Tag: Ecaterina Szabo

  • Romania at the Olympic Games

    Romania at the Olympic Games

    The 1984 edition of the Olympic Games, held in Los Angeles, the USA, was the event where the Romanian delegation walked home with the greatest number of medals, so much so that Romania came in 2nd according to nations rankings. Second only to the United States, Romania walked away with 20 gold medals, 16 silver and 17 bronze medals. However, we should not forget that almost all former Soviet Bloc countries boycotted the Olympics, which made it easier for participants to win medals in a number of disciplines.

    A member of Romanias womens gymnastics team, Ecaterina Szabo won the greatest number of medals in Los Angeles. Szabo won four gold medals and one bronze medal. With Soviet Union gymnasts being absent from competition, Szabo already ranked as favorite. However, Ecaterina Szabo failed to win the absolute Olympic champion title because she fell while performing her beam exercise. Szabo strongly came from behind in the apparatus pieces finals and won three gold medals, in the vault, floor and beam events, for the latter apparatus piece coming on a par with another Romanian, Simona Pauca. Ecaterina Szabos noteworthy record in the Los Angeles Olympics provided a crucial contribution to the Romanian delegations ranking in the nations competition.

    Ecaterina Szabo was born on 22 January 22, 1967, in eastern Transylvanian Covasna Countys Zagon commune. She took up gymnastics at the age of 6. Since Hungarian was her mother tongue, Ecaterina Szabo began to learn Romanian once she started her gymnastics training. In the beginning, she was coached by Marta and Bela Karoly. Later on, her training was supervised by Adrian Goreac, Adrian Stan and Maria Cosma, at the Olympic Center in Deva.

    Ecaterina Szabos first notable feat occurred in 1980, in the then very familiar Chumichi Cup in Japan. It was a gold medal won in the beam event. In 1982, Szabo won three gold medals in Romanias International Championships, where she compelled recognition in the uneven parallel bars and floor events. At the European Championships in 1983, Ecaterina Szabo won gold in the uneven parallel bars and floor events. Also in 1983, Ecaterina Szabo won silver in the vault event and bronze in the all-round event.

    After her career-best in Los Angeles Olympics in 1984, Ecaterina Szabo proved her mettle in top-flight competitions for another three years. Back then she only won one single notable title, in the 1987 edition of Montreal Olympics nations competition. Ecaterina Szabo retired the same year.

    Having concluded her professional gymnasts career, Ecaterina Szabo acted as head-coach with the National center in Deva. Afterwards she settled in France, the country where she has been living ever since.

    (Translation By Eugen Nasta)

  • România la Jocurile Olimpice – Gimnasta Ecaterina Szabo

    România la Jocurile Olimpice – Gimnasta Ecaterina Szabo

    Ediţia Jocurilor Olimpice de la Los Angeles, din
    1984, a fost cea la care România a obţinut cele mai multe medalii. Delegaţia
    tricoloră s-a situat pe locul doi pe naţiuni, după Statele Unite, cu 20 de
    medalii de aur, 16 de argint şi 17 de bronz. E drept, competiţia a fost
    boicotată de aproape toate ţările comuniste, fapt care a făcut mai uşoară calea
    către medalii la multe discipline.

    Cea mai titrată sportivă a Jocurilor de la Los Angeles a
    fost o componentă a lotului român de gimnastică, şi anume Ecaterina Szabo, care
    a câştigat patru medalii de aur şi una de bronz. În lipsa sportivelor
    din Uniunea Sovietică, era deja considerată favorita competiţiei. A ratat însă
    titlul de campioană olimpică absolută din cauza unei căderi, la bârnă. S-a revanşat în finalele pe aparate şi a
    câştigat trei medalii de aur, respectiv la sărituri, sol şi bârnă, la ultimul
    aparat la egalitate cu Simona Păucă. Totodată, a contribuit hotărâtor la
    victoria echipei României în concursul pe naţiuni.

    Ecaterina Szabo s-a născut la 22 ianuarie 1967, în
    comuna Zagon, din judeţul Covasna. A început gimnastica
    la 6 ani. Odată cu primele lecţii de gimnastică a început sa înveţe şi limba
    română, limba ei maternă fiind maghiara. Primii săi antrenori au fost Marta şi Bela Karoly. Ulterior a mai fost
    pregătită de Adrian Goreac, Adrian Stan şi Maria Cosma, la Centrul Olimpic din

    Primul său succes major s-a înregistrat în 1980, la
    cunoscuta competiţie japoneză Chunichi Cup. Era o medalie de aur, la bârnă. În
    1982 câştigă trei medalii de aur la Campionatele Internaţionale ale României,
    unde se impune la individual compus, paralele şi sol. Un an mai târziu, la
    Europene, câştigă aurul la paralele şi sol, argintul la sărituri şi bronzul la
    individual compus. Prima sa participare la Mondiale îi aduce, tot în 1983, aur
    la sol, argint la sărituri, la paralele
    şi cu echipa, şi bronz la individual compus.

