• February 20, 2025 UPDATE

    February 20, 2025 UPDATE

    FAIR The 2025 springtime edition of Romania’s Travel Fair got underway on Thursday in Bucharest in the presence of the Minister of Economy, Digitalization, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Bogdan Ivan. According to him, authorities are preparing a series of visa facilities for tourists who want to travel to Romania. Currently at its 51st edition, the event is taking place until Sunday on a surface of 12 thousand square meters and brings together 190 exhibitors from Romania and abroad, thus strengthening its status as a reference platform in the tourism industry, the organizers say. This edition brings together a significant number of international participants who account for 52% of the total companies attending. Travel agencies and operators have prepared significant discounts for a wide range of travel packages. Romania’s most beautiful regions are being promoted during the fair offering the visitors the opportunity of discovering these marvelous regions for themselves. The present edition comes with a series of exclusive offers and special discounts for the holidays of 2025 and also includes inter-active presentations and conferences given by experts in the industry as well as virtual tours of the top destinations.


    TENNIS Romania’s male tennis team will be up against El Salvador in the Davis Cup’s World Group Two in September this year, the Romanian Tennis Federation announced on its Facebook page on Thursday. The matches are to take place over September 12 – 13 or 13 – 14. Romania conceded a 3-1 defeat to Bulgaria in Craiova, southern Romania, in the World Group One’s play-offs held in late January early February. In Group Two, El Salvador outperformed the Republic of Moldova 3-2 on their own turf in Santa Tecla. Romania hasn’t played Salvador yet whose best known player is Marcelo Arevalo, world leader in doubles contests. Worth mentioning is that the singles ranking doesn’t include any Salvadorian player.


    UKRAINE Ilie Bolojan, the interim president of Romania, stated after Wednesday’s informal meeting in Paris that Ukraine’s security is directly linked to the security of Europe and of Romania, reaffirming the importance of the collaboration between the European states and the United States to achieve a just and lasting peace. “A fair peace cannot be achieved without the participation of Ukraine and the European Union in the negotiations,” Ilie Bolojan also stated. Before the meeting, which was also attended by leaders from Norway, Canada, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, Sweden and Belgium, the interim president of Romania had talks with the president of France, Emmanuel Macron. “We have ensured once again that, just as France has been by Romania’s side in the very important moments of our country’s history, it stands by our side today. We have reconfirmed the strategic partnership with France,” said President Bolojan. He also added, “we have reconfirmed the stability of the French military presence in Romania. At the request of our country, this presence will be strengthened in the coming period.” Bucharest and Paris will also continue their economic cooperation, including in the defense industry, with the development of production capacities in Romania being taken into account for the coming years.


    TALKS Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has said, regarding the peace negotiations in Ukraine, that the momentary harsh statements made by the world leaders are not important, what is important is a just and lasting peace in that country, which can only be achieved with the help of the US. He stressed that peace will bring lower energy and gas prices and an economic recovery throughout Europe. It is then vital to participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine, it is a project of over 500 billion euros, from which Romanian companies must gain as much as possible, Ciolacu added. He announced, on the other hand, that during the working visit he will make to Brussels on Friday, he will meet with the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. The discussions will focus, among other things, on aspects related to the renegotiation of the NRRP as well as the security situation in the current international context. The Head of the Executive specified that he will be accompanied to Brussels by the Minister of Investments and European Projects, Marcel Boloş, and the Minister of Finance, Tanczos Barna.



