Tag: Donetsk

  • August, 16, 2022

    August, 16, 2022

    MEDAL Romanian swimmer David Popovici won gold in the 200
    meter freestyle race of the European Aquatics Championships in Rome. Popvici,
    17, the world’s en titre champion, ended the race in one minute, 42 seconds and
    97 hundredths, a new world and European record. We recall that Popovici also
    walked away with gold from the 100 and 200 meter freestyle races of the World
    Championships in Budapest. The Romanian swimmer also got the title on Saturday
    night in the 100 meter freestyle race with a new world record of 46 seconds and
    86 hundredths. The Romanian swimmer is also expected to run in the 400 meter
    race on Wednesday.

    BUDGET The government in Bucharest is this week preparing the first budget adjustment
    in 2022, which has been described by the country’s Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca
    as positive. The Ministries of Finance, Labour and European Projects are to get
    more money and so are the Ministries of Healthcare, Energy, Transport, Justice
    and Agriculture. The Ministries of the Interior, the Environment and Culture have
    seen their funds trimmed as Finance Minister Adrian Caciu has announced that a
    key priority are the measures the Executive has taken in order to boost the economy
    and support the citizens against the backdrop of a soaring inflation rate. Among
    the aforementioned measures there are a support scheme aimed at offsetting
    growing prices in gas and electricity, state subsidies for fuel consumption in
    agriculture as well as credits for farmers. Under the new measures consolidated
    budget deficit is estimated to exceed 16 billion euros, which account for 5.8%
    of the GDP.

    EXAM Roughly 35 thousand students are presently taking the national
    baccalaureate exam in the autumn session, which kicks off today. 22 thousand of
    them have graduated this year and the exam’s final results are to be made
    public on September 3rd. The success rate in the first session of this exam
    held in July stood at 75% being the highest in the past 10 years.

    BORDER Over 1, 500, 000 people, Romanian and foreign
    nationals, have crossed Romania’s borders over August 12th and 15th the General
    Border Police Inspectorate has announced today. The most intense traffic has
    been reported at Romania’s border with Hungary. 13 thousand Ukrainian nationals
    entered Romania on Monday 0.2% more than in the previous day, which brings up to
    2 million the number of refugees that have crossed into Romania since the
    beginning of the conflict in February.

    A pro-Russia
    separatist court in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, has charged five foreign
    nationals, including a Swede, a Croat and a Brit, captured fighting alongside
    the Ukrainian forces with being mercenaries. According to Russian media the
    three could face a possible death sentence. We recall that authorities in
    Dontesk in June sentenced to death two British citizens and a Moroccan but
    didn’t apply the sentence yet. According to some reports, Ukrainian artillery
    has struck the headquarters of Russia’s shadowy Wagner paramilitary group of
    mercenaries in eastern Ukraine. The Wagner group was deployed to Crimea and
    Ukraine’s Donbas region in 2014, when Russia-backed forces ousted Ukrainian
    soldiers from areas they later declared to be part of Russia. Wagner units have
    also been deployed to Syria, Libya, Mali and the Central African Republic.
    Western intelligence links the group to Russian oligarch Yevgheny Prigozhin,
    who was dubbed Putin’s chef as his catering business has long helped President
    Putin and his armed forces.


  • July 16, 2022

    July 16, 2022

    SUPPORT ‘The Republic of Moldova doesn’t have to be and won’t be
    alone in its efforts to implement the reforms it needs’, Romania’s Foreign
    Minister Bogdan Aurescu said on Friday at the end of the second edition of the
    Ministerial Conference of the Support Platform for the Republic of Moldova.
    According to the head of the Romanian diplomacy this platform is ‘a permanent
    instrument’ and is useful for Chisinau’s efforts to join the European Union. Financial
    assistance pledges of up to 600 million euros were issued during the conference
    for the support of this ex-soviet republic with a Romanian-speaking majority.
    The event in Bucharest brought together delegations from 33 countries, members
    of the EU, G7, the European Free Trade Association, international bodies,
    financial institutions and UN agencies. German Foreign Minister Annalena
    Baerbock announced a financial assistance package for this state of up to 77
    million euros. On the sidelines of the conference Minister Aurescu held talks
    with the OSCE Secretary General, Helga Schmid on the security crises triggered
    by the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

    WEATHER Britain is bracing up for a hot weekend
    with very high temperatures. A national emergency has been declared after a red
    extreme heat warning was issued for a first time. Temperatures are expected to
    hit 40 degrees Celsius and hot weather warnings have been issued in France
    as well. In only three days in Spain the heatwave caused 84 deaths mostly
    among the elderly. Weathermen have cautioned that temperatures will remain high
    for another 10 days.

