Tag: Dorin Chirtoaca

  • The outcome of mayoral elections in Chisinau

    The outcome of mayoral elections in Chisinau

    It’s for the
    first time in 27 years of independence of the Republic of Moldova that the
    winner of the race for mayor of capital Chisinau is not allowed to take over
    office. On Monday night, the Supreme Court of Justice confirmed the rulings
    issued previously by another two lower courts and therefore invalidated the
    outcome of the June 3rd round of elections for the office of mayor
    of Chisinau, won by the leader of the pro-European platform ‘Dignity and Truth’
    Andrei Nastase.

    Both Nastase and
    his opponent, the pro-Russia socialist Ion Ceban, were accused of addressing
    voters on social media on election day, after the legal end of campaigning.
    According to the Court, this has invalidated the entire ballot and therefore
    annulled the 125,000 votes won by Nastase. The ruling is final and cannot be
    appealed. The mayor elect has vehemently accused the Democratic Party, the main
    player in a self-declared pro-European government, and its leader, the
    controversial oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc of benefiting from this ruling.

    Andrei Nastase: This has never happened anywhere in the
    world. Never has a court invalidated elections without anybody asking for that.
    This is quite unique! It’s a spit in the face of our people, but also in the
    face of the entire world, a civilized world, which has promptly reacted to
    what’s been happening here. From now on, the Republic of Moldova will be known
    in the world not only as the country where somebody has stolen one billion and
    where the Russian mafia has laundered 30 billion, but also as the country where
    elections have been invalidated by mere theft.

    Besides the
    political scandal, the Court’s ruling has also created an institutional
    deadlock. According to the Electoral Code, in case of invalidation, a new
    ballot should be organized within two weeks, by excluding the candidates that
    broke the law. Another article of the same Code, however, reads that elections cannot
    be held within less than a year before the normal round, scheduled in this case
    for June 2019.

    The mayoral
    office remained vacant after the mayor elected in 2015, the pro-European
    Liberal Dorin Chirtoaca resigned, as he was indicted in a case which he
    described as politically commissioned. According to the US Embassy in Chisinau,
    the Supreme Court’s ruling has reinforced the public’s perception of political
    interference in the judiciary of the Republic of Moldova.

    In turn, the EU
    Ambassador to Moldova, Peter Michalko, has stated he was extremely disappointed
    by the decision of the Supreme Court, saying that the will of the people,
    expressed in free and fair elections, has not been respected.

    In Bucharest,
    the Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu has warned that political
    tension might affect the stability of the Republic of Moldova, the right-wing
    opposition has voiced support for Nastase, and the media has bluntly dubbed the
    invalidation of the mayoral elections in Chisinau as mere ‘garbage’.

  • Referendum in Chişinău mangels Wahlbeteiligung ungültig

    Referendum in Chişinău mangels Wahlbeteiligung ungültig

    Das Referendum über die Amtsenthebung des Bürgermeisters der moldawischen Hauptstadt Chişinău, des Liberalen Dorin Chirtoacă, ist gescheitert. Die Voklsbefragung ist mangels Wahlbeteiligung ungültig. Es beiteiligten sich nur 17,5% der Wahlberechtigten. Damit das Referendum validiert werden soll, ist die Beteiligung von wenigstens einem Drittel der wahlberechtigten Personen notwendig. Die Volksbefragung wurde von der prorussischen Partei der Sozialisten, des Staatspräsidenten Igor Dodon initiiert. Zwei weitere wichtige linksorientierte Parteien, die Kommunistische Partei und Unsere Partei schlossen sich der Initiative an. Die meisten proeuropäischen Parteien haben das Referendum bojkottiert. Die Sozialisten haben die lokalen Behörden beschuldigt, die Wahllisten angeschwellt zu haben, damit die Volksbefragung die Hürde nicht erzielen soll.

    Der Bürgermeister der Hauptstadt Chişinău Dorin Chirtoacă bedankte sich bei den Bürgern, weil sie nicht an die Urnen gegangen sind. Er warnte aber, dass trotz der Ungültigkeit des Referendums, sich das Problem der Stadtverwaltung nicht lösen werde, weil er weiterhin seines Amtes enthoben bleibe. Laut unseren Korrespondenten in Chişinău, habe Dorin Chirtoacă seine Absicht erklärt, dass er seine dritte Amtszeit, die im Sommer 2018 zu Ende geht, erfolgreich beenden werde. Die politischen Probleme und die Probleme mit der Justiz begannen für den moldawischen Bürgermeister am 25. Mai, als er zusammen mit weiteren neun Angestellten der Stadtverwaltung von den Staatsanwälten des Nationalen Antikorruptionzentrums verhaftet wurde. Er wurde der Vorteilsgewährung und Bestechlichkeit beschuldigt und wurde im Juli suspendiert. In diesem Monat wurde Chirtoacă aus dem Hausarrest befreit und steht nun unter Aufsicht des Gerichts. Politkommentatoren behaupten, die Anklagen verfolgen eine politische Revanche.

    Dorin Chirtoacă wurde in einer Familie von antisowjetischen Kämpfern geboren und dementsprechend erzogen. Er wurde 2007, im Alter von nur 29 Jahren, der jungste Bürgermeister einer europäischen Hauptstadt. 2011 und 2015 hat er seine prorussischen Gegenkandidaten Igor Dodon und Zinaida Greceanîi besiegt. Der erste Vizepräsident der Liberalen Partei, der in Bukarest Jura studiert hat, plädiert für die Vereinigung mit Rumänien. Die Abstimmung für die Stadtverwaltung von Chişinău, wo ein Drittel der moldawischen Bevölkerung lebt und die die Hälfte des BIP produziert, stand immer im geopolitischen Spiel. Chişinău ist sowohl für die prowestlichen als auch für die prorussischen Politiker die begehrteste Wahltrophäe. Die Wahl des Bürgermeisters ist die Wahl zwischen Europa und Russland. Wie seine Vorfahren Nicolae Costin oder Serafim Urecheanu wurde Chirtoacă jedes Mal von der proewestlichen Mehrheit der Wahlberechtigten in Chişinău gewählt.

