Tag: Fukuoka

  • Sportivul săptămânii – Constantin Popovici, campion mondial la sărituri în apă

    Sportivul săptămânii – Constantin Popovici, campion mondial la sărituri în apă

    Campionatele Mondiale de Nataţie
    încheiate, saptămâna trecută, la Fukuoka, în Japonia, au adus sportului
    românesc o serie de confirmări, dar şi câteva decepţii. Ne-am fi aşteptat, cu
    siguranţă, ca David Popovici, recordman mondial şi campion european la 100 de
    metri liber şi deţinător al titlului continental la 200 de metri liber să urce
    măcar o dată pe podiumul de premiere de la Fukuoka. Nu s-a întâmplat. Au
    confirmat însă, la sărituri de la mare înălţime, Costantin Popovici şi Cătălin
    Preda, care s-au clasat pe primele două locuri. Pentru titlul mondial obţinut
    în Japonia, primul pentru România la sărituri în apă, Radio România
    Internaţional l-a desemnat pe Constantin Popovici Sportivul Săptămânii.

    Primele două serii de sărituri de
    pe platforma situată la 27 de metri înălțime au fost programate marţea trecută.
    Popovici şi Preda s-au clasat pe primele locuri, urmaţi de ucraineanul Oleksei
    Prigorov, spaniolul Carlos Gimeno şi francezul Gary Hunt. Joi, după alte două
    sărituri, Constantin Popovici a devenit campion mondial, cu un total de 472,80
    puncte. Al doilea s-a clasat Cătălin Preda, cu 438,45, podiumul fiind completat
    de francezul Gary Hunt, cu 426,30 puncte.

    După victorie, Constantin Popovici a
    declarat: Presiunea era foarte
    mare, am încercat să mă concentrez pe ce am eu de făcut și într-un final mi-a
    reușit. Având în vedere că ultimul campionat mondial a fost acum 4 ani, nu te
    întâlnești chiar în fiecare zi cu acest concurs și motivarea mea cred că a fost
    poate cea mai mare dintre toți participanții din ziua de azi.

    Constantin Popovici s-a născut la
    Bucureşti, în ziua de 2 octombrie 1988. În 2008, la Beijing, a reprezentat
    România la sărituri în apă şi s-a clasat pe locul 23 la platformă, 10 metri.
    S-a retras din activitatea competiţională, apoi a revenit, axându-şi eforturile
    pe săriturile de la mare înălţime. În 2019 a fost primul român care a câştigat
    un concurs în circuitul Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series. În 2022 a devenit
    campion european la Roma, iar acum este cel mai bun din lume. Cât priveşte
    viitorul săriturilor de la mare înălţime, ca disciplină sportivă, este

    Sunt țări care
    recunosc acest sport ca un sport de viitor, un sport care are potențial și
    probabil că va ajunge la Olimpiadă cât de curând. Sunt țări precum Canada sau
    America unde și-au făcut baze și investesc în atâția oameni. Chiar dacă nu e
    sport olimpic, investesc pentru că știu că la un moment dat va fi și atunci ei
    vor avea totul pregătit și vor fi gata să ia medaliile de la Olimpiadă. România
    arată un pic de interes, dar eu cred că ar trebui mult mai mult, având în
    vedere că avem cei mai buni săritori din lume.

  • June 8, 2019 UPDATE

    June 8, 2019 UPDATE

    UN Romania remains “deeply committed to supporting the UN, and the campaign for a non-permanent seat in the Security Council “has strengthened the countrys international profile, reads a news release issued by the Romanian Foreign Ministry. The statement comes after on Friday Romania, supported by only 58 countries, failed to win a seat in the 2020-2021 Security Council, being outrun by Estonia, which got 132 votes. President Klaus Iohannis blamed the failure on “irresponsible statements by some top officials, which generated reluctance with respect to Romanias candidacy. On the other hand, voices in the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats say the President, as coordinator of Romanian diplomacy, has most of the responsibility. The Security Council includes 5 permanent members with veto rights: the USA, Russia, China, France and the UK. Another 10 members have 2-year terms, after which they are replaced by countries from the same region. Next year 5 seats will be vacant, 2 for Africa, one for Asia-Pacific, one for Latin America and the Caribbean and one for Eastern Europe. To be elected in the UN Security Council, a country needs the support of two-thirds of the General Assembly members, which means at least 129 votes out of the 193 voting member states.