    GREECE A second contingent of 28
    Romanian firefighters has left for Greece to replace their colleagues who in
    the past two weeks have assisted the local authorities in monitoring and
    extinguishing forest fires in areas north of Athens. Several fire engines, a
    tanker as well as command and control vehicles have been deployed to the
    affected areas. In the past 15 days, firefighters from Romania have
    participated in various missions in the regions of Schimatari and Porto
    Germeno. Last year Romania also helped Greece in its fight against devastating
    forest fires.

    WAR Ukraine has accused the Russian army of
    using the platform of the nuclear power plant they occupied in Zaporozhe to
    launch attacks in the southern region of Nikopol, an industrial area on the
    Dnieper River. Ukraine has lashed out at the International Atomic Energy Agency
    for not putting enough pressure on Moscow to pull out its troops from the
    plant. According to Ukraine’s security service, on Friday night, the Ukrainian
    army managed to bring down two Russian warplanes. The Russians shelled the city
    of Kramatorsk in Donbas while in Donetsk, several Russian rockets have
    destroyed the railway infrastructure and also hit civilian targets. The
    anti-aircraft defence system of Ukrainian capital Kyiv last night managed to
    shoot down a Russian missile and in Mykolaiv an Orlan-10 Russian drone has been
    shot down by the Ukrainian forces. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has
    appointed a fresh regional government in Cernauti, close to the NATO border.

    COVID-19 Romanian authorities on Saturday have reported 3,718 new
    SARS-CoV-2 infections. 103 patients are being treated in ICUs and 7 related
    fatalities have been registered. Since the beginning of the pandemic in
    Romania, authorities have reported 65,800 related fatalities.

    AMENDMENTS The government in Bucharest on
    Friday endorsed the final amendments to tax legislation. Some changes are set
    to come into effect on August 1, while others on January 1 next year. After
    consultations with social partners, with employers’ associations, trade unions,
    and local elected representatives, the Finance Ministry made several changes to
    the initial bill. They accepted the proposal by hospitality industry employers
    for companies to choose between specific taxes and tax on profits. According to
    the changes, VAT would go up from 5 to 9% for restaurants, hotels, and catering
    firms, while VAT for soft drinks would go up from 9 to 19%. Starting on August
    1, tax incentives in construction and the food industry are granted for
    salaries of up to 10,000 lei, about 2,000 Euro, and not up to 30,000 lei, about
    6,000 Euro, as it is at present. Also next month, excises will go up for
    alcohol and tobacco products. The tax on dividends goes up from 5 to 8 percent.
    At the same time, people with salaries of up to 4,550 lei, about 900 Euro,
    young people below 26, and people providing child care would get deductions.


  • Ukraine – dernières évolutions

    Ukraine – dernières évolutions

    Les forces de défense ukrainiennes ont pris des mesures spéciales pour renforcer la sécurité et la protection à la frontière avec la République de Moldova, dans sa partie transnistrienne, a annoncé le porte-parole du Service national de frontière de l’Ukraine. Il a précisé que les postes-frontières de la section transnistrienne, comme ceux de la frontière avec le Belarus et la Russie, demeuraient fermés, conformément à la décision du gouvernement de Kiev. Sur le terrain, la Russie a poursuivi ses attaques, visant le contrôle total des régions de l’est de l’Ukraine de Donetsk et de Lougansk et la création d’un couloir terrestre vers la Crimée, informe l’Etat major des Forces armées ukrainiennes. L’armée russe continue de bloquer les militaires ukrainiens dans la ville-port de Marioupol, dans la zone de l’usine Azovstal. Moscou a également accru le nombre de drones envoyés dans la région d’Odessa pour des opérations de reconnaissance aérienne. Les responsables locaux affirment que les Russes mènent des opérations psychologiques spéciales dans la région, essayant de générer la panique parmi la population civile, en lançant de fausses nouvelles et des infox.

