• Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    At the 16th FINA World Swimming
    Championships (25 m) in Melbourne, the Romanian swimmer David Popovici came out
    4th in the 100m freestyle final with 45.64, a new world junior record.
    First came the Australian athlete Kyle Chalmers. David Popovici is the
    defending 100m freestyle world champion and holder of the world record in this

    In men’s basketball, on Wednesday in Riga, Latvia, the
    Romanian side U-BT Cluj-Napoca was defeated by the Ukrainian team Prometey
    Slobozhanske 105-82, in the EuroCup Group A. After 8 games, the Romanian
    champions are ranking 8th, with 6 points. In the FIBA Europe Cup,
    CSM Oradea beat the German side Bamberg on home turf, 82 – 80, in the first
    match in Group L. In Group I of the same competition, SCM Craiova was defeated
    at home by FC Porto, 83-73. Also worth noting is that the women’s team Baschet
    Club Arad ended its participation in the EuroCup with a defeat. The Romanian
    team was defeated in Poland by Arka Gdynia 87-53 and ranked last in the group D
    of the competition.

    Arcada Galaţi qualified in the play-offs of the CEV Cup
    in men’s volleyball, after beating the Finnish side Savo Volley Kuopio 3-1, on
    Wednesday at home, in the second leg of the round of 16. The Romanian champions
    had already won in Finland, 3-1. In the play-off, Arcada will be facing the
    Italian side Piacenza, which in the round of 16 defeated Fenerbahce Istanbul, 3-1
    in both legs.

    In women’s volleyball, on Wednesday, in the first leg
    of the round of 32 of the CEV Cup, CSO Voluntari lost in Poland to Budowlani
    Lodz, 3-0. In the Challenge Cup, also in the round of 32, the first leg, CSM Lugoj lost a dramatic match away from
    home to PTT Ankara, 3-2.

    On Wednesday, in a game counting towards round 20 of
    the Romanian football SuperLeague, Rapid București beat Petrolul Ploiești on
    the National Arena in Bucharest, 3-1. Two of Rapid’s goals were scored by the
    Croatian player Marko Duganzic, and one by Ștefan Pănoiu, in overtime. Gheorghe
    Grozav scored for the Ploiesti side. Top of the ranking at present is Farul
    Constanța, with 44 points, followed by CFR, with 41 points. (AMP)

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    At the 16th FINA World Swimming
    Championships (25 m) in Melbourne, the Romanian swimmer David Popovici came out
    4th in the 100m freestyle final with 45.64, a new world junior record.
    First came the Australian athlete Kyle Chalmers. David Popovici is the
    defending 100m freestyle world champion and holder of the world record in this

    In men’s basketball, on Wednesday in Riga, Latvia, the
    Romanian side U-BT Cluj-Napoca was defeated by the Ukrainian team Prometey
    Slobozhanske 105-82, in the EuroCup Group A. After 8 games, the Romanian
    champions are ranking 8th, with 6 points. In the FIBA Europe Cup,
    CSM Oradea beat the German side Bamberg on home turf, 82 – 80, in the first
    match in Group L. In Group I of the same competition, SCM Craiova was defeated
    at home by FC Porto, 83-73. Also worth noting is that the women’s team Baschet
    Club Arad ended its participation in the EuroCup with a defeat. The Romanian
    team was defeated in Poland by Arka Gdynia 87-53 and ranked last in the group D
    of the competition.

    Arcada Galaţi qualified in the play-offs of the CEV Cup
    in men’s volleyball, after beating the Finnish side Savo Volley Kuopio 3-1, on
    Wednesday at home, in the second leg of the round of 16. The Romanian champions
    had already won in Finland, 3-1. In the play-off, Arcada will be facing the
    Italian side Piacenza, which in the round of 16 defeated Fenerbahce Istanbul, 3-1
    in both legs.

    In women’s volleyball, on Wednesday, in the first leg
    of the round of 32 of the CEV Cup, CSO Voluntari lost in Poland to Budowlani
    Lodz, 3-0. In the Challenge Cup, also in the round of 32, the first leg, CSM Lugoj lost a dramatic match away from
    home to PTT Ankara, 3-2.