  • Invalidated Referendum in Chisinau

    Invalidated Referendum in Chisinau

    As predicted by many analysts, the voter turnout in the referendum aimed at dismissing the Liberal Dorin Chirtoaca, mayor general of Chisinau, in the Republic of Moldova, was too low to get the initiative validated. Only 17.5% of the voters went to the polls, as compared to a minimum one-third of eligible voters. The referendum was initiated by the pro-Russian Socialists Party headed by president Igor Dodon, and backed by two other left-wing parties, with most pro-European parties in the country boycotting the vote. Quite disappointed after the failure, the Socialists accuse the local authorities of tampering with the voter lists precisely in order to make sure that the required number of votes would not be reached.

    Chirtoaca, on the other hand, thanked the citizens of the Moldovan capital for not taking part in the vote. But, he cautioned, the problem is far from being solved. Although the dismissal will not go through, Chirtoaca is still suspended from office. But according to Radio Romania correspondents in Chisinau, he is determined to complete his third term in office, due to end in the summer of 2018.

    Chirtoacas political and judicial problems started on May 25, when he and 9 other City Hall officials were arrested by prosecutors with the National Anti-Corruption Centre, under accusations of influence peddling and overstepping his powers. In July he was suspended from office, and this month he was released from house arrest and placed under court supervision. The accusations against him, some commentators say, are rather insubstantial and aimed at political revenge.

    Born into a family of anti-Soviet militants and educated accordingly, Dorin Chirtoaca was first elected to office in 2007, at 29 years of age, to become the youngest mayor of a European capital city. A graduate from the Bucharest Law School, he has always been unequivocal about his Romanian identity, and as a senior vice-president of the Liberal Party he has been lobbying for Moldova joining Romania. In the elections of 2011 and 2015, he defeated the pro-Russians most prominent candidates, the incumbent president Igor Dodon and the former prime minister Zinaida Greceanyi.

    The elections for mayor of Chisinau, the city where one-third of Moldovas citizens live and which generates half of the countrys GDP, have always had a huge geo-political importance, analysts say. Both for the pro-Western parties, and for the pro-Russians, Chisinau is by far the most coveted electoral trophy, and the election of the mayor is also a choice between Europe and Russia. Just like his predecessors, Nicolae Costin and Serafim Urecheanu, Chirtoaca was elected each time by Chisinaus pro-Western majority, the same majority which on Sunday chose to boycott the referendum initiated by the Socialists.

  • Referendum invalidat la Chişinău

    Referendum invalidat la Chişinău

    Deznodământ anticipat de mulţi analişti, în Republica Moldova (ex-sovietică, majoritar romanofonă), referendumul privind demiterea primarului general al Capitalei, Chişinău, liberalul Dorin Chirtoacă, a eşuat din cauza prezenţei reduse la vot. La urne au venit doar 17,5% dintre alegătorii înscrişi pe liste, iar pentru validarea scrutinului era nevoie de participarea a cel puţin o treime din corpul electoral. Referendumul a fost iniţiat de Partidul Socialiştilor, filorus, al preşedintelui Igor Dodon, susţinut de alte două formaţiuni de stânga şi boicotat de majoritatea partidelor proeuropene. Digerându-şi greu eşecul, socialiştii au acuzat autorităţile locale că au umflat deliberat listele electorale, tocmai pentru ca plebiscitul să nu atingă pragul electoral.

    La rândul său, Chirtoacă le-a mulţumit cetăţenilor pentru că nu au mers la vot. Dar, departe de a jubila, el a avertizat că, deşi referendumul nu va fi validat, problema administrării oraşului nu se rezolvă, fiindcă el rămâne suspendat din funcţie. De asemenea, edilul, citat de corespondenţii Radio România la Chişinău, şi-a anunţat intenţia de a-şi duce la bun sfârşit cel de-al treilea mandat, care expiră în vara lui 2018.

    Pentru Chirtoacă, problemele politice şi, mai ales, judiciare au început pe 25 mai, când împreună cu alţi nouă angajaţi ai primăriei, a fost arestat de procurorii de la Centrul Naţional Anticorupţie, sub acuzaţiile de trafic de influenţă şi depăşire a atribuţiilor de serviciu. În iulie, el a fost suspendat din funcţie şi abia luna aceasta a fost eliberat din arest la domiciliu şi plasat sub control judiciar. Acuzaţiile contra lui, afirmă unii comentatori, sunt mai curând inconsistente şi urmăresc o revanşă politică.

    Născut într-o familie de militanţi antisovietici şi educat ca atare, Chirtoacă a fost ales în premieră în 2007, când devenea, la doar 29 de ani, cel mai tânăr primar al unei capitale europene. La următoarele scrutinuri, din 2011 şi 2015, acest absolvent de Drept la Bucureşti, care-şi asumă fără complexe identitatea românească şi, ca prim-vicepreşedinte al Partidului Liberal, pledează pentru reunificarea cu România, i-a învins clar pe candidaţii-vedetă ai filoruşilor, actualul preşedinte Igor Dodon şi, respectiv, fostul premier Zinaida Greceanîi. Votul pentru primăria Capitalei, unde trăieşte o treime din populaţia republicii şi care produce jumătate din PIB, a avut mereu, spun analiştii, o uriaşă miză geopolitică.

