Tag: exit polls

  • UPDATE Who will enter the second round of the presidential election?

    UPDATE Who will enter the second round of the presidential election?


    After centralizing the minutes from 99.91% of all polling stations, independent candidate Călin Georgescu obtained 22.94% of the votes, USR candidate Elena Lasconi 19.16%, PSD candidate Marcel Ciolacu 19.16%, AUR leader George Simion 13.87%, PNL leader Nicolae Ciucă 8.79%.




    After centralizing the minutes from 99.87% of all polling stations, independent candidate Călin Georgescu obtained 22.92% of the votes, PSD candidate Marcel Ciolacu 19.17%, USR candidate Elena Lasconi 19.16%, AUR leader George Simion 13.87%, PNL leader Nicolae Ciucă 8.79%.





    After centralizing the minutes from 99.73% of all polling stations, independent candidate Călin Georgescu obtained 22.85% of the votes, PSD candidate Marcel Ciolacu 19.2%, USR candidate Elena Lasconi 19.14%, AUR leader George Simion 13.87%, PNL leader Nicolae Ciucă 8.8%.




    After centralizing the minutes from 99.65% of all polling stations, independent candidate Călin Georgescu obtained 22.82% of the votes, PSD candidate Marcel Ciolacu 19.24%, USR candidate Elena Lasconi 19.12%, AUR leader George Simion 13.88%, PNL leader Nicolae Ciucă 8.81%.




    After centralizing the minutes from 99.54% of all polling stations, independent candidate Călin Georgescu had 22.82%, PSD candidate Marcel Ciolacu 19.27% ​​of the votes, USR candidate Elena Lasconi 19.08%, AUR leader George Simion 13.89%, PNL leader Nicolae Ciucă 8.82%.





    UPDATEAfter centralizing the minutes from 95% of all polling stations, independent candidate Călin Georgescu obtained 22.16% of the votes, PSD candidate Marcel Ciolacu 20.35%, USR candidate Elena Lasconi 17.85%, AUR leader George Simion 14.19%, PNL leader Nicolae Ciucă 9.15%.



    After centralizing the minutes from 85% of all polling stations, the independent candidate Călin Georgescu obtained 22.03%, PSD candidate Marcel Ciolacu 21.8% of the votes, USR candidate Elena Lasconi 15.58%, AUR leader George Simion 14.76%, PNL leader Nicolae Ciucă 9.54%.





    After centralizing the minutes from 70% of all polling stations, PSD candidate Marcel Ciolacu obtained 22.53% of the votes, independent candidate Călin Georgescu 22.15%, AUR leader George Simion 15.18%, USR candidate Elena Lasconi 14.19%, PNL candidate Nicolae Ciucă 9.74%.





    After centralizing votes from 50% of all polling stations, PSD candidate Marcel Ciolacu obtained 23% of the votes, independent candidate Călin Georgescu 22%, AUR leader George Simion 15.45%, USR candidate Elena Lasconi 12.75%, PNL candidate Nicolae Ciucă 9%.



    According to the results of two exit polls, conducted by CURS and Avangarde – CIRA, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, leader of the Social Democratic Party, with 25%, and Elena Lasconi, president of the Save Romania Union, from the parliamentary opposition, with 18%, would enter the second round of the presidential elections.


    In third place would be the independent candidate Călin Georgrescu, with 16%, followed by the leader of the Alliance for the Unity of Romanians, from the parliamentary opposition, George Simion, with 14-15%, and the leader of the National Liberal Party, Nicolae Ciucă, with 13-14%. The independent candidate Mircea Geoană would have obtained 5-5.5% of the votes.


    The turnout was about 52.5%. 800,000 people voted abroad.

