Tag: EHF Cup

  • Sportevents: u.a.: Tennisprofi Mitu gewinnt Challenger-Turnier in Prag

    Sportevents: u.a.: Tennisprofi Mitu gewinnt Challenger-Turnier in Prag

    Die rumänische Tennisspielerin Andreea Mitu hat das WTA-Challenger- Turnier in Prag, im Damen-Doppel, gewonnen. Mitu und ihre Partnerin, die Weißrussin Lidia Morozova, besiegten im Finale das Paar Giulia Gatto-Monticone aus Italien und Nadia Podoroska aus Argentinien mit 6:4 und 6:4. Mitu und Morozova teilen sich ein Preisgeld von 37.000 US-Dollar, außerdem erhält jede Spielerin 160 Ranglistenpunkte im Doppel.

    Rumäniens Tennisprofi Sorana Cîrstea unterlag in der 3. Runde der US Open in Flushing Meadows der tschechischen Spielerin Karolina Muchova. Nach einem umkämpften Spiel gewann Muchova mit 6:3, 2:6 und 7:6. Die Rumänin vergab dabei drei Matchbälle im Tiebreak des dritten Satzes. Mit dem Erreichen der dritten Runde glich die 30-jährige Cîrstea ihre Bestleistungen bei den US Open von 2009 und 2019 aus.

    Im selben Turnier, bei den US Open, qualifizierte sich das Duo Horia Tecău aus Rumänien und der Niederländer Jean-Julien Rojer für das Viertelfinale der Herren. Gegen die Hauptfavoriten des Turniers, die Kolumbianer Juan-Sebastian Cabal und Robert Farah, setzten sich Tecău und Rojer in 3 Sätzen mit 4:6, 6:3 und 6:4 durch. In der Runde der letzten Acht treffen die beiden auf Rohan Bopanna aus Indien und Denis Shapovalov aus Kanada.

    Und nun zum Handball: Die Herrenmannschaft von Potaissa Turda ist nach der Begegnung mit dem kroatischen Team HRK Gorica in die zweite Qualifikationsrunde des EHF-Cups vorgerückt. Das Rückspiel gewann Potaissa auswärts mit 32:27 und sicherte sich somit das Weiterkommen, zuvor hatten die Westrumänen das Hinspiel zu Hause mit 24:26 verloren.

    Der CSM Știința Baia Mare und der SCM Timișoara bestreiten das Finale der rumänischen Rugby-Superliga. Im ersten Halbfinale schlug Știința Baia Mare Dinamo Bukarest mit 76:19. Im zweiten Halbfinale in Bukarest besiegte der SCM Timișoara Steaua Bukarest knapp mit 21:20. Im Spiel um die Plätze 5-6 gewann Tomitanii Constanța das Match gegen Universitatea Klausenburg mit 29:23.

    Und nun Fußball und die UEFA-Nationenliga. Die rumänische Fußballnationalmannschaft trennte sich im ersten Spiel zu Hause mit einem 1:1-Unentschieden von der Auswahl Nordirlans in Gruppe 1 der Liga B. Die Tore erzielten George Pușcaș in der 25. Minute für Rumänien und Gavin Whyte in der 86. Minute für Nordirland. In derselben Gruppe bezwang Österreich die norwegische Mannschaft auswärts mit 2:1. Österreich und Rumänien treffen im nächsten Spiel am heutigen Montagabend im österreichischen Klagenfurt aufeinander.

    Der Gegner Rumäniens im Playoff um die Qualifikation für die Europameisterschaft 2021, Island, verlor das Heimspiel gegen England in der Liga A mit 0:1.

    Und schließlich Rudern und die U23-Europameisterschaft im deutschen Duisburg. Rumäniens Sportler gewannen insgesamt 10 Medaillen, 5 Gold-, 3 Silber- und 2 Bronzemedaillen. Mit diesem Ergebnis belegte Rumänien den ersten Platz in der Länderrangliste.

  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    Romanian athlete Laura Georgeta
    Coman this past Saturday in Poland’s Wroclav won the 10m air rifle European
    title It is the second gold medal Laura won in the European Shooting Sports
    Championships; we recall Laura won the first medal in Osijek, Croatia. In 2019. In Poland, Coman compelled
    recognition in the final with 251.2 points. She was followed by Russia’s
    Anastasiya Galashina, who had one tenth of a point less than Coman. Third-placed
    was Andrea Arsovic of Serbia, with 228. 9 points.

    Romanian men’s national handball
    team Dinamo Bucharest has got through to the Champions League’s round of 16. In
    the second leg of the playoff tie against Sporting Lisbon, Dinamo grabbed a 26
    to 24 win in Bucharest, this past Sunday.

    Dinamo had also won the first leg,
    in Portugal, 26 to 25. In the competition’s round of 16, Dinamo is the only
    team with a win-all record in the ongoing season of the Champions League. Dinamo
    will face the runner-up team in Group A, French side Paris Saint-Germain. The
    first leg is scheduled over March 18 and 22nd in Bucharest, while
    the second leg is scheduled in Paris, over March 25 and 29.

    In the women’s version of the
    Champions League, two other Romanian teams will prove their mettle in the quarterfinals.
    One round ahead of the end of the main phase, none of the Romanian teams can
    waste the opportunity to come in 4th in the group stage, which is the last
    place that can book a ticket for the quarterfinals. In the weekend round this
    past Saturday, in main Group 2, SCM Ramnicu Valcea defeated Swedish opponents
    Savehof, 28 to 26. On Sunday, in main group 1, CSM Bucharest were defeated by
    French side Metz, 26 to 28, away from home. The last round is scheduled at the
    end of this week.

    In the EHF Cup, Gloria
    Bistrita-Nasaud was defeated by Danish opponents Herning Ikast, 29 to 26 in the
    first leg of the quarterfinal, this past Sunday on home ground. The second leg
    is scheduled in Ikast on March 8.

    In news from football, this past weekend saw matches being played,
    counting towards the first round of the Group1/Group 2 stage of the domestic
    championship. In Group 1 on Friday, Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe drew 1-all in the
    home game they played against Poli Iasi, while Academica Clinceni grabbed a
    1-nil win against Dinamo Bucharest. In Ovidiu, in the south east, Viitorul
    Constanta ended the match against FC Voluntati in a blank draw. In Group 2, on
    Saturday, FC Botosani drew in the home game against FCSB, 2-all. On Sunday,
    Universitatea Craiova defeated Gaz Metan Medias on home turf, 2-1. In Group1,
    Universitatea Craiova are at the top of the table with 26 points, followed by
    CFR Cluj, also with 26 points.