  • Studentin aus El Salvador will Investigativ-Journalistin werden

    Studentin aus El Salvador will Investigativ-Journalistin werden

    Dominique Nicole Portillo Rivera aus dem mittelamerikanischen Land El Salvador studiert in der westsiebenbürgischen Universitätsstadt Klausenburg Journalistik an der Fakultät für Politik-, Verwaltungs- und Kommunikationswissenschaften. Bevor sie im Jahr 2019 nach Rumänien kam, wusste die heute 25-Jährige so gut wie gar nichts über Rumänien. Zwar hatte sie zuvor schon mal Urlaub in Europa gemacht, nämlich in Frankreich und Deutschland, und sie hatte auch Asien bereist und war bis nach Indonesien gelangt. Doch erst aus dem Internet erfuhr sie von Rumänien und von den Stipendien des rumänischen Staates für ausländische Studenten, die durch das Auswärtige Amt abgewickelt werden. Und so machte sie sich zunächst zur rumänischen Botschaft in Mexiko auf, die auch die Vertretung Rumäniens in El Salvador gewährleistet, und bewarb sich erfolgreich für ein Stipendium. Bis 2020 absolvierte sie zunächst das Vorbereitungsjahr für ausländische Studenten an der Babeş-Bolyai-Universität in Klausenburg, das u.a. einen Intensivkurs in Rumänisch und Vorlesungen über rumänische Zivilisation, Kultur und Geschichte umfasst. Jetzt studiert Dominique Nicole Portillo Rivera Journalistik im 3. Semester an derselben Universität. Doch welche waren ihre ersten Eindrücke in Rumänien?

    Die Tennisspielerin Simona Halep war, glaube ich, die einzige Berühmtheit aus Rumänien, von der ich etwas wusste, denn in unserer Familie sind wir alle gro‎ße Sportfans und haben die Tennisturniere immer verfolgt. Sonst wusste ich so gut wie gar nichts über Rumänien. Ich reise gerne, also habe ich mehrere Städte in Rumänien besucht, bislang war ich in Kronstadt, Hermannstadt, Sinaia, Bukarest, Schä‎ßburg, Mediasch, Gro‎ßwardein und sicherlich in meiner Uni-Stadt Klausenburg. Meine Lieblingsstadt von allen ist Sinaia, auch wenn sie eine kleine, unscheinbare Stadt ist. Mir gefällt es dort, ich war bereits dreimal in Sinaia und am meisten gefallen mir die Berge. Die Aussicht von den Bergspitzen ist beeindruckend und spendet Seelenruhe. Das erste Mal war ich zusammen mit einer Freundin aus Bulgarien dort, und wir nahmen die Seilbahn hinauf in die Berge und für den Rückweg entschieden wir uns, zu wandern. Das war keine gute Idee, denn wir hatten die Entfernung und die Schwierigkeit der Strecke unterschätzt, so dass wir drei oder vier Stunden für den Abstieg brauchten. Aber alles in allem war es eine amüsante Erfahrung, an die ich gerne zurückdenke. Nach Sinaia gefallen mir am besten Kronstadt und Gro‎ßwardein, doch ich glaube, dass alle Städte Rumäniens schön und einen Besuch wert sind.“

    Auf der Reiseliste der Studentin aus El Salvador steht nun die südwestrumänische Stadt Temeswar, das wichtigste Zentrum der Kulturlandschaft Banat. Im Sommer 2021 war sie zwar schon einmal dort, sie möchte sich aber die Stadt näher ansehen. Und sie findet auch, dass es zwischen Rumänien und El Salvador gewisse Ähnlichkeiten gibt, selbst wenn die beiden Länder so fern voneinander liegen.

    Als ich in Rumänien ankam, fand ich die Menschen sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend. Au‎ßerdem sind die Rumänen immer sehr überrascht und freuen sich, wenn man als Ausländer aus einem so fernen Land wie El Salvador ihre Sprache spricht. In El Salvador sind wir ähnlich. Hier fühle ich mich fast wie zu Hause, denn die Menschen sind vom Gemüt her ähnlich wie in meiner Heimat.“

    Die junge Journalistik-Studentin macht auch ein Praktikum in der Redaktion der Studentenpublikation StudentPress. Auf der Webseite der Publikation sind bereits einige Artikel aus ihrer Feder zu finden, sie arbeitet au‎ßerdem auch mit dem Studentensender UBB zusammen, der in ihrer Universität in Klausenburg untergebracht ist. Zu ihren Aufgaben gehören Reportagen, Filmbesprechungen und Podcasts in englischer Sprache, in denen ausländische Studenten ihre Eindrücke über Rumänien schildern.