    După Jocurile Olimpice din 1984, cariera sportivă a
    Ecaterinei Szabo a durat încă trei ani, cu rezultate, e drept, mai puţin
    strălucitoare. Nu va mai cuceri decât un singur titlu important, cel cu echipa,
    la Mondialele din 1987, an în care Kati se retrage.

  • România la Jocurile Olimpice – Gimnasta Ecaterina Szabo

    România la Jocurile Olimpice – Gimnasta Ecaterina Szabo

    Ediţia Jocurilor Olimpice de la Los Angeles, din
    1984, a fost cea la care România a obţinut cele mai multe medalii. Delegaţia
    tricoloră s-a situat pe locul doi pe naţiuni, după Statele Unite, cu 20 de
    medalii de aur, 16 de argint şi 17 de bronz. E drept, competiţia a fost
    boicotată de aproape toate ţările comuniste, fapt care a făcut mai uşoară calea
    către medalii la multe discipline.

    Cea mai titrată sportivă a Jocurilor de la Los Angeles a
    fost o componentă a lotului român de gimnastică, şi anume Ecaterina Szabo, care
    a câştigat patru medalii de aur şi una de bronz. În lipsa sportivelor
    din Uniunea Sovietică, era deja considerată favorita competiţiei. A ratat însă
    titlul de campioană olimpică absolută din cauza unei căderi, la bârnă. S-a revanşat în finalele pe aparate şi a
    câştigat trei medalii de aur, respectiv la sărituri, sol şi bârnă, la ultimul
    aparat la egalitate cu Simona Păucă. Totodată, a contribuit hotărâtor la
    victoria echipei României în concursul pe naţiuni.

    Ecaterina Szabo s-a născut la 22 ianuarie 1967, în
    comuna Zagon, din judeţul Covasna. A început gimnastica
    la 6 ani. Odată cu primele lecţii de gimnastică a început sa înveţe şi limba
    română, limba ei maternă fiind maghiara. Primii săi antrenori au fost Marta şi Bela Karoly. Ulterior a mai fost
    pregătită de Adrian Goreac, Adrian Stan şi Maria Cosma, la Centrul Olimpic din

    Primul său succes major s-a înregistrat în 1980, la
    cunoscuta competiţie japoneză Chunichi Cup. Era o medalie de aur, la bârnă. În
    1982 câştigă trei medalii de aur la Campionatele Internaţionale ale României,
    unde se impune la individual compus, paralele şi sol. Un an mai târziu, la
    Europene, câştigă aurul la paralele şi sol, argintul la sărituri şi bronzul la
    individual compus. Prima sa participare la Mondiale îi aduce, tot în 1983, aur
    la sol, argint la sărituri, la paralele
    şi cu echipa, şi bronz la individual compus.

    După Jocurile Olimpice din 1984, cariera sportivă a
    Ecaterinei Szabo a durat încă trei ani, cu rezultate, e drept, mai puţin
    strălucitoare. Nu va mai cuceri decât un singur titlu important, cel cu echipa,
    la Mondialele din 1987, an în care Kati se retrage.

  • Romania at the Olympic Games

    Romania at the Olympic Games

    The 1984 edition of the Olympic Games, held in Los Angeles, the USA, was the event where the Romanian delegation walked home with the greatest number of medals, so much so that Romania came in 2nd according to nations rankings. Second only to the United States, Romania walked away with 20 gold medals, 16 silver and 17 bronze medals. However, we should not forget that almost all former Soviet Bloc countries boycotted the Olympics, which made it easier for participants to win medals in a number of disciplines.

    A member of Romanias womens gymnastics team, Ecaterina Szabo won the greatest number of medals in Los Angeles. Szabo won four gold medals and one bronze medal. With Soviet Union gymnasts being absent from competition, Szabo already ranked as favorite. However, Ecaterina Szabo failed to win the absolute Olympic champion title because she fell while performing her beam exercise. Szabo strongly came from behind in the apparatus pieces finals and won three gold medals, in the vault, floor and beam events, for the latter apparatus piece coming on a par with another Romanian, Simona Pauca. Ecaterina Szabos noteworthy record in the Los Angeles Olympics provided a crucial contribution to the Romanian delegations ranking in the nations competition.