  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    Romanian athlete Laura Georgeta
    Coman this past Saturday in Poland’s Wroclav won the 10m air rifle European
    title It is the second gold medal Laura won in the European Shooting Sports
    Championships; we recall Laura won the first medal in Osijek, Croatia. In 2019. In Poland, Coman compelled
    recognition in the final with 251.2 points. She was followed by Russia’s
    Anastasiya Galashina, who had one tenth of a point less than Coman. Third-placed
    was Andrea Arsovic of Serbia, with 228. 9 points.

    Romanian men’s national handball
    team Dinamo Bucharest has got through to the Champions League’s round of 16. In
    the second leg of the playoff tie against Sporting Lisbon, Dinamo grabbed a 26
    to 24 win in Bucharest, this past Sunday.

    Dinamo had also won the first leg,
    in Portugal, 26 to 25. In the competition’s round of 16, Dinamo is the only
    team with a win-all record in the ongoing season of the Champions League. Dinamo
    will face the runner-up team in Group A, French side Paris Saint-Germain. The
    first leg is scheduled over March 18 and 22nd in Bucharest, while
    the second leg is scheduled in Paris, over March 25 and 29.

    In the women’s version of the
    Champions League, two other Romanian teams will prove their mettle in the quarterfinals.
    One round ahead of the end of the main phase, none of the Romanian teams can
    waste the opportunity to come in 4th in the group stage, which is the last
    place that can book a ticket for the quarterfinals. In the weekend round this
    past Saturday, in main Group 2, SCM Ramnicu Valcea defeated Swedish opponents
    Savehof, 28 to 26. On Sunday, in main group 1, CSM Bucharest were defeated by
    French side Metz, 26 to 28, away from home. The last round is scheduled at the
    end of this week.

    In the EHF Cup, Gloria
    Bistrita-Nasaud was defeated by Danish opponents Herning Ikast, 29 to 26 in the
    first leg of the quarterfinal, this past Sunday on home ground. The second leg
    is scheduled in Ikast on March 8.

    In news from football, this past weekend saw matches being played,
    counting towards the first round of the Group1/Group 2 stage of the domestic
    championship. In Group 1 on Friday, Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe drew 1-all in the
    home game they played against Poli Iasi, while Academica Clinceni grabbed a
    1-nil win against Dinamo Bucharest. In Ovidiu, in the south east, Viitorul
    Constanta ended the match against FC Voluntati in a blank draw. In Group 2, on
    Saturday, FC Botosani drew in the home game against FCSB, 2-all. On Sunday,
    Universitatea Craiova defeated Gaz Metan Medias on home turf, 2-1. In Group1,
    Universitatea Craiova are at the top of the table with 26 points, followed by
    CFR Cluj, also with 26 points.

  • Sportevents: Olympische Winterspiele der Jugend, Handball (EHF-Cup), Tennis

    Sportevents: Olympische Winterspiele der Jugend, Handball (EHF-Cup), Tennis

    Die rumänische Athletin Georgeta Popescu hat bei den Olympischen Jugend-Winterspielen in Lausanne Gold im Einerbob geholt. Popescus Zeit in den beiden Runden des Wettkampfes betrug 2 Minuten, 26 Sekunden und 84 Hundertstel. Zweite wurde die Slowakin Viktoria Cernanska, die Deutsche Celine Harms beendete das Rennen auf dem dritten Platz. Eine weitere Athletin aus Rumänien, Antonia Sarbu, belegte im selben Wettkampf den 13. Platz. Popescus Erfolg ist die zweite Medaille der rumänische Delegation nach der Bronzemedaille von Ramona Ionel in der Staffel des Eisschnelllaufs am Mittwoch.

    Als nächstes Handball und die Spiele im EHF-Cup: Die rumänische Damenmannschaft von Măgura Heltau kam im Auswärtsspiel gegen die dänische Mannschaft Kobenhavn Handball mit 22:33 unter die Räder. Heltau hat somit alle Gruppenspiele des Wettbewerbs verloren. In der gleichen Gruppe endete das Spiel der Ungarinnen von Siofok gegen die Kroatinnen von Podravka Koprivnica mit einem 30:30-Unentschieden.

    Siofok steht mit fünf Punkten an erster Stelle der Gruppenwertung, gefolgt von Koprivnica ebenfalls mit fünf, Kopenhagen mit zwei und Heltau noch ohne Punkte. Die rumänische Mannschaft spielt am 26. Januar erneut gegen Kopenhagen, dem Termin an dem auch das Rückspiel Podravka gegen Siofok stattfindet.

    In der Gruppe C hat Gloria Bistrita-Nasaud im Auswärtsspiel gegen eine weitere dänische Mannschaft Odense Handbold mit 19:25 verloren. Das ungarische Team ERD setzte sich mit 29:24 gegen das polnische Team MKS Lublin durch. Odense steht mit 6 Punkten an erster Stelle der Rangliste, gefolgt von ERD mit 3, Bistrita mit 2 und MKS mit einem Punkt. Gloria wird am 26. Januar in einem Heimspiel gegen Odense antreten, während die Polinnen aus Lublin in der eigenen Halle gegen die Ungarinnen von ERD spielen werden.

    Die rumänische Tennisspielerin Sorana Cîrstea hat sich nach einem 6:2, 7:6-Sieg gegen die tschechische Herausforderin Barbora Strycova für die zweite Runde der Australian Open qualifiziert. Nächster Gegner von Cîrstea beim ersten Grand-Slam-Turnier des Jahres ist die junge US-Amerikanerin Cori Gauff, die nach einem 7:6, 6:3-Sieg gegen Venus Williams vorrückte.

    Drei weitere Rumäninnen stehen im Hauptfeld des Wettbewerbs: Simona Halep, die gegen Jennifer Brady aus den USA antreten wird, Irina Begu, die gegen Kiki Bertens aus den Niederlanden spielt und Monica Niculescu, die gegen Alize Cornet aus Frankreich antritt.