    Doch ihr grö‎ßter Wunsch ist es, Investigativjournalistin zu werden — inspiriert habe sie der US-amerikanische Spielfilm Spotlight“. Hören wir zum Schluss die Zukunftspläne von Dominique Nicole Portillo Rivera aus El Salvador:

    Um ehrlich zu sein, habe ich noch keinen konkreten Plan, wahrscheinlich werde ich als Journalistin arbeiten, ich ziehe jedoch den investigativen Bereich vor. Ich wei‎ß zwar nicht, ob meine Rechnung aufgehen wird, aber ich hoffe es. Falls es mit der Journalistik nicht klappt, möchte ich in einem Verlag arbeiten, denn ich lese ohnehin gerne. Vorerst möchte ich noch in Rumänien bleiben und — wenn möglich — hier arbeiten und ein bisschen Geld beiseite legen. Nach einem Jahr werde ich entscheiden, ob ich hier bleibe oder in ein anderes Land ziehe. Meine Wunschvorstellung wäre Europa oder Asien, weniger Amerika. Aber man wei‎ß ja nie, was einem das Leben bringt. Ich nehme die Dinge so, wie sie kommen. Wie wir auf spanisch zu sagen pflegen: Was sein wird, wird sein.“

  • Dominique Nicole Portillo Rivera din El Salvador

    Dominique Nicole Portillo Rivera din El Salvador

    Bine v-am găsit la Radio România Internaţional. Mă numesc Dominique Nicole Portillo Rivera şi sunt din El Salvador, care e în America Centrală, foarte departe de România, în prezent studiez jurnalism la Facultatea de Științe Politice, Administrative și ale Comunicării, am 25 de ani, sunt în anul II acum şi sunt aici, în Cluj.”

    Până să ajungă în Cluj-Napoca, în 2019, Nicole Portillo Rivera nu ştia mai nimic despre România. Mersese în trecut în Europa în vacanţe, în Franţa sau în Germania, ajunsese chiar în Asia, în Indonezia. Despre România a aflat graţie internetului, aşa a descoperit inclusiv detalii despre programul de burse oferite de statul român prin intermediul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe, cetățenilor străini. Tânăra a fost la Ambasada României în Mexic, care asigură reprezentarea diplomatică a României în El Salvador, şi a făcut toate demersurile necesare astfel că în 2020 îşi încheia la Cluj-Napoca anul pregătitor la limba română la Facultatea de Litere a Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai, Departamentul de limbă, cultură şi civilizaţie românească, iar în prezent e deja studentă în anul al II-lea la jurnalism, la Facultatea de Științe Politice, Administrative și ale Comunicării. Câteva impresii despre România?

    Simona Halep cred că era singura persoană despre care ştiam că e din România, pentru că în familia mea, noi urmărim turneele de tenis, altfel nu ştiam nimic despre România. În primul rând în România îmi place turismul. Îmi place să vizitez multe oraşe, cel mai mult îmi place să călătoresc într-o ţară. Am fost la Braşov, Sibiu, Sinaia, Bucureşti, Sighişoara, Mediaş, Oradea şi Cluj. Oraşul meu preferat din România nu contează aşa mult ca oraş, cred, pentru că e mic, dar acesta e Sinaia. Mi-a plăcut foarte mult, am fost în Sinaia de trei ori şi cel mai mult mi-a plăcut muntele. Am fost pe munte de două ori, dar prima oară pentru mine a fost impresionant. Priveliştea din vârful muntelui mi-a plăcut foarte mult, pentru mine a fost extrem de relaxant, a fost super. Prima oară am urcat cu telecabina, am fost acolo cu o prietenă din Bulgaria şi am o poveste foarte amuzantă pentru că noi am urcat cu telegondola, dar de coborât, am decis să coborâm pe jos şi nu a fost tocmai o idee bună, cred că am coborât cam în trei sau patru ore…a fost extrem de amuzant, dar a fost o experienţă plăcută în general, am amintiri plăcute acum de acolo. După Sinaia, Braşovul şi Oradea sunt pentru mine următoarele oraşe cele mai frumoase din România. Cred că toate oraşele din România sunt foarte frumoase şi merită vizitate.”

