• Gericht entscheidet Konkurs von RADET

    Gericht entscheidet Konkurs von RADET

    Die Richter lehnten die Berufungen ab und bestätigten die im April dieses Jahres getroffene Entscheidung des Gerichts von Bukarest, das die Sanierungspläne des Unternehmens abgelehnt und stattdessen den Konkurs erklärt hatte. Ohne nennenswerte Investitionen in den letzten 50-60 Jahren hat sich das öffentliche Heizsystem in Bukarest immer häufiger als fehlerhaft erwiesen, und die vorübergehende Unterbrechung der Warmwasser- und Wärmeversorgung zur Behebung von Ausfällen hat sich zu einer regelmä‎ßigen Praxis entwickelt.

    Wie die Bukarester Generalbürgermeisterin Gabriela Firea vor der Gerichtsverhandlung erklärte, bedeutet ein voraussichtlicher Rückzug von RADET nicht, dass die Wärmeversorgung demontiert wird. Stattdessen wird der Versorgungsbetrieb von den Stadtwerken Termoenergetica übernommen.

    Eine der Ursachen für die hohen Schulden von RADET ist die Ansammlung von Strafen, die nicht mit der Art und Weise zusammenhängen, wie das Unternehmen geführt wurde, sondern mit einem ungünstigen Vertrag zwischen RADET und ELCEN auf der einen Seite und dem tatsächlichen Zustand der Infrastruktur, erklärte die Bürgermeisterin ebenfalls. ELCEN, ein 2002 gegründetes staatliches Unternehmen, ist der grö‎ßte Produzent von Wärmekraft in Rumänien. Es gibt eine 10-tägige Verzögerung zwischen den Rechnungen von ELCEN an RADET und dem Datum, an dem RADET Rechnungen an Haushalte ausstellt, da das Unternehmen etwa 36.000 Wärmezähler ablesen muss, erklärten die Behörden. Aus diesem Grund ist RADET seit Jahren in Folge nicht in der Lage, das Geld für die rechtzeitige Bezahlung seiner Rechnungen einzuziehen, und diese Verzögerung führte zu von ELCEN verhängten Sanktionen. Der Wärmekraftproduzent habe seine Marktposition genutzt und sich nicht bereit erklärt, den Wirtschaftskreislauf zu rationalisieren, um RADET bei der Anhäufung von Strafen und künstlichen Schulden zu unterstützen, argumentiert auch die Gemeinde.

    Wirtschaftsminister Virgil Popescu versprach jedoch, dass die Menschen in Bukarest nicht ohne Heizung und Warmwasser auskommen werden, denn ELCEN ist bereit und in der Lage, die Haushalte weiterhin mit Wärmeenergie zu versorgen. Der einzige Aspekt, der noch geklärt werden muss, ist der Betreiber, der ihn transportiert und liefert. Das Bukarester Rathaus kündigte seine Absicht an, den Dienst über ein kürzlich gegründetes Unternehmen, Termoenergetica, zu übernehmen, aber dieses Unternehmen ist weder als öffentliches Versorgungsunternehmen zugelassen, noch hat es einen entsprechenden Vertrag mit ELCEN unterzeichnet.

  • Problèmes de chauffage à l’approche de l’hiver

    Problèmes de chauffage à l’approche de l’hiver

    Fortement véhiculée ces dernières semaines, la faillite de la RADET – Régie autonome de distribution de l’énergie thermique de Bucarest – a fait l’objet d’une décision définitive de la Cour d’appel de Bucarest. Les juges ont rejeté les appels interjetés dans cette procédure, tout comme le plan de réorganisation de la compagnie, l’obligeant à déposer le bilan.

    En l’absence d’investissements sérieux, ces 6 dernières décennies, le système de chauffage urbain de la capitale est fortement endommagé, la régie devant arrêter souvent la distribution d’eau chaude pendant des périodes plus ou moins longues pour remédier aux problèmes techniques.

    Une éventuelle disparition de la Régie ne se traduira pas par la disparition de l’ensemble du système de chauffage centralisé, car son activité sera reprise par la Compagnie Municipale Termoenergetica, explique de son côté la maire de Bucarest, Gabriela Firea. Elle fait aussi quelques précisions. Cette faillite n’est pas le résultat d’une mauvaise gestion, mais d’un contrat extrêmement désavantageux entre la RADET et ELCEN, une compagnie d’Etat, le plus grand producteur d’énergie thermique de Roumanie. C’est sur la base de ce contrat que la RADET a accumulé une dette historique de pénalités. S’y ajoutent des problèmes d’ordre technique. Il existe un décalage de 10 jours entre la date des factures émises par ELCEN pour la RADET et la date des factures émises par la RADET vers la population. Ce décalage est dû au fait que la régie doit vérifier plus de 36.000 compteurs. Dans ces conditions, cela fait plusieurs années déjà que la régie est dans l’incapacité de collecter les sommes nécessaires auprès des clients pour payer ses propres factures en temps utile. D’où les pénalités qui n’ont cessé de s’accumuler. Pour sa part, le producteur d’énergie thermique ELCEN a profité de sa position dominante sur le marché, refusant de fluidiser le circuit économique afin de permettre à la RADET de ne plus accumuler de dettes, soit des pénalités créées artificiellement, explique encore la municipalité.

