Tag: father

  • “Maxim Dumitraș – Son and Father” Exhibition

    “Maxim Dumitraș – Son and Father” Exhibition

    In early December, the Pavel Șușară Modern and
    Contemporary Art Museum in Bucharest (MAMCO) hosted the opening of an
    exhibition bringing two generations into a dialogue. The exhibition, entitled Maxim
    Dumitraș – Son and Father, is curated by Pavel Șușară and Dalina Bădescu, and
    will be open until the beginning of February 2024. We asked one of its curators
    about the significance of this exhibition in the contemporary art landscape and
    about what makes it unique in Romania:

    Pavel Șușară:
    Indeed, it is a special-even more than special-event. It is unique in that
    such an exhibition is impossible to organise again: even if in principle someone
    could retrace the same scenario, the characters that made this exhibition
    possible would be missing. It is an art exhibition, at a basic, superficial
    level, and obviously we have all the art’s conventions present, we have
    painting, graphic art, sculpture, all the classical genres, but what makes it
    unique is its human content, its birth and its development, its substance. It
    showcases the last period in the life of Max Dumitraș’s father, who, in order
    to alleviate his loneliness and fears, was asked by Max to draw lines over a number of compositions by Max Dumitraș. What seemed to be a stereotypical
    kind of work and a routine movement grew into a form of shelter from anxieties,
    from loneliness, from the imminence of death which he obviously felt coming. It
    became a sort of curtain, a sort of fence separating his world and the world
    beyond, which was the world shaped and created by Max. But with these lines, Max’s
    father created a protective screen, where he was safe from his own fears, and
    with time, this fence became a sort of radiograph or a map of his physical and
    psychological state. The lines become more and more faltering, less precise, more
    and more fluid, until eventually it becomes completely random and unnatural. So
    this makes the exhibition a meditation on life and death, a sort of redemption through
    art, a kind of therapy for one’s dreads, a space where the certainty of
    existing is still meaningful. It is yet another certainty.

    We also asked Pavel Șușară what place does the
    artist Maxim Dumitraș hold in Romanian contemporary art:

    Pavel Șușară: He is an institution. Apart from having
    created institutions, Maxim Dumitraș is an institution himself, in what he
    achieved and in how he created events around him, organised symposiums,
    arranged a natural space, some ravines which he turned into residences and work
    areas for artists. And he did not embellish nature, he did not introduce
    artificial elements in a natural setting, but integrated art in a natural
    setting, thus proving that art in general, creation, is not separated from the
    world for which we are not responsible, but rather a form of continuity and a
    form of noticing its harmony.

    Pavel Șușară also told us about the plans MAMCO has
    for the year 2024:

    Pavel Șușară: We have already scheduled exhibitions
    for the entire year. We have a joint project with the Art Biennale in Plovdiv,
    Bulgaria and we are partners in 2024. There will be 10 Romanian artists showing
    their works there. Towards the end of the year we will have the miniature
    salon, which we have turned into a biennale. All in all, we have some 6-7
    exhibitions scheduled for next year.

    In turn, the artist Maxim Dumitraș also gave us details
    about the process behind this project completed together with his father in the
    latter’s last years of life:

    Maxim Dumitraș: I started it 8 years ago, I worked
    with my father. He worked on the composition’s vertical axis, I worked on the
    colour. We intervened and we worked together on these items, which are in fact
    some canes which turned into something else over time, just like the father
    line. They turned into objects that must be touched, we called them objects of
    better. I worked on some 150 drawings with my father, we made some books
    called Bags of dreams, in which he also made the lines and I did the colour. Between
    the ages of 71 and 92, he was my apprentice in the atelier every day. When he
    was younger, I used to be his apprentice, then we switched roles and he became
    the creator-apprentice. He was a sort of philosopher, a person of exceptional
    fairness and elegance.

    At the end of the interview, Maxim Dumitraș told us
    about his accomplishments in 2023:

    Maxim Dumitraș: I always try to simplify things, but
    every year they get more and more complicated. I made a monumental sculpture,
    some 15 tonnes in weight. I had an exhibition in Bistrița and several other
    projects in Sângeorz-Băi. It was a very prolific year, so to say. (AMP)