Tag: Golden Globes

  • January 11, 2023

    January 11, 2023

    INFECTIONS – The wave of
    respiratory infections and flu is intensifying on a weekly basis. Experts warn
    the upward trend will tone down starting February at the earliest. During this
    interval, doctors say a larger number of respiratory infections, particularly
    in children, is to be expected. On the other hand, the first cases of Flurona -
    which is a simultaneous infection with both flu and COVID-19, have been
    reported in Romania, whereas a 74-year-old woman has died. Doctors say that Flurona
    infections have a higher degree of severe evolution.

    DEFENSE – Defense
    Minister Angel Tîlvăr on Tuesday met with Romanian servicemen deployed to the
    military base in Bemowo Piskie in Poland, and had talks with his Polish
    counterpart, Mariusz Blazczak, about the situation in the region due to the
    Russian aggression in Ukraine. Minister Tîlvăr pointed out Romania and Poland
    displayed solidarity with Ukrainian refugees. Minister Angel Tîlvăr was
    accompanied by the chief of general staff, General Daniel Petrescu. On Monday,
    the two officials met with Romanian servicemen deployed to the NATO base in Pristina,
    Kosovo, and discussed with the Kosovo Force commander, General Angelo Michele
    Ristuccia about the security developments in the region.

    GOVERNMENT – Romania’s Prime
    Minister, Nicolae Ciucă, said in today’s government
    session that total investment stood at some 14.6 billion EUR at the end of
    2022, a record high for Romania, which confirms an upward trend of the Romanian
    economy. Nicolae Ciucă quoted a recent
    study of the Economic Department of Harvard Academy which states that Romania
    has become the 19th most complex and sophisticated economy in the
    world, with a potential for growth. Results by the end of 2030 should push
    Romania in the top 10 countries. As regards foreign direct investment, the
    Prime Minister said that in 2022 their volume exceeded the level of 2008, the
    year that marked the highest such level. Last but not least, Nicolae Ciucă
    highlighted the contribution of European funds.

    NATIONAL BANK – The National
    Bank of Romania today increased the monetary policy interest rate to 7%, in an
    attempt to keep inflation in check. Central Bank experts expect the annual
    inflation rate to slightly go down this quarter and the downward trend to pick
    up speed in the following months. Starting this summer, the inflation rate
    should drop below 10%, bank experts also say. The new increase in the monetary
    policy interest rate is likely to trigger an increase in the interest rates of
    commercial banks, particularly in case of loans.

    IRAN -
    Iran’s ambassador in Romania was summoned at the Foreign Ministry headquarters
    on Tuesday, where he was notified regarding Romania’s firm opposition to the
    enforcement of the capital sentence, irrespective of circumstances, and to the
    hanging of protesters by Teheran authorities. The decision follows the hanging
    of two Iranian protesters on January 7 in Teheran. The Romanian Foreign Ministry
    expressed deep concern with the continuous violation of human rights in Iran,
    including the sentencing of protesters for political reasons, in the absence of
    a fair trial, in the context of nationwide protests triggered in September
    2022, caused by the death of Masha Amini. The Romanian Foreign Ministry
    reminded the Iranian ambassador regarding the conclusions of the Foreign
    Affairs Council meeting of December 12, 2022, with a focus on all issues that
    did not receive a constructive response from Teheran authorities. The Romanian
    MFA also pointed out that the said aspects in the conclusions still need to be
    resolved, failure of which would negative impact Iran’s relations with the EU.

    GLOBES – Steven Spielberg’s The
    Fabelmans and Martin McDonagh’s The
    Banshees of Inisherin have won the top awards in Tuesday’s Golden Globes
    Awards Gala. Austin Butler, the male lead in Elvis (directed by Baz Luhrmann) was designated best actor in a
    drama, whereas Cate Blanchett scooped the award for best actress for her role in
    Tar (directed by Todd Field). The
    award for best scenario wnet to Martin McDonagh for The Banshees of Inisherin. Santiago Mitre’s Argentina, 1985 got the award for best foreign motion picture,
    while Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio
    got the award for best animation. House
    of the Dragon got the award for best series. Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr
    Zelensky, a former actor himself, conveyed a recorded message on this occasion.

