Tag: grade

  • Changes in labour legislation

    Changes in labour legislation

    The government of Romania has passed a memorandum laying down the principles for revising and updating the legislative framework concerning the salaries of public sector staff.

    Ministries have 30 days to submit proposals regarding salary policies in the public system. The government plans to draw up a new law on public sector salaries within a year, and to submit it to Parliament.

    The memorandum, signed by all ministries, is a reflection of their commitment to presenting their own view of the occupational fields they coordinate, the labour minister Raluca Turcan said. She also made it clear that the document will not pave the way for pay cuts, but on the contrary, that the goal is to increase those salaries that have always been overlooked because of inequities in previous regulations.

    “Once the salary system becomes fair and public institutions become efficient in relation to citizens, the competition with the private sector will be stronger, the quality of work will improve both in the public and in the private system, and we will see better salaries both in the public and in the private sector, the labour minister added.

    Raluca Turcan also explained that the pay grade structure will be reanalysed for each occupational group, and some bonuses will be included in the core salary. Also, the bonuses that can be made flat-sum will be paid as a fix amount, while the remaining ones will not exceed 20% of the individual base salary. Base salaries should be the same for everybody, Raluca Turcan believes, because, she argues, it is unacceptable for some public sector staff to be paid according to the 2019 salary level, and others to a level only possible in 2022.

    Meanwhile, the government endorsed emergency orders that simplify working relations by digitisation and by cutting red-tape.

    One of these orders regulates the use of advanced or qualified electronic signatures, accompanied by time stamps, in signing employment contracts, in the relations between businessses and public institutions, and enables employers to purchase electronic signatures for their employees. The same order, the labour minister also explained, is designed to streamline teleworking, given that at present around 400,000 employment contracts include telework clauses, as opposed to only 50,000 last year.

    Another emergency order targets nearly 445,000 micro-enterprises in Romania, which have a maximum of 9 employees. These businesses are now no longer bound to draw up job descriptions and company regulations or to keep attendance registers, and thus the workload of business owners is reduced. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Leçon 77 – Les degrés de comparaison

    Leçon 77 – Les degrés de comparaison

    Lecţia şaptezeci şi şapte

    Dominique : Bună ziua.

    Ioana : Bună dimineaţa.

    Alexandru : Bună seara.

    Valentina : Bună.

    Bun venit, dragi prieteni.

    Ioana: Astăzi e o zi frumoasă.

    Aujourd’hui c’est une belle journée.

    Alexandru : Este o zi frumoasă pentru că (parce que) este ziua Valentinei (c’est l’anniversaire de Valentina.)

    Tous : La mulţi ani ! Bon anniversaire !

    Valentina : Mulţumesc. (Merci.)

    En son honneur, nous allons nous occuper un peu des qualités, tant des êtres et des choses que des actions. La grammaire parle, elle, d’adjectifs et d’adverbes. Un sujet que nous n’arriverons certainement pas à épuiser en un seul jour.

    Choisissons, pour commencer, quelques qualités humaines — et non seulement:

    Ioana : inteligent, inteligentă — intelligent(e)

    Un bărbat inteligent. Un homme intelligent.

    Alexandru : frumos, frumoasă — beau, belle

    O femeie frumoasă. Une belle femme.

    Valentina : simpatic, simpatică — sympathique

    Un copil simpatic. Un enfant sympathique.

    Vous avez certainement remarqué la position de l’adjectif, placé d’habitude, en roumain, après le nom.


    Certains êtres ou objets peuvent posséder ces qualités à un très haut degré. Pour les exprimer, on utilise des superlatifs, construits, en roumain aussi, à l’aide de mots qui renforcent la qualité :

    foarte — très

    Ioana : un delfin foarte inteligent

    extrem de — extrêmement

    Alexandru: un animal extrem de simpatic

    deosebit de — particulièrement

    Valentina : o floare deosebit de frumoasă

    Jusqu’ici rien de nouveau.

    Si nous comparons maintenant les êtres ou les objets, nous constaterons qu’ils possèdent certaines qualités à des degrés différents.

    Pour exprimer le degré supérieur d’une qualité, on ajoute le mot

    mai — plus

    Ioana : inteligent — intelligent

    mai inteligent — plus intelligent

    Alexandru : frumoasă — belle

    mai frumoasă — plus belle

    Valentina : simpatic — sympathique

    mai simpatic — plus sympathique

    Ioana : Un bărbat mai inteligent.

    Un homme plus intelligent.

    Alexandru : O femeie mai frumoasă.

    Une femme plus belle.

    Valentina : Un copil mai simpatic.

    Un enfant plus sympathique.

    L’adjectif garde sa place, après le nom.

    Ioana : Vreau (je veux) un dicţionar mic (un petit dictionnaire).

    Vreau un dicţionar mai mic

    Je veux un dictionnaire plus petit.

    Alexandru : Vreau o casă mare

    Je veux une grande maison.

    Vreau o casă mai mare.

    Je veux une plus grande maison.

    Valentina : Vreau o maşină bună.

    Je veux une bonne voiture.

    Vreau o maşină mai bună

    Je veux une meilleure voiture.


    Enfin, comment exprimer la qualité possédée au plus haut degré par un être ou un objet, parmi tous les autres ? Le cas est similaire au précédent, seulement il faut deux mots au lieu d’un seul.

    Ioana: inteligent — mai inteligent (plus intelligent) — cel mai inteligent (le plus intelligent)

    Alexandru: frumoasă — mai frumoasă (plus belle) — cea mai frumoasă (la plus belle)

    Pour le masculin, on dira donc

    cel mai

    pour le féminin

    cea mai

    Valentina : cel mai simpatic — cea mai simpatică

    (le ou la plus sympathique)

    Au pluriel aussi, il faut accorder, hélas.

    On aura ainsi :

    Alexandru : cei mai frumoşi — les plus beaux

    Valentina : cele mai frumoase — les plus belles

    Cele mai frumoase flori (Les plus belles fleurs) ne sont ni les pensées, ni les roses. Cele mai frumoase flori viennent au monde dans les jardins de l’amour. Nous écoutons leurs belles petites voix.


    Grup de copii — Cele mai frumoase flori

    (Groupe d’enfants — Les plus belles fleurs)