    G20 The Romanian finance minister Eugen Teodorovici is heading the EU Council delegation at the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting held this weekend in Fukuoka, Japan. According to a news release issued by the Finance Ministry, the agenda of talks includes topics like financing for development, global economy, international taxation, global imbalances, population ageing, investments in infrastructure and financial sector issues. The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors will adopt an official declaration comprising the outcomes of the meeting, the news release also says.

    TENSIONS The Government suggests that the National Defence Ministry should take over the administration of the Heroes Cemetery in Valea Uzului and make it an international cemetery. A decision will be made after consultations with all stakeholders, PM Viorica Dăncilă says in a news release. She also calls for respect for Romanias state symbols and for public order, and urges responsibility in all political statements and actions concerning the situation in Valea Uzului, Harghita County. Soldiers of various nationalities, killed in the 2 world wars, are buried here. The Romanian Police opened a criminal investigation concerning the destruction of the access gate to the Valea Uzului graveyard, after on Thursday members of several Romanian organisations forced their way in, to attend a Heroes Day commemoration. According to the gendarmes, tensions were reported, but there were no violent clashes between the Romanian and the Hungarian ethnics in the area or with the police forces, as some Hungarian politicians had claimed.

    WHITSUNDAY Roman-Catholic Christians celebrate the Pentecost, which in mostly Orthodox Romania is marked, among other things, through a pilgrimage to Şumuleu Ciuc, attended every year by tens of thousands of Hungarian ethnics. The Marian shrine in Şumuleu Ciuc has become the most important Catholic pilgrimage site in the region. A week ago, it was also visited by Pope Francis, who was on a pastoral visit to Romania.

    MOLDOVA The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova Saturday ruled that the appointment of the pro-Russian Socialist Zinaida Greceanyi as Parliament Speaker is unconstitutional. The ruling is final and cannot be appealed. The Socialists and the pro-European right wing voted to appoint Greceanyi after the Court decided that the mandate of the current Parliament ended. The countrys pro-Russian president Igor Dodon postponed signing a decree to dissolve Parliament, and said the republic is on the verge of being destabilised. These developments come after 3-and-a-half months of failed attempts at forming a parliamentary majority. In the February 24 legislative elections, Dodons Socialists won 35 of the 101 seats in Parliament. The ruling Democratic Party, headed by the controversial oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc, has 30 MPs, while ACUM bloc, a pro-European right-wing cartel, has another 26. Seven seats were won by the populist party headed by the Mayor of Orhei town, Ilan Shor, a politician sentenced by a court of first instance to 7 and a half years in prison for his involvement in Moldovas billion dollar banking fraud. 3 other MPs are non-affiliated.

    FOOTBALL Romanias football team is in Malta, scheduled to play against the host national team on Monday in the Group F qualifiers for the 2020 European Championships. On Friday Romania drew against Norway, 2-all away from home. In the first 2 matches in the group, played in March, the Romanians were defeated by Sweden in Stockholm, and won at home against Faroe Islands. Spain tops the Group F standings with 9 points, followed by Sweden with 7, with Romania coming in 3rd with 4 points. The top 2 teams in each group qualify into the final tournament. The drawing for Euro 2020 takes place in Bucharest on November 30. The Romanian capital city will also host 4 final tournament matches, 3 in the group stage and one in the 8th-finals. In related news, Romanias team will play this month in the European Under-21 Football Championships in Italy and San Marino, in Group C, alongside England, France and Croatia.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Nachrichten 08.06.2018

    Nachrichten 08.06.2018

    Der rumänische Finanzminister Eugen Teodorovici leitet die Delegation des EU-Rates auf dem Treffen der Finanzminister und Zentralbankpräsidenten, das am Wochenende in Fukuoka, Japan, stattfand. Laut einer Pressemitteilung des Finanzministeriums stehen Themen wie Entwicklungsfinanzierung, Weltwirtschaft, internationale Besteuerung, globale Ungleichgewichte, Bevölkerungsalterung, Investitionen in Infrastruktur und Fragen des Finanzsektors auf der Tagesordnung. Die Finanzminister der G20 und die Gouverneure der Zentralbanken werden eine offizielle Erklärung verabschieden, die die Ergebnisse des Treffens enthält, hei‎ßt es auch in der Pressemitteilung.

