Tag: funeral

  • August 14, 2016 UPDATE

    August 14, 2016 UPDATE

    ROYAL FUNERAL Queen Anne, the
    consort of Romania’s last sovereign Michael I, was buried on Saturday in Curtea
    de Arges, southern Romania, the necropolis of Romanian Royalty. A burial
    service was celebrated in the Orthodox rite, the faith of the Romanian Royal
    House and of most Romanians. Among those attending the funeral were Romanian
    high officials as well as members of the Imperial Families of Russia, Austria
    and Germany, of the Royal Houses of the Netherlands and Belgium, of Luxembourg,
    Baden, Württemberg and Bourbon-Parma. Aged 94, and himself severely ill, King
    Michael could not attend the funeral of his wife, whom he visited every day in
    the Swiss hospital where she died on August 1.

    FDI Foreign
    direct investments in Romania reached 2 billion Euros at the end of the first
    semester, up by 22.7% as compared to the same period last year, the National
    Bank has recently announced. On the other hand, the number of foreign capital
    companies newly established in the first six months of 2016 dropped by 12%. According
    to data provided by the National Statistics Institute, there are only 2,687
    such companies now.

    Sunday was open gates day in the Danube ports of Braila and Tulcea, on the
    eve of Romanian Navy’s Day, which for
    115 years has been celebrated on August 15th. August 15th is also
    the day when Christian believers celebrate the Assumption of Virgin Mary.
    Several events have been organized to mark the day, such as interactive
    workshops, a technique and armament exhibition, brass brand shows and open air
    concerts, contests and tours of navy ships. Military and religions
    ceremonies were held in garrisons, in memory of the navy heroes who died in

    ANONIMUL The Land of the
    Enlightened by Pieter-Jan De Pue won the big trophy of the 13th ‘Anonimul’
    International Independent Film Festival. The event, which ended on Saturday
    night, was held in Sfantu Gheorghe in the Danube Delta for a week. The Land of
    the Enlightened, a Belgium-Ireland-Netherlands-Germany- Afghanistan co-production
    tells the story of a group of Afghan children from the Kuchi tribe, who dig for
    old Soviet mines and sell the explosive materials to other children. The
    audience’s award for best Romanian short reel went to One Night in Tokoriki
    by Roxana Stroe. The special guest of the 2016 edition was director Park
    Chan-wook, who got the ‘Anonimul’ Trophy for his contribution to enriching
    world cinematography.

    Summer University in Izvorul Muresului, Harghita County, is taking place over August
    15th – 21st. The theme of this year’s edition is The
    Romanian State and the Romanians on the Borders of the EU and NATO. There are
    over 100 participants, including representatives of the academic environment,
    of the main political parties in Romania, of various Romanian community
    associations and foundations.

    ATTACK A woman who was in
    a serious condition, following Saturday’s attack on a passenger train in
    north-eastern Switzerland, has died. The attacker has died too, because of the
    many injuries he sustained. Another three people are in a critical
    condition. A 27 year old Swiss citizen
    set a train car on fire and attacked passengers with a knife, near the Salez
    station in Saint-Gall. The police have stated that there are no indications
    that the attack was terrorist or politically motivated. In the past few months,
    Europe has been faced with several attacks, many of which claimed by the
    Islamic State terrorist organization.

    TENNIS Between the 15th
    and the 21st of August,
    Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, ranked 3rd in the WTA
    classification, will play at the Cincinnati tournament in the US, with 2.8
    million dollars in prize money. She goes straight into the second round.
    Another Romanian player, Irina Begu, number 24 in the WTA rankings, will also
    take part in the tournament, but she will start in the first round. In 2015,
    Simona Halep played the final in Cincinnati, but she was defeated by Serena
    Williams. This tournament is the last before the famous US Open, which is the
    last grand slam competition of the year.

  • Queen Anne, the last homage

    Queen Anne, the last homage

    Deep silence fell upon the imposing Throne Hall of the Royal Palace in Bucharest, with the motto of the Royal House, ”Nihil Sine Deo”, (Latin for ”Nothing Without God”) shining above the doorframe. Women make a reverence at the catafalque of Queen Anne, some of the men kneel down, children make the sign of the cross, and some of the elderly who lived, part of their lives during the monarchy, shed a tear of grief.