    Ecaterina Szabo was born on 22 January 22, 1967, in eastern Transylvanian Covasna Countys Zagon commune. She took up gymnastics at the age of 6. Since Hungarian was her mother tongue, Ecaterina Szabo began to learn Romanian once she started her gymnastics training. In the beginning, she was coached by Marta and Bela Karoly. Later on, her training was supervised by Adrian Goreac, Adrian Stan and Maria Cosma, at the Olympic Center in Deva.

    Ecaterina Szabos first notable feat occurred in 1980, in the then very familiar Chumichi Cup in Japan. It was a gold medal won in the beam event. In 1982, Szabo won three gold medals in Romanias International Championships, where she compelled recognition in the uneven parallel bars and floor events. At the European Championships in 1983, Ecaterina Szabo won gold in the uneven parallel bars and floor events. Also in 1983, Ecaterina Szabo won silver in the vault event and bronze in the all-round event.

    After her career-best in Los Angeles Olympics in 1984, Ecaterina Szabo proved her mettle in top-flight competitions for another three years. Back then she only won one single notable title, in the 1987 edition of Montreal Olympics nations competition. Ecaterina Szabo retired the same year.

    Having concluded her professional gymnasts career, Ecaterina Szabo acted as head-coach with the National center in Deva. Afterwards she settled in France, the country where she has been living ever since.

    (Translation By Eugen Nasta)

  • Romania at the Olympic Games – Gymnast Ecaterina Szabo

    Romania at the Olympic Games – Gymnast Ecaterina Szabo

    The 1984 edition of the Olympic Games, held in Los Angeles, the USA, was the event where the Romanian delegation walked home with the greatest number of medals, so much so that Romania came in 2nd according to nations’ rankings. Second only to the United States, Romania walked away with 20 gold medals, 16 silver and 17 bronze medals. However, we should not forget that almost all former Soviet Bloc countries boycotted the Olympics, which made it easier for participants to win medals in a number of disciplines.

    A member of Romania’s women’s gymnastics team, Ecaterina Szabo won the greatest number of medals in Los Angeles. Szabo won four gold medals and one bronze medal. With Soviet Union gymnasts being absent from competition, Szabo already ranked as favorite. However, Ecaterina Szabo failed to win the absolute Olympic champion title because she fell while performing her beam exercise. Szabo strongly came from behind in the apparatus pieces finals and won three gold medals, in the vault, floor and beam events, for the latter apparatus piece coming on a par with another Romanian, Simona Pauca. Ecaterina Szabo’s noteworthy record in the Los Angeles Olympics provided a crucial contribution to the Romanian delegation’s ranking in the nations’ competition.

    Ecaterina Szabo was born on 22 January 22, 1967, in eastern Transylvanian Covasna County’s Zagon commune. She took up gymnastics at the age of 6. Since Hungarian was her mother tongue, Ecaterina Szabo began to learn Romanian once she started her gymnastics training. In the beginning, she was coached by Marta and Bela Karoly. Later on, her training was supervised by Adrian Goreac, Adrian Stan and Maria Cosma, at the Olympic Center in Deva.

    Ecaterina Szabo’s first notable feat occurred in 1980, in the then very familiar Chumichi Cup in Japan. It was a gold medal won in the beam event. In 1982, Szabo won three gold medals in Romania’s International Championships, where she compelled recognition in the uneven parallel bars and floor events. At the European Championships in 1983, Ecaterina Szabo won gold in the uneven parallel bars and floor events. Also in 1983, Ecaterina Szabo won silver in the vault event and bronze in the all-round event.

    After her career-best in Los Angeles Olympics in 1984, Ecaterina Szabo proved her mettle in top-flight competitions for another three years. Back then she only won one single notable title, in the 1987 edition of Montreal Olympics’ nations’ competition. Ecaterina Szabo retired the same year.

    Having concluded her professional gymnast’s career, Ecaterina Szabo acted as head-coach with the National center in Deva. Afterwards she settled in France, the country where she has been living ever since.

    (Translation By Eugen Nasta)

  • Romania at the Olympic Games – Gymnast Ecaterina Szabo

    Romania at the Olympic Games – Gymnast Ecaterina Szabo

    The 1984 edition of the Olympic Games, held in Los Angeles, the USA, was the event where the Romanian delegation walked home with the greatest number of medals, so much so that Romania came in 2nd according to nations’ rankings. Second only to the United States, Romania walked away with 20 gold medals, 16 silver and 17 bronze medals. However, we should not forget that almost all former Soviet Bloc countries boycotted the Olympics, which made it easier for participants to win medals in a number of disciplines.

