Tag: Ghimbav

  • November 7, 2018 UPDATE

    November 7, 2018 UPDATE

    Doha — The Romanian PM Viorica Dancila on Wednesday presided over an economic forum held in Doha, on the occasion of her official visit to Qatar. In this context, the PM presented the main projects and business opportunities that can be implemented by means of public-private partnerships as well as the intention of the Romanian authorities to cooperate more closely with businesspeople from Qatar. PM Dancila encouraged them to come and invest in Romania in key sectors such as infrastructure, agriculture, tourism and healthcare. She highlighted Romania’s geostrategic position and economic growth reported in the past years.

    Cooperation — The European company Airbus and the Romanian company IAR Ghimbav have signed a contract of exclusive cooperation for a period of 15 years for the production, in Romania, of the twin-engine multirole helicopter H215M. Airbus and IAR have been, for more than a decade, partners in the Airbus Helicopters Romania company, a successful center specializing in maintenance and repair work services for a wide range of civil and military helicopters from Romania and other countries. Export contracts account for 75% of the Airbus Helicopters Romania’s turnover. In 2016, Ghimbav saw the inauguration of the Airbus Helicopters Industries factory specialized in the production of H215M helicopters. IAR, a company with majority state-owned assets, is one of Romania’s leaders in the aeronautics field, being specialized in the production and maintenance of helicopters. Airbus is a world leader in aeronautics and services in the space domain.

    CCR — Romania’s Constitutional Court (CCR) on Wednesday admitted, with a majority of votes, the government’s notification regarding the existence of a juridical conflict of a constitutional nature between Parliament and the High Court of Cassation and Justice regarding the setting up of panels of judges. Thus, the High Court of Cassation and Justice is bound to take the necessary measures, as soon as possible, to appoint all the 5 members of the panels by drawing of lots, not only 4 judges as has happened since 2014. The panels of 5 judges with the High Court judging criminal cases are dealing with important cases in which politicians such as the PSD leader L. Dragnea, the leader of ALDE C. P. Tariceanu and the former head of the government’s general secretariat, Toni Grebla, a former judge with the Constitutional Court are also involved. Following the decision of the CCR many cases handled by the High Court of Cassation and Justice might be re-judged from scratch.

    Washington — The Romanian interior minister Carmen Dan will be the US on Thursday and Friday to participate in the EU-US Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial Meeting. At this high level meeting, which is also going to be attended by the US Attorney General, the Romanian minister will present the home affairs priorities of Romania’s future presidency of the EU Council. The meeting is organized by the Austrian presidency of the EU Council in Washington DC, according to a preset timetable, namely in the first half of the year, the venue of the meeting is in the state holding the presidency of the EU Council, while in the second half of the year, the venue is in the US capital. The EU is represented in Washington by the interior and justice ministers of the Austrian presidency of the EU Council, by Romania’s delegation, a country that will take over the EU Council presidency on January 1, 2019 and by the EU Commissioners for migration, home affairs and security.

    Ashgabat — The Romanian athlete Nicolae Onica on Wednesday won the bronze medal in the total event, the 96 kg category, at the World Weightlifting Championships held in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. In the final classification he was outperformed by Iranian Sohran Moradi and Chinese Tao Tian. (new translated and updated by L. Simion)

  • A la Une de la presse roumaine 29.05.2018

    A la Une de la presse roumaine 29.05.2018

    Le mécontentement exprimé
    par le nouveau chef d’Airbus Helicopters au sujet de la coopération de son
    entreprise avec la Roumanie et les tourbillons qui se manifestent sur la scène
    politique roumaine sont les principaux sujets abordés par la presse en ligne de
    ce mardi.

  • The Church and medieval citadel in Ghimbav

    The Church and medieval citadel in Ghimbav

    One of the 13 Saxon settlements in Tara Barsei, central Romania, Ghimbav is situated 9 km west of Brasov. Its German name is Weidenbach, that is the “Willow Tree River”, a reference to the river that crosses the town, Ghimbasel. Most likely set up in the 13th century by the Order of the Teutonic Knights, Ghimbav is first mentioned in documents in mid 14th century. Since 1377, together with 12 other Saxon settlements in the area, it has made up a political and administrative unit, led by Brasov.

