Tag: drug consumption

  • Anti-drug Campaign in Romania

    Anti-drug Campaign in Romania

    ‘Own your emotions, overcome your fears and channel your energy in a constructive way! There are so many healthy alternatives to remain full of energy and ‘cool’ but at the same time self-composed, with your feet on the ground, permanently connected to your objectives and reality!’

    This is in short the message conveyed by the National Anti-drug Agency, which has launched a “Ground’ campaign in several high-schools in Bucharest with a view to proposing surefire ways to manage the emotions teenagers are presently facing.

    The campaign’s message is a strong one: ‘you don’t need to resort to any trick or compromise in order to become a model for the generation you belong to or to reach your potential. It is essential that you accept your imperfections, observe your principles and when you get lost you can ask for help.’

    This message has been conveyed to the young people directly through meetings and workshops in their schools but also by launching a newspaper addressing the Ground generation at the webpage and social network pages devoted to this campaign.

    According to Ramona Dabija, director of the National Anti-drug Agency, besides the risks associated to drug-consumption the young people are also introduced to a series of healthy alternatives available. And those, who have already given in to the temptation of using banned substances, are being reminded that whenever they are overwhelmed or find themselves in risky situations, they can benefit from counseling, which is confidential and free of charge.

    In order to attach more importance to the “Ground” campaign, high-school students have been given the opportunity to interact and learn from the experience of successful Romanian athletes who have achieved remarkable results in their career, being themselves role models of discipline, ambition and healthy lifestyle.

    Among those who interacted with the students was Larisa Iordache, 16 times gold medalist in European Gymnastics Championships, fencer Ana Maria Brânză, multiple medalist in the Olympics, three times world champion and seven times European Champion, rower Ancuţa Bodnar – gold medalist in Tokyo 2020 and Paris 2024, footballers Florin Gardoş and Ionel Dănciulescu or basketball player, Virgil Stănescu.

    Swimmer David Popovici, the year’s champion and the idol of his generation, has decided to get involved through an interview published in the ʺGroundʺ newspaper or on the webpage of the aforementioned campaign.

    It’s impossible to fathom the real dimensions of drug consumption in Romania and although statistics cannot accurately describe the reality, one thing is for sure – the situation has deteriorated in the past years and that prompted both experts and authorities to sound the alarm and find ways of curbing the phenomenon.

    On 24 November, concurrently with the first round of the presidential election, Bucharest will also be seeing a local referendum and one of the questions will be focusing on the involvement of the city halls in the prevention of drug consumption in schools and high-schools in Bucharest.



  • Drugs among young people

    Drugs among young people

    The National Report on the situation of drugs, drawn up annually by the National Anti-Drug Agency, is a reference document for the experts in the field of narcotic drugs, for decision-makers and for any person interested in the latest trends recorded in the evolution of this phenomenon. The most recent such document, published at the beginning of the year, analyzes the data recorded in 2021, and in the chapter on the main drugs consumed in Romania, it specifies that 10.7% of those aged between 15 and 64 have taken at least one type of illicit drug throughout their life (experimental consumption). 6% of them have also consumed in the last year (recent consumption). The highest rates of consumption are among the young population (15-34 years), adolescence being the period with the greatest vulnerability to initiating drug use.

    The data also show that cannabis continues to be one of the most consumed drugs in Romania, both by the general population (2nd place in the ranking of the most consumed illicit drugs in Romania, after the new psychotropic substances), and by the school population. Moreover, cannabis and cocaine have an increasing availability on the illicit drug market, with the 2021 seizures ​​reaching the highest value for cocaine and the second highest value for cannabis recorded to date. Its also worth mentioning that almost 75% of the total amount of drugs from significant seizures was destined for the illicit market in Romania, an aspect which, experts say, shows that there is a dynamic of this market at the national level.

    The good news, on the other hand, would be the 12% reduction in recreational consumption. Beyond statistics and numbers, specialists draw attention to the dangers to which consumers are exposed and give solutions to help them get rid of this addiction.

    An expert in combating the drug phenomenon, sociologist Cătălin Țone spoke on Radio Romania about narcotics, and actions to combat and prevent their use: Besides paying attention to our kids, we also need to pay attention to their entourage. We must provide the parents with clear instructions, with training, we must provide them with materials for study, as there are many parents who do not know about drugs, because they belong to other generations. We need to come up with alternatives, and I emphasize this word ‘alternatives. The moment you put a ban on something, you must come up with alternatives. We have to come up with alternatives for movement, sports, with alternatives that give children that extra amount of dopamine in the brain, so that they should not be tempted by drugs. We must stand by their side, we have to enter their world, both the teachers and the teaching staff, and the parents. Because temptations are everywhere. We have negative influencers, we have the Internet that bombards children with all sorts of advice and encouragement to start consuming drugs. It is time for us to get down to work. We should be organized, and effective. We should look to Western states, states with experience in this area, because things can take a negative turn. We are a focal point in terms of music events, we have put Romania on the map of entertainment tourism, this is important from a financial and economic point of view, but this comes as a package with vices, incidents, with problems, and with drugs.

    Officially, in terms of drug consumption, Romania is at the bottom of the list. However, experts say that many of the consumers fell through the cracks in terms of official statistics. We asked where drug consumption can lead, and the answer came from Radu Tincu, an emergency medicine and toxicology specialist:

    We are talking about acute intoxication, which can put life in danger. We are talking about life threatening complications, such as toxic encephalopathy, meaning a coma that calls for intubation and mechanical ventilation. We are also talking about cardiotoxicity, meaning toxicity at the heart’s level, which could cause cardiac arrhythmia, which can result in cardiac arrest. We are also talking about renal toxicity, where some substances may cause acute renal blockage, needing dialysis. Unfortunately, repeated consumption may lead to developing tolerance. This means that we have to increase the dosage to get the same effect, and tolerance leads to addiction. Meaning that we constantly need that substance, because otherwise we get withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can lead to violence or self harm, which in turn may lead to crime. A patient who needs a substance could do anything to get it.

    Consumption and trafficking of drugs is criminalized in Romania, and recently penalties have been enhanced. At the same time, all the projects and interventions from the National Anti-drug Agency aimed at reducing the demand for drugs were focused on consolidating the integrated national system for prevention and assistance. In 2021, the year in which this study was made, anti-drug experts ran 20,000 activities for drug consumption prevention in schools, families, and communities. They also ran focused activities for information, education, and awareness raising on the risks associated with the consumption of psychoactive substances, benefiting over 700,00 people.