    Timişoara e următorul oraş în care Nicole Portillo Rivera ar vrea să ajungă în curând. În cei trei ani de când studiază în România acasă, în El Salvador, tânăra a fost o singură dată, în vara lui 2021. Găsea asemănări între cele două ţări atât de îndepărtate.

    Când am ajuns aici, în România, oamenii mi s-au părut foarte amabili, au fost extrem de amabili cu mine şi extrem de primitori. În plus, românii, de fiecare dată când le vorbesc în limba română, sunt extrem de surprinşi şi încântaţi de mine, de faptul că vin din El Salvador, o ţară foarte departe de România, e o experienţă bună când vorbesc cu cineva din România pentru că şi noi suntem cam aşa. Aş putea spune că mă simt aproape ca acasă pentru că oamenii de aici sunt cam la fel cu cei de la mine de acasă.”

    Tânăra studentă la jurnalism face practică profesională în redacția StudentPress. Pe site-ul acestei publicaţii online găsiţi deja câteva articole semnate de Nicole Portillo Rivera, care colaborează şi cu singurul post de radio studenţesc-şcoală online din România, UBB Radio.

    La StudentPress până acum am făcut mai multe reportaje, am făcut şi o cronică de film, am ales filmul Coda”, al unui regizor american, şi mai fac practică la UBB Radio, iar acum fac un podcast în limba engleză unde vorbim despre ce ne place în România.”

    Atrasă încă din adolescenţă de jurnalismul de investigaţie, datorită unui film american pe care l-a văzut, Spotlight”, Nicole Portillo Rivera din El Salvador speră să aibă o carieră în acest domeniu în viitor.

    Sincer, nu am un plan concret, dar cel mai probabil voi lucra în jurnalism, prefer însă jurnalismul de investigaţie. Nu ştiu dacă în viitor voi fi o jurnalistă de investigaţie, dar sper că da. Dacă nu voi fi jurnalistă, îmi plac cărţile şi îmi place să citesc şi probabil că voi lucra într-o editură. Planul meu e să lucrez, dacă e posibil, aici, în România, timp de un an, să îmi strâng nişte bani şi după un an pot ramâne aici sau pot pleca în altă ţară. Dar vreau să fiu în Europa sau în Asia, nu cred că în America. Dar cine ştie ce îmi rezervă viaţa în viitor. Iau lucrurile aşa cum vin, la întâmplare. Ce va fi va fi.”

    Aceeaşi Dominique Nicole Portillo Rivera din El Salvador, la final, viitoare jurnalistă formată la Facultatea de Științe Politice, Administrative și ale Comunicării din Cluj-Napoca, şi un scurt mesaj:

    Acum voi vorbi în spaniolă: Un saludo a mi familia, a quién mucho, y a mi país, a El Salvador en general” care înseamnă: Un salut pentru familia mea, pentru prietenii mei din ţara mea şi, în general, pentru El Salvador, ţara mea, ţara din inima mea”. Şi un salut pentru prietenele mele din Bulgaria, Grecia şi Albania. Acum, pentru prietenii mei din România: un salut pentru cei din Jurnalism, Grupa 3.”

