Tag: European Directive

  • Incentives for foreign workers in Romania

    Incentives for foreign workers in Romania

    As the decision-making body on this matter, the Chamber of Deputies in Bucharest has passed a bill amending the labor legislation concerning the status of foreigners in Romania. The bill brings amendments and additions to two Government decrees passed in 2012 and 2014, in the sense that it transposes a 2016 Directive of the European Parliament and the European Council into national law. The said directive concerns the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of research, studies, training, voluntary service, pupil exchange schemes or educational projects and au pairing.

    The new law stipulates that foreign nationals coming to Romania to work must be extended their right of temporary residence upon presenting their full-time individual employment agreement, subsequent to its being registered at the general record of employees, which shows that the current salary is at least the equivalent of the gross national-guaranteed minimum wage. In the case of highly-skilled workers, the salary should be at least twice the national average wage.

    Foreign workers appointed at the helm of a subsidiary, representation or branch of a foreign company operating on Romanian soil, based on a contract of mandate or any other document of equal judicial value, will benefit from an extension of their temporary work permits without being obliged to present an employment agreement. However, the aforementioned workers need to provide proof of subsistence resulted from said activity, which should be equal to or greater than the gross national-guaranteed minimum wage, the law also stipulates.

    In addition, foreign nationals entering Romania to work as au pairs can obtain an extension of their temporary rights of residence upon presenting their part-time individual employment agreements, subsequent to their being registered in the general record of employees, provided normal working hours do not exceed 25 hours per week and the value of the contract is equal to or greater than the gross national-guaranteed minimum wage, estimated based on a working time fraction analysis.

    According to other adopted pieces of legislation, the Border Police can now deny entry into the country to any foreign national who has been given a custodial sentence exceeding three years for crimes committed in bad faith on the territory of Romania or any other country. The long-term study permit can be obtained, upon request, by foreign nationals applying for a visa as students, interns, pupils or participants in a student exchange or educational program. In this case, the application must be accompanied by all the supporting documents.

    (translated by Vlad Palcu)

  • July 24, UPDATE

    July 24, UPDATE

    G20 – The world’s biggest economies will use all available measures to support global growth and better share the benefits of trade, policymakers said on Sunday, at the end of a two-day G20 meeting in China. The meeting has been dominated by the impact of Britain’s exit from Europe. Britain’s new chancellor, Philip Hammond, said the uncertainty about Brexit would begin to abate once Britain laid out a vision for a future relationship with Europe, which could become clearer later this year. Hammond also said there could be volatility in financial markets throughout the negotiations in the years ahead.

    MUNICH ATTACK – David Ali Sonboly, the teenage gunman who killed nine people in Munich on Friday and then committed suicide had been planning his attack for a year, German authorities say. Bavarian officials said the gunman appeared to have bought the illegal pistol used in the attack on the so-called “dark net”. The victims of the attack had not been specifically targeted. The assassin was taking medication for anxiety and depression.

    MISSION – On Monday, the 341st infantry battalion “White Sharks” will go on a mission to Afghanistan. According to the Romanian Defense Ministry, the military will be part of NATO’s Resolute Support mission and will protect the military base in Kandahar and will help train the Afghan security forces. The White Sharks is an elite unit of the Romanian Army that carried out missions in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan.

    LEGISLATION – The Romanian Government will next week green light a bill that transposes into national law the European Directive on the single European railway area. According to a release of the Transport Ministry in Bucharest, the bill will then be sent to Parliament to be adopted by end-October. On Friday, the European Commission has referred Greece, Luxembourg and Romania to the EU Court of Justice (ECJ) for failing to transpose the Directive into national law. The EC proposed daily penalty payments of almost 30 thousand euros for Romania.

    ASYLUM – As many as 443 people have submitted asylum applications in Romania in the first half of the year, by 40% less than in the same period of 2015, the Immigration Inspectorate has announced today. Most asylum seekers come from Syria, a quarter of them, Iraq Pakistan and Afghanistan. Also, 430 international protection applications have been solved, and a form of protection was granted in 226 cases.

    INTERNSHIP – The Romanian Government’s official internship programme will be launched on Monday at Romania’s National Library in the presence of Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos and of several ministers. 200 students and graduates will be interns in 43 public institutions, of which 20 ministries. The interns come from 20 Romanian and 32 foreign universities. The Government’s internship programme is currently at its 4th edition.

