Tag: droughty summer season

  • The summer season

    The summer season

    The sea, the sea…the summer season
    is in full swing in Romania. For all its decreasing popularity, the Romanian
    Black Sea coast still attracts lots of tourists who come from all over the
    country to spend a couple of days, or maybe more, on the Romanian seaside.

    Today we offer you basic vocabulary
    on tourism on the seaside.

    This summer=vara aceasta

    Secetos, secetoasa=droughty

    Mai secetos, mai secetoasa=droughty, droughtier

    Comparativ=as compared to

    Litoralul romanesc al Marii Negre =
    The Romanian Black sea coast

    Oferta turistica de anul
    acesta=this year’s tourist offer

    Turism de weekend=weekend tourism

    Dezvoltare spectaculoasa=spectacular

    Now here are some meaningful
    sentences including part of the words and phrases above:

    Vara aceasta a fost mai secetoasa,
    comparativ cu verile trecute.

    This summer was droughtier, as
    compared to previous summers.

    Pe litoralul romanesc, oferta turistica de anul acesta nu este neaparat mai
    bogata, ci mai scumpa fata de anul trecut.

    On the Romanian Black Sea coast,
    this year’s tourist offer is not necessarily more generous, but it is more
    expensive than last year.

    Pe litoralul romanesc, turismul de
    weekend s-a dezvoltat spectaculos in ultimii sase sapte ani.

    On the Romanian seaside, weekend
    tourism has seen a spectacular growth in the last six or seven years.

    Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for
    being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!