  • Sportevents: Eishockey(Erste Liga), Handball (WM-Quali,EHF-Cup),Fußball

    Sportevents: Eishockey(Erste Liga), Handball (WM-Quali,EHF-Cup),Fußball

    Wir beginnen mit Neuigkeiten aus dem Eishockey. Der SC Miercurea Ciuc hat am Samstag in der regionalen Erste Liga gegen Fehervari Titanok auswärts mit 8:4 gewonnen. In Kronstadt verlor die Lokalmannschaft Corona mit 3:4 gegen die Ungarn von Ferencvaros Budapest. Auch der ACSH Gheorgheni verlor zu Hause die Begegnung mit Ujpest mit 2:3. An der Tabellenspitze steht der SC Miercurea Ciuc mit 86 Punkten, gefolgt von Ferencvaros aus Ungarn mit 77 Punkten.

    Rumäniens Handball-Herren sind in die zweite Qualifikationsrunde der Handball-Weltmeisterschaft 2021 vorgerückt. Rumänien gewann in der ersten Qualifikationsrunde die Gruppe 3 in Benevento in Italien. Rumänien besiegte dabei Georgien mit 29:24, den Kosovo mit 32:21 und Italien mit 29:24.

    Wir bleiben beim Handball. An diesem Wochenende wurden Spiele im EHF-Cup der Damen ausgetragen. In der Gruppe B unterlag Magura Heltau zu Hause den Ungarn von Siofok mit 23:31. Im anderen Gruppenspiel siegten die Kroaten aus Podravka mit 28:26 über die Dänen von Kobenhavn Handball. Siofok und Podravka belegen mit jeweils 4 Punkten den ersten Platz in der Tabelle. Die beiden Mannschaften werden am kommenden Samstag gegeneinander antreten. Am Sonntag spielt Magura Heltau auswärts gegen den dänischen Verein Kobenhavn Handball. Die beiden Mannschaften sind bislang noch ohne Punktgewinn.

    In der Gruppe C kam Gloria Bistritz in einem Heimspiel gegen die ungarische Mannschaft ERD zu einem 25:25 Unentschieden. Im anderen Gruppenspiel gewannen die Däninnen von Odense Handbold mit 35:18 gegen den MKS Lublin aus Polen. Odense führt die Gruppentabelle mit 4 Punkten an, gefolgt von Gloria mit 2 Punkten. Am Samstag wird ERD gegen Lublin in der eigenen Halle antreten, während Gloria Bistritzzur Begegnung mit Odense nach Dänemark reist.

    Wir beenden die heutige Rubrik mit Neuigkeiten vom Fußball. Die rumänischen Liga-1-Teams bereiten sich auf die zweite Hälfte der regulären Saison vor. Im ersten Freundschaftsspiel, das im Rahmen ihres Trainingslagers in der Türkei ausgetragen wurde, gewann Universitatea Craiova gegen Eintracht Braunschweig mit 2:0. Das erste Tor erzielte Valentin Mihaila in der 54. Minute, während der deutsche Torhüter Jasmin Fejzeic in der 83. Minute ein Eigentor erzielte.

  • Sportevents: Tischtennis-Weltcup, Handball-Europapokal, Fußball (1.Liga)

    Sportevents: Tischtennis-Weltcup, Handball-Europapokal, Fußball (1.Liga)

    Wir beginnen mit Tischtennis und dem Weltcup der Damen: Für das rumänische Team um Bernadette Szocs, Eliza Samara, Daniela Dodean Monteiro und Adina Diaconu war im Viertelfinale Schluss. Gegen Japan unterlagen sie mit 0:3. Zuvor hatte Rumänien in der Gruppenphase gegen Taiwan mit 1:3 den Kürzeren gezogen und das Team aus Vanuatu mit 3:0 besiegt.

    Und nun zum Handball der Damen und der Champions League: In der Gruppe C unterlag der rumänische Meister SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea in Ludwigsburg der SG BBM Bietigheim mit 28:31. Zur Halbzeit hatten die Rumäninnen noch mit 14:13 geführt. Im anderen Gruppenspiel gewann Brest Bretagne Handball aus Frankreich mit 32:28 gegen Buducnost Podgorica aus Montenegro. Brest Bretagne ist Tabellenführer in dieser Gruppe mit 10 Punkte, es folgen Buducnost mit 6 Punkten, der SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea mit 2 Punkten und die SG BBM Bietigheim mit 2 Punkten.

    Rumäniens Vizemeister und zweiter Vertreter in der CL, der CSM Bukarest, unterlag zu Hause den Däninnen vom Team Esbjerg mit 21:25. Die Partie in der Bukarester Sala Polivalenta zählte für die Gruppe B des Wettbewerbs. Für den CSM war es die erste Niederlage der ersten Gruppenphase, im Hinspiel gegen Esbjerg hatten die Rumäninnen in Dänemark noch mit 24:22 gewonnen. In der selben Gruppe war Rostow am Don gegen die Polinnen von MKS Perla Lublin mit 30:20 erfolgreich. In der Tabelle führt Rostow mit 7 Punkten, gefolgt vom punktgleichen CSM Bukarest, Esbjerg mit 6 Zählern und dem noch punktlosen MKS Perla Lublin.

    Und wir bleiben beim Handball und den rumänischen Vertretern im EHF-Cup, dem zweitwichtigsten Wettbewerb in Europa. Der CS Măgura Heltau unterlag den Spanierinnen von Rocasa Gran Canaria mit 24:28, Halbzeitstand 11:10. Die Partie im spanischen Telde galt als Hinspiel der dritten Runde. Im selben Wettbewerb kam es zu einem rein rumänischen Duell. Corona Kronstadt bezwang im Hinspiel Gloria Bistritz mit 27:25, zur Halbzeit hatten die Gäste 15:13 geführt. Die Rückspiele finden in einer Woche statt.

    Und schließlich Fußball und der 16. Spieltag der ersten rumänischen Liga: Astra Giurgiu-FC Voluntari 1:0, FC Hermanstadt-Viitorul Constanţa 1:1, Academica Clinceni-CSMS Iaşi 1:0, Chindia Târgoviște – CSU Craiova 1:1, FC Botoșani – FCSB 0:2, Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe – Gaz Metan Mediasch 0:1, Dinamo Bukarest – CFR Klausenburg 0:0. Tabellenführer ist der CFR Klausenburg mit 31 Punkten, es folgen der FC Viitorul Constanţa mit 29 und Astra Giurgiu mit 28 Punkten.