    DRILL – Several hundred Romanian and American military are participating, between July and September, in the Dacian Eagle 2016 drill at an air base near the central Romanian town of Campia Turzii. The drill is aimed at enhancing the level of training and interoperability, through joint flights. It is also an opportunity to practice standard procedures and techniques used during air operations, in keeping with the NATO standards.

    OLYMPICS — Some of the athletes making up Romania’s Olympic delegation, namely members of the boxing, judo, fencing, athletics and swimming teams, left for Rio on Sunday to attend the 31th edition of the summer Olympics, to be held between August 5th and 21st. Over 100 Romanian athletes will take part in this year’s Olympics.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • July 24, 2016

    July 24, 2016

    LEGISLATION – The Romanian Government will next week green light a bill that transposes into national law the European Directive on the single European railway area. According to a release of the Transport Ministry in Bucharest, the bill will then be sent to Parliament to be adopted by end-October. On Friday, the European Commission has referred Greece, Luxembourg and Romania to the EU Court of Justice (ECJ) for failing to transpose the Directive into national law. The EC proposed daily penalty payments of almost 30 thousand euros for Romania.

    RALLY – A rally in support of democracy is to take place in Istanbul today, at the initiative of the Republican People’s Party, the main opposition party. Also, Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party, an Islamist-rooted party founded by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has announced it would join the rally. In the meantime, the authorities continue the campaign against the people suspected of involvement in the attempted coup on July 15 or of supporting Fethullah Gulen, an Islamist cleric who lives in self-imposed exile in the US, accused by President Erdogan of having masterminded the coup. On Saturday, Turkish authorities arrested a close collaborator of Gulen. On the same day, President Erdogan ordered the closure of thousands of private schools, charities and other institutions in his first decree since imposing a state of emergency after the failed military coup.

    ASYLUM – As many as 443 people have submitted asylum applications in Romania in the first half of the year, by 40% less than in the same period of 2015, the Immigration Inspectorate has announced today. Most asylum seekers come from Syria, (154), Iraq (69), Pakistan (33) and Afghanistan (21). Also, 430 international protection applications have been solved, and a form of protection was granted in 226 cases, with 132 people being granted the status of refugees and 94 people being granted subsidiary protection.

    INTERNSHIP – The Romanian Government’s official internship programme will be launched on Monday at Romania’s National Library in the presence of Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos and of several ministers. 200 students and graduates will be interns in 43 public institutions, of which 20 ministries. The interns come from 20 Romanian and 32 foreign universities. The Government’s internship programme is currently at its 4th edition.

    MOURNING – Afghan authorities have today declared a day of national mourning, after Saturday’s bloody suicide attack in Kabul that killed over 80 people and injured another 230. The attack targeted members of the ethnic community Hazara, made up of Shia Muslims. The IS claimed the attack, one of the bloodiest in Afghanistan in the past few months.

    DRILL – Several hundred Romanian and American military are participating, between July and September, in the Dacian Eagle 2016 drill at an air base near the central Romanian town of Campia Turzii. The drill is aimed at enhancing the level of training and interoperability, through joint flights. It is also an opportunity to practice standard procedures and techniques used during air operations, in keeping with the NATO standards.

    OLYMPICS – Several athletes of Romania’s Olympic Team, namely members of the boxing, judo, fencing, athletics and swimming teams, have today left for Rio to attend the 31th edition of the summer Olympics, to be held between August 5th and 21st. Over 100 Romanian athletes will take part in this year’s Olympics. Brazilian Foreign Minister, Jose Serra, announced on Saturday that 45 heads of state and government would attend the opening ceremony to be held on the famous Maracana stadium. Around 85 thousand military will ensure the protection of the 10 thousand athletes and officials and also of tourists.

    FOOTBALL – Romanian football coach Mircea Lucescu has won his first trophy with Zenit Sankt Petersburg, the team that he has taken over this summer. Zenit Sankt Petersburg won Russia’s Supercup, after defeating TSKA Moscow 1-nil. Thus, after 22 trophies won in Ukraine with Sahtior Donetk, Lucescu is now at his first trophy in Russia.

    TENNIS – The team made up of Romanian Monica Niculescu and Belgian Yanina Wickmayer won the women’s doubles final of the WTA tournament in Washington, worth 227 thousand dollars, after defeating the Japanese team Shuto Aoyama/Risa Ozaki, 6-4, 6-3.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)