  • January 9, 2017

    January 9, 2017

    BAD WEATHER – In Romania, traffic has been resumed today on the motorway connecting the capital city to the Black Sea coast and on the national roads that had been closed after the heavy snowfalls of the past few days. Black Sea and Danube ports were also reopened, except for Drobeta Turnu-Severin, but transport on the Danube, where ice blocks have formed, is still affected. Checkpoints on the Bulgarian border remain closed down. We remind you that heavy snows severely disrupted road, railway and naval transport at the end of the week. The most severely hit was the south-east of the country, where many localities experienced power outings. Across the country, scores of trains have been cancelled and some flights delayed. Because of the extremely low temperatures, schools and kindergartens are closed today in 21 counties, particularly in the south and the east, Bucharest included. The measure will stay in place on Tuesday in 16 counties and the capital city. Nine universities in Bucharest, Constanta and Oradea have also suspended classes today and tomorrow. Authorities have announced that schools in Bucharest might remain closed on Wednesday as well, unless weather improves.

    COLD WAVE, EUROPE – Extreme cold has hit the entire continent and has made at least 36 victims in the last few days, mostly in Italy and Poland. Italy is the worst affected, with temperatures reaching 60-year lows. One of the people who died in Italy because of the cold is a Romanian man living in Messina, Sicily. Greece was also hit by strong wind and heavy snows, which reached as far south as the Aegean islands and tested the refugees camped in Lesbos. Those who had been sleeping in tents were temporarily moved to heated accommodation or received blankets and sleeping bags. In Moscow, temperatures plummeted to negative 30 degrees Celsius, and in France to minus 20. Bad weather was also reported in Germany, Switzerland, and Poland, as well as on the Adriatic Sea coast, particularly around the Croatian town of Split, where the lowest temperatures in 50 years were reported. Biting cold has also gripped Hungary, Bulgaria, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The episode seems to have been caused by a glacial Polar Continental air mass which advanced south-westwards from Scandinavia.

    PARLIAMENT – The Parliament of Romania convenes in a special meeting today, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies and head of the Social Democratic Party Liviu Dragnea announced. He explained that the decision was needed in order to enable the government appointed by the Social Democrats and Alliance of Liberals and Democrats to issue government orders. The National Liberal Party and the Save Romania Union, in opposition, sent the bill enabling the Cabinet to issue government orders during parliamentary recess to the Constitutional Court. The two opposition parties argued that the bill allows the Cabinet headed by the Social Democrat Sorin Grindeanu to amend organic laws by means of government orders, which comes against the Constitution. The Power on the other hand believes the Government activity would be otherwise hindered.

    UNEMPLOYMENT – In Romania, the unemployment rate for November was 5.7%, the National Statistics Institute announced on Monday. The number of unemployed people reached 521,000, down both since the previous month and since the corresponding month of 2015. The unemployment rate stood at 6.5% among men and 4.7% for women, the National Statistics Institute also reported.

    GOLDEN GLOBES – The film La La Land directed by Damien Chazelle was the great winner of the Golden Globes awarded Sunday night in Los Angeles. The musical won 7 trophies, in all the categories where it had been nominated, including best picture – comedy or musical, best screenplay, best director, original song, original soundtrack. The feature film Moonlight, directed by Barry Jenkins, won the award for “best picture – drama. Cassey Affleck walked away with the award for the best actor, for the part in Manchester by the Sea, and Isabelle Huppert won the “best actress, drama category. The Golden Globe award for lifetime achievement went to Meryl Streep.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • 11.01.2016


    Mémorandum – Le gouvernement roumain conclut ce lundi un mémorandum avec la Banque mondiale pour la modernisation de l’administration publique et la mise en place des réformes structurelles. Au terme du partenariat avec l’institution financière, les fonctionnaires de l’administration seront régulièrement évalués sans risquer pour autant de se voir licencier. Des cours de formation continue seront désormais proposés, tout comme des mécanismes de lutte contre la corruption seront mis en place, a expliqué le premier ministre, Dacian Ciolos. Par ailleurs, le gouvernement se penche mercredi sur les modifications apportées au nouveau Code fiscal. Les ministres doivent débattre de l’exemption d’assurance maladie dans le cas des personnes dépourvues de revenus.

