FC Viitorul Constanţa a cucerit în premieră Cupa României la fotbal, în urma victoriei obţinute în faţa echipei Astra Giurgiu cu scorul de 2-1 (0-1, 1-1), după prelungiri, în finala jucată sâmbătă seara, pe Stadionul Ilie Oană din Ploieşti.
FC Viitorul Constanţa a cucerit în premieră Cupa României la fotbal, în urma victoriei obţinute în faţa echipei Astra Giurgiu cu scorul de 2-1 (0-1, 1-1), după prelungiri, în finala jucată sâmbătă seara, pe Stadionul Ilie Oană din Ploieşti.
Transports — The Romanian minister for European funds Rovana Plumb and the transport minister Lucian Sova talked in Brussels with the EU Commissioner for regional policy Corina Cretu about the approval by the European Commission of the project for the M6 subway segment that will ensure the link with the Henri Coanda International Airport in Bucharest. According to a communiqué of the Transport Ministry in mid March the European Commission asked Metrorex company to provide clarifications in relation to their request for funding the project. The Transport Ministry officials say the value of the subway segment is almost 1.3 billion Euros of which Romania can cover at present only 330 million Euros from a loan and the state budget, with the rest to be possibly covered from European funds. Talks in Brussels also tackled the possibility of building a highway between Transylvania (in the center) and Moldavia (in the east). The route of the highway will be set in such a way so as to bring economic benefits to both Romania and the EU.
Washington – Washington supports the territorial integrity and political sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia and reiterates its support for the democratically elected governments and people of those three countries, shows a US Congress resolution. The document shows the US’s commitment to supporting the three former Soviet republics on their way to European integration, and to obtain energy security and intensify commercial cooperation. The resolution also condemns the Russian aggression in the region, and calls for the withdrawal of Russian troops and ammunition which are illegally deployed on the territory of these three states. The resolution asks the allies from the EU and the UN to continue to put pressure on Moscow for it to comply with its international commitments and calls on the US Department of State to have a full-fledged and active dialogue against Russia’s interference in the democratic processes of the three sovereign nations. The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has recently reiterated the need for a complete withdrawal of foreign armed forces from the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and NATO called for the pullout of Russian troops stationed in the three states, without their consent, in line with international commitments.
Brussels — Securing border points, equipping them with state-of-the-art technology and modernizing the customs infrastructure are some of the main objectives of the Romanian Public Finance Ministry for 2018. This is the statement made by finance minister Eugen Teodorovici in Brussels at an event occasioned by the celebration of 50 years of customs union. Minister Teodorovici signed, on the occasion, the European Customs Charter under the high patronage of Pierre Moscovici, a European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs, and of Hartwig Loger, the Austrian finance minister, whose country is holding the presidency of the Council of the EU. Customs union was first mentioned in the Rome Treaty and came into force in 1968 when customs duties levied at the border between the states of the European Community were eliminated. The EU members are using a common set of rules, the so-called Customs Code, which lies at the basis of the Customs Union.
Gărâna — The 22nd edition of the Gărâna Jazz Festival is under way in the southwest of Romania until Sunday. The program includes 25 concerts by musicians from 16 countries. Besides concerts, the audience will have the opportunity to attend the presentation of an experiment — installation made by painter Gheorghe Fikl, during the theater play “Farm” by the Auăleu troupe, the Vinyl National Fair, the exhibition of jazz posters as well as the launch of the book ‘Instant Stage’ by Ioana Tăut. In the past 20 years, more than 70 thousand spectators and many internationally-famed artists shared the experience of avant-garde jazz music in the open air, in the small Romanian village of Gărâna.
B-Fit — As of Friday until August 5 Bucharest will host, each weekend, the 10th edition of the International Street Theater Festival, B-Fit in the Street. This anniversary edition of the festival, called “A Romanian Story in the Centennial Year” includes tens of shows performed by 400 artists from12 countries among which Denmark, Slovakia, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal and Romania. The world premiere of the aerial acrobatics show ‘Sonics in Wish’ from Italy will take place on July 14.