    Romanians come to the Royal Palace to bid a final farewell to the wife of Romania’s last sovereign, Michael I, Queen Anne, who died on August 1, in Switzerland. They pay floral tributes, light candles and leave messages of condolences in front of the Royal Palace and then enter the Throne Hall to pay their respects.

    A funeral wreath of white lilies has been placed on the coffin, veiled in the royal flag and guarded by military of the “Mihai Viteazul” Honour Guard Regiment. “The royal family is a symbol”, “Monarchy is normality”, “She was a great lady”, “Her passing leaves a gap in our hearts”-are only some of the words expressed by those who come to pay their last respects.

    Some of those who bid farewell to Queen Anne have shared their thoughts:

    “A pious thought and feelings of regret that Romania didn’t return to monarchy. It is one of the simplest things that a true Romanian can do.”

    “I had war veterans in my family, who fought in the Royal Army. Out of respect for them, if not out of greater respect for Their Majesties, we should be here”.

    I think this is a gesture that each person should make, each Romanian who has the possibility to come here should pay their respects to this Lady of Romania and think of what she has accomplished or what she tried to achieve in her lifetime”.

    Apart from numerous common citizens, prominent personalities of the Romanian political and public life have paid their last respects to the departed Queen, whose remains were brought to Bucharest on Wednesday evening, from Peles Castle in Sinaia, Southern Carpathians.

    After a two-day public vigil in Bucharest, the coffin with Queen Anne’s remains will be brought into the Palace Square, and the bells of all Orthodox churches and of the “Saint Joseph” Roman-Catholic Cathedral will be tolling. Afterwards, the coffin will be taken to Curtea de Arges Monastery, the final resting place of Romanian royalties, in Southern Romania.

    Among the personalities who have announced their presence at Queen Anne’s funeral there are members of the Imperial Families of Russia, Austria and Germany, and of the Royal Families of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, of Baden, Württemberg and Bourbon-Parma. A painful absence will be that of King Michael, who is severely ill and who will be praying in Switzerland for the soul of the woman who stood by his side, far away from the country, in exile, for 68 years.

    A day of national mourning has been decreed for Saturday in Romania and the neighbouring Republic of Moldova.

  • 12 August, 2016

    12 August, 2016

    FUNERAL — Romanians are paying their last respects to Queen Anne, the consort of Romania’s last king, Michael the 1st. Queen Anne died in Switzerland on the 1st of August aged 92. Countless ordinary people and Romanian public and political figures have already paid their respects to the Queen who was brought to Bucharest on Wednesday from Peles Castle. After a public wake held at the Royal Palace in Bucharest, on Saturday the Queen’s remains will be taken to the final resting place at Curtea de Arges Monastery. A day of national mourning will be observed on Saturday in both Romania and the neighbouring Republic of Moldova.

    ARREST — A former National Bank of Romania deputy governor, Bogdan Olteanu, has been placed under 16-day arrest under an order issued by Romania’s Supreme Court today. He was already on house arrest, in an investigation in which he is accused of influence peddling. According to the National Anti-corruption Directorate, between July and November 2008, when he was the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Olteanu requested and received from a businessman 1 million euros and election campaign support, in exchange for an appointment as governor of the Danube Delta. Bogdan Olteanu is the first National Bank official ever detained by prosecutors. The central bank said the investigation concerns the period before Bogdan Olteanu became deputy governor in 2009.

    ANTI-CORRUPTION — The Romanian Justice Minister, Raluca Prună, is holding a press conference today, in the context of the Government passing a new National Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2016-2020. The document was subject to public debate between February and July this year. According to the Justice Minister, the main goal of the Strategy is to promote integrity by means of strict implementation of the anti-corruption laws and regulations in Romania. She also mentioned that the principles underlying the document were transparency in decision-making processes and open government, accompanied by a three-fold approach to the anti-corruption strategy, focusing on prevention, education and combating.

