The Romanian government has approved a law on implementing the Adequate Minimum Wages, with a view to integrating the EU directive 2041 into the national legislation. The gross minimum wages in Romania will be updated according to the purchasing power, the general level of wages and their distribution, in keeping with the wage growth rate and the labour productivity at national level.
The law will be applied to all categories of employees. Under the EU Directive 2041 in 2022, the minimum wage cannot be less than 50% of the gross average earnings. At present, the value of the gross minimum wage in Romania is roughly 660 Euros and is expected to rise up to roughly 740 Euros starting July 1st. The medium net wages in Romania in April stood at 1.048 Euros 6.4 Euros higher than in March, says the Statistics Institute. The highest wages were registered in the area of IT services, roughly 2.405 Euros, whereas the lowest were found in the clothing industry, nearly 560 Euros). The law, endorsed by the Executive is to be submitted for urgent Parliament approval.
Romania’s President, Klaus Iohannis, has promulgated a law under which paternity leave will be granted to all fathers who are employees under a legal labour contract. The document does away with the stipulations about the ensured quality of the owner within the social insurance system and introduces some provisions through which other categories of people are included, such as those with contracts for sports activities, individual labour conventions, mandate contracts, management contracts, those involved in activities following a position of public dignity and those under management and administration contracts. The paternity leave has also been extended from five to ten working days and the compensation is equal to the wages of that certain period being funded from the state budget.
During the periods of extremely hot weather, with temperatures above 37 Celsius and a comfort index over 80, employers in Romania are taking measures to improve the working conditions and maintain the health of their employees. Territorial Labour Inspectorates say that during the periods of hot weather, employees must benefit from physical activity of reduced intensity and pace, from ventilated rooms, and whenever possible the periods of activity must include pauses in shady places. Every employee must be ensured between 2 and 4 liters of sparkling water. In order to avoid illnesses caused by work in hot weather, the personnel will undergo periodical medical examinations in order to discover the cases, which may become vulnerable in periods of extremely hot weather. The employees in these situations will benefit from reduced working hours or are allowed to change their jobs. Any violation of the present legal regulations constitutes a contravention punishable by fines.
According to the National Agency for Employment, nearly 44 thousand jobs are available in Romania presently. Most of the jobs are in the area of security guards, 3,099, shop assistant – 2,232 and delivery men – 1,867. Also in high demand is the unqualified personnel needed in the process of assembling and mounting parts, 1,711. Unqualified workers are also needed on various construction sites, 1,685 jobs as well as cargo handlers with 1,381 jobs available. Romania also needs 911 chef aids, 814 road transporters and 779 lorry and van drivers. A complete job offer is available at the webpage