Tag: Guterres

  • October 25, 2023 UPDATE

    October 25, 2023 UPDATE

    GOVERNMENT The government of
    Romania is ready to pass an emergency order on new minimum wages in
    constructions, agriculture and the food industry, PM Marcel Ciolacu announced.
    He made the statement after a meeting with trade unions and employer
    associations. Both in terms of the new minimum salary in constructions (around
    EUR 920) and of the ones in agriculture and the food industry (roughly EUR
    690), not a penny of the net wages is being cut, Marcel Ciolacu explained. On the other hand, the government drafted an order on
    reducing public sector expenditure at the end of this year.

    EU The president of
    Romania, Klaus Iohannis, takes part on Thursday and Friday in the meeting of
    the European Council and the inclusive Euro Summit meeting in Brussels, the
    Romanian presidency announced. The agenda of the European Council meeting
    includes topics like the situation in Ukraine, updating the Multi-Annual
    Financial Framework, economic issues, migration management and the EU foreign
    relations, with a focus on the situation in the Middle East, Kosovo and Serbia,
    and the developments in the Sahel region. As far as Ukraine is concerned, the
    EU leaders will also discuss the Union’s multidimensional support. President Iohannis
    will emphasise that Romania will remain a firm supporter of Ukraine and will
    plead for further support from the European bloc to that country for as long as
    necessary. Mr. Iohannis will also support opening accession negotiations with Ukraine
    and the R. of Moldova by the end of this year. At the Euro Summit, the
    participants will discuss the economic situation in the EU.

    REVOLUTION The case
    file concerning the December 1989 anti-communist uprising will be tried on its
    substance, the Bucharest Court of Appeals ruled after the magistrates dismissed
    all the objections made by the defendants. The decision is not final and may be
    challenged. The defendants in the so-called Revolution case include the
    former president Ion Iliescu, former deputy PM Gelu Voican Voiculescu and the
    retired general Iosif Rus, indicted by military prosecutors for crimes against
    humanity committed between December 22 and 30, 1989, when over 1,000 people died and some 3,000
    were wounded. Romania was the only Eastern Bloc country where the communist
    regime ended in violence and the communist leaders Nicolae and Elena Ceauşescu
    were executed.

    ARMY DAY In all military units in
    Romania and theatres of operations where Romanian troops are deployed, ceremonies
    were held on Wednesday to mark the Romanian Army Day. In Bucharest, president
    Klaus Iohannis said this is a very complicated period, with global peace and
    security threatened by regional conflicts. Europe is facing the worst crisis
    since WWII because of Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine, while the
    October 7 terrorist attack on Israel might destabilise the Middle East in the
    long run, Iohannis added. In turn, PM Marcel Ciolacu said Romania’s NATO
    membership is a guarantee that the security of Romanian citizens will never
    come under threat. The defence minister Angel Tîlvăr pointed out that the
    Romanian Army has risen to NATO standards in many respects, and added that
    earmarking 2% of GDP since 2017 and 2.5% of GDP this year to the defence sector
    enabled the implementation of ambitious procurement programmes. Meanwhile, the
    Romanian troops’ participation in UN, EU and NATO missions over the past
    decades has strengthened Romania’s security profile, Angel Tîlvăr added.

    ISRAEL Israel has demanded the resignation of the UN Secretary General, Antonio
    Guterres, over accusations of justifying terrorism and the crimes committed by
    Hamas. Guterres said in a Security Council meeting that the attacks of Hamas on
    Israel did not happen without reason. He made it clear, however, that the
    suffering of the Palestinians in what he called 56 years of suffocating
    occupation cannot justify the horrific attacks by Hamas, just as these
    attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people. On
    Wednesday, Israel accepted a request from the US to delay its invasion of Gaza
    for the time being, so that the US may bring missile defence in the region, US
    and Israeli officials announced, quoted by the Wall Street Journal. The United
    States says it will work with China to de-escalate the situation in the Middle
    East. The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said he would work with
    the Chinese foreign minister, who is travelling to Washington at the end of this
    week, to prevent the conflict from expanding. The president of France, Emmanuel
    Macron, Wednesday concluded his two-day tour to the Middle East, which included
    Egypt, Israel, the West Bank and Jordan. His message was unambiguous, calling
    for preventing a spill-over of the conflict, for freeing the hostages taken by
    the terrorist group Hamas and for aid for the Palestinians in Gaza. (AMP)

  • June 18, 2021 UPDATE

    June 18, 2021 UPDATE

    COVID-19 On Friday 70 new cases of coronavirus infection were reported in Romania, out of over 32,000 tests performed. Also, 6 deaths were reported. The number of patients in intensive care has dropped below 200. The head of the vaccination campaign in Romania, Valeriu Gheorghita, has announced that vaccination coverage at national level stands at 25% of the eligible population. 29,000 doses of vaccine have been administered in the past 24 hours, accounting for less than one-third of the number reported during peak vaccination periods. Since the start of the national vaccine roll-out, on December 27, more than 4.6 million people have been immunised in Romania, of whom 4.3 million with both doses. According to a survey by the Research Institute for Quality of Life, even if most Romanians are aware of the threat posed by the coronavirus, some 2 million are against vaccination, and 800,000 say the pandemic is not real.