    Atât pentru pro-occidentali, cât şi pentru pro-moscoviţi, Chişinăul e, de departe, trofeul electoral cel mai râvnit, iar alegerea primarului e şi o opţiune între Europa şi Rusia. Ca şi predecesorii săi, Nicolae Costin sau Serafim Urecheanu, Chirtoacă a fost ales, de fiecare dată, de majoritatea pro-occidentală a electoratului din Chişinău, aceeaşi care, duminică, a preferat să boicoteze referendumul iniţiat de filoruşi.

  • May 26, 2017 UPDATE

    May 26, 2017 UPDATE

    GHITA MAKES BAIL — The Supreme Court in Serbia on Friday agreed to release former Romanian MP Sebastian Ghita on bail. Ghita paid the 200-thousand-euro bail and is forbidden to leave Belgrade without court approval. Sebastian Ghita must also check in with the local police twice every month. Wanted in a corruption investigation, Ghita fled Romania at the end of 2016, one day before his parliamentary immunity expired as he was supposed to be deposed by anti-corruption investigators. After an international arrest warrant was issued in his name, Ghita was last month arrested in Belgrade after presenting a fake Slovenian ID, an offense punishable by up to three years in prison in Serbia, a non-EU member state.

    CAIRO ATTACK — The Romanian Foreign Ministry has condemned Friday’s terrorist attack close to Minya, Egypt, expressing regret and solidarity with the Egyptian people and the Coptic Christian community, also reiterating our country’s full support to international efforts to combat all forms of terrorism. At least 28 people were killed after masked individuals opened fire on a bus carrying members of the Coptic Christian minority. The Islamic State has recently claimed the suicide bomb attacks targeting Coptic churches. Coptic Christians account for the largest Christian community in the Middle East and the oldest in Egypt, considered a beacon of Sunni Islam.

    DRILL 4 thousand troops from Romania and other NATO countries are participating until June 16th in ‘Noble Jump 2017’, the biggest multinational NATO exercise this year on the territories of Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. The Romanian troops will be joining their counterparts from Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Norway, Albania and Bulgaria and will make use of 500 technical means, the Romanian Defence Ministry informs. The drill will culminate with the artillery fire in the shooting range of Cincu, in central Romania. ‘Noble Jump 2017’ is aimed at testing the operational capabilities of the elements of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force and the level of implementing the action plan for increasing the Alliance’s Response in Bulgaria and Romania.

    SUMMIT Heads of government from the world’s most industrialized countries have convened in Sicily for a G7 summit. This is the first G7 summit attended by the president of the United States, Donald Trump. The summit will be the most difficult of recent years, European Council president Donald Tusk has said, calling for solidarity among G7 states, saying that without determination and unity, things might get out of control at global level. According to the BBC, agreements on fighting extremist violence and talks with the Japanese Prime Minister on threats posed by North Korea are high on the agenda. The summit is also expected to see divergent opinions regarding the climate change or trade. The crisis in Ukraine, the sanctions on Moscow and migration will also be tackled during talks.

    MEASLES — Romanian Health Minister Florian Bodog on Friday said that 110 thousand shots of MMR vaccine have been delivered to county healthcare authorities. The Romanian official added that the vaccination law will be debated by Parliament, saying that vaccination is the only way to prevent measles. Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu has called into attention the fact that the vaccination rate in Romania stays around 60% instead of a desired 95% and in order to stop these outbreaks the country might need compulsory vaccination. On Friday a four-month girl died of measles complications, a disease she got from her underage mother in Romania’s rural area. This is the sixth death caused by the disease in the county of Dolj, southwestern Romania and the 27th around Romania in the past months. Since 2016 Romania has seen a series of measles outbreaks mainly in children under fifteen; 6 thousand cases of infection have been reported so far.

    MAYOR The mayor general of Chisinau, the capital of the neighboring Republic of Moldova, an ex-soviet Romanian-speaking country, the pro-Western Liberal Dorin Chirtoaca was placed under 30-day house arrest on Friday by anti-corruption prosecutors for influence peddling. Deputy mayor Nistor Grozavu, a head of department and several other persons had been arrested in the same file. Upon Chirtoaca’s direction they had allegedly forged a public bid for paid parking lots around the capital. Chirtoaca got elected in 2007 to become at the age of 39, the youngest mayor of a European capital city. Chirtoaca is one of the most prominent leaders of the Liberal Party supporting the country’s EU and NATO accession and the union with Romania at the same time categorically opposing the pro-Russia direction promoted by socialist president Igor Dodon. As a sign of protest against Chirtoaca’s arrest, representatives of the Liberal Party have withdrawn from power, claiming that the investigations targeting several members of their party are politically instrumented, favouring pro-Russian parties.

    MEDIA Mass-media in Romania cannot accomplish its main responsibility, namely to inform the public and is repeatedly acting as a mouthpiece for various political and trade interests violating journalistic norms of unbiased, balanced and complete information. This is the main conclusion of the report Media Pluralism Monitor 2016, an instrument monitoring the risks of the media pluralism in the EU and outside set up by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom with EU support. According to the report, although legislative provisions in Romania are offering a solid framework, the inconsistent implementation of these provisions and practices are leading to these risks. The report also says that the development of Romania’s mass-media market is dominated by televison; the Internet use is on the rise and the printed press users are diminishing. Rapid Internet development and the availability of free content is making the survival of traditional publications very difficult in a country where people aren’t used to reading and paying for the news, the report also says.

    FOOTBALL — The Romanian Football Federation’s Board of Directors on Friday voted against a request filed by the Professional Football League to ratify the rankings of the First Football League before the end of the football season. The decision gives little chances to FSCB, the former Steaua Bucharest, to challenge the title won by FC Viitorul at the Lausanne Court of Arbitration for Sport. The First League standings for the 2016-2017 football season will be ratified in a board meeting scheduled for June 5. FCSB ended the season with the same number of points as Viitorul and claims it should have been the winner, given it has favourable results in the last 4 direct encounters with Viitorul. In another development, Dinamo Bucharest won the League Cup, while the Romanian Cup final is pitting FC Voluntari against Astra Giurgiu on Saturday.