Luxemburg — FC Viitorul football team, 4th ranked in Romania’s football championship, on Thursday won the away match against Racing Union Luxemburg 2-0, in the first preliminary round of Europa League. The return match will take place in Romania on July 19. If they defeat the team of Luxemburg, FC Viitorul will play in the second preliminary round against Vitesse Arnhem of the Netherlands. Also playing in the Europa League preliminaries will be CSU Craiova, the Cup winner, and vice-champions FCSB. Title holder CFR Cluj will play in the preliminaries of the Champions League. (news translated by Lacramioara Simion)
DISSIDENT – Liu Xiaobo, a Chinese dissident and Nobel Peace Prize recipient, died, the authorities in Beijing announced on Thursday. The 61-year-old opposition activist was admitted to hospital after he had been diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. Xiaobo was serving an 11-year prison sentence for subversion. According to France Press, Xiaobo is the second Nobel peace prizewinner who dies in captivity after German pacifist Carl von Ossietzky, who died in a Nazi prison hospital in 1938.
VISIT – The president of the Chamber of Deputies in Bucharest, Liviu Dragnea was received by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Thursday. According to Radio Romania correspondent, the two mainly tackled the bilateral cooperation in the field of defence. Also high on the agenda was the participation of the Israeli investors in the Sovereign Fund for Development and Investment and their involvement in medical research as well as in a project concerning a hospital network. On Wednesday in Tel Aviv, Dragnea opened the works of the Parliament-to-Parliament Forum. Stepping up Romanian-Israeli cooperation was also high on the talks agenda between Dragnea and the Knesset’s speaker Yuli-Yoel Edelstein.
VACCINE — Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Tudose on Thursday said that 180 thousand children hadn’t got the anti-measles vaccine, whereas 80 thousand others had not been immunized for polio. In an executive session, Tudose has called on the health minister Florian Bodog to prepare a large-scale information campaign on this issue. Romania is presently facing the biggest measles epidemics in recent years with 75 thousand cases of infections and 31 deaths.
FOOTBALL – The Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne, Switzerland, on Thursday ruled that FC Viitorul remain the Romanian champions, thus upholding a decision of the Romanian governing bodies. Viitorul and FCSB finished with the same number of points, but Viitorul were declared champions based on a better head-to-head record during the final phase of the competition. The runner-up side, FCSB, had appealed the decision saying they should be champions because of a better record during the entire season.
Military exercise.
Romanian Navy troops are taking part in the Saber Guardian 17 exercise, the
biggest in Romania’s modern history. 10 battle ships and logistics ships, 12
boats and 18 land combat units of the Romanian Navy are taking part in sea,
land and air activities alongside around 25,000 Romanian and foreign military.
President Klaus Iohannis visited the Mihail Kogalniceanu administrative centre,
in the south-east, to meet the Romanian and British pilots taking part in the
strengthened air police mission and the Chairman of the NATO Military
Committee, general Petr Pavel. The latter is on a trip to Romania until
Saturday at the invitation of the Romanian Chief of Staff Nicolae Ciuca. On
Saturday, president Iohannis will attend a multinational military exercise at
the Cincu shooting range in the centre.
Bastille Day. US
president Donald Trump today travels to Paris for a two-day official visit. He
will meet his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron and attend the annual Bastille
Day parade on the 14th of July as a guest of honour. Trump will also
meet US military and civilian staff. According to France Presse news agency,
Macron invited Trump to Paris to attend the Bastille Day festivities last
month, with the parade also including US troops this year to mark the 100th
anniversary of the United States’ joining the allied forces in WWI. The last
time a US president attended a military parade in France was in 1989, for the
anniversary of 200 years since the French Revolution.
Measles outbreak. Romania is confronted with the biggest
measles epidemic in recent years. 31 persons have died and 7,500 have become
sick since September last year when the epidemic broke out. The European office
of the World Health Organisation has recently confirmed that the measles
outbreak continues to spread in Europe. More than 3,300 cases have been
reported in Italy, including 2 deaths, since June last year. One person died in
Germany and another in Portugal, according to national public health
authorities. According to the World Health Organisation, Europe has made
significant progress in recent decades to eradicate measles, which is no longer
endemic in 37 countries. However, there are still areas where the immunisation
rate is very low, which allows this extremely contagious virus to spread among
the people who have not received vaccination.
Football. The Court
of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne, Switzerland, has today ruled that FC
Viitorul remain the Romanian football champions, thus upholding a decision of the
Romanian governing bodies. FC Viitorul and FCSB finished with the same number of
points, but Viitorul were declared champions based on a better head-to-head
record during the final phase of the competition. The runner-up side, FCSB, had
appealed the decision saying they should be champions because of a better
record during the entire season. Also today, the Romanian football side Astra
Giurgiu are facing Zira FK from Azerbaijan at home in the first leg of the
Europa League second preliminary round. The second leg will take place on the
20th of July in Baku.