  • December 6, 2020 UPDATE

    December 6, 2020 UPDATE

    Elections update — The Social Democratic Party – PSD is likely to have won Sunday’s parliamentary elections in Romania. According to an exit poll from Romania, PSD obtained around 30% of the votes. The National Liberal Party got almost 29% followed by the Alliance Save Romania Union-PLUS (USR-PLUS) with almost 16%. Other parties that might enter Parliament are UDMR — the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania, Pro Romania and PMP People’s Movement Party, all credited with 5% of the votes. A surprise in these elections is the possible entry in Parliament of the Alliance for Romanians’ Union AUR. Voter turnout was almost 32%. The PSD president Marcel Ciolacu said that, through Sunday’s vote, Romanians showed that change was needed and sanctioned the way the governing Liberals managed the pandemic. In turn, the PM Ludovic Orban said that the Liberal Party was both the moral and real winner of these elections. His statement is based on the fact that exit polls do not include the votes cast in the Diaspora, let alone the error margin. The result of the parliamentary elections shows that ‘reform in Romania cannot be achieved without the alliance USR-PLUS’ said Sunday evening the alliance co-president Dan Barna. The other co-president Dacian Ciolos said USR-PLUS was ready to start negotiations for setting up the government, but ruled out any collaboration with PSD. In the context of the pandemic, 136 senator and 329 deputy seats were up for election, including 4 deputies and 2 senators representing the Romanian Diaspora. The members of the future Parliament were voted on party lists, based on the proportional representation system.

  • December 6, 2020 UPDATE

    December 6, 2020 UPDATE

    Elections update — The Social Democratic Party – PSD is likely to have won Sunday’s parliamentary elections in Romania. According to an exit poll from Romania, PSD obtained around 30% of the votes. The National Liberal Party got almost 29% followed by the Alliance Save Romania Union-PLUS (USR-PLUS) with almost 16%. Other parties that might enter Parliament are UDMR — the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania, Pro Romania and PMP People’s Movement Party, all credited with 5% of the votes. A surprise in these elections is the possible entry in Parliament of the Alliance for Romanians’ Union AUR. Voter turnout was almost 32%. The PSD president Marcel Ciolacu said that, through Sunday’s vote, Romanians showed that change was needed and sanctioned the way the governing Liberals managed the pandemic. In turn, the PM Ludovic Orban said that the Liberal Party was both the moral and real winner of these elections. His statement is based on the fact that exit polls do not include the votes cast in the Diaspora, let alone the error margin. The result of the parliamentary elections shows that ‘reform in Romania cannot be achieved without the alliance USR-PLUS’ said Sunday evening the alliance co-president Dan Barna. The other co-president Dacian Ciolos said USR-PLUS was ready to start negotiations for setting up the government, but ruled out any collaboration with PSD. In the context of the pandemic, 136 senator and 329 deputy seats were up for election, including 4 deputies and 2 senators representing the Romanian Diaspora. The members of the future Parliament were voted on party lists, based on the proportional representation system.

  • December 6, 2020 UPDATE

    December 6, 2020 UPDATE

    Elections update — The Social Democratic Party – PSD is likely to have won Sunday’s parliamentary elections in Romania. According to an exit poll published at 9 p.m. local time, PSD obtained around 30.5% of the votes. The National Liberal Party got almost 29% followed by the Alliance Save Romania Union PLUS (USR-PLUS) with almost 16%. Other parties that might enter Parliament are UDMR — the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania, Pro Romania and PMP People’s Movement Party, all credited with 5% of the votes. A surprise in these elections is the possible entry in Parliament of the Alliance for Romanians’ Union AUR. The voter turnout was almost 32%.

  • Special measures for the election

    Special measures for the election

    On Sunday,
    December 6, Romanians will hit the polls to elect the Senators and Deputies who
    will be representing them for the next four years. Special measures related to
    the COVID-19 pandemic are already in place. According to the Permanent Election
    Authority, some 18 million eligible voters are expected to cast their votes.
    Some 740 thousand Romanians officially residing abroad are also expected to
    vote. Of these, over 39 thousand have opted for postal voting, while nearly 4
    thousand registered for physical voting in one of the polls opened abroad. In
    Romania, the authorities have set up 18 thousand voting polls.