  • Nachrichten 11.07.2016

    Nachrichten 11.07.2016

    Kanada hat am Montag in Brüssel seine eingegangene Verpflichtung bestätigt, Anfang Herbst, seinen Beschluss bezüglich der Aufhebung der Visapflicht für rumänische und bulgarische Staatsangehörige, die nach Kanada einreisen, bekanntzugeben. Die Rumänen und Bulgarien sind die einzigen EU-Bürger, für die Visapflicht besteht. Der rumänische Kanzleramtchef Dragos Tudorache erklärte seinerseits am Montag in Brüssel, dass die Erwartungen Rumäniens bezüglich der Abschaffung der Visa eindeutig sind. Vertreter Rumäniens und Bulgariens diskutierten am Montag in Brüssel mit dem kanadischen Migrationsminister, John McCallum, und mit Vertretern der Europäischen Kommission über die Aufhebung der Visapflicht für rumänische Staatsangehörige, die nach Kanada einreisen. Rumänien und Bulgarien drohten, das CETA-Handelsabkommen zwischen der EU und Kanada nicht zu ratifizieren, wenn die Visa nicht abgeschafft werden. Die geltenden Regelungen würden die zwei EU-Staaten diskriminieren, lautete die Kritik aus Bukarest und Sofia. Die Unterzeichnung des besagten Abkommens ist für Oktober vorgesehen und hängt von der vorangehenden Ratifizierung der Nationalparlamente ab. Auch die USA verlangen derzeit bei Einreisen von Bürgern aus fünf osteuropäischen EU-Staaten, darunter Rumänien, noch Visa, während US-Bürger ohne Visum nach Europa reisen können. Kanada verlangt Visa für rumänische und bulgarische Bürger. Der rumänische Premier Dacian Cioloş hatte nach einem Treffen in Ottawa mit seinem kanadischen Gegenüber Justin Trudeau am Mittwoch erklärt, es gebe deutliche Fortschritte auf dem Weg zur Aufhebung der Visapflicht für Kanada-Reisende aus Rumänien.

    Die rumänische Delegation hat bei dem NATO-Gipfel in Warschau alle vom Obersten Landesverteidigunsrat aufgestellten Forderungen erfüllt. Dies erklärte am Montag der rumänische Verteidigungsminister Mihnea Motoc. Die neue NATO-Verteidigungsstrategie wird an der gesamten Ostflanke der Nordatlantischen Allianz in Praxis umgesetzt und gesichert, sowohl im Nordosten (auf dem Baltikum) als auch im Südosten (im Schwarzmeerraum). Die Präsenz der Alliierten im Osten sei besonders wichtig für Rumänien; dazu gehören komplexe, umfassende Ma‎ßnahmen in allen operationellen Bereichen der Land-, See- und Luftstreitkäfte, so Mihnea Motoc.

    Die Asien-Tour von Ministerpräsident Dacian Cioloş hat am Montag mit einer dreitägigen Vietnam-Reise beginnen. Anschlie‎ßnd soll der Regierungschef kommenden Freitag und Samstag am 11. Gipfel des Europe-Asia-Meetings im mongolischen Ulan Bator teilnehmen. Cioloş will laut einer Mitteilung der Regierung die traditionelle Freundschaftsbeziehung mit dem Vietnam wieder ankurbeln, wobei die Dynamik der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit und des Handelsaustausches im Vordergrund stehen soll. Neben bilateralen Gesprächen mit dem Ministerpräsidenten, dem Präsidenten und weiteren vietnamesischen Amtsträgern, wird der rumänische Regierungschef dem Wirtschaftsforum Rumänien-Vietnam in Hanoi beiwohnen. Anwesend wird auch eine Delegation von über 20 Vertretern der rumänischen Unternehmen sein. Sie sollen neue Geschäftsmöglichkeiten mit vietnamesischen Partnern erschlie‎ßen. Dabei soll ihnen auch das zukünftige Freihandelsabkommen der EU mit dem Vietnam zugute kommen. Beim Europe-Asia-Gipfel soll Ministerpräsident Cioloş Argumente für die Umwandlung Rumäniens in eine Drehscheibe für Projekte der Interkonnektivität zwischen Europa und Asien vorbringen. Darunter fallen etwa die Infrastruktur für den Waren- und Energietransport oder die Kommunikation, hei‎ßt es in der Regierungsmitteilung noch.

    Der rumänische Staatspräsident, Klaus Iohannis, hat am Montag ein Gesetz promulgiert, laut dem alle Gro‎ßmärkte mindestens 51% rumänische Erzeugnisse auf den Regalen aufstellen müssen und keine Gebühren von den entsprechenden Lieferanten kassieren dürfen. Zu den betreffenden rumänischen Erzeugnissen gehören Fleisch, Eier, Obst, Gemüse, Honig, Milchprodukte, Brot und Backwaren. Ausgenommen werden die Händler, die einen Netto-Jahresumsatz unter 2 Millionen Euro erzielen.

