Tag: Esbjerg

  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Romanian tennis player Irina Begu on Thursday qualified for the third
    round of the WTA 1.000 tournament in Madrid, with more than seven million
    dollars in prize money. In the second round the Romanian secured a 6-4, 7-5 win
    against Karolina Muchova of the Czech Republic. The other two Romanians, Sorana
    Cirstea and Ana Bogdan, have been eliminated in the second round of the
    competition: Cirstea by second-seeded Arina Sabalenka of Belarus, who won the
    game in two sets 6-4, 6-3. Bogdan has been defeated by US challenger Shelby Rogers, who secured a 6-2,
    6-2 win. Irina Begu will next take on Rogers in the competition’s third round.

    Now let’s have a look at women’s handball because this weekend will be
    seeing the first round of the Champions League quarterfinals. Both Romanian
    sides present in the competition are playing on Sunday when Rapid Bucharest
    will be up at home against Norwegian side Vipers Kristiansand, the last year’s
    winner of the competition, while CSM Bucharest plays Team Esbjerg in Denmark.

    In the men’s competitions, Romania’s national side will be trying to
    qualify for European Championship in a decisive game against Ukraine in
    Gummersbach, Germany. The Romanians are hankering for a win in the fourth group
    of the qualifiers topped by Austria with 10 points, a team which has already
    qualified for the competition’s next stage. Romania and the Faroe Islands come
    next in the group, each with 4 points followed by Ukraine with two. The first
    two sides in each of the 8 preliminary groups will advance to the competition’s
    new stage together with four of the best sides on the third position. The final
    tournament is due in Germany over 10th and 28th of
    January 2024. Romania hasn’t qualified for a final men’s tournament since 1996.

    Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe and Universitatea Cluj have qualified for the
    finals of Romania’s Football Cup. Sepsi secured a 3-0 home win against CFR Cluj
    while on Thursday Universitatea Cluj outperformed UTA one-nil. The finals is
    due in Sibiu, southern Romania on May 24th.

    This weekend will be seeing the matches of the sixth leg of Romania’s Football
    Superleague. FCU Craiova will be playing Chindia Targoviste on Friday, while on
    Saturday CS Mioveni plays FC Arges and Petrolul Ploiesti will be up against FC

    On Monday, FC Voluntari takes on Universitatea Cluj while UTA plays at
    home Hermannstadt of Sibiu. On Saturday, Sepsi plays Farul Constanta in a home
    game while on Sunday Universitatea Craiova, on their own turf, plays FCSB. On
    Monday the capital city Bucharest will be seeing an interesting match pitching
    local side Rapid against CFR Cluj. Farul tops the ranking with 42 points,
    followed by CFRR with 38 and FCSB with 37.


  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Romanian tennis player Irina Begu on Thursday qualified for the third
    round of the WTA 1.000 tournament in Madrid, with more than seven million
    dollars in prize money. In the second round the Romanian secured a 6-4, 7-5 win
    against Karolina Muchova of the Czech Republic. The other two Romanians, Sorana
    Cirstea and Ana Bogdan, have been eliminated in the second round of the
    competition: Cirstea by second-seeded Arina Sabalenka of Belarus, who won the
    game in two sets 6-4, 6-3. Bogdan has been defeated by US challenger Shelby Rogers, who secured a 6-2,
    6-2 win. Irina Begu will next take on Rogers in the competition’s third round.

    Now let’s have a look at women’s handball because this weekend will be
    seeing the first round of the Champions League quarterfinals. Both Romanian
    sides present in the competition are playing on Sunday when Rapid Bucharest
    will be up at home against Norwegian side Vipers Kristiansand, the last year’s
    winner of the competition, while CSM Bucharest plays Team Esbjerg in Denmark.

    In the men’s competitions, Romania’s national side will be trying to
    qualify for European Championship in a decisive game against Ukraine in
    Gummersbach, Germany. The Romanians are hankering for a win in the fourth group
    of the qualifiers topped by Austria with 10 points, a team which has already
    qualified for the competition’s next stage. Romania and the Faroe Islands come
    next in the group, each with 4 points followed by Ukraine with two. The first
    two sides in each of the 8 preliminary groups will advance to the competition’s
    new stage together with four of the best sides on the third position. The final
    tournament is due in Germany over 10th and 28th of
    January 2024. Romania hasn’t qualified for a final men’s tournament since 1996.

    Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe and Universitatea Cluj have qualified for the
    finals of Romania’s Football Cup. Sepsi secured a 3-0 home win against CFR Cluj
    while on Thursday Universitatea Cluj outperformed UTA one-nil. The finals is
    due in Sibiu, southern Romania on May 24th.

    This weekend will be seeing the matches of the sixth leg of Romania’s Football
    Superleague. FCU Craiova will be playing Chindia Targoviste on Friday, while on
    Saturday CS Mioveni plays FC Arges and Petrolul Ploiesti will be up against FC

    On Monday, FC Voluntari takes on Universitatea Cluj while UTA plays at
    home Hermannstadt of Sibiu. On Saturday, Sepsi plays Farul Constanta in a home
    game while on Sunday Universitatea Craiova, on their own turf, plays FCSB. On
    Monday the capital city Bucharest will be seeing an interesting match pitching
    local side Rapid against CFR Cluj. Farul tops the ranking with 42 points,
    followed by CFRR with 38 and FCSB with 37.