    INFLATION — In the second quarter of this year, Romania’s economy saw its fastest growth rate since 2008, exceeding analyst expectations. The trend was accompanied by a consumption boom, encouraged by lower taxes and salary increases, Bloomberg reports. Romania’s GDP went up 6% in the second quarter of this year as compared to the corresponding period of 2015, estimates released on Friday by the National Statistics Institute also confirmed. In its spring economic forecast, the European Commission estimated that the Romanian economy would grow by 4.2% in 2016, fuelled by sound domestic demand. The growth rate is expected to slow down to 3.7% next year. The European Commission warned that the recent fiscal relaxation measures might jeopardise the 2017 budget targets, although it said Romania would likely have the second highest economic growth rate in the EU this year, after Ireland.

    OLYMPICS — Romanias womens epee team won for the first time ever the Olympic gold after defeating China 44 to 38. This is the first medal won by the Romanian team at this edition of the Olympic games, and the 16th gold won by a Romanian fencing team in the games. In the tennis doubles, the Romanian mens team made up of Horia Tecau and Florin Mergea secured the silver after defeating in the semifinals the US pair Jack Sock/ Steve Johnson. The two stand a good chance of winning the gold if they defeat today the pair Rafael Nadal/ Marc Lopez. This is also an important day for the Romanian handball team, who has to defeat Span to stay in the fray. Romania also competes in the male judo competition, in the over 100 kg category, mens weightlifting in the 85 kg category, womens track in the 1,500 meter category. Romanias womens coxed eight has qualified for the finals.

  • La reina Ana y el rey Miguel I, una historia de 70 años

    La reina Ana y el rey Miguel I, una historia de 70 años

    La reina Ana de Rumanía -Ana de Borbón Parma falleció, el pasado 1 de agosto, a los 92 años en un hospital de la localidad suiza de Morges, informaba la Familia Real rumana en un comunicado. También informa de que la Reina falleció rodeada por sus hijas y que su marido, elrey Miguel I, la acompañó en todo momento durante su última semana.

    Aunque desde hace meses la preocupación de los rumanos se centraba en la salud del rey , decano de la realeza mundial a sus 94 años y convaleciente de varias operaciones, quien acaba de fallecer ha sido la reina.

    Ana de Borbón-Parma ha sido el sostén del último rey de los rumanos desde hace siete décadas. Hija del príncipe Renato de Borbón-Parma y de la princesa Margarita de Dinamarca, en 1939 tuvo que exiliarse de Francia para huir de la persecución nazi. Vivió en España, Portugal y Estados Unidos. En plena Segunda Guerra Mundial en 1943, se alistó en las Fuerzas Francesas Libres y ejerció como enfermera en diferentes frentes de combate.

    En 1947 conoció al que sería su marido, el rey Miguel de Rumanía, en Londres, donde habían acudido a la boda de la futura reina Isabel II de Inglaterra con el príncipe Felipe de Grecia y Dinamarca.

    El matrimonio del rey Miguel y de Ana de Borbón-Parma se produjo un año después, en 1948, en Atenas, por el deseo del monarca heleno Pablo I de Grecia, familiar de Ana y Miguel.

    Durante décadas, los reyes rumanos residieron en Suiza, donde se instalaron poco después del matrimonio.

    Todo cambió en los años 90, cuando las nuevas autoridades democráticas de la República permitieron el regreso de la familia real al país, restituyeron el título de rey al ya anciano Miguel y le devolvieron una parte de las propiedades pertenecientes a la dinastía, que habían sido confiscadas por los comunistas.

    El rey Miguel goza de una alta popularidad en nuestro pais. Según las encuestas, es mayor que la de ningún dirigente político. Y al menos el 30% de los ciudadanos desea la restauración de la monarquía. La familia real mantiene una activa presencia pública y desarrolla un importante papel ceremonial y asistencial a través de numerosas fundaciones.

