could quite aptly have been himself, a living human being.

    That is how,
    very briefly, director Gavriil Pinte conveyed his
    intentions of the radio drama show The Case of Tudor Vladimirescu.


    The radio drama show was
    preceded by a stage version of the show as initially, the show was staged on an
    island bordered by two of river Jiu arms, at the entranceway of the town of Targu
    Jiu. The show was performed on stage at night while the soundtrack was provided
    by a rock group, Bucium, lead by Andi Dumitrescu. Everything occurred live, I
    can call this show is a rock opera. The music of the Bucium group seemed perfect
    for the show, since rock is a rebel, revolutionary kind of music, and so was Tudor
    Vladimirescu as a historical character. We had many actors on the cast, there
    were 60 of them, and after that show we found it suitable to create a radio show
    as well. We were of course unable to have a 60-strong cast of artists for the
    radio production, but the recordings were made especially for the radio version.
    Likewise, the script was conceived of taking into account the specificity and
    the demands of a radio production while the recordings were made on the
    premises at the Theater in Targu-Jiu. I am happy the show has a radio version
    as well, as it is an important show for me, but also for the troupe in Targu Jiu,
    and I should like to take this opportunity and thank the artists for their extraordinary
    cooperation. Let me just add that the actors’ troupe as part of the Elvira
    Drama Theater in Targu Jiu is headed by Cosmin Brehuță, a wonderful
    man, a totally atypical theater manager for Romanian theater today. The radio
    script as well as the stage script do not claim their origin from the stereotypes
    that oftentimes make Tudor Vladimirescu’s image, unfortunately, but from the ancient
    tragedy, the Shakespearean drama, with a certain surrealist touch as well.

    show staged by Gavriil Pinte was occasioned by the Tudor Vladimirescu
    Bicentennial. It was jointly created with the Elvira Godeanu Drama Theater in Targu Jiu. The cast includes, among other
    actors, Mihai Rădulea, Oana Marinescu, Cosmin Brehuță, Eugen Titu,
    Mădălina Ciobănuc, Monica Sfetcu, Georgiana Enache, Cornelia Diaconu, Adelina
    Puzdrea, Luminița Șorop.


  • Lucian Pintilie’s “The Oak,” the first Romanian film digitally restored in

    Lucian Pintilie’s “The Oak,” the first Romanian film digitally restored in

    “The Oak (1992), directed by Lucian Pintilie, one of the best films in the history of Romanian cinema, is also the first Romanian production converted to 4K, which allows for high-quality screening, by BRD – Groupe Société Générale and Fundația9. The new work was first screened at Lumière 2019 Grand Lyon Film Festival, a festival set up as a tribute to the Lumière brothers, and early this year, in February, it was also released in Romania.

    The digitization was completed at the Hiventy laboratory in France, and the restoration took place in Romania, at the Avanpost Media studio, with the support and counselling of Florin Mihăilescu, director of photography and close friend of director Lucian Pintilie.

    The restoration process took over 6 months, and was designed to improve the image and sound and to convert the film to 4K.

    Premiered at the 1992 Cannes Festival and based on the novel of the same name written by Ion Băieșu, “The Oak is Pintilies first film after his return from exile, and tells the story of a young teacher and a surgeon struggling with the last days of the communist regime. The cast includes Maia Morgenstern, Răzvan Vasilescu, Victor Rebengiuc, Marcel Iureș. “The Oak was a springboard for Maia Morgensterns international career, as it won her the European Film Academys award for best actress.

    The restoration of “The Oak is part of a broader programme run by Fundația 9, the “Lucian Pintilie Cinema Fund, created in the memory of the great Romanian film director at the initiative of Corina Șuteu, a member of the Foundations Board.

    With this Fund, Fundația9 seeks to pay tribute to the great Romanian filmmaker and to support art films by young Romanian directors. We talked to Anca Drăgoi, executive director of Fundația 9, and Sebastian Plămădeală, one of the senior technicians at Avanpost studio, about the first restoration in Romanian cinema.