  • February 22, 2022 UPDATE

    February 22, 2022 UPDATE

    UKRAINE – Russia’s decision to recognize the two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine erodes efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict and the current crisis has been created by Russia alone, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday evening. According to Stoltenberg, everything indicates that Russia continues to plan a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Calling this “the most dangerous moment in European security for a generation,” the NATO Secretary General said that Europe and North America continue to stand strong together in NATO, committed to defend and protect each other. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a news conference that Russia is firmly against Ukraine’s joining NATO and demanded that the country should withdraw its NATO membership application. Previously, Russia’s upper house of parliament voted in favor of giving Putin authority to send troops to support the separatists in Donetsk and Luhansk. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the nation on Tuesday, denouncing the violation Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity after Moscow recognized the independence of the two separatist “republics”, in the east of the country. Zelensky also said he is expecting clear and effective steps to be taken by the Western allies against Russia. At the end of a meeting of the EU foreign ministers, the head of European diplomacy, Joseph Borell said that the risk of conflict is real and announced the adoption of a first set of tough sanctions against Moscow, following Russias recognition of the self-proclaimed peoples republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, in eastern Ukraine. The OSCE has reiterated its support for Kiev at a meeting of its representatives held in Vienna.

    REACTIONS – Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis, has condemned the blatant violation of international law by Russia, which recognized the independence of the separatist republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine, saying this move should receive a very harsh response from the international community. In turn, the Bucharest Government condemns any attempt at undermining the territorial integrity of Ukraine, and emphasizes the fact that undermining the statehood of a UN member state is a revisionist approach, a threat to peace in Europe and the whole world. Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă said Romania can take in a large number of refugees from Ukraine. He also said there are no repatriation requests yet from any of the approximately 400,000 Romanians living in the neighboring Ukraine. Russias move was also criticized by political leaders in Bucharest. In another development, the Romanian Foreign Ministry has raised the alert level to high, urging Romanians in Ukraine to leave the country immediately in the context of a serious deterioration of the security situation in that country and in the Black Sea region and of the recognition, by the Russian President Vladimir Putin, of the independence of the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk.

    VACCINES – The EU member states agreed on Tuesday to open their borders for travelers from outside the Union who are vaccinated with one of the shots authorized by the World Health Organisation (WHO), Reuters reports. Thus, starting March 1st, travelers immunized with shots produced in India and China can also enter the EU. The EU has so far authorized vaccines produced by Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Novavax. Until now, most EU countries have not admitted people from outside the bloc travelling for non-essential reasons if they have been vaccinated with shots not approved in the EU.

    SRI – Romania’s security situation from the perspective offered by the legal attributions of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) is stable, said Cristian Chirtes, chairman of the Joint Standing Committee of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate for the exercise of parliamentary control over the activity of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI). This is the main conclusion of the Committee’s meeting, which was also attended by the head of the Romanian Intelligence Service, Eduard Hellvig. The meeting focused on the presentation of Romania’s security situation from the perspective of the attributions that the SRI has inside the country’s borders and in the context of tensions in the region. (EE)

  • Ucraina: Romania condanna riconoscimento “indipendenza” Donetsk e Lugansk

    Ucraina: Romania condanna riconoscimento “indipendenza” Donetsk e Lugansk

    Il presidente Klaus Iohannis ha affermato che la Romania condanna fermamente il riconoscimento da parte della Federazione Russa dell’ indipendenza delle autoproclamate repubbliche separatiste di Donetsk e Lugansk in Ucraina, sottolineando che si tratta di una e flagrante violazione del diritto internazionale, e la comunità internazionale deve reagire con risolutezza.

    Tramite questa decisione, la Russia viola gli obblighi che le incombono in veste di firmatario degli Accordi di Minsk, che in tal modo diventano privi di contenuto. La Russia, membro permanente del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’ONU, minaccia, attraverso le sue azioni, la pace e a sicurezza globale garantite dal Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’ONU stesso, violando deliberatamente i principi di diritto internazionale previsti dalla Carta delle Nazioni Unite e dall’Atto finale di Helsinki, ha detto il capo dello stato.

    Klaus Iohannis ha aggiunto che la Romania ribadisce anche in questo contesto il forte sostegno alla sovranità e all’integrità territoriale dell’Ucraina, e lavorerà in coordinamento con i suoi partner e alleati per l’applicazione delle misure di risposta adeguate.

    Il Governo della Romania condanna qualsiasi tentativo di mettere in forse l’integrità territoriale dell’Ucraina e sottolinea che mettere in dubbio la statalità di uno Stato membro dell’ONU rappresenta un approccio revisionista, che minaccia la pace in Europa e nel mondo.