    TENNIS — Romanian tennis player Sorana Cirstea, 67 WTA, on Friday lost to Barbora Krejcikova of the Czech Republic. On the same day Cirstea defeated Yulia Putintseva of Kazakhstan, 28 WTA. The match was interrupted on Thursday, with Cirstea leading 2-1 in sets and 4-all in games. In another development, Marius Copil has qualified to the Roland Garros main graw after defeating Peter Gojowczyk of Germany. This is the first time Marius Copil qualifies to the Roland Garros main draw. (Translated by D. Bilt & V. Palcu)

  • May 26, 2017

    May 26, 2017

    SUMMIT Heads of government from the world’s most industrialized countries have convened in Sicily for a G7 summit. This is the first G7 summit attended by the president of the United States, Donald Trump. According to the BBC, agreements on fighting extremist violence and talks with the Japanese Prime Minister on threats posed by North Korea are high on the agenda. The summit is also expected to see divergent opinions regarding the climate change or trade.

    DRILL 4 thousand troops from Romania and other NATO countries are participating until June 16th in ‘Noble Jump 2007’, the biggest multinational NATO exercise this year on the territories of Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. The Romanian troops will be joining their counterparts from Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Norway, Albania and Bulgaria and will make use of 500 technical means, the Romanian Defence Ministry informs. The drill will culminate with the artillery fire in the shooting range of Cincu, in central Romania. ‘Noble Jump 2007’ is aimed at testing the operational capabilities of the elements of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force and the level of implementing the action plan for increasing the Alliance’s Response in Bulgaria and Romania.

    MEDIA Mass-media in Romania cannot accomplish its main responsibility, namely to inform the public and is repeatedly acting as a mouthpiece for various political and trade interests violating journalistic norms of unbiased, balanced and complete information. This is the main conclusion of the report Media Pluralism Monitor 2016, an instrument monitoring the risks of the media pluralism in the EU and outside set up by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom with EU support. According to the report, although legislative provisions in Romania are offering a solid framework, the inconsistent implementation of these provisions and practices are leading to these risks. The report also says that the development of Romania’s mass-media market is dominated by televison; the Internet use is on the rise and the printed press users are diminishing. Rapid Internet development and the availability of free content is making the survival of traditional publications very difficult in a country where people aren’t used to reading and paying for the news, the report also says.

    MAYOR The mayor general of Chisinau, the capital of the neighboring Republic of Moldova, an ex-soviet Romanian-speaking country, the pro-Western Liberal Dorin Chirtoaca was detained last night by anti-corruption prosecutors for 72 hours for influence peddling. Deputy mayor Nistor Grozavu, a head of department and several other persons had been arrested in the same file. Upon Chirtoaca’s direction they had allegedly forged a public bid for paid parking lots around the capital. The city hall is being picketed by Chirtoaca’s supporters who say that he is the victim of political revenge. Chirtoaca got elected in 2007 to become at the age of 39, the youngest mayor of a European capital city. Chirtoaca is one of the most prominent leaders of the Liberal Party supporting the country’s EU and NATO accession and the union with Romania at the same time categorically opposing the pro-Russia direction promoted by socialist president Igor Dodon.

    MEASLES A four-month girl died of measles complications, a disease she got from her minor mother in Romania’s rural area. This has been the sixth death caused by the disease in the county of Dolj, southwestern Romania and the 27th around Romania in the past months. Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu has called into attention the fact that the vaccination rate in Romania stays around 60% instead of a desired 95% and in order to stop these outbreaks the country might need compulsory vaccination. Since 2016 Romania has seen a series of measles outbreaks mainly in children under fifteen; 6 thousand cases of infection have been reported so far.

  • Noi acorduri de înfrăţire România – Rep. Moldova

    Noi acorduri de înfrăţire România – Rep. Moldova

    Primarii din România şi Republica Moldova (ex-sovietică, majoritar
    romanofonă) au căutat, la Conferinţa Reprezentanţilor Comunităţilor Locale de
    la Bucureşti, soluţii pentru creşterea bunăstării şi o mai bună comunicare
    între localităţi, judeţe şi raioane. Aproximativ 1000 de aleşi locali de pe
    ambele maluri ale Prutului au votat simbolic pentru eliminarea graniţelor
    birocratice între cele două state. S-au stabilit, cu acest prilej, 450 de
    acorduri de înfrăţire, prin care oraşe şi sate din Republica Moldova şi România
    vor avea acţiuni comune în domenii precum educaţie, cultură, economie sau
    administraţie publică locală. În opinia aleşilor locali, aceste înfrăţiri
    deschid noi perspective de colaborare şi oportunităţi de creştere economică.

    Primarul interimar al Bucureştiului, Răzvan Sava: Unde-s doi, puterea
    creşte!, şi nu este numai un vers, este o realitate în acest context geopolitic
    extrem de complicat. Înfrăţirea face puterea, împreună putem lega parteneriate
    benefice pentru comunităţile noastre, putem să facem schimb de experienţă, să
    discutăm despre principiile de management pe care le aplicăm sau despre aspecte
    care ţin de accesarea fondurilor europene.

    Primarul Chişinăului, Dorin
    Chirtoacă, a subliniat că aceste înfrăţiri trebuie susţinute financiar, pentru
    a avea efect. Dorin Chirtoacă: Dacă o primărie din România primeşte un
    proiect european, poate, drept compensaţie, din sursele proprii, suma egală cu
    proiectul european câştigat se transferă în beneficiul localităţii înfrăţite
    din Republica Moldova. Din câte cunosc, legea permite acest lucru, există o
    ordonanţă de urgenţă’.