    Drei rumänische Militärschiffe beteligen sich an der multinationalen Marineübung BREEZE 16, die im Zeitraum 11-17 Juli in den bulgarischen und den internationalen Schwarzmeer-Gewässern stattfindet. Es handelt sich um die Fregatte “Königin Maria”, mit 240 Militärs Besatzung, den Kreuzer für Seeminenräumung “Unterleutnant Alexandru AXENTE” sowie den Raketenträger “Lastunul” (die Schwalbe) mit 60 Militärs Besatzung. Die rumänischen Schiffe sind Teil der Spezialkräfte, die Rumänien der Nordatlantischen Allianz zur Verfügung stellt. Die Teilnahme rumänischer Militärschiffe an NATO-Übungen gewährleistet die Interoperabilität zwischen den Militäreinheiten der NATO-Mitglieder.

    Das Auswärtige Amt Rumäniens hat am Montag sein Bedauern über den Tod des rumänischen Honorarkonsuls im zentralamerikanischen Land El Salvador geäu‎ßert. Dieser wurde am Sonntag tot aufgefunden. Nach Berichten lokaler Medien, die sich auf Informationen der Polizei stützen, lag der Leichnam von Ricardo Enmanuel Salume Barake geknebelt in seinem Haus in der Hauptstadt San Salvador. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat bereits mit ihren Ermittlungen zur Todesursache begonnen. Bereits am 26. Mai war der Honorarkonsul von Panama in El Salvador, Carlos Armando Lemus, tot in einem Fahrzeug in der Avenida Masferrer Norte gefunden worden. Zwischen dem 1. Januar und 13. Juni 2016 wurden in El Salvador insgesamt 2.853 Menschen getötet, 12,5% mehr als im gleichen Zeitraum des Vorjahres.

  • July 11, 2016 UPDATE

    July 11, 2016 UPDATE

    CANADA VISAS – Canada confirmed on Monday in Brussels its promise to announce early this autumn a decision as concerns lifting visa requirements for Romanians and Bulgarians, the only EU citizens which cannot travel freely to Canada. Also in Brussels, the chief of staff to Romanias PM Dragoş Tudorache said that Romania had clear expectations regarding the removal of visa requirements for Romanian citizens. The Canadian Immigration Minister John McCallum discussed the topic with Romanian and Bulgarian officials, in the presence of the European Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos. Romania and Bulgaria have announced they will not ratify the EU-Canada trade agreement until Canada has lifted visa requirements.

    ASIA VISIT – Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos started on Monday a tour of Asia, beginning with a four-day official visit to Vietnam. On Friday and Saturday he is to attend the 11th Europe-Asia Summit, in the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator. The main aims of the visit are resuming political contact with Asian states, as well as recovering traditional markets for Romanian exporters, while encouraging investment in Romania. The agenda in Hanoi includes talks with the PM, President, and other Vietnamese officials. Ciolos will also attend the Romania-Vietnam Economic Forum, with a delegation of over 20 business representatives from Romania, to identify new business opportunities that would fully take advantage of the future EU-Vietnam free trade agreement.

    LAW – President Klaus Iohannis Monday endorsed a law that binds supermarkets to stock their shelves with at least 51% Romanian products, and forbids them from requiring fees and services from suppliers. Retailers with an annual net turnover of below two million Euro are exempt from the new regulations.

    NATO SUMMIT – Defence Minister Mihnea Motoc said on Monday that the Romanian delegation to the recently concluded NATO summit in Warsaw covered all the issues it was mandated to approach by Romania’s Higher Defence Council. He emphasized the fact that NATO’s new deterrence posture, with a strong forward presence, which is of major interest to Romania, is manifest on the eastern flank of the Alliance in the Baltic area, and in the Black Sea region.