    Anca Drăgoi: “The goal of the “Lucian Pintilie Cinema Fund was to support a young generation of film directors. We are also aware of the importance of recovering Lucian Pintilies work, especially since this is not necessarily regular practice in Romania. What we want, in fact, is to create a best practice in this respect. This first restoration and digitization project should ideally create a positive trend in recovering Romanias audio-visual heritage. We are aware that Romanian cinema needs a lot of support if it is to carry on, and I would be very happy to see that the restoration of “The Oak is a first example that encourages not only public, but also private stakeholders. Our first discussions were with the French co-producer and also distributor of the film, MK2, which was extremely efficient. There were several competitive offers at the time, but we realised that it would be of high symbolic value to prove that top quality things can be done in Romania as well. So we compared the offers, some of them coming from prestigious European labs, and decided to do the restoration in Romania, at Avanpost studio. I believe this benefitted everyone, including ourselves, in that it strengthened our self-confidence.

    Sebastian Plămădeală, one of the senior technicians with Avanpost studio, told us about the restoration process:

    Sebastian Plămădeală: “We were glad to be trusted by Fundația 9 with this challenging project. Fortunately, we started the restoration process with the film already digitized in this 4K format, the French co-producer MK2 scanned the negative film stock and also converted the sound from magnetic tape to digital format. This allowed us to focus on the actual restoration, instead of spending time to convert from the analogue to digital. The restoration involved 3 parallel levels: colouring, restoring the sound and restoring the image, which means eliminating debris or scratches mar from the original negative. A major challenge at each restoration of this kind is that you usually have to make decisions by yourself, without the film author. With “The Oak, we were lucky to have the support of Mr. Florin Mihăilescu, who worked closely with director Lucian Pintilie and is familiar with his choices. So we stayed true to the original.

    The restoration process involved 3 sound professionals from Avanpost Studio (Florin Tăbăcaru for sound mixing and editing, Dragoș Știrbu for dialogue editing and sound editing assistant Victor Miu) and 5 photography professionals (Workflow Supervisor Sebastian Plămădeală, technicians Alex Stoica, Irina Tomașu, and Andreea Nedelcu, and Claudiu Doagă for colouring). They were all coordinated by Carmen Rizac, in a project that took over 6 months to complete. The international distributor is MK2, the French co-producer of the film. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Propunere pentru şefia SRI

    Propunere pentru şefia SRI

    Fapt mai puţin obişnuit, mai ales într-un context regional incert, principalele servicii de informaţii ale României – SRI şi SIE – au rămas fără conducere permanentă. Primul pare a-şi fi găsit viitorul director, odată cu nominalizarea pe care şeful statului, Klaus Iohannis, a făcut-o în persoana lui Eduard Hellvig. Europarlamentar în mandat, cu o biografie politică lipsită de controverse majore şi reprezentant de seamă al noului val de tineri politicieni ce au reuşit să spargă bariera anonimatului, Hellvig pare, la prima vedere, o soluţie potrivită pentru conducerea SRI. Ce îl recomandă, totuşi, din perspectiva prezidenţială, pentru şefia uneia dintre aşa-numitele instituţii de forţă ale statului?

    Klaus Iohannis: ”Atunci când m-am gândit la o persoană pe care s-o propun pentru funcţia de director la Serviciul Român de Informaţii, am căutat pe cineva care este pregătit pentru o astfel de poziţie, care cunoaşte actorii politici, care are suficiente cunoştinţe despre activitatea în acest spaţiu”.

    Propunerea intrigă şi, în aceeaşi măsură, confirmă direcţia trasată de fostul preşedinte, Traian Basescu. Intrigă, fiindcă Hellvig, vicepreşedinte al PNL, este considerat unul dintre apropiaţii lui Klaus Iohannis, cel care, în calitate de şef al formaţiunii, a candidat şi a câştigat la prezidenţialele din noiembrie 2014. Aşadar, relaţia personală – susţin unii analişti – a cântărit mult, chiar prea mult, în decizia şefului statului.

    Pe de altă parte, preşedintele Iohannis merge pe cărarea bătătorită de predecesorul său, Traian Băsescu, cel care a lansat moda ca şefii principalelor servicii să fie extraşi din băncile Opoziţiei.

