Tag: Dulgheru

  • 27 May, 2015

    27 May, 2015

    Members of the National Federation of Unions in Administration are protesting today in Bucharest for higher wages for public servants in Romania, as well as regulating as of 2015 the issue of food vouchers, a type of employee benefit widespread in Romania. The federation warned it would call to general strike indefinitely all federations in the sector, gridlocking local public administration, if demands were not met. This is the third protest this year, after a warning strike in February and a general one-day strike in April.

    Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu goes today to Strasbourg for two days for meetings at the Council of Europe. The ministry announced his agenda, which includes meetings with Secretary General Thorbjorn Jagland, Nils Muiznieks, Human Rights Commissioner, and Venice Commission Secretary Thomas Markert. The Romanian minister will also attend the world gathering of international law national associations, where he is promoting Romania’s initiative of creating an international terrorism tribunal. The ministry announced that the event allows the dissemination of this initiative among international law experts, encouraging the involvement of international law national associations in the debate on using international law against terrorism.

    Hundreds of homes have been flooded, dozens evacuated, and several schools closed down in three counties in northern Romania, after flash floods came as a result of heavy night rains that poured down as much as 50 to 60 liters per sqm. The floods also damaged cultivated farmland, roadways and bridges. A warning is in effect for the entire country for rains and adverse weather. Temperatures are holding within normal limits, with maximums today between 10 and 28 degrees Celsius. The noon reading in Bucharest was 22 degrees.

    The world’s number three tennis player, Romanian Simona Halep, who is third favorite to winning the ongoing edition of the Grand Slam tournament in Roland Garros, will today be facing Croatia’s Mirjana Lucic-Baroni, in the second round of the tournament. Another Romanian tennis player, Alexandra Dulgheru, in the women’s singles today will be proving her mettle against French player Alize Cornet. Also competing for Romania in the women’s singles are Irina Begu and Andreea Mitu. Irina Begu and two other Romanian tennis players, Monica Niculescu and Horia Tecau, will be playing today their games in the doubles version of the Roland Garros tournament.

    G7 finance ministers and governors of central banks gathered for the rest of this working week in Dresden, Germany, to discuss the global economy and the Greek situation, according to AFP. The meeting will be attended by the head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, Eurogroup chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, and the European commissioner for monetary policy Pierre Moscovici. Tomorrow, finance ministers of the G7 will be meeting experts in economy and monetary policy to seek solutions for the present economic problems. The IMF, European Central Bank and the European Commission are attempting to reach an agreement with Athens for releasing a new international loan, but are meeting resistance in the issue of austerity measures they are demanding from Greece.

    Six FIFA officials were placed under arrest today in Zurich for corruption, after the US filed a request with the Swiss federal tribunal, according to Reuters. They represent sports media and sports marketing companies, and are accused of bribing high officials in international football in exchange for media and marketing rights related to competitions in the US and South America. The New York Times writes that the FIFA high officials who were arrested were in Switzerland to attend the congress of the organization meeting to elect its new president. Incumbent Joseph Blatter faces off against Jordanian prince Ali Bin al-Hussein for the position, defending what would be his fifth term. The US authorities allege that the people under arrest have received bribes worth 100 million dollars.

  • Succese sportive româneşti

    Succese sportive româneşti

    După aproape un sfert de secol, echipa feminină a României revine în elita tenisului mondial. Din 1992 n-au mai fost româncele printre primele opt selecţionate ale lumii, iar calificarea în aşa-numita Grupă Mondială a Fed Cup a fost una entuziasmantă pentru suporteri. România a învins Canada, în deplasare, la Montreal, cu scorul general de 3-2, după ce a fost condusă cu 0-1, a răsturnat scorul la 3-1 în meciurile de simplu şi l-a pierdut pe cel de dublu într-un moment în care acesta mai conta doar pentru palmares.

    Sâmbătă, Francoise Abanda adusese primul punct pentru gazde, după 4-6, 7-5, 6-4 cu Irina Begu, care-a jucat accidentată. Alexandra Dulgheru a restabilit egalitatea, trecând cu 6-4, 6-4 de Eugenie Bouchard. O victorie clară, care-a smuls strigăte de satisfacţie nu doar în România, nu doar în tribuna de la Montreal, plină de români cu drapele tricolore, ci şi printre internauţii neutri de pe mapamond, oripilaţi, în ajun, de stupidul refuz al canadiencei de a-i strânge mâna adversarei sale la conferinţa de presă.

    Duminică, Bouchard, numărul şapte mondial, a pierdut, cu 4-6, 6-4, 6-1, şi în faţa Andreei Mitu, care nu figurează nici măcar în primele o sută de jucătoare din lume. Partida a fost tranşată de Alexandra Dulgheru, 3-6, 7-5, 6-2 cu Abanda, astfel că înfrângerea perechii Andreea Mitu-Raluca Olaru în faţa cuplului Gabriela Dabrowski-Sharon Fichman n-a mai schimbat deznodământul.

    Presa de specialitate subliniază că echipa condusă de căpitanul nejucător Alina Cercel-Tecşor a obţinut acest succes – pe care-l califică drept senzaţional sau eroic – neputând conta pe cea mai bună jucătoare a sa, Simona Halep, numărul trei mondial, care-a decis să nu participe la meciul selecţionatei, invocând agenda foarte încărcată cu turnee individuale în Europa. Ajunsă în sferturile de finală ale Fed Cup, România e, acum, în acelaşi eşalon valoric cu puteri ale tenisului feminin: Cehia, Franţa, Rusia, Germania, Italia, Olanda şi Elveţia.

    Suporterii români au jubilat, tot duminică, şi la Montpellier, în Franţa, unde Andreea Munteanu, o copilă de 16 ani, a câştigat medalia de aur la bârnă, iar Marius Berbecar argintul la paralele, la Campionatele Europene de gimnastică artistică. Subfinanţată, aşa cum subliniază comentatorii, lipsită şi de aportul celebrului antrenor Octavian Bellu, care s-a retras de la lotul feminin, gimnastica românească încă produce campioni, pe măsura istoriei jalonate cu zeci de medalii olimpice, mondiale şi europene. Iar specialiştii pronostichează rezultate şi mai bune la următoarea ediţie a întrecerilor continentale, din 2017, care va fi organizată la Bucureşti.