Tag: Grand Prix Nova Festival

  • The Grand Prix Nova Awards

    The Grand Prix Nova Awards

    The fourth edition of the Grand Prix Nova International
    Radio Drama and Short Forms Festival , organised under the high patronage of
    Her Royal Highness Princess Margareta of Romania, was preceded by a press
    conference chaired by Attila Vizauer, the Director of the Radio Drama
    Department of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation. 41 productions from
    around the world have already been short-listed for this year’s edition of
    Grand Prix Nova, a festival which has enjoyed a huge success and has brought
    radio drama into the focus of attention again.

    Attila Vizauer: It is a competition which will
    turn out to be very difficult for the jury. I admit, when the short-listing was
    made, apart from selecting the 41 productions running in the competition, we
    also made a pre-classification and noticed that many important productions
    would compete for the first three places this year. We have productions from
    Australia, Iran, Russia, many European and overseas productions, from Canada,
    for instance. We shouldn’t forget that last year a Canadian production won the
    first place in the ‘short forms’ section. Consequently, anything is possible
    now, the list is open.

    The Grand Prix
    Nova International Radio Drama Festival
    boasts a prestigious jury this year, too. The members of the jury are:
    Katerina Rathouska, the Director of the Radio Drama and Literature Department
    of the Czech Radio Broadcasting Corporation and a Euradio member, Vijay Sadhu,
    Senior Executive, Programming Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), Dimitri
    Plax, a Swedish artist, composer and radio drama producer and the Italian
    composer, author and performer Stefano Giannotti, who attended Grand Prix Nova for the first time in 2015.

    The 2016
    edition of Grand Prix Nova celebrates the DADA centennial by two exquisite
    shows, as Attila Vizauer has underlined: The Dada centennial has become a topic for
    radio productions. There are two very interesting productions this year.
    It is interesting how people perceive this phenomenon 100 years on, and how
    foreigners speak about the Dada phenomenon, which seems to have remained in the
    cultural memory of the Swiss or the Serbs, for instance. All this has given me the idea of
    organising, within the Grand Prix Nova Festival, a workshop devoted to the Dada
    centennial, during which we will also present two productions. One is ‘Dada Cabaret’, the title of Mihai
    Lungeanu’s script after Matei Vişniec’s play. The second production, equally
    interesting, I even dare say unique, is ‘Fuchsiada’ by Urmuz, a new type of
    writer, who wrote that genre of literature, concurrently with the Dadaists.

    Between May 31
    and June 5, the Grand Hotel Continental in Bucharest will host public auditions
    of the radio shows nominated for Grand Prix Nova. Productions from such
    countries as Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, the Czech Republic, Russia,
    Switzerland, Iran, Australia and Canada will be presented to the public on the
    competition days. At the end of this year’s edition, the Award Gala will be
    hosted by the Elisabeta Palace in Bucharest. Also, as a first in Romanian radio
    drama, scripts by the world famous director Federico Fellini will be adapted
    for radio.