    Los funerales por la reina Ana tendrán lugar el próximo 13 de agosto en la catedral ortodoxa de la localidad rumana de Curtea de Arges, donde acudirán representantes de todas las familias reales de Europa. Entre ellos estará la Reina Sofía, la prima más querida de los monarcas rumanos.

    Ana Antonieta Francisca Carlota de Borbón-Parma nació enParís, el 18 de septiembre de 1923. Al igual que sus tres hermanos, pasó su infancia en Francia.

    En 1939 su familia, se refugia en España más tarde en Portugal y finalmente en EE.UU. Ana fue a una escuela de arte en Nueva York . También trabajó como vendedora . En1943 se alista en lasFuuerzas Francesas Libres (FFL). Sirvió en Argelia, Marruecos, Italia, Luxemburgo y Alemania y recibió la Cruz de Guerra francesa. .

    En noviembre de1947 Ana conoció al rey Miguel.

    Pero su camino se interrumpe provisionalmente poco tiempo después: Miguel salió para Rumanía, donde los comunistas le obligaron a abdicar el 30 de diciembre de1947.

    Ana y Miguel se casaron poco después, el 10 de junio de 1948 en Atenas. La princesa Sofía de Grecia entonces de nueve años de edad, fue dama de honor del enlace. Ana y Miguel tuvieron cinco hijas: Margarita, princesa heredera de Rumanía, nacida en 1949, casada con Radu Duda, Elena, Irene, Sofía y María.

    Tras su boda Ana y Miguel vivieron primero en Florencia.

    En 1949 se instalaron en Lausana y después, en Versoix, cerca de Ginebra, Suiza. En 1992, Ana y Miguel visitaron Rumanía durante tres días. Para Ana era así la primera visita a Rumanía. De 1993 a 1997, a pesar de varios intentos, Miguel no fue autorizado a entrar en Rumanía. Durante esos años Ana visitó varias veces el país en calidad de representante de su marido. En1997 fueron autorizados a volver a Rumanía, donde desde entonces residen, hasta que regresan por motivos de salud a Suiza. Miguel es primo hermano de la reina Sofía de España.

    El rey Miguel, de 94 años, estuvo en marzo también ingresado en un hospital debido a “un estado de pronunciada debilidad física” por una “leucemia crónica”.

    Miguel I de Rumanía, de 94 años, hijo del rey Carlos II y de Elena de Grecia, reinó en Rumanía entre 1927 y 1930 bajo regencia y, después, entre 1940 y 1947, cuando fue depuesto tras la llegada al poder de los comunistas. . La reina Sofía, prima del Rey de Rumanía, asistió en Bucarest a las celebraciones de su 60º aniversario.

    Miguel I designó en 2007 a su hija primogénita, la princesa Margarita, como sucesora al trono .Los Hozenzollern han recorrido un largo camino hasta poder volver a Rumanía. Tuvieron que esperar hasta 1997 para recuperar su ciudadanía .

    Cuando cayó el Muro de Berlín, muchos rumanos consideraban que los Hohenzollern eran poco menos que criminales de guerra. Ahora, según las encuestas de Inscop, el 44,9 por ciento de los rumanos tienen una buena o muy buena opinión sobre la Casa Real. Y más del 30 % están a favor de la restauración de la Monarquía.

    Si algún día los rumanos decidieran restaurar la Monarquía y abolir la antigua ley sálica, Su Alteza Real se convertiría en Su Majestad la Reina Margarita, pero aquí, según declaró, no existe el debate de monarquía vs. república, ya que Rumanía es una república.

    La Princesa Margarita está emparentada con todas las Familias Reales europeas, incluidas la española y la británica.

    La Casa Real ya anunció, en un comunicado de prensa, que la reina Ana será despedida con un “Funeral Real” como el que se llevó a cabo en 1938 tras la muerte de la reina María, esposa de Fernando I y abuela de Miguel I. Se trata del último funeral real celebrado en Rumania, donde la monarquía fue derrocada en 1947 por los soviéticos.

