Tag: Elena

  • Athlete of the Week

    Athlete of the Week

    The year’s first Grand Slam tournament, the Australian Open, ended last
    week in Melbourne.

    Novak Djokovic won the men’s competition, the present edition actually
    being the tenth he has won in his entire career. The Serbian player has also
    added his 22nd Grand Slam trophy equaling the record so far held by Spanish
    Rafael Nadal. The women’s competition was won by the 24-year-old Arina
    Sabalenka of Belarus, who obtained her first Grand Slam win. She presently
    comes second in the world’s ranking after Polish Iga Swiatek.

    Romania was represented only in the women’s competition where Irina Begu
    made it to the second round while Monica Niculescu reached the eighth finals
    together with Swiss Viktorija Golubic. The best performance in the
    aforementioned competition was obtained by Elena-Gabriela Ruse, who made it to
    the semifinals together with Ukrainian Marta Kostyuk. The two eventually
    conceded defeat to second-seeded Barbora Krejcikova and Katerina Siniakova of
    the Czech Republic who eventually emerged as winners. For the performance she
    obtained in Melbourne, Radio Romania International has designated Gabriela Ruse
    athlete of the week.

    Elena-Gabriela Ruse was born on November 6th 1997, in Bucharest.
    She took up tennis at the age of four with Dinamo Bucharest Sports club. She
    reaped only one WTA tournament in Hamburg in 2021 and made it to the finals in
    Palermo. She is currently ranking 144th in the world ranking and the
    highest position she obtained last year when she ranked 51st. In the
    doubles competition she is presently ranking 40th.


  • Athlete of the Week

    Athlete of the Week

    The year’s first Grand Slam tournament, the Australian Open, ended last
    week in Melbourne.

    Novak Djokovic won the men’s competition, the present edition actually
    being the tenth he has won in his entire career. The Serbian player has also
    added his 22nd Grand Slam trophy equaling the record so far held by Spanish
    Rafael Nadal. The women’s competition was won by the 24-year-old Arina
    Sabalenka of Belarus, who obtained her first Grand Slam win. She presently
    comes second in the world’s ranking after Polish Iga Swiatek.

    Romania was represented only in the women’s competition where Irina Begu
    made it to the second round while Monica Niculescu reached the eighth finals
    together with Swiss Viktorija Golubic. The best performance in the
    aforementioned competition was obtained by Elena-Gabriela Ruse, who made it to
    the semifinals together with Ukrainian Marta Kostyuk. The two eventually
    conceded defeat to second-seeded Barbora Krejcikova and Katerina Siniakova of
    the Czech Republic who eventually emerged as winners. For the performance she
    obtained in Melbourne, Radio Romania International has designated Gabriela Ruse
    athlete of the week.

    Elena-Gabriela Ruse was born on November 6th 1997, in Bucharest.
    She took up tennis at the age of four with Dinamo Bucharest Sports club. She
    reaped only one WTA tournament in Hamburg in 2021 and made it to the finals in
    Palermo. She is currently ranking 144th in the world ranking and the
    highest position she obtained last year when she ranked 51st. In the
    doubles competition she is presently ranking 40th.


  • Courts rule in some of Romania’s major files

    Courts rule in some of Romania’s major files

    The fairness of the election campaign, which ensured president
    Traian Basescu a second term in office, was questionable since its early days in
    2009. Some answers to the questions raised by the 2009 presidential campaign
    were provided on Tuesday, when, after many years of delay, the Romanian justice
    issued heavy prison sentences in a file on the funding procedures of the
    aforementioned campaign.

    So, the former president’s aide Elena Udrea, got an 8-year
    prison sentence, while Ioana Basescu, the president’s eldest daughter, was
    sentenced to five years in prison for money laundering and inciting to bribery.
    The investigations carried out by anti-corruption prosecutors have also
    revealed other crimes such as, abuse of office, fraud and awarding public
    contracts in exchange for supporting the election campaign.

    More than 300 thousand euros are said to have been
    obtained in this fashion. However, the two ladies accused have repeatedly
    denied allegations and the former Minister of Development said she was shocked
    by the verdict, which she considers unfair. I didn’t kill anyone, didn’t rape
    anyone, didn’t take the money at home, Elena Udrea went on to say.