  • Sportevents: EM-Titel für Tischtennisdamen, Handball-Europapokal, Fußball

    Sportevents: EM-Titel für Tischtennisdamen, Handball-Europapokal, Fußball

    Rumäniens Tischtennis-Damen sind Europameister! Bei der Mannschafts-Europameisterschaft im französischen Nantes gewannen sie das Endspiel gegen Portugal am Sonntag mit 3:0. Für Rumänien punkteten Bernadette Szőcs, Daniela Dodean Monteiro und Elizabeta Samara. Szőcs, die derzeit am besten platzierte Rumänin, bezwang im ersten Spiel Jieni Shao mit 3 :2, nach einem 1 :2 Rückstand. Es folgte der Sieg von Daniela Dodean gegen die beste Portugiesin, Yu Fu, mit 3 :2. Yu Fu hatte bei den Europäischen Spielen in Minsk Gold und bei der Europameisterschaft 2016 Silber im Einzel geholt. Schließlich gewann Eliza Samara, die Europameisterin von 2015, die letzte Begegnung mit Leila Oliveira mit 3 :0 nach Sätzen. Der rumänischen Mannschaft gehörten noch Adina Diaconu und Irina Ciobanu an. Für Rumänien ist es der fünfte Europameister-Titel im Mannschaftswettbewerb nach den Erfolgen von 1992, 2002, 2005 und 2017.

    Und nun zum Handball. Das Frauenteam des SCM Craiova hat sich ohne Mühe für die zweite Qualifikationsrunde des EHF-Cups qualifiziert. Die Ostrumäninnnen erreichten zwei deutliche Siege gegen die Italienerinnen von Jomi Salerno : Am Samstag hieß es 30 :21 für den SCM, am Sonntag folgte ein 29 :17. Beide Partien fanden in Craiova statt.

    Die Herrenmannschaft von Dobrogea Sud Constanţa ist in der Qualifikation für den EHF-Cup ebenfalls eine Runde weiter, nach dem Rückspiel-Sieg gegen Antalyaspor aus der Türkei, 29 :16 lautete das Endergebnis am Sonntag in der Stadt am Schwarzen Meer. Das Hinspiel in Antalya war 2 4 :24 ausgegangen.

    Und schließlich Fußball. Die rumänische Nationalmannschaft hat sich in der Qualifikation für die Europameisterschaft 2020 mit 1 :0 gegen Malta durchgesetzt. Den Siegtreffer erzielte am Sonntag in Ploieşti George Puşcaş in der 47. Spielminute. Rumänien bot dabei eine bescheidene Leistung, die drei Punkte lassen jedoch nach wie vor die Chance auf die EM-Qualifikation bestehen. Das Hinspiel in Malta hatte Rumänien mit 4:0 für sich entschieden. In derselben Qualifikationsgruppe F trennten sich Schweden und Norwegen in Stockholm 1:1 unentschieden. In Gijon bezwang Spanien die Färöer Inseln mit 4:0. Tabellenführer ist Spanien mit 18 aus 18 möglichen Punkten. Es folgen Schweden mit 11, Rumänien mit 10, Norwegen mit 9, Malta mit 3 Punkten und die noch punktlosen Färöer Inseln. Die nächsten Spiele für die rumänische Mannschaft sind die Auswärts-Begegnung mit den Färöer Inseln am 12. Oktober und das Heimspiel gegen Norwegen am 15 Oktober in Bukarest.

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    Oana Manea, the pivot of Romanian handball team CSM Bucharest, believes this coming Saturdays match against Krim Ljubljana is crucial if the team wants to go through to the Champions Leagues quarterfinals. CSM Bucharest has been trying to recover after the defeat they sustained last week in the game against Gyor, while right now, Manea says, the most important thing is for CSMs line-up to play as a united team. “The absence of Cristina Neagu and Amanda Kurtovic takes its toll on our performance. They are two top handball players, we began the season with them as key pieces for the team, and now we miss them. Thats how I feel about it, Agerpress news agency quoted Oana Manea as saying.

    The leg against Krim Ljubljana counts towards the second round of main Group 2. In the as-it-stands table, Győr are at the top, with 10 points. Following in descending order are Kristiansand and CSM Bucharest, each with 6 points on their record sheet. Ferencvaros Budapest are 4th-placed, while Krim Ljubljana and Thuringer come 5th and 6th, respectively. In order to make headway in the quarterfinals, Romanian champions CSM Bucharest need to be placed on one of the first four positions in the group.

    In the EHF Cup, Magura Cisnadie, playing in the competitions Group A, stands no chance to go past the group stage. After four games played, Magura Cisnadie have zero points on their record sheet. On Sunday on home turf, Magura Cisnadie take on Danish side Team Esbjerg. In Group D, SCM Craiovas chances to go through to the quarterfinals exist only in theory. SCM Craiova are at the bottom of the table in their group, with a record of one win and three defeats. SCM Craiovas next match is scheduled against Danish opponents Nykøbing.

    In football, this coming weekend, Romanian League One championship is resumed, with the fixtures counting towards the 22nd round.

    On Friday, Concordia Chiajna take on FC Botosani, while Gaz Metan Medias face Astra Giurgiu. On Saturday, Dunarea Calarasi play FCSB on home turf, while CFR Cluj receive the visit of FC Hermannstadt. On Sunday, FC Voluntari are pitted against Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe at home, while in the south-eastern Romanian village of Ovidiu, Viitorul Constanta take on Universitatea Craiova. The last fixture of the 22nd round is scheduled on Monday, when Dinamo Bucharest are pitted against Poli Iasi.

    CFR Cluj are at the top of the table, with 46 points, FCSB are the runner-up team, with 40 points, while 3rd-placed are Craiova, with 38 points.

    (translated by: Eugen Nasta)

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    Oana Manea, the pivot of Romanian handball team CSM Bucharest, believes this coming Saturdays match against Krim Ljubljana is crucial if the team wants to go through to the Champions Leagues quarterfinals. CSM Bucharest has been trying to recover after the defeat they sustained last week in the game against Gyor, while right now, Manea says, the most important thing is for CSMs line-up to play as a united team. “The absence of Cristina Neagu and Amanda Kurtovic takes its toll on our performance. They are two top handball players, we began the season with them as key pieces for the team, and now we miss them. Thats how I feel about it, Agerpress news agency quoted Oana Manea as saying.

