Tag: From Radio Romania 90 to RadiRo-2018

  • RRI Contest: “Radio Romania 90 and RadiRo- 2018”

    RRI Contest: “Radio Romania 90 and RadiRo- 2018”

    The contest is dedicated to 90 years
    of Romanian radio broadcasting and to this year’s edition of the International
    Festival of Radio Orchestras, RadiRo, organized by the national public radio in
    our country.

    The first radio transmission in Romania
    was broadcast on November 1, 1928. Nine decades marked by special moments have gone
    by, moments that the national public radio celebrates together with you,
    by organizing a new contest. The month
    of November 2018 is, however, rich in
    cultural events, one of them being the 4th International Festival of
    Radio Orchestras between November 18 and 25, to which this contest is dedicated
    as well.

    The public radio service in Romania, the
    Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation, is the leader of the line industry,
    with a cumulative daily reach of some 4.5 million listeners and a cumulative
    market share of 30%. Radio Romania is made up of the channels Radio România
    Actualităţi, Radio România Internaţional, Radio România Cultural, Radio România
    Muzical, Antena Satelor, a network of over 10 regional stations, the Radio3net
    online station, Radio Chişinău (based in the Republic of Moldova), but also of the
    National Radio Drama Department, the RADOR News Agency and the Radio Choirs and

    Radio Romania organises every two
    years, alternatively with the famous George Enescu International Festival,
    its own International Festival of Radio Orchestras, RadiRo, which reaches its
    fourth edition in 2018. Famous orchestras as well as prominent soloists and
    conductors will step onto the stage of the festival, just as every year. The
    main novelty of the 2018 edition is the series of jazz concerts.

    You are invited to follow RRI
    broadcasts, our website, www.rri.ro,
    and our Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn profiles, and to answer correctly, in
    writing, a few questions, and you may be a winner. The closing date is November
    30, 2018 mailing date, (namely 30 November, 24:00 hours Romanian time, for online
    contributions, respectively).

    The prizes and honorary mentions consist
    of items promoting Romanian culture, symphonic and jazz music, also promoting the
    public radio service. The contest is organized jointly with the Casa Radio
    Publishing House and the City Hall of Bucharest.

    And here are
    the questions:

    – How many years ago was the first radio transmission broadcast in

    – Name three channels under the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation!

    – What is the current edition of the International
    Festival of Radio Orchestras?

    – Who is the organizer of the RadiRo Festival?

    Please tell us what prompted you to
    participate in the contest and why you are listening to RRI’s broadcasts and
    following RRI’s content online. Our address is: Radio Romania International,
    60-64 G-ral Berthelot Street, Sector 1, Bucharest, PO Box 111, code 010165, fax, e-mail: engl@rri.ro.
    Please send your answers by November 30, 2018, mailing date (30 November, 24:00
    hours Romanian time, for online contributions). The rules and regulations of this
    contest are available HERE and on RRI’s Facebook profile. Good luck!