    The sentence is not definitive and could be appealed.
    However, the situation is different in another major file, that caused by the August
    10th 2018 protest in Bucharest against the then PSD government.
    Through an immutable ruling, the Bucharest court turned down a DIICOT request
    for reinitiating criminal procedures in a file caused by the allegedly
    disproportionate intervention of the riot police against the protesters. DIICOT
    had initially closed the file in June last year, dropping charges against the
    gendarme chiefs as well as the inquiry into an alleged coup d’etat. The former
    chief prosecutor of DIICOT eventually ordered the resumption of criminal
    investigation in the case of the former gendarme chiefs.

    However, the Bucharest Court’s ruling has enraged the
    representatives of several civil society organisations who threatened to bring
    the case before the European Court of Human Rights.


  • Young People and Civic Engagement

    Young People and Civic Engagement

    February 1st
    2019 and January 31st
    2020 the ‘Young Initiative’ Association implemented a programme
    entitled ‘United We Stand for European Values’. Funded through
    the European Solidarity Corps, the project was aimed at developing
    critical thinking in young people coming from disadvantaged
    environments in the Bucharest – Ilfov region as well as their civic
    empowerment through non-formal learning contexts so that they may
    become more actively involved in society and in the situations
    concerning them. Here is Eliza
    Vaş, vice-president of the ‘Young Initiative’ Association with
    more on the aforementioned project, drawn up by young people for
    young people.

    Vaş: This
    is the first project of this kind implemented by the volunteers of
    the ‘Young Initiative’ Association, which we carried out by means
    of the funds we got through the European Solidarity Corps. Our goal
    was to develop critical thinking in young people from the
    Bucharest-Ilfov area and help them get more involved in society. We
    mainly addressed young people with ages between 14 and 25,
    high-schoolers, students or those interested in non-formal education
    contexts. More than 250 young people got involved with the project
    during one year of implementation; they participated in 15 events,
    such as interactive workshops, debates or decision-making simulations
    at the level of European bodies. We even had a board game of
    community involvement, which we named ‘United’.

    the participants in the ‘United
    We Stand for European Values’ project were brought together and
    guided in every moment of their activity by members of the ‘Young
    Initiative’ Association. Nevertheless, the impact of their actions
    was being assessed in the end and every participant was able to
    understand how important is for an individual to get involved at
    community level.

    Vas: My
    role during the project was to be a coach, which means that I was
    training in a way or another the team of volunteers. I helped them
    develop and put into practice the activities that are part of the
    project. To use an illustration from football, I was like a headcoach
    standing beside the pitch and watching how the players are putting
    into practice the strategy previously discussed. Then we had
    locker-room talks about what was good and if there is room for
    improvement. The idea is that non-formal education lays very much
    emphasis on reflection in the learning process. The people involved
    become more aware of the knowledge they get and the abilities they
    develop. But most importantly they become aware of the impact they
    produced through their activity.

    project United
    We Stand for European Values is first and foremost focusing on the
    solidarity and the general overview of the young Romanians as
    European citizens. The largest number of debates and workshops were
    staged around the European community values. Here is Elena
    Şelaru, from the International Relations Department of the ‘Young
    Initiative’ Association

    we as an organizing team prepared various workshops and debates on
    issues of European interest to create a framework to be able to talk
    about our rights as European citizens, European values and the
    opportunities of European mobility. My involvement in this project
    consisted in staging a workshop on circular economy and climate
    change for ninth graders of the Technical Energy College in
    Bucharest. I got involved in a simulated decision-making process like
    those in the European Parliament, during which I acted as a
    facilitator. I wanted to make sure my participation was interactive
    and that all participants would be able to express their ideas in a
    safe environment.

    is very important for the young people in the Romanian society to
    have initiative in their fields of interest. Any idea or small action
    can create large-scale projects or activities aimed at improving the
    life of the community they are part of. So the team of the ‘Young
    Initiative’ Association is encouraging such initiatives as they
    themselves are people with initiatives. Here is Elena
    Şelaru at the microphone again.

    believe that if you have initiative it means that you can think for
    yourself and maybe solve some issues or situations other people don’t
    think they need to be dealt with. I believe in our time, many people
    have initiatives and get involved with the local community. And it is
    this involvement that adds the value that makes the difference. And I
    am thinking here of my colleagues from the ‘Young Initiative’, as
    a lot of projects started from their initiatives.