    Condanniamo fermamente qualsiasi tentativo di mettere in dubbio la sovranità, l’integrità territoriale e l’indipendeza dell’Ucraina. Mettere in dubbio l’integrità di uno Stato membro dell’ONU equivale ad un approccio revisionista, che minaccia la pace e la stabilità in Europa, ha trasmesso il Governo.

  • Romanian headcoach Mircea Lucescu obtains the first trophy with Dinamo Kiev

    Romanian headcoach Mircea Lucescu obtains the first trophy with Dinamo Kiev

    Uruguayan Carlos de Pena opened the scoring for Dinamo,
    holder of the trophy, in the 20th minute, Gerson Rodrigues of Luxembourg
    on 31st minute and Spanish Fran Sol added the winner 7 minutes from
    time. Junior Moraes, a Ukrainian of Brazilian descent, who used to play for the
    Romanian side Gloria Bistrita, scored for Shaktar on 37 minutes allowing Dinamo
    to win their eighth Super Cup trophy. We recall the team in Kiev also reaped this
    trophy two years ago.

    Lucescu was hired as Dinamo’s headcoach in July although he was
    contested by the team’s fans for having coached its archrival Shakhtar Donetsk between
    2004 and 2016. Under Lucescu’s guidance Shakhtar won eight champion titles, six
    cups and seven Super Cups.

    Lucescu’s most important performance was the UEFA Cup in the
    2008-2009 season Shakhtar secured after a 2-1 win against Werder Bremen in the extra

    Mircea Lucescu, one of Romania’s best headcoaches, turned 75
    on July 29th. His first major result was to qualify our national
    football side for the European Championship in 1984. After 1990 he coached Italian football sides,
    Pisa, Brescia, Reggiana and Inter Milan.

    In 2000 he started coaching Turkish side Galatasaray with
    which he won UEFA Super Cup in Monte Carlo, after a 2-1 win in the extra time
    against Real Madrid. He then started coaching Shakhtar Donetsk in Ukraine, then
    Zenit Saint Petersburg for a year and from August 2017 until February 2019 he
    coached Turkey’s national side.

    (translated by bill)

  • November 10, 2018 UPDATE

    November 10, 2018 UPDATE

    Romanian president Klaus Iohannis is in France to participate in ceremonies
    marking 100 years since the end of WWI. French president Emmanuel Macron has
    invited to these ceremonies about 50 heads of state and government from the
    countries, which participated with troops in the Great War. At the Romanian
    embassy in Paris, President Iohannis on Saturday had a meeting with Romanian
    students involved in research activities in the French capital, an event also
    attended by the French Nobel-prize laureate in Physics this year professor
    Gerard Mourou. The Romanian president told the young people attending the
    meeting they are Romania’s best ambassadors abroad. Iohannis has also voiced
    hope that some of these young people will have the chance of working in Romania
    as well and he further referred to the research center around the ELI laser
    project close to Bucharest, which already attracts researchers from the EU and
    non-EU countries.

    MAE The Foreign Affairs Ministry in
    Bucharest (MAE) does not recognize the legitimacy of the so-called ‘election’
    on November 11th in the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk,
    controlled by the pro-Russia separatists. Bucharest has firmly condemned the election,
    which runs counter the Minsk Agreement, providing for peaceful solutions to the
    conflict in the region. Bucharest has also reiterated its support for the
    independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its
    internationally-recognized borders and condemns any attempt to ignore international
    laws and undermine efforts aimed at implementing peace in eastern Ukraine.

    TENNIS Coach Darren Cahill has announced he will no longer collaborate with
    the world’s number one player Simona Halep of Romania in 2019 due to family
    reasons. In a message posted on Instagram, Cahill has thanked Halep for
    cooperation and mentioned her good qualities as an athlete. Halep has also
    thanked the coach for their four-year cooperation. We recall that in the past
    two years Halep has made it to the first position in the world’s rankings and
    last year in October she reaped her first Grand Slam title at Roland Garros.
    Halep is going to end this year on the first position in the WTA ranking, being
    designated the world’s best woman tennis player of the year.

    DOODLE Google has dedicated November 10th to the world’s first
    female engineer, Romanian Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu through a doodle that
    appears on its first page in 22 countries. Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu was born in
    Galati, eastern Romania, on November 10th 1887. After graduating
    from high-school, she got her application turned down by the School of Bridges
    and Motorways in Bucharest because she was a woman. She graduated from the
    Royal Technical Academy in Berlin and was put in charge of the laboratories of
    Romania’s Institute of Geology.