    A member of Romania’s women’s gymnastics team, Ecaterina Szabo won the greatest number of medals in Los Angeles. Szabo won four gold medals and one bronze medal. With Soviet Union gymnasts being absent from competition, Szabo already ranked as favorite. However, Ecaterina Szabo failed to win the absolute Olympic champion title because she fell while performing her beam exercise. Szabo strongly came from behind in the apparatus pieces finals and won three gold medals, in the vault, floor and beam events, for the latter apparatus piece coming on a par with another Romanian, Simona Pauca. Ecaterina Szabo’s noteworthy record in the Los Angeles Olympics provided a crucial contribution to the Romanian delegation’s ranking in the nations’ competition.

    Ecaterina Szabo was born on 22 January 22, 1967, in eastern Transylvanian Covasna County’s Zagon commune. She took up gymnastics at the age of 6. Since Hungarian was her mother tongue, Ecaterina Szabo began to learn Romanian once she started her gymnastics training. In the beginning, she was coached by Marta and Bela Karoly. Later on, her training was supervised by Adrian Goreac, Adrian Stan and Maria Cosma, at the Olympic Center in Deva.

    Ecaterina Szabo’s first notable feat occurred in 1980, in the then very familiar Chumichi Cup in Japan. It was a gold medal won in the beam event. In 1982, Szabo won three gold medals in Romania’s International Championships, where she compelled recognition in the uneven parallel bars and floor events. At the European Championships in 1983, Ecaterina Szabo won gold in the uneven parallel bars and floor events. Also in 1983, Ecaterina Szabo won silver in the vault event and bronze in the all-round event.

    After her career-best in Los Angeles Olympics in 1984, Ecaterina Szabo proved her mettle in top-flight competitions for another three years. Back then she only won one single notable title, in the 1987 edition of Montreal Olympics’ nations’ competition. Ecaterina Szabo retired the same year.

    Having concluded her professional gymnast’s career, Ecaterina Szabo acted as head-coach with the National center in Deva. Afterwards she settled in France, the country where she has been living ever since.

    (Translation By Eugen Nasta)

  • SporteventPlus: Ecaterina Szabó bei den Olympischen Spielen 1984

    SporteventPlus: Ecaterina Szabó bei den Olympischen Spielen 1984

    Die Olympischen Spiele 1984 in Los Angeles (USA) waren das Ereignis, bei dem die rumänische Delegation die meisten Medaillen mit nach Hause nahm. Am Ende wurden es so viele, dass Rumänien in der Rangliste der Nationen den zweiten Platz belegte. An zweiter Stelle des Medaillenspiegels hinter den Vereinigten Staaten, hatte Rumänien ingesamt 20 Goldmedaillen, 16 Silber- und 17 Bronzemedaillen auf dem Konto. Dabei sollte man jedoch nicht vergessen, dass fast alle Länder des ehemaligen Ostblocks diese Olympischen Spiele boykottiert hatten. Das hatte den Teilnehmern den Gewinn von Medaillen in einer Reihe von Disziplinen erleichtert.

    Ecaterina Szabó, Mitglied der rumänischen Turnriege, gewann in Los Angeles die meisten Medaillen. Szabó gewann insgesamt vier Goldmedaillen und eine Silbermedaille. Da die Turnerinnen aus der Sowjetunion nicht an den Wettkämpfen teilnahmen, galt Szabó bereits im Vorfeld als Favoritin. Ecaterina Szabó scheiterte jedoch am absoluten Olympiasieg im Einzelmehrkampf, weil sie bei einer der Übungen am Schwebebalken stürzte. Sie holte ihren Rückstand im Finale der Gerätewettbewerbe jedoch stark auf und gewann drei Goldmedaillen in den Disziplinen Sprung, Boden und Schwebebalken, wobei sie beim letztgenannten Gerät gleichauf mit ihrer Landsfrau, Simona Păucă, lag. Ecaterina Szabós bemerkenswerter Rekord bei den Olympischen Spielen in Los Angeles trug entscheidend zur Platzierung der rumänischen Delegation im Nationenwettbewerb bei.

    Ecaterina Szabó wurde am 22. Januar 1967 in der Gemeinde Zagon im ostsiebenbürgischen Landkreis Covasna geboren. Im Alter von 6 Jahren begann sie mit dem Turnen. Da Ungarisch ihre Muttersprache war, begann Ecaterina Szabó mit Beginn ihrer Turnausbildung Rumänisch zu lernen. Am Anfang wurde sie von Marta und Bela Karoly trainiert. Später wurde ihre Entwicklung im Training von Adrian Goreac, Adrian Stan und Maria Cosma im Olympischen Zentrum in Deva beaufsichtigt.