    “Por deseo de Su Majestad el Rey Miguel I, el funeral de la reina Ana respetará la tradición. La Familia Real anuncia gran duelo durante los primeros 7 días de funerales y duelo por 40 días”, se lee en el comunicado de la Casa Real. Según el mismo comunicado, el cuerpo de la reina Ana será exhibido durante un día en el Salón de Honor del Castillo de Peles, y luego por un día en el Salón del Trono en el Palacio Real de Bucarest. El funeral ortodoxo tendrá lugar el próximo 13 de agosto, día que ha sido decretado el luto nacional..

    Según el diario rumano “Romania Libera”, el presidente Klaus Johannis manifestó un “profundo dolor y tristeza” por el fallecimiento de la reina consorte, de quien destacó su “decencia, devoción y amor por su país adoptivo”. “Su Majestad la Reina Ana de Rumania permanecerá para siempre en la memoria y en nuestro corazón como uno de los símbolos más importantes de sabiduría, dignidad y sobre todo como un faro de referencia de conducta moral”, dijo el presidente Johannis.

  • August 11, 2016 UPDATE

    August 11, 2016 UPDATE

    QUEEN ANNE – Members of European royal families will attend the funeral of Queen Anne, the Press Office of King Michael I announced on Thursday. So far, members of the Russian, Austrian and German imperial families and of the royal families of Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg have confirmed their presence. The casket will be in the Throne Room of the Royal Palace in Bucharest until Friday. On Wednesday, at the former summer residence of Romanian royalty, Peles Castle, in Sinaia, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, Moldovan President Nicolae Timofti, and Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos were among the many officials paying their respects. The funeral is scheduled for Saturday in Curtea de Arges. King Michael will be unable to attend the funeral due to ill health. The queen died on August 1st aged 92 in Switzerland, after a battle with cancer.

    REPORT – The PM of Romania Dacian Ciolos Thursday rated the Sky News story on alleged weapon smuggling in Romania as unacceptable. He emphasised that a country should not be shed negative light on without evidence, and announced that Romanian authorities had taken a stand on the matter. The Prosecutors Office Investigating Terrorism and Organised Crime (DIICOT) has started an investigation. Several house searches were conducted in northern Romania, which identified the individuals featured in the story, and the weapons were seized. The DIICOT head prosecutor Daniel Horodniceanu has said that so far the report appears to have been staged. On Thursday the institution ordered the prosecution of 3 of the Romanians appearing in the report, including the one who introduced the British journalists to the alleged smugglers. One of the 3 has been detained, said his lawyer. They have been accused of aiding in giving false information, of setting up an organised crime group and of breaching weapon regulations. The British tv channel stands by its report, although the British broadcasting regulatory body has received several notifications regarding the Sky News story. The British journalists argue that, after two months of negotiations, they were pointed to an isolated area in Romania, where they met weapon smugglers who allegedly brought in weapons from Ukraine to be sold in western Europe and the Middle East.

    CRIMEA – A new escalation of tensions between Ukraine and Russia is in the focus on attention of the international community. The UN Security Council is to discuss the growing tension between Moscow and Kyiv over Crimea, after Russias accusations that Ukraine plotted attacks in the disputed Black Sea peninsula. NATO also expressed concerns with a new escalation of tensions between the two countries. The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, Thursday put all military units near Crimea and the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk on alert, for fear of a military conflict with Russia. The announcement came after on Wednesday his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, accused Kyiv of using “terror tactics so as to reignite conflict and destabilise Crimea. Russia annexed this Black Sea Peninsula in 2014. The conflict in east Ukraine, between government forces and pro-Russian insurgents, has so far killed 9,500 people.

  • 11 August, 2016

    11 August, 2016

    FUNERAL – Queen Anne, consort to the last Romanian sovereign, Michael I, is laid in state in the Throne Room of the Royal Palace in Bucharest. On Wednesday, at the former summer residence of Romanian royalty, Peles Castle, in Sinaia, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, Moldovan President Nicolae Timofti, and Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos were among the many officials paying their respects. The funeral is scheduled for Saturday in Curtea de Arges, where the first king of Romania, Charles I, is buried. King Michael will be unable to attend the funeral due to ill health. The queen died on August 1st aged 92 in Switzerland, after a battle with cancer.

