Tag: eu-asean

  • Nachrichten 20.01.2019

    Nachrichten 20.01.2019

    BERLIN: Der rumänische Präsident Klaus Iohannis wird am Dienstag auf Einladung von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und Präsident Emmanuel Macron an der Unterzeichnung des Vertrags über die deutsch-französische Zusammenarbeit und Integration im westdeutschen Aachen teilnehmen. Bei dieser Gelegenheit wird Klaus Iohannis als Präsident des amtierenden EU-Rates eine Rede halten. Der Präsident des Europäischen Rates, Donald Tusk, und der Vorsitzende der Europäischen Kommission, Jean-Claude Juncker, werden ebenfalls an der Zeremonie teilnehmen. Der bilaterale Vertrag von Aachen hat die politische und rechtliche Grundlage des Pariser Vertrags von 1963, der die Grundlagen für die historische Versöhung zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich geschaffen hat, und zielt darauf ab, die Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Staaten an die Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts anzupassen und insbesondere die Kohäsion auf EU-Ebene zu stärken.

    BUKAREST: Die rumänischen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft hat den Prozess der Verabschiedung seiner ersten Wirtschafts- und Finanzakte, der Verordnung betreffend die Mindestdeckung notleidender Risikopositionen, beendet. Das gab das Finanzministerium in Bukarest bekannt. Die Erzielung von erheblichen Fortschritten auf dem Gebiet der Finanzdienstleistungen gehört zu den Prioritäten Rumänien im Rat Wirtschaft und Finanzen – sagte Finanzminister Eugen Teodorovici. Er traf sich in Stra‎ßburg mit den Ko-Berichterstattern für die Akte der Revision der Europäischen Finanzaufsicht und mit Mitgliedern des ECON-Ausschusses des Europäischen Parlaments für Wirtschaft und Währung, Pervenche Beres und Othmar Karas. Der rumänische Finanzminister diskutierte au‎ßerdem mit Isabelle Thomas, Mitglied des Haushaltsausschusses des Europäischen Parlaments, über die Verhandlungen über den künftigen mehrjährigen Finanzrahmen 2021-2027.

    BRÜSSEL: Rumäniens Chefdiplomat, Teodor Melescanu, wird am Montag an der Sitzung des Rates für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten in Brüssel teilnehmen. Die Au‎ßenminister der EU-Mitgliedstaaten befassen sich mit aktuellen Themen wie der Bekämpfung von Desinformation, der Zusammenarbeit zwischen der EU und der Arabischen Liga und der der beziehung EU-ASEAN der südostasiatischen Nationen. Laut einer Pressemitteilung des Au‎ßenministeriums in Bukarest wird Melescanu auf der Sitzung unter dem Vorsitz der Hohen Vertreterin der Union für Au‎ßen- und Sicherheitspolitik Federica Mogherini seinen Kollegen wichtigsten Themen für Rumänien während seiner EU-Ratspräsidentschaft die vorstellen. Am Dienstag hat er Anhörungen zu den gleichen Themen beim Rat für auswärtige Angelegenheiten und Entwicklung des Europäischen Parlaments anberaumt.

  • October 15, 2016 UPDATE

    October 15, 2016 UPDATE

    MEETING – The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis next week will take part in the European Council meeting held in Brussels, the presidents spokesperson Madalina Dobrovolschi has announced. The agenda of the meeting, scheduled for October 20 and 21, will include such topics as managing migration, trade policies as well as the external relations of the European Union, with a focus on the Russian Federation.