    Der rumänische Au‎ßenminister Teodor Meleșcanu hat am Freitag an den Wahlen zum UN-Sicherheitsrat in New York teilgenommen. Rumänien war von 2020 bis 2021 ein Kandidat für einen nicht dauerhaften Sitz im Rat, wurde aber von Estland überholt, das mit 132 Stimmen gegen die 58 Stimmen Rumäniens gewann. Dem Sicherheitsrat gehören fünf ständige Mitglieder mit Vetorechten an: die USA, Russland, China, Frankreich und das Vereinigte Königreich. Weitere 10 Mitglieder haben eine 2-jährige Amtszeit, danach werden sie durch Länder aus derselben Region ersetzt. Im nächsten Jahr werden 5 Sitze frei sein, 2 für Afrika, einer für Asien-Pazifik, einer für Lateinamerika und die Karibik und einer für Osteuropa. Um in den UN-Sicherheitsrat gewählt zu werden, benötigt ein Land die Unterstützung von zwei Dritteln der Mitglieder der Generalversammlung, was mindestens 129 Stimmen von 193 stimmberechtigten Mitgliedsstaaten bedeutet.

    Premierministerin Viorica Dăncilă hat die Achtung der staatlichen Symbole Rumäniens und der öffentlichen Ordnung und die Verantwortung in allen politischen Erklärungen und Aktionen zur Situation in Valea Uzului, Kreis Harghita, gefordert. Sie betonte auch, dass ein politischer Ansatz der Situation wahrscheinlich nicht zu einer konstruktiven Lösung beitragen wird, und kritisierte die Versuche bestimmter Politiker, politisches Kapital abzugeben. Die rumänische Polizei leitete eine strafrechtliche Untersuchung wegen der Zerstörung des Zugangstores zum Friedhof von Valea Uzului ein, wo Militärs verschiedener Nationalitäten begraben sind, nachdem am Donnerstag Mitglieder mehrerer rumänischer Organisationen den Weg auf den Kriegsfriedhof gefunden hatten, um der dort begrabenen rumänischen Soldaten zu gedenken. Nach Angaben der Gendarmen wurden Spannungen gemeldet, aber es gab keine gewalttätigen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen der rumänischen und der ungarischen Volksgruppe in der Region, wie einige ungarische Politiker behauptet hatten.

    Der französische Botschafter in Bukarest, Michele Ramis hat am Samstag in Cluj am Internationalen Filmfestival Siebenbürgen (TIFF) teilgenommen. Der diesjährige Ehrengast ist Frankreich im Rahmen der Kultursaison Frankreich-Rumänien. Ein spezielles Programm widmet sich dem französischen Kino, darunter eine komplette Michel-Gondry-Retrospektive, ein Porträt der Regisseurin Agnes Varda, Musikkonzerte und das originellste französische Projekt im TIFF, “Uzina de filme” (Die Filmfabrik), ein Filmstudio, in dem das Publikum eine Filmaufnahme von Grund auf erleben kann. Der französische Botschafter wird auch an einem Konzert mit dem Titel “Soundtrack of Dreams” teilnehmen und an der Abschlussgala des TIFF teilnehmen. Das 2002 gegründete TIFF ist das erste und grö‎ßte Filmfestival in Rumänien. Zwölf Werke nehmen in diesem Jahr am offiziellen Wettbewerb teil, aber insgesamt werden im Rahmen dieser 18. Ausgabe des Festivals über 200 Filme gezeigt.