    REPORT – British TV channel Sky News stands by its report on alleged weapon smuggling in Romania. A spokesperson for the channel said that the journalist who investigated the story was one of the most experienced investigative TV reporters. He said that the material was not staged. The British broadcasting oversight authority has been notified several times with regard to the report. British journalists claim that they were pointed to an isolated area of Romania after two months of negotiations, where they met weapon smugglers, who allegedly brought in weapons from Ukraine, to be sold in western Europe and the Middle East. As a result, the Romanian organized crime main unit started an investigation. The head of the unit, Daniel Horodniceanu, said that so far the report appears to have been staged. The go-between who introduced the reporters to the alleged weapon smugglers is a Romanian national who has been living in Britain for seven years. He told investigators that the TV channel paid people to act in the documentary, and that he was told the documentary would specify that it was a work of fiction. The Romanian embassy in London emphasized that the report was not accurate, and was prone to portray Romania in a negative light in Britain.

    OLYMPICS – Romanian athletes will compete in fencing, tennis, rowing and swimming in the 31st edition of the Summer Olympic Games in Rio. Romanian fencers stand a chance of winning the first medal for the country. Romania’s team is considered the favorite for the silver. An eagerly expected game is the tennis match between the Romanian pair Horia Tecau- Florin Mergea and US pair Jack Sock/ Steve Johnson. The Romanians are considered favorites for winning. Following are the mixed doubles games played by the Romanian pair Florin Mergea/Monica Niculescu and David Ferrer/Carla Suarez Navarro of Spain, and Romanians Horia Tecău/Irina Begu – Lukasz Kubot/Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland. In rowing, the womens coxed eight team competes in the second qualifying rounds, while the womens double sculls and the light paired oars boats fight for a medal as well. In swimming, Romania has one representative in the 50m event, In handball, having lost the two fixtures against Angola and Brazil, Romanias womens national handball teams this past Wednesday outperformed Montenegro, 25-21. If they want to make headway into the semifinals, the Romanians are in dire need of a win against Spain and at least a draw against Norway in the final round.

    ANKARA – At least eight people were killed and dozens wounded in two bombings by the PKK in Turkey. The attacks targeted police cars in south eastern Turkey, the majority Kurdish area of the country. Clashes resumed last year between Turkish security forces and the PKK, after a cease fire. The worst violence in the last 20 years ensued, resulting in hundreds of casualties among security forces.

    ISIS – Between 2002 and 2015, terror groups such as ISIS and al-Qaeda perpetrated over 4,900 attacks worldwide, leaving over 33,000 dead, according to a study run by the University of Maryland in the US. 80% of the attacks were committed using explosives, and only 16% using firearms. The most devastating attack, according to the study, occurred in June 2014 in Iraq, when 1,600 Iraqi army recruits were abducted in Tikrit to later be killed.

  • Funeral Ceremonies for Queen Anne

    Funeral Ceremonies for Queen Anne

    Queen Anne of Romania returns to the country that she always loved, but that she only got to know in her old age. For five days, ceremonies will be held in all the key geographic landmarks of Romanian royalty. Queen Annes body will first be taken to Peles Castle, built in the 19th Century in Sinaia, in the Carpathians, by the founder of the Romanian dynasty, King Karl I, and then brought to Bucharest, in the Throne Room of the Royal Palace. The public will have access to the Palace on Thursday and Friday, and the burial is scheduled for Saturday, in Curtea de Arges, the first capital of the medieval principality of Wallachia.

    Doctors did not allow King Michael to attend the funeral. He will stay at his residence in Switzerland, accompanied by close friends and two Orthodox nuns. “This decision was made with deep sorrow, reads a news release issued by the Royal House. Aged 94 and very ill himself, King Michael visited his wife every day at the Swiss clinic where she was hospitalized before dying on August 1.

    Born in Paris in 1923, Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma met King Michael in London in 1947. Later the same year, on December 30, when Romania was under Soviet military occupation and led by a communist puppet government, the Sovereign was forced into exile. From the USA, Britain or Switzerland, he endorsed the activity of the Romanian National Committee, presented as a government in exile, although Western democracies never recognised it as such.