    Primarul de la Chişinău a cerut autorităţilor române
    sprijin pentru comunităţile locale din Moldova vecină. Dorin Chirtoacă: ‘Lucrurile vor merge ireversibil spre integrarea europeană, indiferent
    ce va fi la nivelul Guvernului Republicii Moldova. Că vor fi alianţe, nu vor fi
    alianţe, indiferent ce va fi acolo, populaţia, la nivel local, va avea
    încredere în cuvântul spus de primar, dacă în fiecare an, în următorii trei
    ani, se va reuşi finanţarea dezvoltării infrastructurii, că anume aceasta este
    calea corectă’.

    Colaborările stabilite la Bucureşti completează cele 187 de
    parteneriate de înfrăţire care existau între localităţi din Republica Moldova
    şi România. Evenimentul a fost organizat de Grupul interparlamentar
    Prietenii Unirii, de Institutul pentru Cultură şi Drepturi
    Europene, de Platforma Unionistă Acţiunea 2012, în parteneriat cu Institutul
    Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi pentru românii de pretutindeni.

  • Nachrichten 29.06.2015

    Nachrichten 29.06.2015

    Bukarest: Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu, der vom Präsidenten Klaus Iohannis für das Amt des externen Nachrichtendienstes SIE vorgeschlagen wurde, soll am Dienstag vom Kontrollausschuss des Nachrichtendienstes verhört werden. Der Ausschuss hat dabei eine beratende Funktion. Anschließend soll das Parlament über die Validierung von Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu als Chef des externen Nachrichtendienstes abstimmen. Die Liberalen aus der Opposition, die Demokratische Union der Ungarn in Rumänien UDMR, der mitregierende Nationale Verband für den Fortschritt Rumäniens UNPR und die Gruppe nationaler Minderheiten unterstützen, laut eigener Aussage, die Ernennung des ehemaligen Premierministers an der Führung des externen Nachrichtendienstes. Die regierende sozial-liberale Union USL zeigt sich wiederum dagegen. Mihai-Răzvan Ungureanu hatte auch im Zeitraum 2007-2012 den externen Nachrichtendienst geleitet, zwischen 2004-2007 war er Außenminister und in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2012 bekleidete er das Premierminister-Amt.

    Bukarest: Das Rumänische Außenministerium empfiehlt den rumänischen Bürgern, in den Griechenland-Urlaub mehr Bargeld mitzunehmen. Bei der Bargeldversorgung könnte es in Griecheland zu erheblichen Problemen kommen. Trotz Versicherungen griechischer Behörden, gebe es Fälle, wo die Zahlung mit Kreditkarte nicht akzeptiert wurde, so das rumänische Außenministerium. Die Rumänische Botschaft in Athen und das Generalkonsulat in Thessaloniki monitorisieren zusammen mit dem Außenministerium die Situation rumänischer Bürger in Griechenland, fügt das Bukarester Außenministerium hinzu.

    Chişinău: Der pro-europäische Liberale Dorin Chirtoacă hat am Sonntag in Chişinău mit über 53% der Stimmen die Stichwahl der Kommunalwahlen für sich entschieden. Chirtoacăs Gegenkandidatin die Sozialistin und ehemalige kommunistische Premierministerin Zinaida Greceanîi erhielt nur 46% Stimmen. Chirtoacăs Sieg könnte die Verhandlungen der Liberalen mit den Parteien aus der Regierungskoalition, der liberaldemokratischen und der demokratischen Partei für die Gründung einer neuen prowestlichen Mehrheit beschleunigen.

    Sport: Die rumänische Tennisspielerin Simona Halep, Weltranglistendritte wird am Dienstag in der ersten Runde des Wimbledon-Turniers auf die Slowakin Jana Cepelova treffen. Voriges Jahr stieg Halep beim dritten Grand-Slam-Turnier des Jahres bis ins Halbfinale. Die 29. Favoritin Irina Begu tritt in der ersten Runde gegen die Russin Daria Gavrilova an, während die 46. Favoritin Monica Niculescu auf Monica Puig aus Puerto Rico, Nummer 91 WTA trifft . Alexandra Dulgheru ist aus der ersten Runde des Turniers ausgeschieden. Sie verlor gegen Kristina Mladenovic aus Frankreich mit 6: 2, 6:1.

  • Kommunalwahlen in Moldaurepublik: Pro-Europäer erhalten Zweidrittelmehrheit

    Kommunalwahlen in Moldaurepublik: Pro-Europäer erhalten Zweidrittelmehrheit

    Der pro-europäische Liberale Dorin Chirtoacă hat am Sonntag in Chişinău mit über 53% der Stimmen den zweiten Wahlgang der Kommunalwahlen für sich entschieden. In der moldauischen Hauptstadt lebt ein Drittel der Bevölkerung der Republik Moldau, die rund die Hälfte des BIPs sichert. Chirtoacăs Gegenkandidatin, die Sozialistin Zinaida Greceanîi, kommunistische Ex-Ministerpräsidentin, erhielt nur 46 Prozent der Stimmen. Chirtoacă bedankte sich bei den Bewohnern der Hauptstadt und nahm verpasste die Gelegenheit nicht, seiner Kontrahentin eins auszuwischen — mitunter mit sexistischem Unterton:

    Ich will mich heute Abend bei allen Bewohnern der Hauptstadt Chişinău, die zu den Urnen gegangen sind und mich gewählt haben, bedanken. Ich danke auch meiner Gegenkandidatin für die Tatsache, dass sie an den Kommunalwahlen teilgenommen hat. Sie hat bewiesen, dass heute der stärkste Mann der Sozialisten und des Kremls eine Frau ist.“

    Der Sieg des jungen Liberalen, der in Bukarest Jura studiert hat, steht für den Sieg der moldauischen Pro-Europäer. Mit nur 36 Jahren gewann Chirtoacă sein drittes Mandat in der moldauischen Hauptstadt. Die pro-russische Linke bleibt also fern vom Amt des Bürgermeisters von Chişinău. Schon Anfang der 90er Jahre war die moldauische Hauptstadt von zwei antikommunistischen Bürgermeistern und Befürwortern der Annäherung an Rumänien regiert worden: Nicolae Costin und Serafim Urechean.