    Unsurprisingly, therefore, the town looks very much like the other Saxon settlements in Transylvania, with some local exceptions such as the Evangelical Church and the fortification surrounding it. Given the high Turkish-Tartar threat in the 13th and 14th centuries, the region, which is located in the vicinity of the Buzau Gorges that cross the Carpathians to into Moldovia, needed a well-coordinated defence plan.

    This is why a strong stone fortification was built in Ghimbav, as art historian Adriana Stroe explains: “Following a royal order of 1427, which referred to the construction of fortifications in Barsa County, Ghimbav and other Saxon settlements chose the solution to fortify the church, which was not only the biggest building in every village, but also the only stone construction in each settlement at that time. The church in Ghimbav, built in the late 13th century, was a spacious construction, built in early Gothic style. In the western part of the nave, they built a belfry. The church has cross vaults and the main access to the church was made through a late Roman portal. In the 15th century, when the fortified walls were built, the church was partially transformed, with additions in the High Gothic style. The church preserved, however, some elements dating back to an earlier period of time: the choir walls and the chapels, the west tower and the aisles, as well as the geminated windows, in the southern part of the church”.

    In the ensuing centuries, although Tartar invasions were no longer a threat, the church and fortification in Ghimbav were not spared by attacks. Adriana Stroe: “In 1658, the church was severely affected by the battles waged during the campaign to rule Transylvania. In 1660, the locals managed to restore the initial form of the sacristy and of the choir, and in 1664 the reconstruction of the aisles was also started. In 1775, when decoration works started on the church, a vault with Baroque-inspired decorations was added to the nave. The church’s choir still preserves an altar dating back to 1848 and built in Classicising style, and the Biedermeier pulpit, dating back to 1812, has stucco ornaments. The baptismal font dates back to 1744, and the organ built in 1786 was upgraded in the 19th century. The bells date back to the 17th and 19th centuries.“

    It was also in the 18th century that the first mentions were made in documents on the Romanians settled in Ghimbav and the surroundings. In 1700 there were 30 Romanian families and in 1783, with the support of the Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II, the first Romanian Orthodox church was built, thanks to the donation of a wealthy merchant, Iosif Boghici. Since then, the two churches have run in parallel in Ghimbav, and the fortification near the Evangelical church served more purposes than merely the defensive ones.

    Adriana Stroe: “This fortified building was polygonal in shape, with 2-meter thick walls. The fortification was surrounded by a second ring of smaller walls and by a moat. Access was made through the south-east: a tower protected by a barbican and two lines of firing posts. Access to the barbican was protected by a mobile bridge. There were storerooms inside the fortification, where the locals stored their harvests and precious household items, to be protected in case of invasion. The place also provided shelter from danger. In 1876, part of the fortification was demolished, and the commune hall was built on the site. In 1940, some of the storerooms were also demolished.”

    At present, the church and fortification in Ghimbav are included in the Tara Barsei tourist circuit.

  • 15.05.2016


    Moldova – La Roumanie s’intéresse au renforcement de la stabilité de la République de Moldova et le maintien ferme du pays voisin sur son parcours européen, a déclaré, à Chisinau, le ministre chargé des relations avec les Roumains de la diaspora, Dan Stoenescu, lors des discussions avec les responsables moldaves. Selon un communiqué du ministère des AE de Bucarest, le ministre roumain a également affirmé que l’approfondissement des réformes était la condition la plus solide pour Chisinau d’atteindre ces objectifs et la réponse la plus adéquate aux attentes des citoyens de la République de Moldova. Selon le responsable roumain, les jeunes représentent une des ressources les plus importantes du pays voisin. Et pour cause : par l’expérience accumulée pendant leurs études en Roumanie ou dans d’autres pays européens, ceux-ci deviennent un vecteur de la modernisation. Pour sa part, Bucarest poursuivra les programmes des bourses d’études au bénéfice des jeunes de République de Moldova, a encore assuré le ministre Dan Stoenescu.