    On Wednesday, in a game counting towards round 20 of
    the Romanian football SuperLeague, Rapid București beat Petrolul Ploiești on
    the National Arena in Bucharest, 3-1. Two of Rapid’s goals were scored by the
    Croatian player Marko Duganzic, and one by Ștefan Pănoiu, in overtime. Gheorghe
    Grozav scored for the Ploiesti side. Top of the ranking at present is Farul
    Constanța, with 44 points, followed by CFR, with 41 points. (AMP)

  • June 25, 2022 UPDATE

    June 25, 2022 UPDATE

    UKRAINE Scores of
    Russian rockets on Saturday rained down on military targets in western and
    northern Ukraine, Reuters and AFP report. According to the governor of the Lviv
    region, six missiles were fired from the Black Sea at the Yavoriv base, with
    four hitting the base and two being intercepted and destroyed before hitting
    the targets. The governor of the Zhytomyr region in the north of the country
    said that strikes on a military objective in the area killed at least one
    soldier. In the northern region of Chernihiv, governor Vyacheslav Chaus said
    that the town of Desna had come under rocket strikes on Saturday morning.
    Ukrainian forces were forced to pull out of Severdonetsk after weeks of heavy
    fighting. According to sources with the Ukrainian army, Russia used the
    airspace of Belarus to hit targets in Ukraine.

    FINA Romanian swimmer Robert Glinta came fourth in the finals of the 50
    meters backstroke race of the FINA World Aquatics Championships in Budapest.
    Last night Glinta came sixth in the 100 meter backstroke event. Another
    Romanian, David Popvici, double champion in the 100 and 200 meters freestyle
    races, is to be awarded by Romanian president Klaus Iohannis the Star of
    Romania national order in rank of knight.

    SUMMIT Romanian president
    Klaus Iohannis has attended the European Council in Brussels during which the
    Republic of Moldova and Ukraine have been granted the status of EU-candidate
    countries. The European leaders have also tackled the ways in which the EU members
    can avoid a major energy crisis in winter. High on the summit agenda was the
    situation in Ukraine, the bloc’s relation with the Western Balkans as well as a
    series of economic issues. Iohannis has reiterated Romania’s consistent support
    for Kiev and presented the efforts to facilitate the exports of Ukrainian
    cereals adding that Romania’s ports and transport corridors are functioning at
    full capacity. During the Euro summit in Brussels, president Iohannis has
    reiterated his conviction for the European future of the countries in the
    Western Balkans and the support for the opening as soon as possible of the
    talks with North Macedonia and Albania and the identification of solutions for
    the process of bringing Bosnia-Herzegovina closer to the union.

    ATTACK The alleged
    assailant on Friday night in Oslo is a Norwegian citizen of Iranian origin who
    is known to the intelligence services, a police official said on Saturday. He
    didn’t reveal the identity of the suspect, but mentioned the assailant’s previous
    brushes with the law for carrying weapons and drug possession. The attack in
    downtown Oslo left two dead and 21 wounded, out of whom 10 severely. According
    to police sources, the suspect was being held on suspicion of murder, attempted
    murder and terrorism, based on the number of people targeted at multiple

    NATO At the NATO summit in
    Madrid next week, the Black Sea region will be acknowledged as having a
    strategic importance in the collective defence and battle groups in Romania and
    other eastern countries could be given the status of brigades. The alliance’s
    deputy secretary general, Mircea Geoana said the summit would bring good news
    for Romania, but also for Ukraine for the transatlantic relation and the
    alliance per se. ‘From the military and security viewpoints’, Geoana says ‘and
    because Russia is an unpredictable and aggressive player, Romania will have the
    same quality in terms of national security as Germany and Belgium. There will
    be no difference in what NATO has on the eastern flank and in Western Europe.
    Next week we are going to attend the NATO summit in Madrid and we are expecting
    historic news for Romania’. The talks in Madrid will also be focusing on the
    requests from Finland and Sweden to join the alliance, although no decision is
    expected in this respect because of Turkey’s opposition.

    FESTIVAL Until July 3rd, the city of Sibiu in central Romania is
    seeing the International Theatre Festival currently at its 29th
    edition. The festival, which is unfolding under a theme simply entitled
    Beauty, includes productions of theatre, dance, circus, film, musical and
    opera. Street performances, concerts, book launches and exhibitions have also
    been included in the festival’s agenda. For ten days artists of the world stage
    are offering the public the possibility of enjoying live performances that have
    been acknowledged at international level being also recipients of prestigious


