Tag: Grad

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    national volleyball squad conceded a 3-2 home defeat to Turkey on Saturday in a
    game counting towards the Golden League Group A.

    week ago, the Romanians won their game against the Turkish side with the same
    scoring. Turkey is a group leader with 8 points followed by Denmark with 6,
    Portugal and Romania, each with four. Romania will next be taking on Denmark at
    home on June 14 and on Portugal four days later. The groups’ winners and the
    organizers will qualify for the Final Four tournament due in Croatia.

    athlete Claudia Mihaela Bobocea came third in the women’s 800 meter race of Folksam
    Grand Prix held in Sweden. Bobocea’s time was two minutes, one second and 63

    athlete Madalina Florea came sixth in the women’s race of mountain classic at
    the World Mountain Running Championship in Innsbruck-Stubai, Austria. Florea
    ended the 15.5 kilometer race in one hour, 7 minutes and 25 seconds. In the
    teams contest Romania ranked 11th. The best Romanian in the men’s
    contest was Rares Imre Miklos who came 39th and the Romanian squad
    ended on the 13th position in the ranking.

    International Football Federation FIFA has published the world ranking for
    women’s football squads. The Romanian side is keeping its 38th
    position, while the first three positions are occupied by the same sides, the
    USA, Germany and Sweden.

    is hosting the matches of the Under 20 World Water Polo Championships. Romania
    has so far secured a 15-6 win against New Zealand and managed to outperform
    Peru 32-5. The elimination game pitching Romania against Australia is due on


  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    national volleyball squad conceded a 3-2 home defeat to Turkey on Saturday in a
    game counting towards the Golden League Group A.

    week ago, the Romanians won their game against the Turkish side with the same
    scoring. Turkey is a group leader with 8 points followed by Denmark with 6,
    Portugal and Romania, each with four. Romania will next be taking on Denmark at
    home on June 14 and on Portugal four days later. The groups’ winners and the
    organizers will qualify for the Final Four tournament due in Croatia.

    athlete Claudia Mihaela Bobocea came third in the women’s 800 meter race of Folksam
    Grand Prix held in Sweden. Bobocea’s time was two minutes, one second and 63

    athlete Madalina Florea came sixth in the women’s race of mountain classic at
    the World Mountain Running Championship in Innsbruck-Stubai, Austria. Florea
    ended the 15.5 kilometer race in one hour, 7 minutes and 25 seconds. In the
    teams contest Romania ranked 11th. The best Romanian in the men’s
    contest was Rares Imre Miklos who came 39th and the Romanian squad
    ended on the 13th position in the ranking.

    International Football Federation FIFA has published the world ranking for
    women’s football squads. The Romanian side is keeping its 38th
    position, while the first three positions are occupied by the same sides, the
    USA, Germany and Sweden.

    is hosting the matches of the Under 20 World Water Polo Championships. Romania
    has so far secured a 15-6 win against New Zealand and managed to outperform
    Peru 32-5. The elimination game pitching Romania against Australia is due on


  • Leçon 78 – Les degrés de comparaison (2e partie)

    Leçon 78 – Les degrés de comparaison (2e partie)

    Lecţia şaptezeci şi opt

    Dominique : Bună ziua.

    Ioana : Bună dimineaţa.

    Alexandru : Bună seara.

    Valentina : Bună.

    Bun venit, dragi prieteni.

    Ioana: Astăzi sunteţi aproape de noi.

    Aujourd’hui, vous êtes proches de nous.

    aproape — près, proche(s)

    Valentina : Astăzi sunteţi mai aproape de noi.

    Aujourd’hui, vous êtes plus proches de nous.

    Alexandru : Astăzi sunteţi cel mai aproape de noi. Aujourd’hui, vous êtes le plus proche de nous.

    Vous vous rappelez certainement ces degrés de comparaison des adjectifs et des adverbes. Pour exprimer le degré supérieur d’une qualité, on utilise le mot

    mai — plus

    Ioana : E bine. C’est bien.

    E mai bine. C’est mieux.

    Alexandru : E uşor. C’est facile.

    E mai uşor. C’est plus facile.

    Valentina : E simplu. C’est simple.

    E mai simplu. C’est plus simple.

    Pour exprimer la qualité détenue au plus haut degré, on ajoute un deuxième petit mot :

    cel mai — le plus cea mai — la plus

    Ioana : E mai bine. C’est mieux.

    E cel mai bine. C’est le mieux.

    Alexandru : E mai uşor. C’est plus facile.

    E cel mai uşor. C’est le plus facile.

    Valentina : E mai simplu. C’est plus simple

    E cel mai simplu. C’est le plus simple.


    Ioana : Aş vrea (je voudrais) o cafea cu zahăr.

    Je voudrais un café avec du sucre.

    Alexandru : Aş vrea o cafea cu mult zahăr.

    Je voudrais un café avec beaucoup de sucre.

    Valentina : Aş vrea o cafea cu puţin zahăr.

    Je voudrais un café avec peu de sucre.

    Ces deux petits mots qui expriment la quantité vous sont déjà familiers :

    mult — beaucoup puţin — peu

    Les degrés supérieur et inférieur de la quantité sont construits de la même façon :

    mai mult — davantage, plus mai puţin — moins

    Ioana : Aş vrea o cafea cu mai mult zahăr.

    Je voudrais un café avec plus de sucre.

    Alexandru : Aş vrea o cafea cu mai puţin zahăr.

    Je voudrais un café avec moins de sucre.

    Ce syntagme — mai puţin — nous aidera a exprimer le degré inférieur de la qualité :

    Ioana: bine (bien) — mai puţin bine (moins bien)

    Alexandru: uşor (facile) — mai puţin uşor (moins facile)

    Valentina : simplu (simple) — mai puţin simplu (moins simple)

    On peut évidemment trouver des moyens plus simples d’exprimer les mêmes choses. Au lieu de dire :

    Ioana : E mai puţin simplu. C’est moins simple

    On dira

    Alexandru : E mai complicat. C’est plus compliqué.


    Jusqu’ici nous avons évité la comparaison explicite. Une comparaison suppose deux éléments, lorsqu’ils sont tous les deux exprimés, nous devons les mettre en rapport, ce que nous faisons à l’aide du mot

    decât — que

    Ioana: Primăvara este mai frumoasă decât iarna.

    Le printemps est plus beau que l’hiver.

    Alexandru : Limba franceză (le français) este mai puţin complicată (est moins compliqué) decât limba română (que le roumain).

    Valentina: În curând (bientôt) voi veţi vorbi (vous allez parler) limba română (le roumain) mai bine decât noi (mieux que nous).

    Alexandru : E bine. E foarte bine. C’est bien. C’est très bien. Mirabela Dauer nous le confirme.


    Mirabela Dauer & Retro Boys — E bine, e foarte bine… (C’est bien, c’est très bien…)