    (translated by bill)

  • L’Ukraine choisit la démocratie

    L’Ukraine choisit la démocratie

    Prévisibles, car les sondages sur les intentions de vote indiquaient déjà le fait que l’électorat ukrainien penchait massivement vers les formations pro-européennes, les résultats des élections du dimanche dernier pour le parlement de Kiev ont été saluées unanimement en Occident. Les nostalgiques de l’Union Soviétique ou les adeptes de l’ancien président russophile Viktor Ianukovitch deviennent minoritaires sur les bancs de la Rada(parlement ukrainien).

    Et, pour la première fois après la proclamation de son indépendance en 1991, les communistes ne franchissent pas le seuil électoral de 5% pour accéder au Législatif. Les Etats Unis, l’Union Européenne ainsi que les pays membres de celle-ci ont relevé tant la correctitude d’organisation du scrutin que son dénouement. A Bucarest, aussi, les principaux responsables politiques on applaudi le choix européen du plus grand, en territoire et population, des voisins de la Roumanie. Le président Traian Bàsescu a précisé que la Roumanie demeure un partenaire loyal de l’Ukraine sur sa voie d’intégration européenne à propos de laquelle il a dit qu’elle est très difficile mais qu’elle représente l’unique option correcte. Le résultat des élections législatives est un signe clair du fait que le peuple ukrainien demeure uni dans sa volonté de paix, de démocratie et d’unité nationale – appréciait, à son, tour, le Ministère roumain des AE.

    La diplomatie de Bucarest remarque que les responsables ukrainiens ont réussi à assurer le déroulement d’un processus électoral transparent et correct en dépit de la situation difficile de sécurité pendant le déroulement du scrutin à la suite des obstructions du côté des ainsi dites « autorités »des régions séparatistes et de Crimée. Le Ministère roumain des Affaires Etrangères exprime sa confiance que les résultats de ce scrutin parlementaire puissent créer les conditions nécessaires pour réunir en Ukraine une coalition gouvernementale pro-européenne solide en mesure d’agir constamment et fermement. L’Ukraine, orientée , enfin, vers l’ouest, doit pourtant continuer la gestion des plus brûlants dossiers de l’Est.

    Selon les analystes, la nouvelle majorité du parlement est favorable à une plus dure offensive contre les séparatistes pro-russes du Donbas où, à partir du mois d’avril, les combats ont fait plus de 3700 morts. Moscou a déclaré reconnaître les élections programmées le 2 novembre par les séparatistes de l’est de l’Ukraine pour la direction des républiques auto-proclamées Donetsk et Lougansk. Le président ukrainien Petro Porosenko a d’ailleurs averti que ces pseudo-élections mettent en danger tout le processus de paix et contreviennent de façon flagrante aux accords de Minsk où Kiev et les sécessionnistes avaient convenu sur un armistice fragile mais violé à maintes reprises. (trad Costin Grigore)

  • June 27, 2014

    June 27, 2014

    HISTORIC MOMENT-The Republic of Moldova, a country with a majority Romanian speaking population, and Georgia have today signed in Brussels the EU Association and Free Trade Agreements. Also today, Ukraine has signed the economic component of the bilateral document with the EU. The President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barosso, has deemed the signing of the agreements as historic. He has warned however that their success depends on the three former Soviet states’ going ahead with a series of reforms, which bring them closer to the European political, economic and cultural values. In Chishinau, pro-western Prime Minister Iurie Leanca claims that he has prepared the relevant institutions to efficiently implement the Association Agreement, which he considers to be a stage in his country’s EU accession process. In exchange, the Moscow-leaning opposition-communist and socialist- is committed to restoring the partnership with Russia, if it returns to power, following the legislative elections due in autumn. Romania, a fervent and consistent supporter of Moldova’s European integration, is represented at the Brussels Summit by President Traian Basescu.

    MOSCOW– Russia has again threatened to take new measures to protect its domestic market, if it notices that the former Soviet republics’ association with the EU affects its commercial interests. Our correspondent in Moscow quotes a communiqué issued by the Russian Foreign Ministry as reading that the agreements signed in Brussels on Friday by the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia can cause huge damage to the Russian economy, as a direct consequence of halting cooperation in the field of production and of reducing Moscow’s relations with Chishinau, Kiev and Tbilisi, respectively. The Russian Federation’s Aviation Authorities have already announced that they no longer allow the Air Moldova airline to operate the flight between Moscow and Chishinau and back, without however providing an explanation.