    BILATERAL RELATIONS – As part of his participation in the EU-ASEAN ministerial meeting in Bangkok, Romanian Foreign Minister Lazar Comanescu held bilateral talks with the heads of delegations of other states in the region, such as Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Myanmar, Brunei and Cambodia. The meetings occasioned a review of bilateral relations, with a focus on Romanias interest in developing dialogue and cooperation in a number of fields, while also increasing the frequency of top-level political and sectorial contacts. Lazar Comanescu highlighted the importance Romania gives to boosting economic and trade relations with states in the region, including by stepping up direct contacts between business communities and identifying cooperation opportunities both at bilateral level, as well as at the level of the two regional groups, the EU and the Association of South-East Asian Nations. On Friday, the Romanian Foreign Minister expressed his condolences to the Thai authorities following the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, saying that the monarch was appreciated internationally for his important role in promoting the modernization and sustainable development of the Kingdom of Thailand.

    TRAVEL ALERT – The Romanian Foreign Ministry has issued a travel alert for Turkey, informing Romanian citizens traveling to or transiting Turkey that the Parliament in Ankara has voted to extend the state of emergency nationwide by another three months starting October 19. In this context, given the growing security instability in the region, especially around the capital city Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir, the Ministry advises caution and awareness, urging Romanian citizens to avoid getting involved in public manifestations or events that might escalate in violence. The Ministry informs it remains in permanent contact with the Turkish side with respect to providing real-time updates on further developments. On Friday, two missiles were fired on the headquarters of a fishing company in Antalya, southern Turkey, a travel destination favorite among Romanians.

    COOPERATION – The excellent level of cooperation between Romania and the state of Bavaria, as well as the interest for developing and expanding it were highlighted during the talks held in Munich between Minister Delegate for Relations with Romanians Worldwide, Maria Ligor, and representatives of the authorities of the State of Bavaria. The agenda of the visit also included meetings with Bavarian Parliaments vice-president Inge Aures and members of the local Government. Maria Ligor suggested the start of a bilateral cooperation with a view to introducing Romanian-language teaching for Romanian students at secondary education level, based on the success models in other European states. Minister Ligor also met with representatives of the Romanian community, including members of the professional associations, such as doctors, lawyers, social integration experts, as well as associations of Romanian-born German ethnics.

    EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE – The city of Novi Sad in Serbia has been designated as European Capital of Culture in 2021, the first time a city outside the European Union is awarded this prestigious title. The capital of the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural province of Vojvodina, home to 30,000 Romanian nationals, Novi Sad is located some 150 km from Timisoara, western Romania, which last month was also designated European Capital of Culture in 2021. This is the second Romanian city to receive this award, after Sibiu in 2007.

    FOOTBALL – The logo of the city of Bucharest for the 2020 European Championships was launched on Saturday on National Arena Stadium, organized by UEFA, the Romanian Football Federation and the Bucharest City Hall. The 2020 European Championship will mark 60 years since the official launch of this competition. Romania along with 12 other countries will co-host the event. Four matches, three in the group phase and one in the round of 16, will be played in Bucharest.

    SYRIA – The United States and Russia are today brokering a new ceasefire in Syria in Switzerland. Washington has stopped bilateral negotiations with Moscow due to the Kremlins decision to support the Bashar al-Assad regime in its assault on the rebel-held eastern Aleppo. President Barack Obama has urged his team to continue diplomatic efforts by holding multilateral talks with key countries in order to put an end to civil war in this country. According to our Moscow correspondent, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said he would submit clear-cut proposals to his US counterpart, US Secretary of State John Kerry with respect to a new ceasefire in Syria, saying however his expectations were low for this meeting. Also attending the ceasefire talk in Switzerland will be delegates of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and Egypt.

    MOLDOVA – Three opposition parties will enlist a common candidate in the presidential election to take place at the end of October in the Republic of Moldova. The leader of the Dignity and Truth Platform, Andrei Nastase, announced he is official withdrawing from the presidential race, saying he is instead backing Maia Sandu. Maia Sandu is the leader of the Action and Solidarity Party founded this spring. A former Education Minister, Maia Sandu has also enlisted the support of the Liberal-Democrats. On October 30 Maia Sandu will take on Socialist Igor Dodon, currently holding 30% of peoples voting preferences in the latest opinion polls. The first ballot is scheduled for October 30, while the second one for November 13. This is the first time in 20 years the president will be elected by citizens directly.