    ASSASINATION – The Romanian Foreign Ministry has expressed its deepest regrets after the death of Romanias honorary consul to El Salvador, Emanuel Ricardo Salume Barake, and sent condolences to his family. The Ministry, which stays in touch with the local authorities, has also expressed hopes that the perpetrators of the murder will be brought to justice. Emanuel Ricardo Salume Barake was appointed honorary consul of Romania in 1994. Honorary consuls are not employees of the Romanian Government, nor paid for their services. They are chosen from among the Romanian or foreign citizens living in a particular state, the Romanian Foreign Ministry explains.

    UK Prime Minister – Home Secretary Theresa May is set to be Britains new Prime Minister by Wednesday evening, as David Cameron announced on Monday. May said that under her leadership the UK will stay fully committed to leaving the EU, in spite of her support for the “remain campaign in the referendum. Brexit will be a success, and together we will build a better Britain, May also said. Theresa May was the only candidate left in the race for Tory leadership after her main challenger, Energy Minister Andrea Leadsom withdrew. The new PM will have to call Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which regulates the procedure for member countries to leave the European Union, and sets a 2-year deadline for finalising the separation, AFP reports.

  • 11 July, 2016

    11 July, 2016

    NATO SUMMIT – Defense Minister Mihnea Motoc said today that the Romanian delegation to the recently concluded NATO summit in Warsaw has covered all the issues it was mandated to cover by Romania’s Higher Defense Council. He emphasized the fact that NATO’s new deterrence posture, with a strong forward presence, which is of major interest to Romania, is manifest on the eastern flank of the Alliance in the Baltic area, and in the Black Sea region.

    CANADA VISAS – Dragos Tudorache, Chief of Staff to Romania’s PM, holds talks today in Brussels with the Canadian minister for migration, John McCallum, alongside representatives of the EC, on the issue of removing visa requirements for Romanians traveling to Canada. Romania and Bulgaria announced they would not sign the EU trade treaty with Canada until the visa requirement was removed. In April, Canada and the US got three additional months to comply with EU policies regarding reciprocal visa requirements. According to this principle, countries whose citizens can travel without a visa to any EU member country have to remove that requirement for citizens of the given EU country. Right now, Canada requires visas for Romanians and Bulgarians, while the US requires visas for citizens of five European members, including Romania. PM Dacian Ciolos had previously stated that PM Justin Trudeau, whom he met in Ottawa recently, said he was open to any mutually agreeable political solution.

    ASSASSINATION – Romania’s general honorary consul to El Salvador, Ricardo Emanuel Salume Barake, was assassinated on Sunday in his residence in the capital of that country, according to the authorities in San Salvador. Nothing is yet known about the motives of the killing and the circumstances. This is the second diplomat assassinated in the Central American country this year. On 26 May, Panama’s honorary consul, Carlos Armando Lemus, was found dead in a car on a road in the capital. Violence has erupted once again in El Salvador, claiming the lives of 2,900 people this year alone in what is seen as one of the most violent countries in the world.

    EURO 2016 – Portugal’s national football team on Sunday claimed the title of European champion, defeating France 1-0 after extra time in Paris. This is Portugal’s first such title, after they came very close in 2004, losing in the final played at home. France has two European titles, in 1984 and 2000, and one world title, in 1998. It also made it to the finals in 2006, but lost. The next European championship will be held in 2020 on 13 stadiums in as many countries, among them Romania.

    RETAIL LAW – President Klaus Iohannis endorsed today a law that compels supermarkets to stock their shelves with at least 51% Romanian products, and forbids them from requiring fees and services from suppliers. Retailers with an annual net turnover of below two million Euro are exempt from the new regulations.

    MILITARY EXERCISE – Three Romanian warships take part in a multinational exercise in Bulgaria’s territorial waters and international waters in the Black Sea for a week, starting today. The ships are the Queen Marie, a frigate with a crew of 240, the minesweeper Sublieutenant Alexandru Axente, and the missile ship Lastunul, with a crew of 60. The Romanian ships are part of the package provided by Romania to NATO forces. The exercise is meant to enhance interoperability between NATO partners.