Tag: eCall

  • Sistemul de navigaţie Galileo s-a mărit cu patru noi sateliţi

    Sistemul de navigaţie Galileo s-a mărit cu patru noi sateliţi

    Sistemul de navigaţie Galileo s-a mărit cu patru noi sateliţi şi numără 26 în total. Proiect emblematic al Comisiei Europene, sistemul de navigaţie Galileo încearcă să ofere autonomie Europei faţă de sistemele de geolocalizare americane.

    Cei patru noi sateliţi de navigaţie Galileo, lansaţi la bordul unei rachete Ariane 5, de la baza Kourou din Guyana Franceză, au fost plasaţi pe orbită. Astfel, sistemul de geolocalizare european cuprinde acum 26 de sateliţi, dintre care 22 sunt operaţionali. Aflat sub control civil, acest proiect ambiţios european, ale cărui servicii au început în 2016, oferă o localizare cu o precizie de ordinul metrilor şi este interoperabil cu sistemele similare american (GPS) şi rus (Glonass). Sistemul complet, prevăzut să fie operaţional în 2021, va cuprinde 30 de sateliţi, dintre care 24 operaţionali, iar şase de rezervă.

    Acest sistem de navigaţie este util transporturilor maritime, feroviare, aeriene, terestre, operaţiunilor de intervenţie şi de salvare, în agricultură sau în prospecţiunea petrolieră – a subliniat vicepreşedintele Comisiei Europene şi comisar însărcinat cu Uniunea energetică, Maros Sevcovic: Spaţiul chiar contează. Ce se întâmplă acolo sus are impact asupra vieţii noastre pe Terra. În multe domenii, depindem de tehnologia, datele şi serviciile pe care le primim din spaţiu. Imaginaţi-vă doar operaţiunile de salvare, ceasurile inteligente, navigaţia avioanelor. De fapt, Galileo furnizează coordonate de spaţiu şi timp pentru aproximativ 400 de milioane de utilizatori. Consumatorii europeni ar trebui să ştie că instrumentele lor mobile sunt conforme cu sistemul Galileo, iar în curând, ar putea deveni chiar dependente de acesta. Cei care şofează ar trebui să ştie că maşinile lor sunt echipate cu un sistem de salvare Galileo, numit eCall. De fapt, cu o precizie-record de 20 de centimetri, pe care o estimăm în 2020, Galileo va fi cel mai exact sistem de navigaţie prin satelit din lume. Acest lucru va avea un impact uriaş asupra automobilele autonome conectate, care vor constitui o altă schimbare majoră nu doar în domeniul transporturilor, ci şi la scară socială. Aşadar, după cum puteţi observa, spaţiul nu este ultima frontieră, după cum auzeam în pelicula Star Trek, ci devine o nouă frontieră economică, în măsura în care aduce o modernizare profundă sectorului economic – a mai spus comisarul Sefcovic.

    Iar Paul Verhoef, directorul programului de navigaţie din cadrul Agenţiei, a precizat că următorii 12 sateliţi Galileo, aparţinând celui de-al treilea lot şi aflaţi în pregătire, vor fi sateliţii de urgenţă şi cei care vor înlocui primele dispozitive lansate în 2011.

  • April 1, 2018 UPDATE

    April 1, 2018 UPDATE

    NATO — 14 years after Romania joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the alliance continues to be the most important guarantee of the country’s defense and security and a permanent connection to a 28 states’ community sharing the same values and a firm commitment to freedom and democracy, reads a release of the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest on the occasion of the NATO Day celebrated on April 1st. On the same occasion Romanian President Klaus Iohannis conveyed a message in which he said that Romania sees in NATO its strongest security guarantee. PM Viorica Dancila also said that the authorities want to further prove that Romania is a credible and stabile ally in the Black Sea region. Dancila pointed out that Bucharest sticks to its commitment to allot 2% of the GDP to army equipping. To mark NATO Day a military ceremony was held at the Romanian Defence Ministry headquarters. Romania joined NATO in March 29, 2004. NATO Day in Romania is celebrated every year in the first Sunday of April.

    Religious celebrations — Roman Catholic and Protestant believers from Romania and the world over celebrated Easter on Sunday, April 1st. Pope Francis held the Easter service at the Vatican’s St. Peters Basilica and urged Catholics not to remain paralysed in the face of injustices around them. This year Orthodox and Greek Catholic believers celebrate Easter one week later, so on April 1st they marked Palm Sunday, the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. This religious celebration was marked in Bucharest and other cities across Romania though religious services and processions. Also on Sunday Holy Week began. The most solemn week of the Christian year, Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter and is the week during which Christians particularly remember the last days of Jesus’s life.

    eCall — The eCall system is operational across the EU as of Sunday, April 1st. eCall is activated automatically as soon as in-vehicle sensors and/or processors detect a serious crash. Once set off, the system dials the European emergency number 112, establishes a telephone link to the appropriate emergency call centre and sends details of the accident to the rescue services, including the time of incident, the accurate position of the crashed vehicle and the direction of travel. 112 eCall is not a black box. It does not record constantly the position of the vehicle, it records only a few data to determine the position and direction of the vehicle just before the crash and these data are only transmitted to emergency call centres if there is a serious crash. Also, eCall cannot be used to monitor motorists moves.

