Tag: Evros

  • March 7, 2020 UPDATE

    March 7, 2020 UPDATE

    COVID-19 On Saturday
    night Bucharest reported its first infection with coronavirus, a 49 year old
    Romanian national who came back from Italy in February. Romania has so far confirmed
    12 infections with COVID-19, the Group of Strategic Communication in Bucharest
    has announced. Three of the people infected have been declared cured and have
    left hospitals but the others are still being treated in medical centers across
    Romania. 16 people have been quarantined and other 13 thousand are isolated at
    home. Almost 6 thousand infections with the new coronavirus have been reported
    in Europe, most of the cases in Italy, France, Germany, Spain and the United
    Kingdom. China, the country where the virus was first discovered in December, has
    reported 28 new cases but no infection has been discovered in the Hubei
    province, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, for the second day in a row.
    The World Health Organization has reiterated its appeal that all countries should
    make containing the coronavirus outbreak their top priority. The virus has so
    far made it to 97 countries infecting over 100 thousand and killing 35 hundred
    mostly in China.

    RUGBY Romania’s national rugby side on Saturday was outperformed by Russia
    25-32 in an away game counting towards the fourth leg of Rugby Europe
    Championship, the continent’s second major competition after the Six Nations
    Championship. This has been Romania’s third defeat after the away matches
    against Georgia and Portugal. Our players only managed a 24-7 home win against
    Spain and will further take on Belgium also at home on March 14th.

    TENNIS According
    to the WTA webpage, the world’s no. 2 tennis player Simona Halep of Romania has
    withdrawn from the Indian Wells tennis tournament due to begin in California
    next week to recover from injuries. In 2015 Halep won her first Premier
    Mandatory title in Indian Wells after a finals win against Jelena Jankovic of
    Serbia. Last year’s finalist Angelique Kerber of Germany has also announced her
    intention not to participate for the same reason. This year’s edition of the
    prestigious sporting event will bring together 73 of the world’s best 80

    MIGRATION Turkey is repatriating
    the Syrian migrants at the border with Greece after a ceasefire for the Syrian
    province of Idlib was signed by the Turkish and Russian presidents, Recep
    Erdogan and Vladimir Putin respectively. Authorities in Ankara have already
    informed the migrants that the EU border has been closed down and that buses
    have been made available to take them to Istanbul and from there back to Syria.
    However the Greek border forces remain on high alert after Turkish Interior
    Minister Suleyman Soylu on Friday announced Ankara’s intention to deploy 1,000
    policemen along the Evros River at the border with Greece in order to prevent
    Athens from rejecting the migrants attempting to cross it. Romania’s interim
    Interior Minister Marcel Vela has informed the Greek authorities that Romania
    will increase the number of border police and their equipment in Greece. So,
    besides the 21 border police already stationed in Greece, Romania decided to
    add 8 more for the ground monitoring as well as a patrol ship with 24 crew
    members and two experts as part of the operational assistance plan for Greece,
    carried out under the aegis of the European Asylum Support Office.

    GOVERNMENT The Romanian Parliament will next week set a date for
    the investiture vote for the cabinet led by Prime Minister Designate Florin
    Catu. A joint session could be scheduled next Friday at the latest. 16 proposed
    ministers have been interviewed this week and nine of them got endorsement. The
    Catu cabinet has to muster 233 votes for Parliament support. We recall the
    first Liberal government, led by Ludovic Orban (leader of the National Liberal
    Party) has been sacked through a no-confidence vote. Orban’s second appointment
    was contested at the Constitutional Court by his Social Democratic opponents
    and the court, which took into consideration the declared intentions of the
    Liberals and the president to trigger snap elections and not to get a
    Parliament majority for the investiture vote, eventually ruled against Orban’s second

    (translated by bill)

  • Grecia  – Zone în care se menține riscul incendiilor de vegetație UPDATE

    Grecia – Zone în care se menține riscul incendiilor de vegetație UPDATE

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe (MAE) informează cetățenii români care se află sau doresc să călătorească în Republica Elenă, că Secretariatul General de Protecție Civilă avertizează că există și se menține riscul ridicat al incendiilor de vegetație (grad 4 din 5) pentru data de 26 august 2019, pe fondul temperaturilor ridicate și a intesificărilor de vânt, în următoarele zone: Attica, Fthiotida, Korinthia, Argolida, Evros, Insula Evia, Insula Samothraki, Insula Limnos și Insula Lesvos.

    Asistență consulară se poate obține la numărul de telefon al Ambasadei României în Republica Elenă: +302106728879 și cel al oficiului consular la Salonic: +302310340088, apelurile fiind redirecționate către Centrul de Contact și Suport al Cetățenilor Români din Străinătate (CCSCR) și preluate de către operatorii Call Center, în regim de permanență. În cazul unei situații cu caracter de urgență, cetățenii români au la dispoziție și telefonul de permanență al misiunii diplomatice a României la Atena: +306978996222 și cel al Consulatului General al României la Salonic: +306906479076.

    MAE recomandă consultarea paginilor de Internet http://atena.mae.ro, http://salonic.mae.ro, https://infocrisis.gov.gr/?lang=en, pentru situații de criză pe teritoriul Republicii Elene, www.meteoalarm.eu, www.mae.ro și reamintește faptul că cetățenii români care călătoresc în străinătate au la dispoziție aplicația Călătorește în siguranță (http://www.mae.ro/app_cs), care oferă informații și sfaturi de călătorie.