    UKRAINE— Four OSCE observers, who were abducted by pro-Russian rebels a month ago, have been released. Last night, they arrived in Donetsk, a fiefdom of the separatists in eastern Ukraine. Separatist leaders, who claim to have control of all paramilitary groups which fight against the Ukrainian forces, blamed the observers’ abduction on a gang. Also in Donetsk, pro-Russian insurgents have announced they seized a Ukrainian military base. In another move, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has expressed his readiness to sign what he called a peace deal with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, in an attempt to put an end to the insurgency.

    ROMANIAN LIBERALS-The National Liberal Party, the main right wing-opposition party in Romania, is today meeting in an extraordinary Congress to endorse the changes brought to the party statute. An ordinary Congress convenes on Saturday to elect a new party leadership. The mayor of the central Romanian town of Sibiu, Klaus Iohannis, stands highest chances of becoming party president. The Liberals should also decide on a merger with the Liberal Democratic Party, the other main party of centre-right orientation in Romania. In another move, the Liberals should also make a decision on their party’s leaving the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, ALDE, and joining the European People’s Party, EPP. We recall that in February, the National Liberal Party denounced the ruling alliance with the Social Democrats and joined the opposition.

    TOP-LEVEL SCANDAL– The Court of Appeal in Bucharest is today analysing the appeal made by Mircea Basescu, the brother of the Romanian president, against a court decision which led to his 30-day arrest, pending trial, in an influence peddling file. A week ago, the Bucharest Tribunal decided to arrest Mircea Basescu, at the anti-corruption prosecutors’ request, who accused him of taking a 250,000 Euro bribe, in exchange for trying to influence a favourable ruling in a manslaughter attempt lawsuit, against a ringleader.

    TENNIS– Romania’s 3rd seeded tennis player Simona Halep is today meeting Ukrainian Lesia Tsurenko in the second round of the Wimbledon tennis tournament, the third largest Grand Slam of the year. Scheduled for Thursday, the match has been postponed because of heavy rain. Halep is the last Romanian woman tennis player left in the Ladies’ Singles, after five of her co-nationals had got eliminated. In the Ladies’ Doubles, Romanian Monica Niculescu and Czech Klara Koukalova will play in the first round against the Spanish pair Garbine Muguruza/Carla Suarez Navarro, and the Romanian-Italian pair Irina Begu – Karin Knapp will meet Russians Ekaterina Makarova/Elena Vesnina. In the first round of the Mixed Doubles, the pair made up of Romanian Florin Mergea and Ukrainian Elina Svitolina will meet the pair made up of German Andre Begemann and Ukrainian Olga Savciuk.

  • Semana deportiva 17 de julio de 2013

    Semana deportiva 17 de julio de 2013

    Arranca esta edicion del deporte con


    Ayer, martes, el Steaua de Bucarest ganó al Vardar de Skopje, por 3-0 en casa. El Steaua hizo todo un espectáculo en el Arena Nacional y debutó con una victoria en su nueva aventura en La Champions, después de 5 años en que faltó de esta competición.

    El partido de vuelta , el FK Vardar Skopje vs. el Steaua de Bucarest, se disputará en Macedonia, el próximo 23 de julio.

    También anoche, el Pandurii de Tg. Jiu empató a 0 al Levadia Tallín, fuera de casa, en la Liga Europa.


    La tenista rumana Simona Halep ganó el torneo WTA en Budapest, dotado con premios totales de 235.000 dólares, tras haber derrotado en la final a la austriaca Yvonne Meusburger, el pasado domingo en 3 sets, por 6-3, 6-7 (7), 6-1, en un partido que duró dos horas y 28 minutos. Simona Halep (de 21 años, nr. 30 WTA), la tercera favorita en Budapest, obtuvo un cheque de 40.000 dólares y 280 puntos WTA.

    Simona Halep se adjudicó 3 de los últimos 4 torneos en que ha participado este año, en Nuremberg, Hertogenbosch y Budapest, salvo el torneo en Wimbledon, donde perdió en la segunda ronda. En 2013, ha logrado tres victorias en el circuito WTA, tras haber disputado 3 finales anteriormente, en 2010 y 2011 en Fés, y en 2012, en Bruselas.