    In Bucharest, the communist regime constantly fuelled an aggressive anti-monarchy propaganda, whose toxic effects are yet to fully recede. King Michael was only permitted to return to Romania after the anti-communist Revolution of 1989, when he also regained his Romanian citizenship, withdrawn by communists, and part of his property. As a special ambassador, he lobbied for Romanias NATO accession in 2004 and EU accession in 2007.

    At home, the Royal Family undertook constantly, after repatriation, various charity and art patronage projects, thanks to which Romanians were finally able to know their deposed sovereigns. In an interview to Radio Romania in 2008, Queen Anne said that while in exile she had heard a lot from her husband about his homeland, but that a one-month journey across the country, from Dobrogea, in the south-east to Banat in the south-west and Transylvania, in the centre, had exceeded her expectations. She said she had found impressive cities, villages and landscapes, and met outstanding people.

  • August 6, 2016

    August 6, 2016

    NAVY DAY – The Romanian Navy Day, traditionally celebrated on August 15, is preceded these days by events organised by the Romanian Navy Forces in the Constanta and Mangalia military ports at the Black Sea. Today the public may visit military vessels, to find out details on the techniques, equipment and weaponry used by the marines. Interactive workshops, games and competitions are also organised. The Navy bands add music to the festive atmosphere.

    NATO – Two officers, one from Romania and one from the Czech Republic, will be temporarily working at the NATO Liaison Office in Ukraine, as part of a programme designed to help bring Ukrainian military services up to NATO standards. The announcement was made by Viktor Muzhenko, Ukrainian Chief of Staff, quoted by Interfax news agency. The Ukrainian official added that the two officers were familiar with post-Soviet defence systems and experienced in reform measures implemented in their own countries. Ukraine wants to bring its military services to NATO standards by 2020.

    QUEEN ANNE FUNERAL – Preparations continue in Romania for Queen Annes funeral. The wife of King Michael I of Romania died on Monday in a hospital in Switzerland, at the age of 92. Her body will be repatriated on Tuesday, August 9, and the funeral will take place on Saturday, August 13, at Curtea de Argeş Monastery, the final resting place of Romanian royalty. August 13 will be a day of national mourning in Romania, but also in the neighbouring Republic of Moldova, under a decree signed on Friday by Moldovan President Nicolae Timofti.

    AWARD – A team of Romanian students won the IT Excellence Award in Lucerne, Switzerland. In the 27th edition of the competition JA Europe Company of the Year they presented a model of smart glasses designed to help people with severe visual impairment. Produced using a 3D printer, the glasses are equipped with sensors that analyse all the information on the surrounding objects, process it and sent it to the user by means of variable intensity and frequency signals. Taking part in the event held between July 25 and 28 were more than 200 young entrepreneurs from 35 European countries.

    UNTOLD – In Cluj Napoca, central Romania, Untold, the largest electro-dance music festival in Romania continues. Last night, on the main stage, one of the ten stages of the festival, the Dutch DJs Hardwell and Dannic, the German Tujamo and the German band Scooter performed in front of tens of thousands of people, many of them foreign. On Thursday, the first day of the festival, over 100,000 people attended concerts by INNA, Faithless, Tiesto and Dimitri Vegas, viewed as the worlds No. 1 DJ. Until August 7, an estimated 350,000 people will have had a chance to see more than 150 international artists.

    OLYMPICS – The 31st edition of the modern Olympic Games was opened last night in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in a spectacular ceremony held on Maracana Stadium. Brazils rich cultural heritage and unique atmosphere were celebrated in a dazzling music, lights and dance show. Ten thousand athletes from over 200 countries paraded to the delight of enthusiastic viewers. Romania is represented in Rio by 96 athletes and 7 substitutes, with a target of at least 6 medals. The first Romanians will compete in the fencing, table tennis, cycling, judo, rowing, gymnastics, and tennis. The Summer Olympics conclude on August 21.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)