    Immunoglobulin — The first immunoglobulin vials requested through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism have reached Romania and will be distributed to patients, the Health Ministry officials announced. Actually 16 thousand vials from Austria will be sent to Romania by the end of May. The Health Ministry’s medicine distributor bought the immunoglobulin vials from foreign producers. Discontinuities in immunoglobulin supply were caused by the withdrawal from the Romanian market of the producers that ensured more than 80% of the needed amount.

    Weightlifting— Romanian athlete Nicolae Onica won two gold medals in the mens 94 kg category (clean and jerk, total) at the European Weightlifting Championships that ended on Sunday in Izvorani, Romania. Onica also won the silver medal in the snatch event. Romania hosted two other editions, in 1972 in Constanta and in 2009 in Bucharest. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • April 1, 2018

    April 1, 2018

    Religious celebrations — Roman Catholic and Protestant believers from Romania and the world over are today celebrating Easter. Pope Francis held the Easter service at the Vatican’s St. Peters Basilica and urged Catholics not to remain paralysed in the face of injustices around them. This year Orthodox and Greek Catholic believers celebrate Easter one week later, so today they mark Palm Sunday, the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. To mark this religious celebration Bucharest and other cities across Romania are hosting religious processions. Also today Holy Week begins. The most solemn week of the Christian year, Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter and is the week during which Christians particularly remember the last days of Jesus’s life.

    NATO — Romanian President Klaus Iohannis has today conveyed a message on the occasion of the celebration of NATO Day in Romania. President Iohannis says in his message that Romania sees in NATO its strongest security guarantee. PM Viorica Dancila has also said, in a message occasioned by NATO Day that the authorities want to further prove that Romania is a credible and stabile ally in the Black Sea region. Dancila has pointed out that Bucharest sticks to its commitment to allot 2% of the GDP to army equipping. To mark NATO Day a military ceremony was held at the Romanian Defence Ministry headquarters. Romania joined NATO in March 29, 2004. NATO Day in Romania is celebrated every year in the first Sunday of April.

    Immunoglobulin — The first immunoglobulin vials requested through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism have reached Romania and will be distributed to patients, the Health Ministry officials announced. Actually 16 thousand vials from Austria will be sent to Romania by the end of May. The Health Ministry’s medicine distributor bought the immunoglobulin vials from foreign producers. Discontinuities in immunoglobulin supply were caused by the withdrawal from the Romanian market of the producers that ensured more than 80% of the needed amount.

    eCall — The eCall system is operational across the EU as of today. eCall is activated automatically as soon as in-vehicle sensors and/or processors detect a serious crash. Once set off, the system dials the European emergency number 112, establishes a telephone link to the appropriate emergency call centre and sends details of the accident to the rescue services, including the time of incident, the accurate position of the crashed vehicle and the direction of travel. 112 eCall is not a black box. It does not record constantly the position of the vehicle, it records only a few data to determine the position and direction of the vehicle just before the crash and these data are only transmitted to emergency call centres if there is a serious crash. Also, eCall cannot be used to monitor motorists moves.

    Weather — 29 counties in the north, center and west of Romania are under code yellow alert for strong wind and heavy rainfalls that is valid until Sunday night. The weather is getting colder all across Romania with temperatures dropping by 10 up to 12 degrees C as compared to the previous day. The wind speed will reach 45, 55 km per hour and around 75 km in the mountains and in the west, centre and south of the territory. Maximum temperatures range from 9 to 17 degrees Celsius. The noon reading in Bucharest was 10 degrees. ​

    Weightlifting— Romanian athlete Nicolae Onica on Saturday evening two gold medals in the mens 94 kg category (clean and jerk, total) at the European Weightlifting Championships held these days in Izvorani. Onica also won the silver medal in the snatch event. The European Senior Weightlifting Championships end today. Romania hosted two other editions, in 1972 in Constanta and in 2009 in Bucharest. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Europa noastra – 15.06.2013

    Europa noastra – 15.06.2013

    Săptămâna aceasta, Comisia Europeană a adoptat două propuneri legate de implementarea sistemului eCall ce apelează automat 112, numărul european unic de urgenţă în cazul unui accident grav.