    Landesweit haben die pro-europäischen Parteien mehr als zwei Drittel der Mandate gewonnen. Hochburgen der kremltreuen Parteien bleiben allerdings Bălţi, die zweitgrö‎ßte Stadt im Norden des Landes, und Orhei, eine Kleinstadt unweit von der Hauptstadt, wo von Moskau unterstützte populistische Kandidaten gewonnen haben, gegen die strafrechtliche Ermittlungen in verschiedenen Korruptionsfällen laufen.

    Die Wahlbeteiligung lag bei 48 Prozent. Die hohe Wahlverdrossenheit beweist, so Politkommentatoren, dass die Politiker ein geringes Vertrauen beim Bürger genie‎ßen. Die Republik hat seit zwei Wochen nach dem Rücktritt des Premierministers Chiril Gaburici keine funktionsfähige Regierung. Dieser wurde im Februar von der Liberaldemokratischen Partei und der Demokratischen Partei vereidigt. Die zwei Parteien haben schon bekanntgegeben, sie werden Verhandlungen mit den Liberalen beginnen, um die dreiparteiische pro-europäische Mehrheit, die die Republik im Zeitraum 2009 – 2014 regiert hat, wieder zu bilden. Der Staatschef wird in der Moldaurepublik allerdings vom Parlament gewählt. Chirtoacă, Vizepräsident der Liberalen Partei, ist praktisch der Amtsträger, der die meisten Stimmen erhalten hat. Das stellt die Liberalen bei den Verhandlungen in eine privilegierte Ausgangsposition. Während sie sich in der Opposition befanden, haben zahlreiche Korruptionsskandale das Image des Landes verschlechtert. Der IWF und die Weltbank haben beschlossen, der Moldaurepublik keine weiteren Kredite zu gewährleisten. Der EU-Beitritt im Jahr 2020 scheint somit eine Utopie geworden zu sein.

  • Cum s-a votat la localele din Republica Moldova

    Cum s-a votat la localele din Republica Moldova

    Chişinăul rămâne în tabăra libertăţii. Duminică, liberalul
    pro-occidental Dorin Chirtoacă a câştigat, cu peste 53% din voturi, al doilea
    tur al alegerilor pentru primăria Capitalei, unde este concentrată o treime din
    populaţia Republicii Moldova şi care asigură aproape jumătate din Produsul
    Intern Brut. Potrivit rezultatelor finale, el a întrecut-o lejer pe candidata
    socialistă Zinaida Greceanîi, fost premier comunist, care a obţinut doar 46 de
    procente. Chirtoacă le-a mulţumit alegătorilor şi nu şi-a cenzurat sarcasmele
    la adresa socialiştilor, care-au preluat de la comunişti, în anii din urmă,
    statutul de favoriţi ai Moscovei:

    Vreau să mulţumesc pe această cale tuturor
    locuitorilor Chişinăului care au ieşit la vot, acelora care m-au votat, precum
    şi contracandidatei pentru faptul că a participat la aceste alegeri,
    dovedindu-se că cel mai brav bărbat al socialiştilor şi al Kremlinului, astăzi,
    este o femeie.
    Victoria tânărului liberal, absolvent de Drept la
    Bucureşti, e una a întregii tabere europene din Republica Moldova. La doar 36
    de ani, Chirtoacă obţine al treilea mandat consecutiv ca edil şi păstrează
    stânga pro-moscovită departe de Primăria Chişinăului, pe care, înaintea lui,
    încă din primii ani 90, au condus-o alţi doi anticomunişti, promotori ai
    identităţii româneşti, Nicolae Costin şi Serafim Urechean. Însumat,
    formaţiunile declarat pro-occidentale şi-au adjudecat mai bine de două treimi
    din adminstraţiile locale. Şi ar putea jubila dacă n-ar fi suferit, totuşi, în
    faţa unor candidaţi populişti, susţinuţi de Moscova şi cu multiple dosare
    penale la activ, înfrângeri usturătoare la Bălţi (nord), al doilea municipiu ca
    mărime al republicii, şi la Orhei (centru), oraş important aflat la doi paşi de
    În plus, prezenţa la vot la nivel naţional a fost de numai 48%, iar
    rata ridicată de absenteism denotă, avertizează analiştii, neîncrederea
    cetăţenilor în clasa politică, în ansamblu. Republica nici nu are Guvern
    funcţional, după demisia de acum două săptămâni a premierului Chiril Gaburici,
    instalat, în februarie, de coaliţia minoritară dintre partidele Liberal
    Democrat şi Democrat. Acestea au anunţat, deja, că vor iniţia tratative cu
    liberalii, pentru reconstituirea majorităţii tripartite pro-occidentale care-a
    condus republica între 2009 şi 2014.
    Cum şeful statului e ales de Parlament,
    Chirtoacă, vicepreşedinte al Partidului Liberal, e practic, demnitarul cu cel
    mai mare număr de voturi de la cetăţeni, ceea ce le oferă liberalilor – cea mai
    distinctă voce pro-românească, pro-NATO şi anticorupţie din concertul politic -
    o poziţie privilegiată la negocieri. În jumătatea de an cât ei s-au aflat în
    opoziţie, uriaşe scandaluri de corupţie au afectat imaginea Republicii Moldova,
    căreia FMI şi Banca Mondială au decis să-i taie liniile de credit, iar
    obiectivul admiterii în Uniunea Europeană în 2020 pare să fi devenit utopic.