    The leg against Krim Ljubljana counts towards the second round of main Group 2. In the as-it-stands table, Győr are at the top, with 10 points. Following in descending order are Kristiansand and CSM Bucharest, each with 6 points on their record sheet. Ferencvaros Budapest are 4th-placed, while Krim Ljubljana and Thuringer come 5th and 6th, respectively. In order to make headway in the quarterfinals, Romanian champions CSM Bucharest need to be placed on one of the first four positions in the group.

    In the EHF Cup, Magura Cisnadie, playing in the competitions Group A, stands no chance to go past the group stage. After four games played, Magura Cisnadie have zero points on their record sheet. On Sunday on home turf, Magura Cisnadie take on Danish side Team Esbjerg. In Group D, SCM Craiovas chances to go through to the quarterfinals exist only in theory. SCM Craiova are at the bottom of the table in their group, with a record of one win and three defeats. SCM Craiovas next match is scheduled against Danish opponents Nykøbing.

    In football, this coming weekend, Romanian League One championship is resumed, with the fixtures counting towards the 22nd round.

    On Friday, Concordia Chiajna take on FC Botosani, while Gaz Metan Medias face Astra Giurgiu. On Saturday, Dunarea Calarasi play FCSB on home turf, while CFR Cluj receive the visit of FC Hermannstadt. On Sunday, FC Voluntari are pitted against Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe at home, while in the south-eastern Romanian village of Ovidiu, Viitorul Constanta take on Universitatea Craiova. The last fixture of the 22nd round is scheduled on Monday, when Dinamo Bucharest are pitted against Poli Iasi.

    CFR Cluj are at the top of the table, with 46 points, FCSB are the runner-up team, with 40 points, while 3rd-placed are Craiova, with 38 points.

    (translated by: Eugen Nasta)

  • October 22, 2018

    October 22, 2018

    STRASBOURG President of Romania Klaus Iohannis will take part on Tuesday in Strasbourg in a debate organised by the European Parliament with respect to the future of the European Union. The head of state will present Romanias views on the topic. It is for the first time that the President of Romania will address the European Parliament, and his participation in the event takes place in the context of a series of debates on the future of the European bloc, in which the leaders of the EU member states are invited to take part. In the plenary session that begins on Tuesday, the MEPs will also discuss the 2019 budget of the Union, ways to reduce the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, and the taxes to be charged for the use of certain infrastructure segments by heavy duty vehicles.

    SECURITY The European Commissioner for Security Union Julian King is on an official visit to Bucharest today. He will discuss with the Interior Minister Carmen Dan topics related to the security of EU citizens, including ways to identify efficient European legislation to fight online radicalisation. Julian King will also have meetings with the head of the Romanian Intelligence Service Eduard Hellvig, with the presidential adviser for national security and with Justice Ministry officials.

    LAW The Parliament of Romania is re-examining the Offshore Bill, after the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats reached an agreement last week. In early August, President Klaus Johannis did not sign the bill into law and sent it back to Parliament for a review. What is at stake is, first and foremost, the profit that Romania will make from natural gas extraction in the Black Sea. The Energy Minister, Anton Anton, is expected to attend in the Chamber of Deputies today a debate on the Offshore Bill and the solutions for capitalising on the natural gas in the Black Sea. The Deputies in the specialised committees are to decide on the final text of the bill to be subject to the vote in a plenary sitting.

    PROTESTS Several hundreds of people Sunday night took part in a new anti-government protest. The participants voiced their discontent with a recent ruling of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, which bans unplanned protests, and with an emergency order issued by the Government concerning changes of regulations in the judiciary. In Cluj Napoca, in the north-west, around 100 people also gathered further to an appeal on social media, to protest the Governments policies in the judiciary.

    TREATY The US national security adviser John Bolton has arrived in Moscow today, where he will be received by the Russian President Vladimir Putin. The latter will request clarifications regarding the USAs plan to pull out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty (INF). The US President Donald Trump announced a few days ago that Washington would withdraw from the INF. The US unilateral withdrawal from the treaty signed with Russia during the Cold War is a mistake, China warned on Monday. The spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry Hua Chunyiong said Beijing is against this plan. The INF treaty was signed in 1987 by the US President Ronald Reagan and the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. The document bans the use of missiles with ranges between 500 and 5,000 km, ending the crisis started in the 1980s by the Soviet deployment of SS-20 nuclear missiles targeting all western capitals. Analysts say the withdrawal could have major implications with respect to the American defence policy in Asia, giving the Pentagon new conventional options to reinstate military balance in the region, where China has invested massively in conventional missiles.

    INVICTUS Romanian troops won the first medal in the 2018 Invictus Palarympics in Sydney, Australia, in the indoor rowing event. In the 4-minute endurance event Dumitru Paraschiva won the 3rd place, and his colleague Ciprian Iriciuc, the 4th place out of 21 competitors. At the Paralympic Games held in October 20-27, Romania is represented by 15 soldiers wounded in theatres of war. Romanian athletes, who take part in the competition for the second time, compete in the archery, cycling, Paralympic athletics, rowing, swimming, and volleyball events.

    HANDBALL The Romanian womens handball team SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea Sunday qualified into the 3rd round of the EHF Cup, after being defeated by the Turkish side Kastamonu Belediyesi, 21-20, in the return leg of the 2nd round. Another Romanian team, Măgura Cisnădie, has also qualified into this stage of the EHF Cup, after winning the 2 legs of the 2nd round against the Czech team Slavia Prague (28-25 and 29-20). SCM Craiova also enters the competition in the 3rd round, after having lost the qualifiers into the Champions League and continues into the EHF Cup. Meanwhile, HC Zalău was defeated away from home by the German team Borussia Dortmund, 24-20, and failed to qualify into the 3rd round of the EHF Cup.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • October 6, 2018 UPDATE

    October 6, 2018 UPDATE

    REFERENDUM – Nearly 19 million Romanian voters are invited this weekend to vote on a proposed redefinition of the concept of family in the Constitution. The initiators aim to define “family as an institution based on the marriage of a man and a woman, rather than the marriage of spouses, as it is at present. According to data released by the Central Electoral Bureau 5.72% of the total number of eligible voters cast their ballots on Saturday, many of them in urban communities. Polls will reopen in the country on Sunday morning. By 21:00 local time, when polls closed in Romania, some 46,000 Romanians had also voted abroad. The Romanians living abroad can vote in 378 polls hosted by diplomatic missions, consular offices, cultural institutes and other locations. The largest number of polls abroad are in Italy, Spain, the Republic of Moldova, the USA, UK, France and Germany. The voting process abroad will conclude on the US West Coast and in Canada on Monday morning, according to Romanian time. The vote in the diaspora started on Friday night in Auckland, New Zealand. On the whole, the vote abroad will take 58 hours. Parliament has passed a bill rephrasing the Constitutional definition of marriage, based on a citizen initiative signed by 3 million people. The referendum will be validated provided that a 30% turnout rate is met and 25% of the eligible voters cast valid votes.