    Visite – En Allemagne, le premier ministre roumain Dacian Ciolos a visité le siège de la compagnie Premium Aerotec, fait savoir un communiqué du gouvernement de Bucarest. A l’agenda des pourparlers entre les responsables roumains et allemands ont figuré le plan de développement de la compagnie à l’usine de production et assemblage de composantes Airbus de Ghimbav, au centre de la Roumanie. Premium Aerotec est un des principaux investisseurs étrangers de l’industrie aéronautique. La compagnie a élargi son activité et sa capacité de production ces dernières années et a investi 15 millions d’euros dans l’élargissement de sa superficie de production et dans la modernisation des équipements, en 2015.

    Pèlerinage – Des dizaines de milliers de pèlerins catholiques participent à Şumuleu Mic, département de Harghita, au centre de la Roumanie, à un grand rassemblement organisé à l’occasion de la Pentecôte, célébrée 50 jours après Pâques. C’est le plus grand pèlerinage de ce type organisé en Europe Centrale et de l’Est. Le président hongrois Ader Janos et son épouse ont rejoint la procession. Ce dimanche, le président hongrois doit également participer à Miercurea Ciuc à l’inauguration d’un groupe statuaire représentant l’archevêque catholique Márton Áron, personnalité marquante de la communauté magyare de Transylvanie. Arrêté par les autorités communistes, puis élevé au rang d’archevêque ad-personam par le Pape Pie XII, Márton Áron est connu aussi pour s’être opposé à la déportation des Juifs pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

    Cinéma – Au festival de Cannes, le documentaire « Toto et ses sœurs », réalisé par le Roumain Alexander Nanău, a décroché samedi le « prix France Culture Cinéma ». Accordé par Radio France Culture, ce prix récompense le meilleur film lancé en France au cours des 12 derniers mois. Présenté en première mondiale au festival de Saint-Sebastien, en Espagne, le film entrera dans les salles françaises le 17 mai. « Toto et ses sœurs » raconte l’histoire de 3 jeunes qui attendent que leur mère sorte de la prison. A mesure qu’ils grandissent, ils apprennent à survivre tous seuls, espérant à une vie sans pauvreté, sans violence et sans drogues. Deux films roumains sont en lice pour la Palme d’Or 2016 – Sieranevada par Cristi Puiu (déjà projeté et très bien reçu par la presse) et Baccalauréat par Cristian Mungiu.

    Eurovision – Samedi à Stockholm, l’Ukraine a remporté la finale de l’Eurovision de la chanson 2016, par une chanson interprétée par l’artiste Jamala de Crimée. Selon la BBC, la chanson parle de la déportation des Tatares de Crimée à l’époque de Staline. Des responsables politiques russes de Moscou et de Crimée ont protesté contre ce choix, destiné, à leur avis, à dénigrer la Russie, après qu’elle eut annexé la Crimée en mars 2014. Par ailleurs, rappelons-le, la Roumanie, qui s’était qualifiée dans la demi-finale du concours, a récemment été exclue de cette compétition à cause de la quinzaine de millions d’euros de dette qu’elle a envers l’Union européenne de radio et de télévision, organisatrice de l’événement.

    Tennis – La joueuse roumaine de tennis, Irina Begu, a été vaincue samedi soir par l’Américaine Serena Williams, leader mondiale, dans les demi-finales du tournoi WTA de Rome, score 4-6, 1-6. Serena Williams disputera la finale de la compétition avec sa compatriote, Madison Keys. Dans l’épreuve de double dames de Rome, les Roumaines Iriga Begu et Monica Niculescu ont été éliminées en demi-finale par le double formé de Martina Hingis (Suisse) et Sania Mirza (Inde). C’est la fin d’une très bonne période professionnelle pour Irina Begu, avec des qualifications dans les quarts de finale à Madrid et en demi-finale à Rome, des résultats grâce auxquels, elle revient à la 28e place mondiale à compter de lundi.

    Météo – Temps instable en Roumanie, avec un ciel couvert sur le sud, le sud-est et le relief où des tendances orageuses et des pluies à verse sont attendues. Les températures maximales de ce dimanche iront de 17 à 26 degrés. 21 degrés et du soleil à midi à Bucarest.