  • Moldau: 2. Runde der Kommunalwahlen am Wochenende

    Moldau: 2. Runde der Kommunalwahlen am Wochenende

    Im ersten Wahlgang am 14. Juni standen die Bürgermeister in 439 Städten und Gemeinden der Moldau bereits nach der ersten Runde dank einer absoluten Mehrheit der Stimmen fest. Tendenziell blieben die Parteien der Minderheitsregierung in der Wählergunst vorne: die offen prowestlichen Liberal-Demokratische und Demokratische Partei sicherten sich rund zwei Drittel der Ämter in der Kommunalverwaltung. Die prorussische Opposition, das heißt Populisten, Kommunisten und Sozialisten mussten Rückschläge einstecken.

    Dennoch haben in Moskau gern gesehene Politiker auch zwei bedeutende Siege eingefahren. In Bălţi, der zweitgrößten Stadt der Moldau, gewann der umstrittene Geschäftsmann Renato Usatîi die Bürgermeisterwahl mit gut 70% der Stimmen. Der übergewichtige Brillenträger ist ein Stammkunde der Psychoanalytiker, da er sich gerne auf Facebook-Photos mit hochmodernen schweren Waffen präsentiert. Im letzten Jahr war der populistischen Partei von Usatîi die Teilnahme an den Parlamentswahlen wegen einer illegalen Finanzierung aus Russland verwehrt worden.

    Im zentralmoldauischen Orhei ist der neue Bürgermeister eine ähnlich dubiose Gestalt. Der Moldo-Israeli Ilan Shor ist mit nur 28 Jahren bereits Millionär. Er ist Befürworter der Annexion der Moldau an Russland, nach dem Vorbild der Krim. Shor bekam über 60% der Stimmen. Derweil sitzt er in Hausarrest im Zuge eines laufenden Strafverfahrens wegen der vermuteten Plünderung dreier Banken, aus deren Konten eine Milliarde Dollar verschwunden sein soll. Den Fall bezeichnen Medien in Chisinau als Diebstahl des Jahrhunderts. Für den Wahlkampf wurde Shor vorübergehend aus dem Hausarrest entlassen.

    Nach den erniedrigenden Niederlagen gegen unglaubwürdige Kandidaten versuchen die proeuropäischen Parteien am Sonntag die Revanche. In weiteren 459 Ortschaften ist eine Stichwahl notwendig. Die beliebteste Trophäe ist für beide Lager natürlich das Oberbürgermeisteramt in Chişinău. Dort lebt ein Drittel der moldauischen Bevölkerung, ferner entfällt fast die Hälfte des Bruttoinlandsproduktes auf die Stadt. Deshalb hat die Bürgermeisterwahl in Chişinău eine enorm hohe geopolitische Bedeutung, da sind sich die Beobachter einig.

    Am Wochenende werden sich bei der Stichwahl der amtierende liberale Bürgermeister Dorin Chirtoacă und die ehemalige kommunistische Ministerpräsidentin Zinaida Greceanîi gegenüber stehen. Chirtoacă, der in Bukarest sein Jura-Studium abgeschlossen hat, bekennt sich ohne Vorbehalt zu seiner rumänischen Identität. Greceanîi kandidiert diesmal für die Sozialisten. Die Wahl zwischen den beiden ist von daher auch eine Wahl zwischen Europa und Russland.

    Von den Ergebnissen der Kommunalwahlen und der Unterstützung der anderen proeuropäischen Parteien für Chirtoacă hinge die Wiederherstellung einer Mehrheitskoalition ab, behaupten Politik-Experten. Nach diesem Szenario würden die Liberalen sich erneut den Liberal-Demokraten und Demokraten anschließen. Die drei Parteien hatten bereits ab 2009 gemeinsam die Regierung gebildet. Allerdings trat die Liberale Partei im Februar dieses Jahres aus der Koalition aus und ging in die Opposition. Nach einer erbärmlichen Leistung und zahlreichen Korruptions- und Inkompetenzvorwürfen trat das Minderheitskabinett von Chiril Gaburici vor zwei Wochen zurück. Damit wurde der Weg frei für die Bildung einer neuen Regierung.

  • Scrutin decisiv în Republica Moldova

    Scrutin decisiv în Republica Moldova

    Pe 14 iunie, în 439 dintre oraşele şi comunele din Republica Moldova
    primarii au fost aleşi încă din primul tur de scrutin. Rezultatele indică, în
    general, menţinerea în topul preferinţelor electorale a componentelor coaliţiei
    guvernamentale minoritare, partidele Liberal-Democrat şi Democrat, declarat
    pro-occidentale, ce şi-au adjudecat circa două treimi din administraţiile
    locale, şi un recul al opoziţiei pro-moscovite – populistă, comunistă şi
    socialistă. Candidaţii agreaţi de Rusia au obţinut, însă, două trofee