    The vote will
    take place on Sunday, starting 7 AM and ending 9 PM. Unlike those at home,
    Romanians in the Diaspora will have two days to exercise their constitutional right,
    and will be able to vote starting Saturday in one of the 748 polls. Due to
    different timezones, the Foreign Ministry launched an interactive map of
    polling stations abroad, as well as a call center where Romanians living or
    residing abroad can receive accurate information. According to the Ministry,
    the map allows Romanian citizens to identify polling stations of their choice
    and plan their vote, so as to avoid the overcrowding of past years. In case
    some stations are relocated for pandemic-related reasons, the interactive map
    will provide real-time updates. Voters taking part in the election must observe
    a number of special health safety measures the authorities have introduced due
    to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    In Romania, authorities gave assurances the vote will
    take place in optimal conditions, as they have taken all measures to keep the
    risk of infection at a minimum. People living in quarantined areas will be able
    to cast their vote based on a signed declaration specifying the place and
    purpose of their movements, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced. Exempted to
    this rule will be people placed in quarantine following a decision of the local
    Directorate for Public Health. The latter will be able to vote by means of the
    mobile ballot box. The Central Election Bureau has certified four institutes
    and companies to conduct exit polls on Sunday. Exit poll results will be made
    public at 9 PM with the closure of polling stations. (V. Palcu)

  • Klaus Iohannis a câştigat alegerile prezidenţiale

    Klaus Iohannis a câştigat alegerile prezidenţiale

    Candidatul Alianţei Creştin Liberale (opoziţia de centru-dreapta), Klaus Iohannis, a câştigat alegerile prezidenţiale din România, potrivit sondajelor efectuate la ieşirea de la urne comandate de patru dintre televiziuni, el obţinând procente cuprinse între 49,5% şi 52,16%. Un alt institut de sondare îl dădea câştigător pe premierul Victor Ponta, reprezentantul alianţei de stânga PSD — UNPR — PC (la guvernare), cu 50,5%.

    Premierul Victor Ponta a intervenit la televiune declarând că l-a felicitat telefonic pe Klaus Iohannis pentru victorie. Ponta a spus că poporul are întotdeauna dreptate.

    Rezultate exit poll-uri, la ora 21.00, ora închiderii urnelor în România:

    IRES: Klaus Iohannis – 50,9%, Victor Ponta – 49,10%

    SOCIOPOL: Victor Ponta – 50,5%, Klaus Iohannis – 49,5%

    CURS: Klaus Iohannis – 52,16 %, Victor Ponta – 47,84%

    CSCI: Klaus Iohannis – 51%, Victor Ponta – 49%

    Agenţia de rating politic: Klaus Iohannis – 51%, Victor Ponta – 49%

    Peste 11 milioane de alegători, reprezentând 62,04% din totalul celor înscrişi în listele electorale, s-au prezentat la urne, la nivel naţional, până la ora 21.00, potrivit datelor preliminare privind prezenţa la vot centralizate la BEC, în primul tur prezenţa fiind de 52,31%. Potrivit datelor menţionate, 11.341.521 de alegători s-au prezentat la urne până la ora 21.00.

    Cea mai mare prezenţă este înregistrată în judeţele Ilfov (peste 79%), Olt (peste 67%), Alba, Cluj, Giurgiu, Prahova, Sibiu(peste 66%), Dâmboviţa, Teleorman (peste 65%). Cea mai slabă prezenţă la vot s-a înregistrat în judeţele Harghita – 47.82% şi Covasna – 49.87%. Prezenţa la vot în Capitală până la ora 21.00: 65,53%, faţă de 54,29% în turul I. În mediul urban prezenţa la urne a fost de 61,41%, în rural – 62,88%.

    Klaus Iohannis a ajuns, duminică noapte, în Piaţa Universităţii, unde mii de manifestanţi l-au aclamat şi au scandează “Iohannis”.

  • May 25, 2014 UPDATE 3

    May 25, 2014 UPDATE 3

    The leftist alliance made up of the Social-Democratic Party, the National Union for the Progress of Romania and the Conservatives, which also has the government majority in Bucharest got the largest number of votes in the EU Parliamentary election held in Romania on Sunday, between 41 and 43% of the votes, according to the exit polls made public upon the closing of the polling booths. Next came the center-to-right parties, the National Liberals, who got between 13 and 15% of the votes, the Democrat Liberals between 11 and 12% of the votes and the pro-presidential People Movement’s Party between 6 and 7% of the votes. The Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania, part of the ruling coalition has mustered between 6 and 7% of the votes, while independent candidate Mircea Diaconu obtained between 4 and 5%. Social-Democrat leader Victor Ponta said the result obtained was a special one adding that he would propose the National Liberals to rebuild the Social-Liberal Union, the alliance, which won the Parliamentary election of 2012, but later fell apart due to intestine fights. Romania will have 32 MEPs and the turnout on Sunday was 32.16 %. The EU parliamentary election ended in all 28 EU countries on Sunday night. According to EU Parliament estimates voter turnout across the EU stood at 43.11%, and the results show that the European People’s Party is likely to get 211 MEP seats, the Socialists 193, the Liberals 74 while 58 seats are for the Greens. The Conservatives and the Euro-skeptics reformists would get 39 MEP seats.