    Totuşi, dincolo de discuţia legată de acurateţea criteriilor care l-au facut eligibil pentru nominalizarea la şefia SRI, Hellvig va avea, în cazul în care Parlamentul îi va da undă verde, o misiune dificilă. El ar prelua şefia într-o perioadă în care directorul interimar al SRI, Florian Coldea, a fost subiectul unui denunţ făcut de un influent politician, fostul ministru al dezvoltării regionale şi turismului, Elena Udrea, anchetată în mai multe dosare de corupţie. Udrea l-a acuzat pe Coldea că se foloseşte într-o manieră abuzivă de funcţia sa, inclusiv pentru a-i distruge ei cariera politică. Denunţul nu s-a transformat, însă, într-o anchetă, întrucât DNA a considerat că dovezile sau faptele incriminate nu au consistenţă juridică. La o concluzie similară a ajuns şi Comisia parlamentară pentru controlul SRI, cea care l-a audiat pe Coldea.

    Deşi are o imagine bună în spaţiul public românesc şi este, alături de SIE, o instituţie apreciată de partenerii occidentali, SRI îşi desfăşoară activitatea într-un semi-întuneric suspect. Slabul control al Parlamentului, singurul abilitat să verifice activitatea SRI, şi senzaţia că nu s-a scuturat cu totul de oamenii şi practicile Securităţii — serviciul de informaţii al regimului comunist – aruncă o mare umbră de îndoială asupra instituţiei. Or, cred observatorii, reformarea totală, fără compromisuri, a SRI va fi marea luptă a lui Hellvig, dacă va ajunge capul instituţiei.

  • Secretarlu General ABU tu vizita la Radio Romania

    Secretarlu General ABU tu vizita la Radio Romania

    Luni, 1 di Alunar anlu aestu (2013) la scamnul a radioului public eara vinitu vizitâ nica şi ti unâ andamusi di lucru dr. Javad Mottaghi, Secretar Gheneral a Uniunil’ei a Audiovizualului Asia — Pacific (ABU) cu dl. Ovidiu Miculescu, Prezidentu Director Gheneral ali SRR şi cu reprezentanţâl’i a cumândusearil’ei di la Societatea Românâ di Radiodifuziuni.

    Tu dialoglu ţânut, Secretarlu Gheneral ali ABU hiritisi ti aţea dit soni afilieri ali Radio România la aestă anâmusitâ organizaţie, faptâ tu primveara-a anlui 2013, cundil’e prinţipiili a Uniunil’ei, ţi au tu scupo andruparea a diversitatil’ei culturalâ, cundil’indalui simasia ţi u ari radioulu ca unâ firidâ cătâ lumi”, ca factor di thimel’iu di comunicari axi tra s-nâstreacâ diferenţili di iţi turlie. Acâ membril’i ali ABU yin dit vâsilii ahoryea, cu limbi şi condiţii economiti, suţiali, culturali, relighioasi şi politiţi diferiti, diversitatea nu easti lugursitâ unâ fuvirseari, câ easti lugursitâ ca unâ mari aveari.

    Dl. Javad Mottaghi spusi, tu idyiul kiro, sinferlu a Uniunil’ei ti parteneriatlu existentu şi ti produsili Radio România, cundil’indalui că ţâni maşi di voi s-crişteţ aestu lucru deadun şi s-vă fâţeţ cunuscut potenţialu. Eu vă câlisesc s-li crişteţ cât cama multili proiecti comuni cu vâsiliili dit zona Asia — Pacific”. Deadi paradigmâ ndridzearea di năi conţerti ali Orchestrâ Naţionalâ Radio tru spaţiul asiatic, di furn’ia a excelentilor ecouri a conţertului ţânut di Orchestra Radio tu meslu mai, Shanghai.