Tennis. On Friday, the Romanian-Taiwanese pair Monica
Niculescu and Hao-Ching Chan are facing the Japanese-Czech pair Makota Ninomiya
and Renata Voracova for a place in the women’s doubles final at Wimbledon.
Niculescu and Chan reached the semifinals after defeating the American-Czech
pair CiCi Bellis and Marketa Vondrousova in two sets. This is Niculescu’s best
doubles result in a Grand Slam tournament, having reached the quarterfinals at
Roland Garros in 2010 and the Australian Open in 2012. Romania’s highest ranked
player Simona Halep, who is number two in the world, was defeated in the
quarterfinals by the British player Johanna Konta.
Echipele române
de fotbal se află, în aceste zile, în plină pregătire. FC Viitorul, campioana
României, a trecut cu 2 la 1 de echipa FK Zira, din Azerbaidjan. Pentru
constănţeni au marcat Alexandru Stoica şi Vlad Morar. FK Zira ar putea fi
adversara Astrei Giurgiu în Europa League dacă trece de luxemburghezii de la
Differdange în primul tur preliminar al competiţiei.
Astra a început
pregătirea de vară cu o înfrângere. Echipa antrenată, din acest sezon, de
Eduard Iordănescu, a pierdut cu 2 la 4 jocul disputat cu FK Trepca,
câştigătoarea campionatului din Kosovo.
Bucureşti, ca şi Astra, se antrenează în Slovenia. Elevii lui Cosmin Contra au
pierdut primul joc, pe care l-au susţinut în compania formaţiei NK Osijek.
Gruparea croată s-a impus cu scorul de 4 la 1.
Trecem la
ştirile de pe piaţa transferurilor. Echipa FCSB, fostă Steaua Bucureşti, s-a
înţeles cu Viitorul Constanţa pentru Dragoş Nedelcu. Campioana României urmează
să primească un milion şi jumătate de euro, plus 20% dintr-un eventual
transfer. Potrivit ProSport, Nedelcu va avea o clauză de reziliere de 30 de
milioane de euro.
achiziţiile clubului CFR Cluj se află şi unul dintre cei mai valoroşi
internaţionali români ai momentului: mijlocaşul Ovidiu Hoban. Acesta a evoluat
ultima dată în Israel, la Hapoel Beer Şeva, de unde a venit la Cluj liber de
contract. Cea mai importantă achiziţie a clujenilor este însă antrenorul Dan
Petrescu. De-a lungul carierei, acesta a condus echipe din Polonia, Rusia,
China şi ţările arabe, fiind, la această oră, unul dintre cei mai respectaţi
tehnicieni români.
Echipele române
de fotbal se află, în aceste zile, în plină pregătire. FC Viitorul, campioana
României, a trecut cu 2 la 1 de echipa FK Zira, din Azerbaidjan. Pentru
constănţeni au marcat Alexandru Stoica şi Vlad Morar. FK Zira ar putea fi
adversara Astrei Giurgiu în Europa League dacă trece de luxemburghezii de la
Differdange în primul tur preliminar al competiţiei.
Astra a început
pregătirea de vară cu o înfrângere. Echipa antrenată, din acest sezon, de
Eduard Iordănescu, a pierdut cu 2 la 4 jocul disputat cu FK Trepca,
câştigătoarea campionatului din Kosovo.
Bucureşti, ca şi Astra, se antrenează în Slovenia. Elevii lui Cosmin Contra au
pierdut primul joc, pe care l-au susţinut în compania formaţiei NK Osijek.
Gruparea croată s-a impus cu scorul de 4 la 1.
Trecem la
ştirile de pe piaţa transferurilor. Echipa FCSB, fostă Steaua Bucureşti, s-a
înţeles cu Viitorul Constanţa pentru Dragoş Nedelcu. Campioana României urmează
să primească un milion şi jumătate de euro, plus 20% dintr-un eventual
transfer. Potrivit ProSport, Nedelcu va avea o clauză de reziliere de 30 de
milioane de euro.
achiziţiile clubului CFR Cluj se află şi unul dintre cei mai valoroşi
internaţionali români ai momentului: mijlocaşul Ovidiu Hoban. Acesta a evoluat
ultima dată în Israel, la Hapoel Beer Şeva, de unde a venit la Cluj liber de
contract. Cea mai importantă achiziţie a clujenilor este însă antrenorul Dan
Petrescu. De-a lungul carierei, acesta a condus echipe din Polonia, Rusia,
China şi ţările arabe, fiind, la această oră, unul dintre cei mai respectaţi
tehnicieni români.