    Theresa May Friday ist am Freitag als Vorsitzende der Konservativen Partei und implizit als Premierministerin zurückgetreten, nachdem sie die Commons nicht überredet hatte, ihr Brexit-Abkommen mit Brüssel zu akzeptieren, was zu einer Verschiebung des britischen Rückzugs aus der EU auf den 31. Oktober führte. May bleibt im Amt, bis ein Ersatz gewählt wird, der voraussichtlich in der zweiten Julihälfte stattfinden wird, wie die Konservative Partei bekannt gab. Die offizielle Kampagne soll am Montag beginnen, mit 11 Kandidaten für Theresa Mays Position in der Partei.

    Der pro-russische Präsident der Republik Moldau, Igor Dodon, hat am Samstag die Unterzeichnung eines Dekrets zur Auflösung des Parlaments verschoben, da die Abgeordneten noch eine Einigung erzielen sollen. Er sagte, dass die Republik kurz davor steht, destabilisiert zu werden, weshalb er die Bürger aufforderte, keine Proteste und Turbulenzen zu starten oder sich ihnen anzuschlie‎ßen. Dodon fügte hinzu, dass er, falls erforderlich, am Montag Konsultationen zur Auflösung des nationalen Parlaments abhalten werde. Das moldawische Verfassungsgericht hatte entschieden, dass das Parlament bis zum 7. Juni eine Regierung bilden sollte, sonst könnte das Staatsoberhaupt das Parlament demontieren. Die Abgeordneten sagten, dass sie seit der Bestätigung ihrer Wahl am 9. März bis zum 9. Juni Zeit haben, um eine Regierung zu bilden.

  • June 8, 2019

    June 8, 2019

    G20 The Romanian finance minister Eugen Teodorovici is heading the EU Council delegation at the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting held this weekend in Fukuoka, Japan. According to a news release issued by the Finance Ministry, the agenda of talks includes topics like financing for development, global economy, international taxation, global imbalances, population ageing, investments in infrastructure and financial sector issues. The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors will adopt an official declaration comprising the outcomes of the meeting, the news release also says.

    UN The Romanian foreign minister Teodor Meleșcanu Friday attended the elections in the UN Security Council held in New York. Romania was a candidate for a non-permanent seat in the Council in 2020 – 2021, but was outrun by Estonia, which won with 132 votes against Romanias 58. The Security Council includes 5 permanent members with veto rights: the USA, Russia, China, France and the UK. Another 10 members have 2-year terms, after which they are replaced by countries from the same region. Next year 5 seats will be vacant, 2 for Africa, one for Asia-Pacific, one for Latin America and the Caribbean and one for Eastern Europe. To be elected in the UN Security Council, a country needs the support of two-thirds of the General Assembly members, which means at least 129 votes out of the 193 voting member states.

    TENSIONS PM Viorica Dăncilă called for respect for Romanias state symbols and for public order, and urged responsibility in all political statements and actions concerning the situation in Valea Uzului, Harghita County. She also emphasised that a political approach of the situation is not likely to contribute to a constructive solution, and criticised attempts at deriving political capital by certain politicians. The Romanian Police opened a criminal investigation concerning the destruction of the access gate to the Valea Uzului graveyard, where military of various nationalities are buried, after on Thursday members of several Romanian organisations forced their way into the war cemetery to commemorate the Romanian soldiers buried there. According to the gendarmes, tensions were reported, but there were no violent clashes between the Romanian and the Hungarian ethnics in the area, as some Hungarian politicians had claimed.

    TIFF The Ambassador of France to Bucharest, Michele Ramis, is in Cluj today to attend the Transylvania International Film Festival (TIFF). This years guest of honour is France, in the context of the France-Romania cultural season. A special programme is devoted to French cinema, including a complete Michel Gondry retrospective, a portrait of director Agnes Varda, music concerts, and the most original French project in TIFF, Uzina de filme (The Film Factory), a film studio where the public can experience a film shooting from scratch. The French Ambassador will also attend a concert entitled Soundtrack of Dreams and will participate in the TIFF closing gala. Established in 2002, TIFF is the first and largest film festival in Romania. Twelve works take part in the official competition this year, but a total of over 200 films will be screened as part of this 18th edition of the Festival.