    LAW – The Speaker of the Senate of Romania Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu said on Saturday that he wants a consensus of all parliamentary parties with respect to the Offshore Bill. In the next 2 weeks, when the bill is to be once again discussed, we will have enough time to find the best solutions, Tariceanu also said. The so-called Offshore Bill, which sets out the rules for natural gas extraction in the Black Sea, was discussed on Wednesday in the Chamber of Deputies, which decided to send the text back to the specialised committees. The bill was originally passed in the previous parliamentary session, but President Klaus Iohannis returned it to Parliament for a review.

    EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT – The European Parliament has approved a report proposing new rules for freezing and confiscating the proceeds of crimes. The new regulation will allow for quicker and more efficient implementation of confiscation and asset freeze orders, as well as tighter deadlines for authorities and standard certificates for all EU member states. Experts estimate that offenders keep 98% of the proceeds of criminal activities. The EP report estimates that criminal activities generate around 110 billion euros per year. A 2016 EUROPOL report shows that only 2.2% of the money generated by criminal activities has been frozen or confiscated. At present, regulations on cross-border asset confiscation within the EU contain major loopholes that criminals and terrorists take advantage of.

    SOPRANO – World-famous Spanish soprano Montserrat Caballé died on Saturday at the age of 85, in a hospital in Barcelona where she had been admitted a month ago, the BBC reports. With a career spanning 50 years, Montserrat Caballé performed on some of the worlds greatest stages, alongside such personalities as Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo. Together with Freddie Mercury she sang the hit Barcelona, which was the anthem of the 1992 Olympics hosted by the Spanish city.

    FINANCIAL – The Romanian Ministry for Finances has recently drawn 1.75 billion euros, through a Eurobond issue in international financial markets. The largest part of the bonds, amounting to 1.15 billion euros, has a 10-year maturity, and the remaining have 20-year maturity. According to Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici, the issue clearly reflects the positive international perception of the Romanian economys medium and long-term prospects. The strong demand and the quality of the investors confirm Romanias strengths, namely the sound macroeconomic foundation, coherent fiscal discipline and economic-financial stability. Teodorovici added that the Eurobond issue is designed to strengthen the State Treasurys foreign currency reserve and to minimise long term borrowing costs.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian side AHC Dobrogea Sud Constanţa Saturday defeated at home the Czech side Talent Robstav MAT Plzen, 28-21, in the first leg of the second preliminary round of the EHF Cup in mens handball. The second leg will be played in Constanta as well, on Sunday. On Friday, Romanias womens handball champions, CSM Bucharest, defeated at home, 36-31, the Hungarian team FTC Rail Cargo, in Group D of the new Champions League season. It is for the 4th consecutive time that CSM takes part in the leading continental competition. The first time, in 2016, the Romanian handballers won the Champions League trophy, and in the following editions they came out 3rd in the Final Four

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • October 6, 2018 UPDATE

    October 6, 2018 UPDATE

    REFERENDUM – Nearly 19 million Romanian voters are invited this weekend to vote on a proposed redefinition of the concept of family in the Constitution. The initiators aim to define “family as an institution based on the marriage of a man and a woman, rather than the marriage of spouses, as it is at present. According to data released by the Central Electoral Bureau 5.72% of the total number of eligible voters cast their ballots on Saturday, many of them in urban communities. Polls will reopen in the country on Sunday morning. By 21:00 local time, when polls closed in Romania, some 46,000 Romanians had also voted abroad. The Romanians living abroad can vote in 378 polls hosted by diplomatic missions, consular offices, cultural institutes and other locations. The largest number of polls abroad are in Italy, Spain, the Republic of Moldova, the USA, UK, France and Germany. The voting process abroad will conclude on the US West Coast and in Canada on Monday morning, according to Romanian time. The vote in the diaspora started on Friday night in Auckland, New Zealand. On the whole, the vote abroad will take 58 hours. Parliament has passed a bill rephrasing the Constitutional definition of marriage, based on a citizen initiative signed by 3 million people. The referendum will be validated provided that a 30% turnout rate is met and 25% of the eligible voters cast valid votes.

    LAW – The Speaker of the Senate of Romania Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu said on Saturday that he wants a consensus of all parliamentary parties with respect to the Offshore Bill. In the next 2 weeks, when the bill is to be once again discussed, we will have enough time to find the best solutions, Tariceanu also said. The so-called Offshore Bill, which sets out the rules for natural gas extraction in the Black Sea, was discussed on Wednesday in the Chamber of Deputies, which decided to send the text back to the specialised committees. The bill was originally passed in the previous parliamentary session, but President Klaus Iohannis returned it to Parliament for a review.

    EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT – The European Parliament has approved a report proposing new rules for freezing and confiscating the proceeds of crimes. The new regulation will allow for quicker and more efficient implementation of confiscation and asset freeze orders, as well as tighter deadlines for authorities and standard certificates for all EU member states. Experts estimate that offenders keep 98% of the proceeds of criminal activities. The EP report estimates that criminal activities generate around 110 billion euros per year. A 2016 EUROPOL report shows that only 2.2% of the money generated by criminal activities has been frozen or confiscated. At present, regulations on cross-border asset confiscation within the EU contain major loopholes that criminals and terrorists take advantage of.

    SOPRANO – World-famous Spanish soprano Montserrat Caballé died on Saturday at the age of 85, in a hospital in Barcelona where she had been admitted a month ago, the BBC reports. With a career spanning 50 years, Montserrat Caballé performed on some of the worlds greatest stages, alongside such personalities as Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo. Together with Freddie Mercury she sang the hit Barcelona, which was the anthem of the 1992 Olympics hosted by the Spanish city.

