Tag: elements

  • Fashion, between interior and outer space

    Fashion, between interior and outer space

    Besides an
    inspired combination of models, imagination and exploration, the creation of a brand
    new fashion collection is to a certain extent tantamount to a credo; the belief
    that by putting on certain clothes one can connect to values that are very dear
    to their souls. So, a fashion designer can thus turn into a magus, whose
    intention is that all those choosing to wear certain clothes can regain
    themselves in their most beautiful and purest forms.

    And that’s how the latest creation of artist Sophia InLak’ech
    appears to us, a mélange of exquisite new and old, earthly and celestial elements.
    Here is the artist herself at the microphone with details on the project she
    has been working on recently:

    Sophia InLak’ech: This is a
    new fashion project called Zamolxa, under which I have launched a first
    collection entitled Sexy Allien Ţărăncuţă and which very much relies on blessed
    clothes, as I like to call them since they are mainly made out of organic
    materials and fabrics. 80-90 % of them consist of linen adorned with elements
    of sacred geometry as well as digital prints also from this area of sacred
    symbols and geometry.

    A topic,
    which seems to have blended contradictory ideas such as sensuality, outer space
    and an all-out rustic spirit. But where did the artist get this idea from?

    Sophia InLak’ech: The story somehow started a couple of years ago, at my first encounter
    with linen when I felt a very strong spiritual connection with that material. I
    would say it has a special sacredness, which I found running deep into my soul,
    being somehow linked to the very beautiful experiences I used to have while
    hiking in the mountains; a strong connection with an ancestral knowing of the
    Romanian land. That inspired me to name the collection Zamolxa, which comes
    from the god of the ancient Dacians, Zamolxe. All this sacred geometry is present
    everywhere in the territories inhabited by Romanians, which I personally associate
    with old time knowledge running deep in our own blood. Now let’s talk a bit
    more about the name of this collection: ‘Ţărăncuţă (which means in
    Romanian young peasant woman), was inspired by the fact that all these
    geometrical figures can be found on folk costumes all over Romania. The other
    part of the name, Allien, refers to the cosmological knowledge of these
    symbols. And I thought that blending the two elements into a story would be
    something very beautiful, something that links the Earth and the sky, the belief,
    all the values and virtues, we as people, have inherited.

    All the traditional
    elements in the new collection have been mirrored by the embroideries and colours
    the artist has chosen. Here is again at the microphone Sophia InLak’ech, which
    has also referred to the ludic aspect of the challenge she faced in her attempt
    to come up with a fresh fashion collection.

    Sophia InLak’ech: Of course there is a major need that I felt to play with things and
    bring new colorful aspects right into our life. That’s why I introduced the ‘sexy’
    element, since, of course, a young peasant woman can also be sexy. She might
    also want to put on more stylish clothes, in accordance with our contemporary
    time. The collection I am referring to includes nine garment pieces. This is a
    first project of mine but have already kicked off another one, you know. And this
    second one seems to me much more spectacular. However, this collection is the first
    project of this kind that I started, a project I really got initiated through
    and which got me a very beautiful feedback.

    The aforementioned collection could be admired on Facebook and
    Instagram and as artist Sophia InLak’ech
    has admitted, it is growing:

    Sophia InLak’ech: I have to
    admit, I am very enthusiastic about the next project, which I believe am going
    to launch within a month or so. The new collection is to include clothes for
    both men and women, a new story about the young peasant woman who meets a young
    peasant man and the two are going to have their extraterrestrial, their alien story.
    My intention was that all those who come and want to wear these clothes, may regain
    their most beautiful and purest forms.

    collection we have presented to you today is undoubtedly an invitation to joy,
    a joy stemming out of forms and colours, an invitation to a more profound
    connection with the history of these places, to personal history, to somewhere we
    imagine as a better place, something that is warming heart and soul.
