Tag: discipline

  • Radio Romania International Sports club

    Radio Romania International Sports club

    One of 2023’s most important
    sports events is underway in Poland’s Krakow. The European Games, until July 2nd
    brings together almost 7,000 athletes of 48 countries, competing in 19 sports
    disciplines. Representing Romania are 150 athletes, of whom 74 compete in the
    women’s version of the event and 76 will prove their mettle in the men’s
    version of the competition. The Romanian athletes will take the start in
    athletics, badminton, basketball, boxing, cycling, judo, Kayak-canoe, karate,
    rugby in 7, ski jumps, diving, fencing, taekwondo, table tennis, teqball, target
    archery, shooting sports and triathlon. Several world and European champions
    are part of the Romania delegation, among whom the two athletes who will bear
    the flags at the Games’ opening ceremony: men’s canoe world and European
    champion, rower Cătălin
    Chirilă, and the European title holder in the hammer throw event, athlete Bianca

    In the Olympic
    sports disciplines where events as part of the Games are jointly hosted by
    Krakow and Malopolska Polish province, results in all disciplines also count
    towards the qualification to the 2024 edition of the Paris Olympics. For that particular
    reason, the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee has been very keen on the
    Romanian delegation’s auspicious participation in the Polish event. Talks with
    the federations that will participate in the European Games, have revealed a
    stated aim of 12-14 medals, the president of the Olympic and Sports Committee
    Mihai Covaliu has stated in Bucharest.

    We recall
    that 4 years ago at the European Games in Minsk Romania came in 26th
    according to the nations’ competition final rankings, wit 10 medals Of those
    two were gold, three silver and five bronze, Gold went to the winner of the 10m
    air rifle event, Laura Georgeta Coman, and Cătălin Chirilă and Victor
    Mihalachi, winner of the men’s pair 1,000m race. Silver went to Dacian Barna and
    Andreea Bogati in the aerobic gymnastics mixed pairs event. In table tennis, the
    mixed doubles pair made of Ovidiu Ionescu and Bernadette Szőcs and Romania’s women’s
    table tennis team also walked home with silver. In sambo, the winners of the
    bronze medals were Daniela Poroineanu, in the 56-kilogram category, Anda
    Mihaela Vâlvoi, in the 64-kilogram category and Alina-Petronela Păunescu, in
    the 80+kilogram category. In
    wrestling, bronze also went to Kriszta Incze, in the 62-kilogram category. Also
    bronze went to the aerobic gymnastics team.

  • Radio Romania International Sports club

    Radio Romania International Sports club

    One of 2023’s most important
    sports events is underway in Poland’s Krakow. The European Games, until July 2nd
    brings together almost 7,000 athletes of 48 countries, competing in 19 sports
    disciplines. Representing Romania are 150 athletes, of whom 74 compete in the
    women’s version of the event and 76 will prove their mettle in the men’s
    version of the competition. The Romanian athletes will take the start in
    athletics, badminton, basketball, boxing, cycling, judo, Kayak-canoe, karate,
    rugby in 7, ski jumps, diving, fencing, taekwondo, table tennis, teqball, target
    archery, shooting sports and triathlon. Several world and European champions
    are part of the Romania delegation, among whom the two athletes who will bear
    the flags at the Games’ opening ceremony: men’s canoe world and European
    champion, rower Cătălin
    Chirilă, and the European title holder in the hammer throw event, athlete Bianca

    In the Olympic
    sports disciplines where events as part of the Games are jointly hosted by
    Krakow and Malopolska Polish province, results in all disciplines also count
    towards the qualification to the 2024 edition of the Paris Olympics. For that particular
    reason, the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee has been very keen on the
    Romanian delegation’s auspicious participation in the Polish event. Talks with
    the federations that will participate in the European Games, have revealed a
    stated aim of 12-14 medals, the president of the Olympic and Sports Committee
    Mihai Covaliu has stated in Bucharest.