  • Sport: u.a. – Grand Chess Tour beginnt mit der ersten Etappe in Bukarest

    Sport: u.a. – Grand Chess Tour beginnt mit der ersten Etappe in Bukarest

    Es geht los mit Handball: Der rumänische Meister der Damen, der CSM Bukarest, ist im Viertelfinale der Champions League gegen das dänische Team Esbjerg ausgeschieden. Die Rumäninnen brauchten einen Sieg mit zwei Toren Unterschied, um weiterzukommen. Im Hinspiel in Bukarest hatten die Skandinavierinnen mit 26:25 gewonnen. Das gestrige Spiel endete mit einem Unentschieden (27:27), wobei der CSM mit dem letzten Angriff den Ausgleich erzielte. Damit hat sich das Team Esbjerg für die Final Four-Runde in Budapest qualifiziert.

    Die nächste Meldung kommt vom Schach: Das Superbet Chess Classic, die erste Etappe der Grand Chess Tour, bringt neun der 12 besten Schachspieler der Welt in Bukarest zusammen. Zusätzlich zu den neun Spielern nimmt auch der 20-jährige Großmeister Bogdan Deac, die Nummer eins der rumänischen Rangliste, am Turnier teil. Er ist der Nutznießer einer Wildcard, genauso wie im letzten Jahr. In der 3. Runde besiegte Deac den Ungar Richard Rapport, die Nummer 5 der Welt.

    Nach 4 Runden befindet sich der Amerikaner Wesley So mit 3 Punkten auf dem ersten Platz, gefolgt von Maxime Vachier-Lagrave (Frankreich), dem Rumänen Bogdan Deac und Levon Aronian (USA) mit jeweils 2,5 Punkten. Der Wettbewerb wird nach dem Jeder-gegem-jeden-Modus ausgestragen, bei dem die Athleten jeweils einmal gegeneinander antreten und der Sieger durch die Gesamtpunktzahl ermittelt wird. Das Preisgeld für die Bukarester Etappe beträgt 350.000 Dollar.

    Als nächstes berichten wir von der Nationalsportart Oină, ein entfernt mit dem Baseball oder Schlagball verwandtes Spiel. Am Samstagmorgen fand im Stadion Arcul de Triumf in Bukarest das Finale um den Königs- und Königinnencup statt. Im Königinnencup trafen die Mannschaften Progresul Băilești und Dacia Mioveni aufeinander, wobei Progresul mit 5-2 gewann. Im Königscup begegneten sich Frontiera Tomis Constanța und Biruința Gherăești aus dem Kreis Neamț. Die Mannschaft vom Schwarzen Meer, die Titelverteidiger, gewann mit 16:12. Die Medaillen wurden von Ihrer Majestät Margareta, der Hüterin der rumänischen Krone, überreicht.

    Am vergangenen Wochenende wurde der achte Spieltag der ersten rumänischen Fußballliga, die Play-off- bzw. Play-out-Phase, ausgetragen. In den Playoffs am Samstag spielten Farul Constanța und der FC Voluntari 1:1 Unentschieden und der FC Argeș – gegen den CFR Klausenburg 0:6. Am Sonntag kam es in Craiova zum Derby zwischen Universitatea und dem FCSB, das der FCSB mit 1:0 gewann. Der amtierende Meister CFR Cluj bleibt mit 54 Punkten an der Spitze der Tabelle, gefolgt vom FCSB mit 52 Punkten und Universitatea Craiova mit 45 Punkten.

  • Handbalista Denisa Dedu

    Handbalista Denisa Dedu

    Handbalul feminin a adus suporterilor români numeroase
    satisfacţii în ultima vreme. La fel s-a întâmplat şi weekendul trecut, când
    ambele echipe care reprezintă România în Liga Campionilor au reuşit victorii. Vineri,
    în grupa C, formaţia SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea a trecut acasă cu 34 la 27 de echipa
    germană Bietigheim, iar duminică, în grupa B, CSM Bucureşti a câştigat, în
    deplasare, la gruparea daneză Esbjerg cu 24 la 22. Pentru a desemna Sportivul
    Săptămânii, am avut de ales dintre componentele celor două echipe române
    victorioase. Ne-am oprit asupra portarului echipei CSM Bucureşti, Denisa Dedu,
    a cărei evoluţie a fost hotărâtoare pentru câştigarea partidei din Danemarca. Ea a reuşit 15 parade împotriva atacurilor
    daneze şi a apărat două lovituri de la 7 metri. Procentajul său de intervenţii
    reuşite a fost de 42 la sută.

    Denisa Dedu s-a
    născut la 27 septembrie 1994, la Braşov. S-a apucat de handbal relativ târziu,
    la 13 ani, dar la numai 16 ani a debutat în echipa de senioare a clubului
    Rulmentul, actualmente Corona Braşov. În 2017 a trecut la echipa maghiară
    Siófok, cu care, anul acesta, a câştigat Cupa EHF. A trecut apoi la CSM
    Bucureşti, unde este titulară de drept a postului de portar.

    La nivelul
    echipei naţionale, în 2011 a făcut parte din lotul cu care România s-a
    prezentat la Campionatul Mondial din Brazilia, unde tricolorele au ocupat locul
    13. Denisa Dedu devenea, la acea vreme, cea mai tânără debutantă a României la
    un Campionat Mondial, la vârsta de numai 17 ani şi 3 luni. S-a remarcat în mod
    deosebit şi la Campionatul European din 2016, din Suedia, unde România a ocupat
    locul 5. De pildă, în meciul din grupe cu Rusia, câştigat cu 22 la 17, ea a
    parat 22 de mingi din 39 de aruncări, obţinând un procentaj de 56%.