Mastering ways of
expressing assertiveness in Romanian is a major means of integrating in a
certain milieu, where conversational exchange is bound to be a little bit more
sophisticated than usual, so in this lesson you will be exposed to the language of
assertiveness in Romanian.
As usual, we
begin with a bunch of relevant words and phrases:
Facultatea de Teatru=Drama School
A fi
ingrijorat=to be worried
A fi
incredintat=to believe in
A trece=to go
Concurs de
eseuri=essay contest
A fi
incintat=to be delighted
A merge in
instanta=to take the matter to court
Daca nu=unless
Now let us use
some of the words in meaningful sentences:
Ne pasa cu
adevarat daca nepotul nostru reuseste la examenul de admitere pentru Facultatea
de Teatru.
We really care
if our nephew passes the entrance exam for the Drama School.
ingrijorati pentru faptul ca fiica noastra nu ne-a mai scris de doua saptamini.
We are worried
because it has been two weeks since our daughter last wrote to us.
Sintem profund
incredintati ca cel mai bun elev va trece la etapa urmatoare a concursului nostru
de eseuri.
We firmly
believe our best pupil will go through to the next stage in our essay contest.
Am fost incintati
de faptul ca absolventii nostri s-au pregatit atit de bine pentru examenul final.
We were
delighted by the fact that our graduates have been extremely well-prepared for
the final exam.
Sintem hotariti
sa mergem in instanta, daca problema nu se rezolva in timp util.
We are set to
take the matter to court, unless our problem is solved in due course.
Thank you ALL for the interest you
take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us.
Good Bye! La revedere!