    RESIGNATION Theresa May Friday stepped down as leader of the Conservative Party and implicitly as a PM, after failing to persuade the Commons to accept her Brexit agreement with Brussels, leading to a postponement of Britains withdrawal from the EU to October 31st. May stays in office until a replacement is chosen, which will likely take place in the second half of July, as the Conservative Party announced. The official campaign is set to begin on Monday, with 11 contenders for Theresa Mays position in the party.

    MOLDOVA The pro-Russian president of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon, Saturday postponed signing a decree to dissolve the parliament, because MPs may still reach an agreement. He said the republic is on the verge of being destabilised, which is why he urged citizens not to start or join protests and turbulence. Dodon added that, if necessary, on Monday he will hold consultations on dissolving the national parliament. Moldovas Constitutional Court had ruled that parliament was to form a government by June 7, otherwise the head of state could dismantle parliament. MPs said that since their election had been confirmed on March 9, they have until June 9 to form a government.

    FOOTBALL Romanias football team drew against Norway on Friday, 2-all away from home, in the Group F qualifiers for the 2020 European Championships. On Monday Romania will play away from home against Malta. In the first 2 matches in the group, played in March, the Romanians were defeated by Sweden in Stockholm, and won at home against Faroe Islands. Spain tops the Group F standings with 9 points, followed by Sweden with 7, with Romania coming in 3rd with 4 points. The top 2 teams in each group qualify into the final tournament. The drawing for Euro 2020 takes place in Bucharest on November 30. The Romanian capital city will also host 4 final tournament matches, 3 in the group stage and one in the 8th-finals. In related news, Romanias team will play this month in the European Under-21 Football Championships in Italy and San Marino, in Group C, alongside England, France and Croatia.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • 08.06.2019


    G20 – Le ministre roumain des finances,
    Eugen Teodorovici, se trouvera à la tête de la délégation du Conseil de l’Union
    européenne à la réunion G20 des ministres des finances et des gouverneurs des
    banques centrales, qui a lieu aujourd’hui et demain à Fukuoka, au Japon. A l’agenda
    de la réunion – des thèmes tels le financement du développement, l’économie
    globale, l’imposition internationale, les déséquilibres mondiaux, le vieillissement
    de la population, les investissements dans l’infrastructure et les problèmes du
    secteur financier. En fin de réunion, les ministres des finances et des
    gouverneurs des banques centrales du G20 présenteront les résultats de leurs
    travaux dans un communiqué officiel, précise le ministère des finances de Bucarest.

    Conseil de sécurité – Le ministre roumain des Affaires étrangères, Teodor Meleșcanu, a
    participé, à New York, à l’élection des membres non permanents du Conseil de
    sécurité des Nations Unies. La Roumanie a candidaté pour un siège de membre non
    permanent pour le mandat 2020-2021, mais elle a perdu devant l’Estonie, les
    deux Etats ayant obtenu 58 et respectivement 132 votes. Le Conseil de sécurité,
    qui compte 15 membres, est l’organe principal de l’ONU et c’est le seul
    organisme mondial à pouvoir autoriser une guerre. Il est formé de cinq membres
    permanents ayant le droit de veto (les États-Unis, la Russie, la Chine, la France
    et le Royaume Uni) et de dix membres non permanents, élus pour une durée de
    deux ans, renouvelés par moitié tous les ans avec des pays de la même région
    géographique. L’année prochaine se libéreront cinq sièges : deux pour
    l’Afrique, un pour l’Asie-Pacifique, un pour l’Amérique Latine et un pour
    l’Europe de l’Est. Pour être élu au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, un pays doit
    avoir le soutien des deux tiers des membres de l’Assemblée générale, soit au
    moins 129 votes sur les 193 Etats membres de l’ONU.