    Según señala Agerpres, Halep se ha convertido en la cuarta rumana de la historia con al menos 3 victorias en el circuito WTA, después de Virginia Ruzici (12 títulos WTA), Irina Spîrlea (4 títulos WTA) y Ruxandra Dragomir Ilie (4 títulos WTA). La rumana Simona Halep, ha subido al puesto 23 en el ranking mundial de las mejores jugadoras de tenis (WTA), hecho público el pasado lunes y hasta la fecha este es el mejor resultado de su carrera.


    En Tampere, Finlanda, en los Campeonatos europeos de atletismo sub23, la delegación de Rumanía cosechó un total de 4 medallas. Maria Lavric en la prueba individual, ganó el oro en 800 m, y la plata, en 400 m. También medalla de plata obtuvo Nicolae Soare, en 10.000 m, igual que la estafeta femenina de relevos 4×400 m.

    También en atletismo, pero en los Mundiales de juveniles celebrados en Doneţk, Ucrania, la atleta rumana Florentina Marincu regresó con 2 medallas de oro. Primero se impuso en triplesalto, con un resultado de 13 metros y 75 centímetros, luego en la prueba de salto con 6 m y 42 centímetros.

    Universiada en Kazán, Rusia

    La selección rumana masculina de baloncesto se clasificó, el pasado martes, en la sexta posición en la Universiada celebrada en Kazán (Rusia), tras haber sido superada por la selección de Lituania, por 87-50 (43-22).

    El principal marcador de la selección rumana fue Bogdan Ţibîrnă, con 16 puntos.

    La sexta posición representa el mejor resultado en la historia de las participaciones de la selección tricolora de baloncesto en las Universiadas.

    En la competición masculina de baloncesto de los Juegos Mundiales Universitarios en Rusia participaron un total de 24 equipos.

    También en Kazán (Rusia), el rumano Ştefan Gheorghiţă, conquistó el oro en el concurso de luchas libres, en la categoría de 84 kg.

    En la final, el rumano derrotó por 3-1 al ruso Şamil Kudiyamagomedov. Ştefan Gheorghiţă es estudiante en la Universidad de Oeste de Timişoara. Tras haber superado al francés Stephane Marczinski y al bielorruso Amarhadshi Magomedov (por 4-0, y 4-1 respectivamente), entró en la lucha por las medallas gracias a la victoria por 3-1 en los cuartos ante Piotr Ianulov (de la República de Moldavia), para disponer en las semifinales del uzbeko Unidjon Ismailov, también por 3-1.

    Para la delegación de Rumanía en Kazán, el pasado jueves fue un día especial, con 2 medallas de oro obtenidas por el luchador Ştefan Gheorghiţă y la atleta Roxana Bîrcă, en 5.000 metros, así como una medalla de bronce, adjudicada por la atleta Carmen Toma, en triplesalto. Gracias a estos éxitos, el balance de la delegación de Rumania en la Universiada de verano en Rusia es de dos medallas de oro y cuatro de bronce.

    El equipo femenino de espada de Rumanía sufrió una derrota en Kazán y salió de la lucha por las medallas.

    Las tricoloras (Maria Udrea, Simona Pop, Diana Donoiu) no pudieron pasar de los cuartos después de 21-28 con Corea del Sur. En la primera ronda, Rumanía había ganado al equipo de Italia por 45-42.

    En judo, en la categoría de 48 kg, Violeta Dumitru perdió en la segunda ronda ante la turca Ebru Şahin, en las reclasificaciones derrotó a Antonieta Galleguillos (de Chile), y luego fue eliminada por la polaca Ewa Konieczny.

    En las pruebas de natación, Alin Alexandru Artimon y Daniel Macovei tuvieron actuaciones modestas y no pudieron pasar de la primera vuelta de clasificaciones. Artimon registró el 21 resultado en las series de 400 metros libre (3 min 58 sec 46/100), y Macovei fue el 33 en la prueba de 100 m espalda (57 sec 66/100).

    La atleta Florina Pierdevară se situó en el noveno puesto en su serie de 1.500 m, con el tiempo de 4 min 21 s 85/100, y falló la entrada en la final.

    Cristian Vorovenci logró el decimo resultado en las clasificaciones de 800 m masculino — 1 min 52 s 31/100 — y se clasificó para las semifinales.

    Hasta aquí el deporte de hoy. Volveremos la próxima semana en RRI.