    Die erste bemerkenswerte Leistung von Ecaterina Szabó gelang 1980 beim damals sehr bekannten Chumichi Cup in Japan. Es war eine Goldmedaille, die sie am Schwebebalken gewinnen konnte. 1982 holte Szabó drei Goldmedaillen bei den Internationalen Meisterschaften in Rumänien, wo sie am Stufenbarren und am Boden sowie im Einzelmehrkampf Anerkennung gewann. Bei den Europameisterschaften 1983 gewann Ecaterina Szabó Gold am Stufenbarren und Silber im Sprungwettbewerb sowie Bronze im Einzelmehrkampf. Ebenfalls 1983 eroberte Ecaterina Szabó bei ihrer ersten WM-Teilnahme Gold am Boden, Silber im Sprung, am Stufenbarren und im Mannschaftswettkampf, sowie Bronze im Einzelmehrkampf.

    Nach ihrem größten Erfolg bei den Olympischen Spielen 1984 in Los Angeles bewies Ecaterina Szabó weitere drei Jahre lang bei hochkarätigen Wettbewerben ihr Können. In dieser Zeit gewann sie nur noch einen einzigen bemerkenswerten Titel, nämlich 1987 bei der Weltmeisterschaft im kanadischen Montreal im Mannschaftswettkampf. Im selben Jahr beendete Ecaterina Szabó ihre Karriere. Im Anschluß daran war sie eine Zeit lang Trainerin im Turn-Leistungszentrum in Deva. Später siedelte sie nach Frankreich über, wo sie auch heute noch wohnt.

  • România la Jocurile Olimpice: Gimnasta Ecaterina Szabo

    România la Jocurile Olimpice: Gimnasta Ecaterina Szabo

    Ediţia Jocurilor Olimpice
    de la Los Angeles, din 1984, a fost cea la care România a obţinut cele mai
    multe medalii. Delegaţia tricoloră s-a situat pe locul doi pe naţiuni, după
    Statele Unite, cu 20 de medalii de aur, 16 de argint şi 17 de bronz. E drept,
    competiţia a fost boicotată de aproape toate ţările comuniste, fapt care a
    făcut mai uşoară calea către medalii la multe discipline.

    Cea mai titrată sportivă a Jocurilor de la los Angeles a
    fost o componentă a lotului român de gimnastică, şi anume Ecaterina Szabo, care
    a câştigat patru medalii de aur şi una de bronz. În
    lipsa sportivelor din Uniunea Sovietică, era deja considerată favorita
    competiţiei. A ratat însă titlul de campioană olimpică absolută din cauza unei
    căderi, la bârnă. S-a revanşat
    în finalele pe aparate şi a câştigat trei medalii de aur, respectiv la
    sărituri, sol şi bârnă, la ultimul aparat la egalitate cu Simona Păucă.
    Totodată, a contribuit hotărâtor la victoria echipei României în concursul pe

    Ecaterina Szabo s-a născut la 22
    ianuarie 1967, în comuna Zagon, din judeţul Covasna. A
    început gimnastica la 6 ani. Odată cu primele lecţii de gimnastică a început sa
    înveţe şi limba română, limba ei maternă fiind maghiara. Primii săi antrenori au fost Marta şi Bela Karoly.
    Ulterior a mai fost pregătită de Adrian Goreac, Adrian Stan şi Maria Cosma, la
    Centrul Olimpic din Deva.

    Primul său succes major s-a înregistrat în 1980, la
    cunoscuta competiţie japoneză Chunichi Cup. Era o medalie de aur, la bârnă. În
    1982 câştigă trei medalii de aur la Campionatele Internaţionale ale României,
    unde se impune la individual compus, paralele şi sol. Un an mai târziu, la
    Europene, câştigă aurul la paralele şi sol, argintul la sărituri şi bronzul la
    individual compus. Prima sa participare la Mondiale îi aduce, tot în 1983, aur
    la sol, argint la sărituri, la paralele
    şi cu echipa, şi bronz la individual compus.

    După Jocurile Olimpice din 1984, cariera sportivă a
    Ecaterinei Szabo a durat încă trei ani, cu rezultate, e drept, mai puţin
    strălucitoare. Nu va mai cuceri decât un singur titlu important, cel cu echipa,
    la Mondialele din 1987, an în care Kati se retrage.

    După încheierea carierei sportive, a
    fost antrenoare la centrul naţional de la Deva. A plecat apoi în Franţa, unde
    este stabilită şi astăzi.