    JAI – La
    ministre roumaine de l’Intérieur, Carmen Dan, a présidé, vendredi, à Luxembourg,
    la réunion du Conseil Justice et Affaires Intérieures de l’Union européenne, la
    dernière réunion JAI du mandat roumain à la présidence du Conseil de l’Union.
    Dans le cadre de la section Affaires intérieures du Conseil JAI, des mesures
    concrètes ont été proposées pour la gestion du phénomène migratoire, y compris
    l’adoption d’un règlement pour la création du Fonds d’immigration et d’asile.
    Quant à l’entrée de la Roumanie et de la Bulgarie dans l’espace Schengen, Mme
    Carmen Dan a déclaré qu’il n’y avait pas d’unanimité à ce sujet au Conseil JAI.
    Vendredi, également, la ministre roumaine de l’Intérieur a participé à la
    signature du Plan d’action Europol-Frontex, aux côtés de Catherine de Bolle,
    directrice exécutive d’Europol, de Fabrice Leggeri, directeur exécutif Frontex,
    et des commissaires européens Dimitris Avramopoulos et Julian King.

    – L’ambassadrice de France en Roumanie, Michèle Ramis, se trouve à Cluj
    (nord-ouest), au Festival international du film Transilvania (TIFF), qui met à
    l’honneur, cette année, le cinéma français, dans le cadre de la Saison croisée France-Roumanie.
    Cette mise à l’honneur inclut un focus sur la cinématographie française, une rétrospective
    intégrale Michel Gondry, un portrait de la regrettée réalisatrice Agnès Varda,
    plusieurs concerts et le projet le plus inédit de la Saison croisée au TIFF, intitulé
    « L’usine de films amateurs». L’ambassadrice de France assistera
    aussi au ciné-concert « Soundtrack of Dreams » et au Gala de clôture
    du TIFF, où elle remettra le Prix du jury des jeunes francophones TV5 Monde,
    Institut français, RFI Roumanie. Fondé en 2002, TIFF
    est le premier et le plus important festival de longs-métrages de Roumanie.
    Cette année, 12 films sont inscrits dans la compétition officielle, mais le
    public et les spécialistes ont pu assister aux projections de plus de 200 réalisations.

    Football -
    L’équipe de Roumanie de football a terminé, hier soir, à égalité (2 buts
    partout) le match contre l’équipe de Norvège, comptant pour le Groupe F de qualification à
    l’Euro 2020. Lundi, les Roumains affronteront, toujours en déplacement, la
    sélection de Malte. Lors des deux premiers matchs du groupe, les tricolores
    roumains ont perdu à Stockholm, 1-2, devant la Suède, et ont gagné à domicile
    contre l’équipe des Îles Féroé, 4-1. Pour cette édition du Championnat européen,
    ce sont les deux premières équipes de chaque groupe qui se qualifieront. Dans le Groupe F, les deux premières équipes
    sont celles d’Espagne et de Suède, la Roumanie étant troisième. Le tirage au
    sort du tournoi final de l’Euro 2020 aura lieu le 30 novembre, à Bucarest. La
    capitale roumaine accueillera également quatre parties de la compétition, trois
    de la phase des groupes et un match des huitièmes de finale. Par ailleurs, la
    sélection Under-21 de Roumanie sera présente au tournoi final du
    Championnat européen, organisé par l’Italie et le Saint-Marin, dans le Groupe
    C, aux côtés de l’Angleterre, de la Croatie et de la France.

    Météo – Le
    temps reste chaud et instable en Roumanie, avec des températures maximales
    entre 24° et 33°C. Une vigilance jaune aux averses orageuses est en vigueur
    dans 20 départements et la capitale, Bucarest, tandis qu’une vigilance orange
    concerne 11 autres départements Les météorologues roumains ont prolongé
    l’avertissement à l’instabilité atmosphérique jusqu’à lundi matin. Des
    vigilances orange et jaune aux inondations concernent tout le cours roumain du
    Danube, pour les deux semaines à venir. Des vigilances orange aux inondations
    sont aussi en vigueur sur plusieurs rivières de 26 départements du centre, du
    sud, de l’est et de l’ouest du territoire. A Bucarest, la température était de
    27° et le ciel était en train de se voiler, à midi.