    On Sunday in Bethlehem Pope Francis called on Israeli and Palestinian leaders to step up efforts and create the prerequisites for the conclusion of a peace accord. Bethlehem, which according to Christian tradition is the place where Jesus Christ was born, was the first leg of the Pope’s tour of the Palestinian territories and Israel. After holding an open-air mass, in front of the Church of the Nativity, the Pontiff was flown to Tel Aviv. On Saturday the Pope had visited Amman in Jordan, where he called for more respect for religious freedom.

    According to the latest exit polls, pro-Western candy tycoon Petro Poroshenko has reaped most of the votes in the snap presidential election in Ukraine, between 55.9 and 57.8% of the total number. Second came former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko with 13% of the votes. Tymoshenko has admitted defeat but insisted on her plans to stage a referendum on the country’s NATO accession. 60% of the eligible Ukrainians took to the polls all over the country on Sunday but turnout was visibly higher in the country’s western regions. In the eastern regions of Donetsk and Lugansk only 34 polling stations were operational, while no station was available in Slavyanks and in other towns and villages controlled by pro-Russian separatists. The snap election in Ukraine, which is considered crucial for settling the crisis currently facing the country, was scheduled after pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovich had fled Kiev, Russian troops had seized the Crimean peninsula and a pro-Russian insurgency had broken out in eastern Ukraine. Russian president Vladimir Putin said Moscow would respect the choice of the Ukrainian people and was ready to cooperate with the new government in Kiev. Tens of thousands police and army troops had been deployed to ensure the protection of the voters during the election in Ukraine, whose unfolding was monitored by more than 3,000 international observers.

    US president Barack Obama arrived in Afghanistan on Sunday for a surprise visit to the US troops stationed in that country, France Press reports. This Monday the USA celebrates Memorial Day, commemorating the men and women who died in the line of duty in the US Armed Forces. Romania has 950 soldiers stationed in Afghanistan, most of whom are serving in the south of the country which is considered a Taliban fiefdom. 26 Romanian soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan in the past decade.

    Romanian Foreign Minister Titus Corlatean has vehemently condemned the bloody gun attack at the Jewish Museum in Brussels on Saturday. The head of the Romanian diplomacy has said he firmly and unequivocally rejects any form of anti-Semitism, which can lead to this kind of criminal acts. The Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania has voiced consternation over the Brussels attack, which it qualified as a new manifestation of violent anti-Semitism. We recall that three people were killed and one seriously wounded by a gunman who opened fire in the Jewish Museum.

  • May 25, 2014 UPDATE

    May 25, 2014 UPDATE

    The leftist alliance made up of the Social-Democratic Party, the National Union for the Progress of Romania and the Conservatives, which also has the government majority in Bucharest has got the largest number of votes in the EU Parliamentary election held in Romania on Sunday, 41.5 and 43% of the votes, according to the latest exit polls. Next came the center-to-right parties, the National Liberals, which got 16% of the votes, the Democrat Liberals with 13 % of the votes and the pro-presidential People Movement’s Party with 8% of the votes. The co-ruling Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania, part of the ruling coalition has mustered 7% of the votes, while independent candidate Mircea Diaconu obtained 4-5%. According to official data, 32.16% of the eligible Romanians went to the polls out of a total of 18 million Romanians who were expected to cast a ballot for their 32 MEPs.