    FINANCIAL – The Romanian Ministry for Finances has recently drawn 1.75 billion euros, through a Eurobond issue in international financial markets. The largest part of the bonds, amounting to 1.15 billion euros, has a 10-year maturity, and the remaining have 20-year maturity. According to Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici, the issue clearly reflects the positive international perception of the Romanian economys medium and long-term prospects. The strong demand and the quality of the investors confirm Romanias strengths, namely the sound macroeconomic foundation, coherent fiscal discipline and economic-financial stability. Teodorovici added that the Eurobond issue is designed to strengthen the State Treasurys foreign currency reserve and to minimise long term borrowing costs.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian side AHC Dobrogea Sud Constanţa Saturday defeated at home the Czech side Talent Robstav MAT Plzen, 28-21, in the first leg of the second preliminary round of the EHF Cup in mens handball. The second leg will be played in Constanta as well, on Sunday. On Friday, Romanias womens handball champions, CSM Bucharest, defeated at home, 36-31, the Hungarian team FTC Rail Cargo, in Group D of the new Champions League season. It is for the 4th consecutive time that CSM takes part in the leading continental competition. The first time, in 2016, the Romanian handballers won the Champions League trophy, and in the following editions they came out 3rd in the Final Four

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • October 6, 2018

    October 6, 2018

    EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT – The European Parliament has approved a report proposing new rules for freezing and confiscating the proceeds of crimes. The new regulation will allow for quicker and more efficient implementation of confiscation and asset freeze orders, as well as tighter deadlines for authorities and standard certificates for all EU member states. Experts estimate that offenders keep 98% of the proceeds of criminal activities. The EP report estimates that criminal activities generate around 110 billion euros per year. A 2016 EUROPOL report shows that only 2.2% of the money generated by criminal activities has been frozen or confiscated. At present, cross-border asset confiscation within the EU is regulated by several regulations containing major loopholes that criminals and terrorists take advantage of.

    REFERENDUM – Nearly 19 million Romanian voters are invited today and tomorrow to vote on a proposed redefinition of the concept of family in the Constitution. The initiators aim to define “family as an institution based on the marriage of a man and a woman, rather than the marriage of spouses, as it is at present. According to data released by the Central Electoral Bureau, in the first 3 hours of the vote 0.97% of the total eligible voters showed up in polls. 100,860 votes were reported in towns and cities and 77,081 in communities. According to the Bureau, 0.85% of the voters registered in Bucharest have cast their ballots, while 3,346 Romanian citizens have voted abroad. Parliament has passed a bill rephrasing the Constitutional definition of marriage, based on a citizen initiative signed by 3 million people. The referendum sparked fiery debates between the initiators, a Christian coalition primarily supported by the Romanian Orthodox Church, and the promoters of sexual minority rights. The Romanians living abroad can vote in 378 polls hosted by diplomatic missions, consular offices, cultural institutes and other locations. The largest number of polls abroad will be in Italy, Spain, the Republic of Moldova, the USA, UK, France and Germany. The vote in the diaspora started on Friday night in Auckland, New Zealand. On the whole, the vote abroad will take 58 hours. The voting process abroad will conclude on the US West Coast and in Canada on Monday morning, according to Romanian time. The referendum will be validated provided that a 30% turnout rate is met and 25% of the eligible voters cast valid votes.

    SOPRANO – World-famous Spanish soprano Montserrat Caballé died on Saturday at the age of 85, in a hospital in Barcelona where she had been admitted a month ago, the BBC reports. With a career spanning 50 years, Montserrat Caballé performed on some of the worlds greatest stages, alongside such personalities as Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo. Together with Freddie Mercury she sang the hit Barcelona, which was the anthem of the 1992 Olympics hosted by the Spanish city.

    INTERPOL – French police are investigating the disappearance of the Interpol chief, Meng Hongwei, the French Interior Ministry told Reuters on Friday. Mengs wife reported him missing at the headquarters of the international police organisation in Lyon, because she had not heard from him since September 25. The Interpol chiefs wife and 3 children are under police protection, after they received threats over the telephone and social media, the French Interior Ministry also said. Meng, 64, was appointed head of the Interpol in 2016. He went missing during a visit to China.

    FINANCIAL – The Romanian Ministry for Finances has recently drawn 1.75 billion euros, through a Eurobond issue in international financial markets. The largest part of the bonds, amounting to 1.15 billion euros, has a 10-year maturity, and the remaining have 20-year maturity. According to Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici, the issue clearly reflects the positive international perception of the Romanian economys medium and long-term prospects. The strong demand and the quality of the investors confirm Romanias strengths, namely the sound macroeconomic foundation, coherent fiscal discipline and economic-financial stability. Teodorovici added that the Eurobond issue is designed to strengthen the State Treasurys foreign currency reserve and to minimise long term borrowing costs.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian side AHC Dobrogea Sud Constanţa is playing today against Talent Robstav MAT Plzen, of the Czech Republic, in the first leg of the second preliminary round of the EHF Cup in mens handball. Yesterday, Romanias womens handball champions, CSM Bucharest, defeated at home, 36-31, the Hungarian team FTC Rail Cargo, in Group D of the new Champions League season. It is for the 4th consecutive time that CSM takes part in the leading continental competition. The first time, in 2016, the Romanian handballers won the Champions League trophy, and in the following editions they came out 3rd in the Final Four.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Romanian handball teams in European inter-club competitions

    Romanian handball teams in European inter-club competitions

    Although not as popular as football, Romanian handball has a long history. In recent years, not just the Romanian national women’s team grabbed notable results, but also individual clubs, which have won important European inter-club competitions. CSM Craiova on Friday won the EHF Cup after defeating 30-25 Vipers Kirstiansand of Norway on home turf in the second leg of the final. In the first leg the Norwegian team had won 26-22. CSM finished second in the group, which also included Brest of France, Kuban Krasnodar of Russia and Denmark’s Randers. In the quarterfinals, Craiova eased past Lada Togliatti of Russia, seeded first in the competition, and knocked out Kastamonu of Turkey in the semi-finals.

    SCM’s feat is all the more praiseworthy as the team has this season undergone major changes, most of the players being homegrown. This was the first European title for SCM and the first EHF Cup won by a Romanian team in the competition’s latest format. Previously, Chimistul Ramnicu Valcea won the IHF Cup in 1984 and 1989, while Rapid Bucharest won the competition in 1993. Also in this year’s edition of the EHF Cup, another Romanian team, HC Zalau, had a very good run. The two teams could have played each other in the semis, but Zalau was edged out by Turkey’s Kastamonu.