    La Bălţi (nord), al doilea oraş ca mărime din republică, primarul a fost
    ales din primul tur, cu peste 70% din sufragii, în persoana controversatului om
    de afaceri Renato Usatîi. Anul trecut, partidului său populist i-a fost interzisă
    participarea la alegerile legislative, fiindcă a primit finanţare ilegală din
    Rusia. La Orhei (centru), noul edil e un personaj la fel de sulfuros. Milionar
    la doar 28 de ani, promotor al încorporării republicii în Rusia, după modelul
    Crimeei, moldo-israelianul Ilan Shaor şi-a adjudecat mai bine de 60 de procente
    din voturi. Ca să poată participa la campania electorală, i s-a permis ieşirea
    din arestul la domiciliu, fiindcă junele primar e urmărit penal pentru
    devalizarea a trei bănci, din care au dispărut un miliard de dolari, în ceea ce
    presa de la Chişnău numeşte furtul secolului.
    După aceste înfrângeri umilitoare, în faţa unor
    personaje halucinante, pentru formaţiunile politice pro-europene devine
    obligatorie revanşa, duminică, în al doilea tur de scrutin, care va tranşa
    cursa electorală în alte 459 de localităţi. Pentru ambele tabere, Chişinăul e,
    de departe, trofeul cel mai râvnit. Votul pentru primăria Capitalei, unde trăieşte o
    treime din populaţia republicii şi care produce jumătate din PIB, are, spun
    analiştii, o uriaşă miză geopolitică. Alegerea între tânărul primar în
    exerciţiu, liberalul Dorin Chirtoacă, absolvent de Drept la Bucureşti şi
    care-şi asumă fără complexe identitatea românească, şi fostul premier comunist
    Zinaida Greceanîi, ce candidează acum pentru socialişti, e şi o alegere între
    Europa şi Rusia.
    De rezultatele alegerilor locale şi de susţinerea lui
    Chirtoacă de către celelalte formaţiuni pro-europene depinde, spun comentatorii
    politici, şi refacerea unei coaliţii majoritare, prin cooptarea liberalilor
    alături de PLDM şi PD. Cele trei partide au condus împreună republica din 2009
    până în februarie anul acesta, când PL a trecut în opoziţie. După o prestaţie
    dezastruoasă, jalonată de acuzaţii de corupţie şi incompetenţă, cabinetul
    minoritar condus de Chiril Gaburici a demisionat acum două săptămâni,
    deschizând, astfel, calea pentru instalarea unui nou guvern.

  • Lokalwahlen in Moldau: moskaunahe Sozialisten liegen vorn

    Lokalwahlen in Moldau: moskaunahe Sozialisten liegen vorn

    Voriges Jahr galt die Republik Moldau in Westeuropa als vertrauensvoller Partner der Ostpartnerschaft. In den letzten fünf Jahren setzte das rumänischsprachige Land unter Führung der proeuropäischen Regierungen von Vlad Filat und Iurie Leancă wichtige Reformen um. Dies belohnte die Europäische Union mit der Unterzeichnung von Assoziierungs- und Handelsabkommen. Damals erklärten die politischen Anführer des rumänischsprachigen Landes voller Optimismus, dass Republik Moldau im Jahr 2020, möglicherweise wenn Rumänien die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft inne haben wird, der EU beitreten könnte.

    Im Herbst 2014 bekommt das Nachbarland Rumäniens aber einen Strich durch die Rechnung. Das proeuropäische Lager, gebildet aus Liberal-Demokraten, Demokraten und Liberalen, erzielte bei den Parlamentswahlen die Mehrheit, die es brauchte, um im Amt zu bleiben. Die Liberalen hatten vorher sehr stark um die Annäherung an Bukarest und Brüssel geworben, nach den Legislativwahlen sind sie doch in die Opposition gegangen und Iurie Leancă ist aus der liberal-demokratischen Partei ausgetreten.

    Die Regierungskoalition gebildet aus Liberal-Demokraten und Demokraten wählte erst im Februar 2015 mit den Stimmen der moskaunahen Kommunisten einen neuen Premierminister: den jungen Geschäftsmann Chiril Gaburici. Am Freitag ist Gaburici zurückgetreten. Er zog somit die Konzequenzen aus dem Skandal um ein gefälschtes Abitur-Zeugnis. Laut Ermittlungen der Polizei, habe Gaburici die Unterschrift des Direktors des Gymnasiuns sowie den Stempel auf der Urkunde gefälscht. Seine Regierung wurde für proeuropäisch erklärt, war dennoch wegen Unwirksamkeit und Korruption stark umstritten.

    Dutzende Menschen sind mehrmals auf die Straße gegangen, um den Rücktritt der Regierungskoalition zu fordern. Die Demonstranten warfen der Regierung das Verschwinden von einer Milliarde Dollar aus dem Bankensystem des Landes durch dubiose Geschäfte vor. Nicht überraschend war aus dieser Sicht die niedrige Wahlbeteiligung, insbesonders unter Jugendlichen, bei den Lokalwahlen am Sonntag. Dasselbe kann man nicht über die älteren und russlandnahen Wähler sagen.

    Im nordmoldauischen Bălţi wurden die Wahlen in der ersten Runde entschieden: Mit mehr als 70% der Stimmen ging der umstrittende Geschäftsmann Renato Usatîi als klarer Sieger aus der Wahl hervor. Usatîi erfreut sich der politischen und finanziellen Unterstützung Moskaus, ist stark populistisch und wird der Verbindungen zur Mafia verdächtigt. Der Geschäftsmann wird dennoch als Bürgermeister die zweitgrößte Stadt der Republik Moldau leiten. Am 28. Juni findet die Stichwahl um das Bürgermeisteramt in der Hauptstadt Chişinău statt, wo ein Drittel der Bevölkerung lebt und eine Hälfte des Bruttoinlandsproduktes des Landes produziert wird. Das Ergebnis der Wahlen spielt daher eine äußerst wichtige geopolitische Rolle.

    Im Kampf um das Bürgermeisteramt treten der Liberale Dorin Chirtoacă, promovierter Jurist in Bukarest und die ehemalige kommunistische Premierministerin Zinaida Greceanîi, die nun bei den Wahlen die moskaunahen Sozialisten vertritt. Es handelt sich eigentlich um einen Kampf zwischen Europa und Russland. Vom Wahlergebnis hänge laut Radio România Korrespondenten auch die Wiederherstellung der proeuropäischen Regierungskoalition ab, die die verheerende Bilanz des Kabinetts Gaburici wiedergutmachen könne.