    We recall
    that 4 years ago at the European Games in Minsk Romania came in 26th
    according to the nations’ competition final rankings, wit 10 medals Of those
    two were gold, three silver and five bronze, Gold went to the winner of the 10m
    air rifle event, Laura Georgeta Coman, and Cătălin Chirilă and Victor
    Mihalachi, winner of the men’s pair 1,000m race. Silver went to Dacian Barna and
    Andreea Bogati in the aerobic gymnastics mixed pairs event. In table tennis, the
    mixed doubles pair made of Ovidiu Ionescu and Bernadette Szőcs and Romania’s women’s
    table tennis team also walked home with silver. In sambo, the winners of the
    bronze medals were Daniela Poroineanu, in the 56-kilogram category, Anda
    Mihaela Vâlvoi, in the 64-kilogram category and Alina-Petronela Păunescu, in
    the 80+kilogram category. In
    wrestling, bronze also went to Kriszta Incze, in the 62-kilogram category. Also
    bronze went to the aerobic gymnastics team.

  • Noutăţi în învăţământ

    Noutăţi în învăţământ

    După o vacanţă intersemestrială de o săptămână, elevii din România au revenit, de luni, în clase. Şi, odată cu începerea celui de-al doilea semestru, au parte şi de un regulament şcolar nou potrivit căruia ei sau părinţii lor au dreptul să conteste rezultatele evaluărilor scrise de la clasă, solicitând învăţătorului sau profesorului să le justifice în termen de cinci zile de la comunicare. Dacă argumentele prezentate de cadrul didactic nu sunt considerate satisfăcătoare, elevii sau părinţii pot solicita directorului unităţii de învăţământ reevaluarea lucrării scrise. Pentru soluţionarea cererii de reevaluare, directorul va desemna două cadre didactice de specialitate, din unitatea de învăţământ, care nu predau la clasa respectivă.

    Media notelor acordate separat de cei doi profesori este nota rezultată în urma reevaluării. În cazul în care diferenţa dintre nota acordată de cadrul didactic de la clasă şi nota rezultată în urma reevaluării este mai mică de un punct, contestaţia este respinsă şi nota iniţială rămâne neschimbată. În cazul în care diferenţa este de cel puţin un punct, contestaţia este acceptată. Tot potrivit noului regulament şcolar, conducerea şi personalul din unitatea de învăţământ nu pot face publice datele personale şi rezultatele şcolare ale elevilor.

    Aceştia şi părinţii lor au dreptul să fie consultaţi şi să-şi exprime opţiunea pentru disciplinele aflate în oferta educaţională a unităţii de învăţământ, în concordanţă cu nevoile şi interesele de învăţare ale elevilor, cu specificul şcolii şi cu nevoile comunităţii locale sau ale partenerilor economici. Părinţii care nu îşi trimit copiii la şcoală vor primi amenzi. Ei nu mai pot nici motiva absenţele copiilor decât trei zile pe semestru în loc de şapte.

    În noul regulament şcolar este prevăzut, de asemenea, că elevii au dreptul la tarife reduse cu 75% pentru accesul la muzee, la concerte, la spectacole de teatru, de operă, de film şi la alte manifestări culturale şi sportive organizate de instituţiile publice. Ei beneficiază, pe tot parcursul anului calendaristic, de tarif redus cu 50% pentru transportul local în comun. Ministerul Educaţiei, prin unităţile de învăţământ, decontează elevilor care nu pot fi şcolarizaţi în localitatea de domiciliu, cheltuielile de transport, pe bază de abonament, în limita a 50 km.

    De aceeaşi facilitate beneficiază şi elevii care locuiesc la internat sau în gazdă, cărora li se asigură decontarea sumei ce reprezintă contravaloarea a opt călătorii dus-întors pe semestru. Nu în ultimul rând, elevii pot beneficia şi de credite bancare pentru continuarea studiilor.