    Elena Şelaru, the working experience with the project ‘United
    We Stand for European Values’ had a special impact not only at the
    professional level. What do the young people who choose to get
    involved in suchlike activities gain actually? Well, they are
    boosting their self-image.

    the funds had been approved, I had a short time of training, prepared
    the next activities and then started to implement them. Getting
    involved with this project was for me a personal accomplishment as I
    got a series of skills in the process of staging various activities
    and I learnt what assuming responsibility on long term was like.

    solidarity team of ‘United
    We Stand for European Values’
    had 8 people (Elena Şelaru, Andrei Dobrea, Cristina Cautiş, Maria
    Balea, Simona Baciu, Andreea Boieriu, Dragoş Dănilă, Marius
    Ghiţă), six volunteers (Ana Maria Andronache, Maria Baciu, Irina
    Dobreanu, Vlăduţ Ene, Claudiu Brotea) and an experienced trainer
    with the European projects, Eliza Vaş. (Translated by D.B.)

  • Nachrichten 08.02.2015

    Nachrichten 08.02.2015

    BUKAREST: Die Abgeordneten vom Rechtsausschuss des Bukarester Parlaments sind am Sonntag zu einem Sondertreffen zusammengekommen, um ihre Berichte über zwei neue Anträge auf Aufhebung der parlamentarischen Imunität und auf Untersuchungshaft im Fall der Abgeordneten Elena Udrea von der Partei Volksbewegung zu erarbeiten. Die Abgeordnetenkammer wird laut Angaben ihres Vorsitzenden Valeriu Zgonea am Montag im Plenum über die Aufhebung der Immunität von Elena Udrea abstimmen. Der ehemaligen Ministerin für regionale Entwicklung und Fremdenverkehr wird in der Microsoft-Affäre“ und im Verfahren Boxgala Lucian Bute“ Korruption vorgeworfen. Staatsanwälte hatten im Korruptionsverfahren gegen die Abgeordnete bei der Parlamentskammer einen Antrag auf Untersuchungshaft gestellt. Sie soll mit ihren öffentlichen Äu‎ßerungen betreffend die Anklagepunkte gegen die Bedingungen der Justizkontrolle im Microsoft-Verfahren versto‎ßen haben. Aus der Begründung der Antikorruptionsbehörde DNA geht zudem hervor, dass die ehemalige Ministerin für regionale Entwicklung und Fremdenverkehr Elena Udrea in der Microsoft“-Affäre nun nicht nur Einflussnahme, Geldwäsche und Verschleierung ihrer Vermögensverhältnisse zur Last gelegt werden, sondern auch Bestechlichkeit. Der gleichfalls in die Microsoft“-Affäre verstrickte frühere Tennisspieler und heutige Unternehmer Dinu Pescariu, gab zu Protokoll, Elena Udrea 500.000 Euro gezahlt zu haben, damit sie seine Probleme mit der Justiz“ aus der Welt schaffe.

    BUKAREST: Die Verhandlungen zwischen Vertretern des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) und der Bukarester Behörden werden am Montag fortgesetzt. Dabei werden Premierminister Victor Ponta und Finanzminister Darius Valcov mit den IWF-Vertretern zusammenkommen. Haupthemen der Gespräche sind die Umstrukturierung und eventuelle Privatisierung der Unternehmen vom Energie-Sektor, sowie die Liberalisierung der Erdgaspreise. Eine Delegation des Internationalen Währungsfonds, der Europäischen Kommission und der Weltbank, die sich bis zum 10. Februar in Bukarest auf einer Evaluierungsmission aufhält, diskutierte mit Vertretern der rumänischen Behörden über die jüngsten Entwicklungen und Prioritäten der wirtschaftlichen Reformen. Das jetzige stand-by Abkommen, das dritte Abkommen zwischen Rumänien und dem IWF seit Beginn der Wirtschaftskrise in 2009, läuft diesen Herbst ab. Es wurde in September 2013 abgeschlossen und hat einen Wert von etwa 2 Milliarden Euro.