  • Nachrichten 24.06.2022

    Nachrichten 24.06.2022

    Der rumänische Schwimmer Robert Glinta hat sich am Freitag für das Halbfinale beim 50-Meter-Rücken bei den FINA Weltmeisterschaften in Budapest, Ungarn, qualifiziert. Die beste Zeit im Rennen erzielte Justin Ress aus den USA, Goldmedaillengewinner in der 4×100-Meter-Staffel. Das Halbfinale über 50 Meter Rücken steht heute Abend an, das Finale am Samstag. Glinta hatte zuvor im 100-Meter-Finale Platz 8 belegt. Der 17-jährige Schwimmer David Popovici ist am Mittwoch als zweiter Schwimmer der Welt Weltmeister über 200 m und 100 m Freistil bei derselben Meisterschaft geworden. Angelica Muscalu und Constantin Popovici werden Rumänien in der kommenden Woche im Tauchwettbewerb derselben Meisterschaft vertreten.

    Die EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs haben der Ukraine und der Republik Moldau den Status von Beitrittskandidaten zuerkannt. Im Gegenzug wurde Georgien ermutigt, seine Reformen fortzusetzen, um diesen Status in Zukunft zu erhalten. Rumänien hat den gro‎ßen Schritt seiner beiden Nachbarn in Richtung europäische Integration begrü‎ßt.

    Mehr als 83 % der Achtklässler in den rumänischen Sekundarschulen wurden kürzlich nach Bestehen der nationalen Bewertungsprüfung zum Gymnasium zugelassen, was einen Rekordwert in den letzten 10 Jahren darstellt. Nachdem die Ergebnisse am Donnerstag bekannt gegben wurden, erklärte Bildungsminister Sorin Campeanu, dass die Zahl der Schüler, die an der genannten Prüfung teilgenommen haben, die höchste der letzten sechs Jahre sei.

    Der 24. Juni gilt als Tag der traditionellen rumänischen Bluse, bekannt als Ie. Ab diesem Jahr können die Rumänen diesen Tag legal feiern, nachdem Staatspräsident Klaus Iohannis ein Gesetz erlassen hat, das bereits im Amtsblatt veröffentlicht wurde. Nach dem neuen Gesetz können kulturelle, soziale und künstlerische Veranstaltungen zu diesem Anlass durchgeführt werden, und die Massenmedien werden ermutigt, Materialien zur Förderung dieses traditionellen Kleidungsstücks zu verbreiten. Bildungseinrichtungen, Kultureinrichtungen, Kommunikationszentren sowie die diplomatischen Vertretungen Rumäniens sind aufgefordert, sich an verschiedenen Aktionen zur Förderung dieses Ereignisses zu beteiligen.

    Am 24. Juni feierten die orthodoxen Gläubigen, die in Rumänien zusammen mit den griechisch-katholischen Gläubigen die Mehrheit bilden, die Geburt von Johannes dem Täufer, der als letzter Prophet des Alten Testaments gilt, der das Kommen des Messias ankündigte. Johannes der Täufer, der aus der Familie des jüdischen Priesters Zacharias stammte und sechs Monate vor Jesus geboren wurde, rief die Menschen zur Umkehr auf und taufte sie im Fluss Jordan. Johannes taufte auch Jesus und stellte ihn der Welt als den kommenden Messias vor. Dieser christliche Feiertag überschneidet sich mit einem heidnischen Fest, das in Rumänien unter dem Namen Sanziene bekannt ist und bei dem es sich um mythologische Wesen handelt, die für Wohlstand und Fruchtbarkeit zuständig sind.

    Das 29. Internationale Theaterfestival FITS findet bis zum 3. Juli im mittelrumänischen Sibiu statt. Das Thema der diesjährigen Ausgabe lautet “Schönheit”. Die Veranstaltung wird Theater-, Tanz-, Zirkus-, Film-, Musical- und Opernproduktionen umfassen. Au‎ßerdem gibt es Stra‎ßentheater und andere Aufführungen, Konzerte, Buchvorstellungen und Ausstellungen. Auf dem Programm stehen international anerkannten und preisgekrönten Darbietungen. Das Festival wird sowohl in physischen als auch in hybriden Formaten stattfinden, so dass einige der Aufführungen, die in Konzertsälen, unkonventionellen Räumen, Kirchen und auf den zentralen Plätzen von Sibiu stattfinden werden, auch auf der offiziellen FITS-Website, auf der digitalen Streaming-Plattform www.scena-digitala.ro sowie auf der Facebook-Seite und dem YouTube-Kanal des Festivals zu sehen sein werden.