Tag: Ferry

  • August 20, 2023 UPDATE

    August 20, 2023 UPDATE

    Working meeting – The heads of state and government from South-Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans, including the Prime Minister of Romania, Marcel Ciolacu, will participate tomorrow, in Athens, in a working meeting organized at the initiative of Greece. The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, will participate in the discussions. The Romanian government says that the discussions will focus on the development of regional cooperation in South-Eastern Europe, as well as on the challenges raised by the developments of the conflict in Ukraine on the states participating in the dialogue in Athens.

    Cooperation – One of Romanias objectives in the coming period is to re-conquer the traditional markets with Asian countries, such as Singapore, Vietnam and Japan – says the Economy Minister, Radu Oprea. In a press conference, Radu Oprea emphasized that the Romanian economy must take advantage of the markets and trade agreements signed by the European Union with Asian countries. The Economy Minister added that in October a joint committee meeting with South Korea will be held, and in November – the one with Vietnam, two countries with very high collaboration potential, both by attracting technology through investments in Romania, and by exporting, in the case Romanian companies.

    Inflation – Last month Romania registered one of the highest annual inflation rates in the European Union, 9.4%, show official data of the EU statistics. According to EUROSTAT, Romania ranked fifth, although the index was measured with a single digit. On first place is Hungary, with an inflation rate of 17.5%, followed by Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic, all with over 10%. The lowest annual inflation rate was in Belgium, 1.7%. Compared to June, EUROSTAT also shows, the annual inflation rate decreased in 19 member countries of the European Union, including Romania.

    Festival – The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, known throughout the world for its New Years concert, is coming to Bucharest, at the “George Enescu” Festival. The Viennese orchestra will perform two concerts at Sala Palatului – the Palace Hall in Bucharest, on September 10 and 11, according to the official program of the event. The festival will start in two weeks time, on August 27, with a recital by the “George Enescu” Philharmonic, with Cristian Măcelaru as conductor. The Royal Orchestra “Concertgebouw” from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the National Orchestra of France and the London Symphony Orchestra will also come to Bucharest.

    Ukraine – The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, said in an interview given to the Spanish newspaper “El Pais” that he does not believe that giving up military aid to Ukraine will lead to peace. Josep Borrell added that Europe was doing everything possible to achieve peace negotiations that should recognize that “there is an aggressor and a victim.” The European official noted, on the other hand, that were it not for the conflict in Ukraine, it would take years for Kyiv to join the EU and he emphasized that this conflict pushed Ukraine towards the EU, where Russia did not want to see it.

    Ukraine – Ukraine will receive 42 F-16 fighter jets from the Netherlands and Denmark, the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on Sunday. The US, which produces the devices, has agreed to their transfer to the Ukrainian army. The Danish Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said that one of the conditions for the delivery of the aircraft is the successful completion of the military training and the testing of the Ukrainian personnel who will operate them. He also said that training will begin soon and will last at least six months. On Sunday, Zelenski visited the Eindhoven military base in the Netherlands, in the south of the country, to discuss the delivery of F-16 aircraft with the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

    Volleyball – Romania lost to Switzerland, 3-2, on Saturday evening, in Monza (Italy), in a Group B match of the European Womens Volleyball Championship – CEV EuroVolley 2023. The Romanian national team was coming after a 3 -1 victory against Croatia and a defeat by Italy, score 0-3. Romania will play against Bosnia-Herzegovina on Monday and against Bulgaria on Tuesday. The first four ranked teams in the group qualify for the round of 16 of the European Championship. CEV EuroVolley 2023 takes place between August 15 and September 3 in four countries, Belgium, Italy, Estonia and Germany. Romanias best result at a European Womens Championship was recorded in 1963, when the Romanian volleyball players won bronze on home ground.

    Academician – PhD Professor Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici, honorary member of the Romanian Academy, has passed away. On July 6, he had turned 100 years old. A neurologist by profession, a pioneer in the field of neuro-cybernetics, Bălăceanu-Stolnici wrote over 25 books and published hundreds of scientific works. After 1989, he supported the development of private education in Romania, he was among the founders of the Ecological University of Bucharest, where he taught courses in neuropsychology and the anatomy of the nervous system. Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici was considered the last authentic member of the old aristocracy in Romania, the last descendant of the Bălăceni family. In 2007, the National Council for the Study of the Securitate (Political Police) Archives decided that Bălăceanu-Stolnici was a collaborator of the communist political police, and the academician admitted that he had signed informative notes for the Securitate.