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • October 15, 2016

    October 15, 2016

    MEETING – The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis next week will take part in the European Council meeting held in Brussels, the presidents spokesperson Madalina Dobrovolschi has announced. The agenda of the meeting, scheduled for October 20 and 21, will include such topics as managing migration, trade policies as well as the external relations of the European Union, with a focus on the Russian Federation.

    BILATERAL RELATIONS – As part of his participation in the EU-ASEAN ministerial meeting in Bangkok, Romanian Foreign Minister Lazar Comanescu held bilateral talks with the heads of delegations of other states in the region, such as Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Myanmar, Brunei and Cambodia. The meetings occasioned a review of bilateral relations, with a focus on Romanias interest in developing dialogue and cooperation in a number of fields, while also increasing the frequency of top-level political and sectorial contacts. Lazar Comanescu highlighted the importance Romania gives to boosting economic and trade relations with states in the region, including by stepping up direct contacts between business communities and identifying cooperation opportunities both at bilateral level, as well as at the level of the two regional groups, the EU and the Association of South-East Asian Nations. On Friday, the Romanian Foreign Minister expressed his condolences to the Thai authorities following the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, saying that the monarch was appreciated internationally for his important role in promoting the modernization and sustainable development of the Kingdom of Thailand.

    TRAVEL ALERT – The Romanian Foreign Ministry has issued a travel alert for Turkey, informing Romanian citizens traveling to or transiting Turkey that the Parliament in Ankara has voted to extend the state of emergency nationwide by another three months starting October 19. In this context, given the growing security instability in the region, especially around the capital city Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir, the Ministry advises caution and awareness, urging Romanian citizens to avoid getting involved in public manifestations or events that might escalate in violence. The Ministry informs it remains in permanent contact with the Turkish side with respect to providing real-time updates on further developments. On Friday, two missiles were fired on the headquarters of a fishing company in Antalya, southern Turkey, a travel destination favorite among Romanians.

    COOPERATION – The excellent level of cooperation between Romania and the state of Bavaria, as well as the interest for developing and expanding it were highlighted during the talks held in Munich between Minister Delegate for Relations with Romanians Worldwide, Maria Ligor, and representatives of the authorities of the State of Bavaria. The agenda of the visit also included meetings with Bavarian Parliaments vice-president Inge Aures and members of the local Government. Maria Ligor suggested the start of a bilateral cooperation with a view to introducing Romanian-language teaching for Romanian students at secondary education level, based on the success models in other European states. Minister Ligor also met with representatives of the Romanian community, including members of the professional associations, such as doctors, lawyers, social integration experts, as well as associations of Romanian-born German ethnics.

    EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE – The city of Novi Sad in Serbia has been designated as European Capital of Culture in 2021, the first time a city outside the European Union is awarded this prestigious title. The capital of the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural province of Vojvodina, home to 30,000 Romanian nationals, Novi Sad is located some 150 km from Timisoara, western Romania, which last month was also designated European Capital of Culture in 2021. This is the second Romanian city to receive this award, after Sibiu in 2007.

    SYRIA – The United States and Russia are today brokering a new ceasefire in Syria in Switzerland. Washington has stopped bilateral negotiations with Moscow due to the Kremlins decision to support the Bashar al-Assad regime in its assault on the rebel-held eastern Aleppo. President Barack Obama has urged his team to continue diplomatic efforts by holding multilateral talks with key countries in order to put an end to civil war in this country. According to our Moscow correspondent, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said he would submit clear-cut proposals to his US counterpart, US Secretary of State John Kerry with respect to a new ceasefire in Syria, saying however his expectations were low for this meeting. Also attending the ceasefire talk in Switzerland will be delegates of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and Egypt.