    Enfance – L’ambassadeur de la Roumanie à Oslo aura mercredi une entrevue avec les représentants du Ministère norvégien de l’Enfant, de l’Egalité et de l’Insertion sociale au sujet des cinq mineurs issus d’une famille mixte roumano-norvégienne et pris en charge par les services norvégiens de protection de l’enfance avant d’être confiés à des familles de substitution. Des milliers de Roumains de Roumanie et de la diaspora ont protesté ces derniers jours contre la décision des autorités norvégiennes d’arracher de leur famille naturelle cinq enfants âgés de 4 mois à 9 ans sous prétexte que leurs parents leur appliquaient des corrections physiques et les endoctrinaient d’un point de vue religieux.

    Handball – A Baia Mare, dans le nord-ouest de la Roumanie, l’équipe nationale masculine de handball a disposé dimanche de la Finlande lors du 4e match du groupe préliminaire de qualification pour le Championnat du Monde de Handball de 2017. Jeudi, la Roumanie affrontera l’Autriche dans le cadre d’un match décisif pour sa qualification au tournoi de play off. Et puis c’est toujours à Baia Mare que la vice-championne de Roumanie de handball féminin de cette localité, HCM, a vaincu dimanche la championne de France, Fleury Loiret, par 31 à 28, en décrochant les premiers deux points au sein du premier groupe principal de la Ligue des Champions. Samedi, la championne CSM Bucarest a perdu devant l’équipe macédonienne Vardar Skopje lors de la premier match au sein du deuxième groupe principal de la Ligue des Champions.

    Incendie – L’une des trois femmes blessées dans l’incendie déclaré samedi dans un café de Chisinau a son pronostic vital engagé, tandis que les deux autres sont grièvement blessées, selon des sources médicales d’un hôpital de Bucarest où les patientes ont été transportées dimanche. Au total, 20 personnes dont plusieurs enfants souffrent de graves blessures et d’intoxication à la fumée après que, samedi, une bouteille de gaz butane eut explosé dans un café du centre ville de la capitale moldave, Chisinau, selon les premières informations. Le Service moldave pour les Situations exceptionnelles a aussitôt démarré une enquête pour déterminer les circonstances de l’accident.

    FMI – Le nouveau chef du FMI en Roumanie, Reza Baqir, sera à Bucarest du 12 au 15 janvier pour se faire présenter aux autorités roumaines, a fait savoir ce lundi Guillermo Tolosa, représentant résident du FMI en Roumanie et Bulgarie. Reza Baqir a remplacé Andrea Schaechter à la tête de la mission du FMI pour la Roumanie, l’Ukraine et le Kossovo, à la fin de son mandat de deux ans et demie. Reza Baqir travaille au FMI depuis 2000 à la tête du Service de la dette.

    Prix – Le long métrage hongrois « Le fils de Saul » avec à l’affiche le comédien roumano-hongrois Levente Molnar a décroché hier soir à Los Angeles, le prix du meilleur film étranger aux Golden Globes 2016. Récompensé du Grand Prix du jury lors de l’édition 2015 du Festival de Cannes, le film marque aussi l’entrée de la Hongrie dans la course aux Oscars dans la catégorie du meilleur film en une langue étrangère autre que l’anglais. Par ailleurs, les films « The Revenant : la Légende de Hugh Glass » d’Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu et « The Martian » de Ridley Scott ont été sacrés meilleurs films dans la catégorie drame et respectivement comédie. Parmi les comédiens primés lors des Goden Globes 2016 rappelons Brie Larson, Jennifer Lawrence, Matt Damon et Leonardo DiCaprio.