    Borders – The number of people who entered Romania through the Isaccea border crossing point, located on the eastern border with Ukraine, doubled, after Russia began the attack on the Ukrainian ports on the Danube, on July 24. In the last month, about 41,000 people entered Romania through Isaccea cross-border point, compared to almost 26,000 in the same period last year. The Romanian Coast Guard reported that these figures ​​are mainly caused by the doubling of ferry transport capacity across the Danube. According to it, if in 2022 ferry rides from one country to another took place every three hours, in this period the rides are at an interval of one and a half hours. At the same time, freight transport through Isaccea increased significantly compared to the same period last year. (LS)

  • 29.12.2014


    Président — Le nouveau président de la Roumanie, Klaus Iohannis, a signé aujourd’hui le décret de désignation du général Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă aux fonctions de chef de l’Etat Major. Commandant du premier bataillon roumain envoyé en Afghanistan, en 2002, le général Ciucă remplacera, à partir du 1er janvier, le général Ştefan Dănilă, dont le mandat prend fin. Aujourd’hui également, le président Iohannis s’entretient avec le vice-premier ministre et ministre de l’Intérieur Gabriel Oprea, avec le ministre de la défense, Mircea Duşa, et avec celui des Affaires étrangères, Bogdan Aurescu, dans le contexte des discussions consacrées à la future collaboration institutionnelle entre la présidence et le gouvernement. La semaine dernière, le chef de l’Etat avait déjà eu une entrevue à ce sujet avec le premier ministre Victor Ponta.

    Budget – La Cour constitutionnelle de la Roumanie examine, aujourd’hui, la saisine déposée par le parti national libéral (l’opposition de centre-droit) au sujet du budget d’Etat pour 2015. Dans l’opinion des élus libéraux, la loi du budget de l’Etat est non constitutionnelle car elle n’a pas été adoptée dans le délai légal et parce qu’elle ne contient pas de stratégie fiscale. Le premier ministre social-démocrate Victor Ponta avait estimé qu’une éventuelle contestation de la loi du budget, adoptée par le Parlement la semaine dernière, ferait reporter la majoration des retraites, l’octroi des subventions et la baisse de la TVA dans le secteur du tourisme. Le budget de la Roumanie pour 2015 repose sur un déficit de 1,8% du PIB, sur une inflation de 2,2% et sur une croissance économique de 2,5%.

    Ferry – Le ministère des Affaires étrangères de Bucarest a confirmé la présence d’un ressortissant roumain parmi les personnes secourues du ferry italien en flammes en mer Adriatique. 120 des 480 passagers sont toujours bloqués à bord. Des dizaines de navires italiens, grecs et albanais, appuyés par des hélicoptères, entreprennent une opération de sauvetage rendue difficile par la météo. Au moins une personne de nationalité grecque a perdu la vie dans cet accident en mer. Le ferry reliait les ports de Patras, sud-ouest de la Grèce, et d’Ancône, est de l’Italie.

    Météo – Des vigilances jaune et orange aux blizzard, chutes de neige et verglas sont en vigueur jusqu’à ce soir dans la moitié des départements du sud et de l’est de la Roumanie. Trois de ces départements ont d’ailleurs été placés temporairement en vigilance rouge aux tempêtes de neige. L’électricité est coupée dans plusieurs dizaines de communes et des secteurs de l’autoroute A1 sont fermés. Une vingtaine de trains ont été annulés, les trafics ferroviaire et aérien sont perturbés. Plusieurs vols ont été annulés à l’aéroport Henri Coanda de Bucarest et à l’aéroport de Timisoara (ouest). Les ports à la mer Noire et le chenal danubien Bara — Sulina sont fermés. Les températures de la mi-journée vont de moins 6 à 5°. A Bucarest, à midi, le thermomètre indiquait moins 1°.