    De son côté, le ministre de l’Economie et de l’Energie, Virgil Popescu, assure les habitants de la capitale que ni le chauffage centralisé ni l’eau chaude ne seront coupés. ELCEN est prête à fournir de l’agent thermique, elle a conclu tous les contrats nécessaires en ce sens avec de distributeur de gaz Romgaz et dispose de mazout au cas où les réserves de gaz s’avèrent insuffisantes.

    L’urgence maintenant, c’est de trouver un opérateur censé transporter et distribuer l’énergie thermique. La municipalité de Bucarest a fait part de son l’intention de s’en occuper par le biais de la compagnie Termoenergetica, une société récemment créée, mais qui ne dispose pas encore de licence pour cette activité, ni de contrat avec le fournisseur ELCEN. (Trad. Valentina Beleavski)

  • Probleme pentru bucureşteni în pragul iernii

    Probleme pentru bucureşteni în pragul iernii

    tot mai intens în ultima perioadă, intrarea în faliment a RADET – Regia
    Autonomă de Distribuire a Energiei Termice Bucureşti – a fost decisă în această
    săptămână de Curtea de Apel, decizia fiind definitivă. Judecătorii Curţii au
    respins apelurile făcute în proces, fiind menţinută hotărârea luată de
    Tribunalul Bucureşti, care, în aprilie 2019, a respins planul de reorganizare
    depus de RADET şi a dispus intrarea regiei bucureştene în faliment. Fără
    investiţii serioase în ultimii 50-60 de ani, sistemul de termoficare din
    Bucureşti a dat tot mai frecvente semne de gripare, iar sistarea furnizării de
    apă caldă şi căldură pe perioade mai mult sau mai puţin determinate în scopul
    remedierii avariilor a devenit aproape o constantă. O eventuală lichidare a
    RADET nu înseamnă dispariţia sistemului de termoficare, pentru că activitatea
    regiei va fi preluată de Compania Municipală Termoenergetica, a explicat edilul
    capitalei, Gabriela Firea, înainte de decizia Curţii, făcând şi câteva

    Între cauzele datoriilor mari ale RADET se numără o acumulare
    istorică de penalităţi, care nu ţine de buna funcţionare a regiei, ci de
    contractul dezavantajos
    încheiat între RADET şi ELCEN, cât şi de situaţia reală din punct de vedere
    tehnic, spune primarul. ELCEN – o companie cu capital integral de stat,
    înfiinţată în 2002, este cel mai mare producător de energie termică din România.
    Există un decalaj de 10 zile între data facturării ELCEN către RADET şi
    data facturării RADET către populaţie, generat de faptul că regia trebuie să
    citească peste 36.000 de contoare, explică autorităţile. În aceste condiţii,
    RADET a fost ani la rând în situaţia de a nu putea colecta de la clienţi sumele
    necesare pentru plata la timp a facturilor, din acest decalaj rezultând
    penalităţile. ELCEN a profitat de poziţia dominantă şi nu a fost dispus să
    fluidizeze circuitul economic, astfel încât RADET să nu mai înregistreze
    datorii şi pe cale de consecinţă, să nu mai plătească penalităţi create
    artificial, spune municipalitatea.

    Ministrul Economiei şi Energiei, Virgil
    Popescu, dă, însă, asigurări că bucureştenii nu vor rămâne fără căldură şi apă
    caldă – ELCEN este pregătit să furnizeze agent termic, are toate contractele
    încheiate cu Romgaz şi stocuri de păcură, în caz că ar apărea vreo problemă legată
    de stocurile de gaze. Ce trebuie urgent rezolvat ţine de operatorul care să
    transporte şi să distribuie energia termică. Primăria Bucureşti şi-a anunţat
    intenţia de a prelua distribuţia prin Termoenergetica, companie recent înfiinţătă,
    dar care încă nu are licenţă pentru această activitate şi nici contract cu

  • July 29, 2017 UPDATE

    July 29, 2017 UPDATE

    – Prime Minister Mihai Tudose has decided to grant the Romanian Minister for
    Romanians Abroad more prerogatives to act so that no Romanian citizen abroad is
    discriminated against. Governmental sources have stated for Radio Romania that
    the Prime Minister will meet with the Spanish Ambassador to Bucharest Ramiro
    Fernandez Bachiller and the Romanian Minister Adreea Pastarnac for talks on
    this matter. On Friday, the Association of Romanians in Europe called on the
    Prime Minister to take urgent measures to protect the Romanians who are working
    abroad and are abused. This week alone, authorities in Spain and Italy have
    discovered thousands of Romanians exploited by employers in those countries.