    Pope Francis on Sunday called on Israeli and Palestinian leaders in Bethlehem to step up efforts and create the necessary conditions for the conclusion of a peace accord. Bethlehem, which according to Christian tradition is the place where Lord Jesus was born, was the first leg of the Pope’s tour of the Palestinian territories and Israel. After holding an open-air mass, in front of the Church of the Nativity, the Pontiff was flown to Tel Aviv in Israel. On Saturday the Pope had visited Amman in Jordan, where he called for more respect for religious freedom.

    According to the latest exit polls, pro-Western candy tycoon Petro Poroshenko has gathered most of the votes in the snap presidential election in Ukraine, between 55.9 and 57.8% of the total number. Second came former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko with 13% of the votes. 60% of the eligible Ukrainians took to the polls all over the country on Sunday but turnout was visibly higher in the country’s western regions. In the eastern regions of Donetsk and Lugansk only 34 polling stations were operational. No station was open in Slavyanks and in other towns and villages controlled by the pro-Russian separatists. The snap election in Ukraine, which is considered crucial for settling the crisis currently facing the country, was scheduled after pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovich had fled Kiev, Russian troops had seized the Crimean peninsula and a pro-Russian insurgency had broken out in eastern Ukraine. Russian president Vladimir Putin said Moscow would respect the choice of the Ukrainian people and was ready to cooperate with the new government in Kiev. Tens of thousands police and army troops had been deployed to ensure the protection of the voters during the election in Ukraine, whose unfolding was monitored by more than 3,000 international observers.

    US president Barack Obama on Sunday arrived in Afghanistan for a surprise visit to the US troops stationed in that country, France Press reports. This Monday the USA celebrates Memorial Day, commemorating the men and women who died in the line of duty in the US Armed Forces. Romania has 950 soldiers stationed in Afghanistan, most of whom are serving in the south of the country which is considered a Taliban fiefdom. 26 Romanian soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan in the past decade.

    Romanian Foreign Minister Titus Corlatean has vehemently condemned the bloody gun attack at the Jewish Museum in Brussels on Saturday. The head of the Romanian diplomacy has said he firmly and unequivocally rejects any form of anti-Semitism, which can lead to this kind of criminal acts. The Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania has voiced consternation over the Brussels attack, which it qualified as a new manifestation of violent anti-Semitism. We recall that three people were killed and one seriously wounded by a gunman who opened fire in the Jewish Museum.

  • Exit polls pentru alegerile europene. Alianţa electorală PSD-UNPR-PC, câştigătoare detaşată

    Exit polls pentru alegerile europene. Alianţa electorală PSD-UNPR-PC, câştigătoare detaşată

    Alianţa electorală PSD-UNPR-PC, la coguvernare, a câştigat alegerile europene din Riomânia, cu 41-43% din voturi, conform primelor exit polls difuzate de televiziunile de ştiri. Partidul Naţional Liberal, de opoziţie, este creditat cu 13-15%, Partidul Democrat Liberal, de opoziţie, cu 11-13%, Partidul Mişcarea Populară, pre-prezidenţial, 6-7%, Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România, la coguvernare, 6-7%. Candidatul independent Mircea Diaconu a obţinut 4-5%. Restul competitorilor electorali au obţinut sub 5%.

    Prezenţa la vot la ora 21.00 a fost de 32,16%. În afara graniţelor ţării au fost organizate 190 de secţii de votare.

    România va avea 32 de europarlamentari din cei 751 aleşi în toate cele 28 de state ale U.E. în euroscrutinul din 22-25 mai 2014.

    Duminică seara s-a încheiat scrutinul europarlamentar în toate cele 28 de state ale Uniunii Europene. Potrivit estimărilor date publicităţii de Parlamentul European, prezenţa la urne la nivelul UE a fost de 43,11%. După închiderea urnelor în toate statele UE se estima că 211 mandate ar fi câştigate de PPE, 193 de socialişti, 74 de liberali, 58 de verzi. Conservatorii şi reformiştii (eurosceptici) ar fi obţinut 39 de mandate de europarlamentar.

    Parlamentul European pune la dispoziţia utilizatorilor un instrument digital pentru a accesa informațiile despre rezultatele alegerilor europene din 22-25 mai, în format open data. Datele din 2014 vor fi actualizate în timp real.

    În paralel cu informaţiile despre euroscrutinul 2014 puteţi revedea rezultatele alegerilor europene din 2009.