Tag: frequency

  • Frequency change for RRI’s listeners in India

    Frequency change for RRI’s listeners in India

    Dear friends, as of
    November 25, 2023, our listeners in India can tune in to RRI’s English language
    broadcasts, between 04.00 and 05.00 hours UTC, on 15,260 kHz, in the DRM
    . We wish you good reception conditions!

    We are looking forward to receiving your feedback related to the quality of reception!

    Thank you!

  • Frequency change

    Frequency change

    Dear friends,

    As of 25 January 2021, Radio Romania International will be changing some of its short wave frequencies. From this date on, its 04.00 UTC broadcast to India will be available on the 11,790 kHz analog frequency, while the digital broadcast will go out on 13,720 kHz in the DRM system.

    Thanks for choosing to listen to RRIs English language programs!

  • 5G strategy and policies

    5G strategy and policies

    A document concerning the implementation of the 5G strategy adopted in August by the Government, will soon be submitted to the Supreme Defence Council, the Romanian Communications Minister Alexandru Petrescu announced. He was invited by the National Liberal Party to a Question Time session in Parliament.

    The Liberals, backed by the other opposition parties, accused the Government of a lack of transparency with respect to how the 5G strategy for mobile communications will be implemented. The Liberal Deputy Sorin Dan Moldovan emphasised that failure to implement this strategy would lead to Romania losing a chance to create new jobs and to secure substantial economic gains:

    Sorin Dan Moldovan: “The Government delays with no excuse transposing the memorandum signed by Romania and the US with respect to the 5G technology. Another problem for the Government is the calendar for 5G frequency band bid, which was supposed to be launched in late September. There are also problems with the state budget. The government estimated 2 billion lei will come from this bid, but if the bid is not held this year after all, the consequence is that the state budget loses this 425 million euros.

    In response, the Communications Minister said the document regarding the 5G strategy was subject to public debate prior to being adopted, and that it had been drawn up in keeping with the suggestions of the National Communications Administration and Regulatory Authority (ANCOM), of telecoms companies and of public administration experts and academia:

    Alexandru Petrescu: “The 5G strategy has been the foundation, the stepping stone on which all the subsequent steps in implementing the 5G technology are based. It is only based on this strategy that a bid can be launched, and there are many other elements in this document which concern the national 5G coverage, first in urban areas alongside the main national roads, up until 2025 when we will have complete national coverage.

    In turn, the Social Democrat Dinu Socotar said the Communications Minister is heading a sector in which Romania is a European leader:

    Dinu Socotar: “Romania is acknowledged as a leader in Europe in terms of the internet speed provided to users. At the same time, the fact that we are the only EU member country where all the 3 telecoms giants operate, is tale telling of the development of the telecoms industry in our country.

    The 5G technology offers data transfer speeds for mobile telecommunications 10 times higher than at present.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)



    Dear friends, as from August 20, 2019, RRIs broadcast in English, beamed on Western Europe, between 11.00 and 12.00 hours UTC, can be listened to on different frequencies: 11, 990 kHz and 13, 750 kHz.

    The change is intended to be permanent and to secure a better coverage of our signal in Western Europe.

    We wish you good reception conditions! Thanks for choosing to tune in to RRI!