    Further evidence of the power of Romanian handball is CSM Bucharest’s qualification, for the third consecutive year, to the Champions League Final Four tournament, this year hosted by Budapest. Although the expectations were high, CSM had to settle for the bronze medal. In the semi-finals, the team from Bucharest lost 20-26 to Hungary’s Gyor, which went on to defend their title in the final against Macedonia’s Vardar Skopje, 27-26. CSM won however the bronze final match against Russia’s Rostov Don, 31-30. Despite the disappointment, CSM’s Cristina Neagu was designated the competition’s top scorer with a total of 110 goals this season. This is the second time the award goes to Neagu, who so far has been designated the world’s best handballer three times.

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • May 12, 2018 UPDATE

    May 12, 2018 UPDATE

    PROTEST – People have taken to the streets in Bucharest and other cities across Romania to take part in a protest titled “We want Europe, we dont want dictatorship”. They are accusing the ruling coalition, made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats of failing to keep the promises they made during the election campaign, of alienating Romania from the European democratic standards and throwing it into a regime ruled by politicians interests. According to the organizers of the protest, some of the anti-democratic measures taken by the governing coalition include the modifications brought to the criminal codes and the changes to the justice laws, operated without public consultations. Romanians in the Diaspora have announced they are supporting the protesters.

    1848 REVOLUTION – On Saturday, Romanias President Klaus Iohannis attended in Blaj, central Romania, events devoted to the commemoration of 170 years since the National Assembly of the 1848 Revolution. He stated that Romania must maintain its European path and remain strong and anchored in the European values and the rule of law. The Romanian Revolution of 1848 was part of the European Revolution and an expression of the Romanian nations affirmation process and national consciousness.

    DIPLOMACY – The Romanian Foreign Ministry has issued a communiqué in which it justifies the decision to reject the EU proposal by means of which the members states were asked to refuse to relocate their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Foreign Ministry explains that it took into consideration the very complicated regional context and conducted a thorough analysis of the text proposed by the European External Action Service. President Klaus Iohannis has announced he will invite the Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu to explain the stand taken by the Romanian representatives at the European External Action Service regarding the relocation of embassies from Tel Aviv. He has also stated that the Romanian Embassy cannot be moved without his approval. On April 20th, the Romanian Presidential Administration had stated that the head of state Klaus Iohannis believed that the relocation of the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem would be, at this stage, a violation of relevant international law. A day before, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea had announced that the Government had adopted a memorandum stipulating the start of the procedures to move the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem.

    VISIT – The Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, currently on a visit to Rome, has met with Romanian students of pontifical universities. On the occasion, Ms Dancila has promised the Romanian Government will help equip the library of the Pio Romeno Pontifical College. She stressed the importance of the College for the Romanian students at the Vatican and for strengthening the ties between Romania and the Holy See. On Friday, Viorica Dancila was received by Pope Francis, whom she thanked for his interest in the relations with Romania and voiced hope that the Pope would pay a visit to Romania. The Romanian Prime Ministers visit to the Vatican is taking place at a time of very good bilateral ties, and in the year when Romania is celebrating 100 years since the Great Union, which will be marked by the Holy See through several cultural and academic events.

    DIASPORA – The Ministry for Romanians Abroad will award this year 100 successful Romanians, under a project aimed at highlighting the top 10 Romanian personalities in 10 countries across the world inhabited by large Romanian communities. The Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia Intotero made the announcement in Deva, western Romania, on Saturday. The first event will take place in Brussels on Wednesday and will promote the Romanian traditional costume, given that this year Romanians celebrate one hundred years since the creation of the Romanian unitary state.

    THEATRE – The “Matei Visniec” Theatre Festival is underway in Suceava, north-eastern Romania. Until May 20th, the festival will be playing host to some 60 performances, for all ages and tastes. 300 guests are expected to attend the festival, actors, directors and theater critics from across the country, from the Republic of Moldova and from France. The special guest of the festival, just like every year, is the Romanian writer and playwright Matei Visniec, who has settled in France. His plays have been staged all across the world, including Japan, the US, Brazil and Turkey. In Romania, his works were banned before the anti-Communist Revolution of 1989.

    ART SAFARI – Works worth some 10 million Euro, from important private collections, from the Pompidu Museum in Paris and from the collection of the former Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu can be seen until May 20th at Art Safari, the largest artistic event in Romania, organized in central Bucharest. The most valuable exhibit is a work by Constantin Brancusi, which is part of a private collection and was evaluated at a seven figure sum as the director of Art Safari Bucharest Ioana Ciocan has told us. The Art Safari Exhibition has reached its fifth edition.

    EUROPEAN LITERATURE NIGHT – The Romanian writer Magda Carneci will attend the European Literature Night organized by the Czech Center in New York, under the aegis of the European Union of National Institutes of Culture. This second edition will present authors and books from Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Hungary. Each author will be presented along with a book translated into English, and young American students will read from them. Magda Carneci will participate with the volume “A Deafening Silence”.

    RESOLUTE CASTLE 2018 – The Cincu shooting ground, in central Romania, is hosting the multinational exercise Resolute Castle 2018. Its a six-month exercise that involves the participation of military of the Romanian Land Forces and of the South Carolina National Guard. Romanian and American soldiers will carry out infrastructure and refurbishing works in Cincu. Resolute Castle 2018 focuses on building and consolidating training centers in Poland and Romania. This allows the US military units to rapidly mobilize its forces, to carry out rotating drills together with allies and multi-national partners and to demonstrate their deterrence capacity in a security environment.

    HANDBALL – Romanian womens handball champion CSM Bucharest has failed to qualify for the Champions Leagues final in Budapest. The Romanian squad was defeated 26-20 by the Hungarian Gyori Audi ETO KC, in the first semifinal of the Final Four. CSM won the Final Four in 2016. On Friday, SCM Craiova won the EHF Cup in womens handball, by defeating on home turf on Friday night the Norwegian squad Vipers Kristiansand 30 to 25. This is the first European trophy won by SCM Craiova, and also the first EHF Cup for the Romanian womens handball. The competition had been won by Romanian teams before, but under the previous name, IHF Cup ( Chimistul Ramnicu Valcea in 1984 and 1989 and Rapid Bucharest in 1993). (translated by Mihaela Ignatescu)