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • October 14, 2016 UPDATE

    October 14, 2016 UPDATE

    Prosecution. Romania’s President
    Klaus Iohannis on Friday approved the National
    Anti-Corruption Directorate’s request to start prosecution against the former
    deputy prime minister and interior minister, Gabriel Oprea, for manslaughter. The request was submitted two days ago,
    when Oprea’s term as Senator came to an end following his resignation on
    October 1. Under Romanian law, the start of prosecution against people who
    serve or have served in the government for acts committed during their terms in
    office, and who were notMPs at the time of the notification, is
    conditioned by the president’s approval. Policeman Bogdan Gigina died last year
    in a motorcycle accident while escorting the then interior minister Gabriel
    Oprea. The latter was reportedly on a private trip and consequently was not
    entitled to official police escort.

    EU-ASEAN. Romania’s foreign minister Lazar Comanescu
    expressed condolences to the Thai authorities following the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. During his long reign, the monarch has
    been appreciated internationally for his important role in promoting the
    modernisation and sustainable development of the Kingdom of Thailand, writes a
    foreign ministry release. Minister Comanescu heads the Romanian delegation at
    the 21st EU-ASEAN meeting in Bangkok. Talks focus on the latest
    developments on Europe’s borders, the Middle East and North Africa, the issue
    of migration and ways to combat international terrorism. Comanescu on Tuesday
    began an Asian tour that also took him to Indonesia, where he had talks with
    his counterpart Retno L.P. Marsudi about boosting bilateral dialogue in
    the political, economic and commercial areas.

    Migrants. The
    border police in Giurgiu, southern Romania, on Friday found seven Turkish and
    two Syrian nationals aged between 16 and 51 hidden in a truck and planning to
    cross the border into Romania illegally. Under a Romanian-Bulgarian protocol, the migrants have been taken
    over by the Bulgarian border police for investigation. In recent weeks, the
    Romanian authorities have taken additional measures to tighten security at its
    southern and western borders after several small groups of migrants tried to
    cross the border into Romania illegally.

    Magurele laser. Investment in the laser in Magurele,
    southern Romania, can generate over 600 million euros in turnover and can
    create about 6-7,000 jobs, Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos said on Friday. Ciolos
    also attended a conference on development entitled Laser Valley-Land of Lights.
    He explained the meeting was aimed at motivating and involving, besides the government
    and research institutions, the local public authorities and the business
    environment. The Prime Minister insisted on the need to connect, through
    infrastructure, the village of Magurele to Bucharest and the Henri Coanda
    airport. During a visit to Romania on Tuesday, the European Commissioner for
    development, science and innovation Carlos Moedas called for a better promotion
    of the laser project in Magurele.

    EU. EU interior
    ministers meeting in Luxembourg as part of the Justice and Home Affairs Council
    have given the green light to a new type of travel document aimed at easing the
    repatriation of illegal immigrants from Europe. The decision has been made
    because the process of returning migrants has been hindered by the absence of
    travel documents. Another issue on the council’s agenda was the implementation
    of regulations for the new FRONTEX – the European Border and Coast Guard
    Agency. On this occasion, the Interior Ministry in Bucharest, Dragos Tudorache,
    has underlined the importance of setting up the new agency, to which Romania is
    to contribute 75 border police officers, as part of the agency’s rapid
    intervention team.

    Republic of Moldova
    The leader of the Solidarity and Action Party Maia Sandu will run on
    behalf of the pro-European right in the presidential elections in the Republic
    of Moldova, an ex-soviet state with a majority Romanian-speaking population.
    Both the Liberal-Democratic Party and the former NGO turned-party, Dignity and
    Truth said they would a single candidate, the former Education Minister Maia
    Sandu. The first round of presidential ballot is due on October 30th,
    while the second is on November 13th. This is the first time in the
    last 20 years that the country’s president, who has so far been elected by
    Parliament, will be elected through the citizens’ direct vote. (Translated by: D. Bilt & C. Mateescu)