    Dl. Ovidiu Miculescu, Prezidentu Director General ali Radio România, cundil’e simasia a parteneriatlui tră postul public dit România, cari ş-pripuni prit unâ ahtari asocieri s-facâ unâ protâ jgl’ioatâ ti nâstriţearea distanţili şi cătră cunuştearea un-alantu — prit limbajlu comun a dialoglui cultural, anamisa di vâsiliili afiliate ABU. Cu agiutorlu a platformâl’ei online Asia — Pacific, la cari ari izini ca membru cu tuti ndrepturli, Radio România va s-ufiliseascâ câbilea tra s-nkiseascâ alâxeri di programi cu alanti posturi membri.

    Dupu andamusea di la sediul SRR, dr. Javad Mottaghi, Secretar General ali Uniuni a Audiovizualului Asia — Pacific (ABU), deadun cu dl. Ovidiu Miculescu, Prezidentu Director General ali SRR, s-tânu unâ andamusi cu Prezidentul a Camerâl’ei a Deputaţlor, Valeriu Zgonea. Tu kirolu ali andamusi dizvârtitâ la Pâlatea-a Parlamentului dr. Javad Mottaghi zugrâpsi a interlocutorului a lui simasia ti afilierea ali Radio România la ABU, intrarea tu aestu club aleptu” aestâ turlie ahârdzindalui a postului public izinea la platforma online cu un target de 3,5 miliardi di ascultători! Dl. Ovidiu Miculescu vru ta s-cundil’eadzâ că Radio România dişcl’isi aestâ turlie unâ nauâ jgl’ioatâ ninti ti promovari a culturâl’ei şi a valorlor româneşti.

    Dr. Javad Mottaghi easti Secretar General ali ABU (Uniunea Audiovizualului Asia – Pacific) dit 2010 şi ari unâ experienţă di 32 di an’i tru dumenea ali mass-media/comunicari la nivel naţional şi internaţional. Easti licenţiat tu inginerie mecanică la Universitatea Sharif di Teheran, ari un masterat şi un doctorat tru management la Universitatea Teesside dit Anglia. Ninti ta s-facâ suţatâ cu ABU, kiro di 12 di an’I fu director ali Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD) şi responsabil cu relaţia ABA – EBU până tu 1996 şi kiro di 18 di an’i director a Departamentului Sport al IRIB — postul public di radiodifuziuni ali Republicâ Islamicâ Iran. Easti membru a Consiliului di cumânduseari ali WRTVC (Consiliul Mondial de Radio şi Televiziune) dit 2001 şi membru asociat ali International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences ditu New York. Javad Mottaghi amintă premiul Elizabeth R. ti contribuţia a lu ţi nu ş-ari preacl’e tru dumenea-a audiovizualui public.

    Thimil’iusitâ tru 1964, ABU misoarâ 255 di membri dit 63 di vâsilii — posturi publiti şi privati dit Asia, Pacific, Europa, America şi Orientul di Mesi — cu unâ audienţă cari nâstreaţi 3,5 miliardi di ascultători. ABU s-hârseaşti di colaborarea cu multi posturi publiţi şi privati dit Europa, cum suntu BBC, DW, CFI, ZDF şi RAI, ama şi dit Rusia, Turchia, Samoa, Noua Zeelandă. Membril’i ABU asiguripsirâ intrarea tu platforma digitală Asia-Pacific a Uniunil’ei, dizvultată şi andrupâtâ di postul public KBS — şingirlu sud-coreean di radio şi televiziuni, ca turlie practică di lucru deadun directu cu ascultătorl’ii, agenţiili di publititati şi partenerl’ii di tutâ lumea. ABU ndreadzi cafi an Adunarea Generală, la cari l’ia parti cama di 600 di manageri media di tutâ lume, forumlu Radio Asia, cu cama di 500 di participanţâ cafi an şi multi evenimenti, cata cum: Simpozionlu Audiovizualui Digital (cu cama di 700 di participanţâ şi cama di 100 di expozanţâ di tehnologie avansată), Radio Song Festival, cata cum şi gala-a premiilor di cafi an ABU. Ariili di sinfer ali ABU acaţâ tru isapi şi ndridzearea di proiecte, coproducţii şi alâxeri di programe, ama şi trainiguri şi webinarii internaţionali.

    Serviciul Comunicare SRR

    Apriduţearea: Secţia Armâneascâ