    ROMANIAN ARMY– Romania’s Higher Defense Council will convene in Bucharest
    on Tuesday to discuss the plan for equipping the Romanian army in the 2017 -
    2026 period. The plan was built taking into account the commitment that all
    political parties made in 2015 to allocate 2% of the GDP to defense, for a
    period of ten years, starting this year. We recall that the latest meeting of
    the Defense Council was held on July 4th, when the Plan was removed from the
    agenda of talks, because of a lack of political consensus on the matter.

    NATIONAL ANTHEM DAY– Garrisons across the country and theatres of operations
    abroad celebrated on Saturday Romania’s National Anthem Day. In a message
    conveyed on this occasion, Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis says that the
    national anthem, titled ‘Awaken, thee, Romanian!’ symbolizes the efforts
    made by Romanians to build a strong and prosperous country. The anthem became
    official in 1990, but it was sung for the first time during the revolution of
    1848 and then in crucial moments in Romania’s history, during the first and the
    second world wars, the War of Independence and the Great Union of 1918. The
    value of this anthem is embedded in the Constitution of Romania, alongside the
    national flag, emblem and seal, Klaus Iohannis has also said. He has called on
    all Romanians to honor this national symbol and to sing it with pride, as a
    gesture of solidarity and a means of affirming their national identity, unity
    and patriotism. Romanian embassies, consulates and cultural institutes abroad
    also held events occasioned by National Anthem Day, alongside other events
    aimed at promoting Romanian traditions and culture.

    ROMANIAN PARLIAMENT – The permanent bureau of the Romanian Chamber
    of Deputies will convene next week to discuss the request for an extraordinary
    parliamentary session on August 2-4. Recently, the Social Democrat Prime
    Minister Mihai Tudose has stated that a special parliamentary session is needed
    to endorse the passing of ELCEN, a producer of electricity, under the
    subordination of the Bucharest municipality. The leader of the opposition
    National Liberal Party Ludovic Orban has stated that, if the meeting is held,
    he will also ask for the hearing of Finance Minister Ionut Misa on the budget
    implementation in the first six months of the
    year, which, according to the liberals, has been catastrophic.

    INCIDENT– Romania’s decision to deny access to its airspace for a
    plane which had the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin on board was a
    provocation, which put passengers in danger and which will seriously affect
    bilateral relations, warns the Russian Foreign Ministry, which has presented a
    protest note and has called for explanations. The Romanian National Defense
    Minister Adrian Tutuianu has termed as ‘inappropriate’ the Russian official’s
    reaction. We recall that on Friday, the regular flight Moscow – Chisinau was
    denied access to Romania’s air space as on board the plane there was a person
    on the list of people subject to EU sanctions. The plane eventually landed in
    the capital of Belarus, Minsk. Dmitri Rogozin was supposed to meet on Friday
    with the president of the Republic of Moldova Igor Dodon and with the leader of
    the separatist regime in Transdniestr, Vadim Krasnoselski.

    NORTH KOREA– The Romanian Foreign Ministry has firmly
    condemned the latest ballistic test conducted by North Korea. In a communiqué
    issued on Saturday, the Romanian diplomacy describes the action as a fresh
    escalation of tension in the Korean Peninsula and a major threat to global
    peace. The Romanian Foreign Ministry calls again on the Pyongyang regime to observe
    the international regulations in force and to take concrete measures to
    denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, completely and irreversibly. Previously, the
    EU had too condemned the latest missile test conducted by North Korea,
    describing it as a threat to world peace and security. The ballistic missile
    launched by North Korea flew 45 minutes and landed in the Japanese waters, 200
    miles from the country’s coast line.

    PASSEX– The Ukrainian Naval Forces are these days taking
    part in PASSEX drills in the Black Sea, alongside ships from NATO member
    countries: Great Britain, Turkey and Romania. The drills are carried out by the
    Ukrainian frigate ‘Hatman Sahaidacini’, the British destroyer ‘Duncan’, the
    Turkish frigate ‘Yildirim’ and the Romanian frigate ‘Regele Ferdinand’ (King
    Ferdinand). These drills are aimed at improving the participants’
    interoperability. Ukraine and NATO set up a partnership in 1991, shortly after
    Kiev won its independence from the former Soviet Union. Ukraine cooperates
    closely with the Alliance and plays and active part in NATO’s Partnership for
    Peace program.