    PROTEST Romanian freight carriers Friday deliberately hampered traffic on the main roads in the country. The protest came after the Transport Ministry announced that it will change the way the road fee, known as the vignette, is going to be calculated from now on, namely per kilometer and depending on pollution standards, rather than on duration, as it is now. Transport companies are also unhappy with the inspections conducted by the tax authorities, which plan to levy taxes on drivers daily allowances when traveling abroad.

    COMMEMORATION On Friday, for the first time, Romania commemorated the Day of Communist Regime Deportation Victims. Deportation under the Romanian communist regime was inspired by the Soviet gulag model. Such actions started in 1944, and targeted ethnic Germans accused of collaboration with the Nazi authorities. That was followed by the relocation of the families of land owners, factories or other commercial enterprises. The peasants who opposed collectivisation were also deported. The most tragic episode in this respect took place on June 18, 1951, when about 44,000 people on a 25 km strip on the border with Yugoslavia were deported to Bărăgan (south), in one of the most secret, quick and repressive actions ever organised by the communist authorities. After 1955, former political detainees released from prisons were sent to various localities, most of them in the Bărăgan villages already built as a result of the 1951 deportation. In 1967, the deportation of Romanian citizens was declared illegal even by the communist authorities.

    DEFICIT The European Council Friday adopted the recommendation under the excessive deficit procedure for Romania. The recommendation establishes that Romania should put an end to the excessive deficit situation by 2024 at the latest. The procedure was launched in April 2020, after Romania exceeded the 3% budget deficit ceiling in 2019. The Council said that an extension to the current deadline for Romania to correct its public deficit would be important in order not to compromise the economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic. The recommendation also says that, in order to meet the new deadline, Romania would need to achieve a general government deficit target of 8.0% of GDP in 2021, 6.2% of GDP in 2022, 4.4% of GDP in 2023, and 2.9% of GDP in 2024, which is in line with the Romanian governments objectives.

    UN The UN General Assembly Friday appointed the Portuguese António Guterres to a second 5-year term as secretary general. Guterres, 72, had been endorsed on June 8 by the UN Security Council, the most difficult stage of the selection of a new secretary general, in that it requires the consensus of the worlds major powers. The former Portuguese Socialist PM had no challengers and will begin his second term on January 1, 2022. Prior to this position with the UN, Antonio Guterres served as UN High Commissioner for Refugees for a 10-year period.

    TENNIS Horia Tecău (Romania) / Kevin Krawietz (Germany) qualified into the doubles final of the tennis tournament in Halle (Germany), ATP 500, after defeating the Belgians Sander Gille / Joran Vliegen, 7-6, 7-5. Tecău and Krawietz are playing their 3rd final this season, after having lost the ones in Rotterdam and Barcelona. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Nachrichten 13.10.2016

    Nachrichten 13.10.2016

    Das rumänische Außenministerium hat angekündigt, dass der in Nigeria, am 10. Oktober, entführte Rumäne freigelassen worden ist. Das Auswärtige Amt betont die feste Empfehlung an die rumänischen Staatsbürger, die sich in Konfliktzonen oder Bereichen mit hohen Sicherheitsrisiken aufhalten, mit der nächsten diplomatischen Mission Rumäniens in Kontakt zu treten, um ihre Präsenz in der Region zu melden. Somit können sie sich bestmöglich der Konsularassistenz und des Konsularschutzes erfreuen. Laut der nigerianischen Polizei wurde der Rumäne am Montag von bewaffneten Männern im Bundesstaat Delta, im Süden Nigerias, entführt. In der Region gab es mehrere Angriffe von Militanten gegen Erdöl- und Erdgas-Anlagen. Die Militanten wollen einen größeren Teil vom Erdöl-Gewinn für den Bundesstaat Delta bekommen.

    Der rumänische Außenminister, Lazăr Comănescu beteiligt sich bis Freitag in Bangkok am 21. Ministertreffen zwischen der Europäischen Union und dem Verband Südostasiatischer Nationen (ASEAN). Der rumänische Chefdiplomat, der ab Dienstag eine 4-tägige Asien-Tour unternimmt, war am Mittwoch in Jakarta mit dem seinem indonesischen Gegenüber Retno L.P.Marsudi zusammengekommen. Die zwei Würdenträger waren bei der Unterzeichnung eines Memorandums zwischen den Handelskammern der zwei Länder anwesend. Lazăr Comănescu vereinbarte mit dem indonesichen Handelsminister Enggartiasto Lukita, dass die rumänischen und indonesischen Unternehmen ermuntert werden sollten, an Aktionen zur Förderung der Wirtschaft teilzunehmen. Bei den Gesprächen mit Transportminister Budi Karya Sumadi betonte Außenminister Lazăr Comănescu die Fähigkeit Rumäniens, eine maritime Verbindung zwischen Europa und Indonesien zu ermöglichen.

    Der rumänische Staatspräsident Klaus Iohannis hat am Donnerstag bekanntgegben, er werde dem am Vortag eingereichten Antrag der Antikorruptionsbehörde zur Einleitung der Strafverfolgung in einem neuen Verfahren gegen den ehemaligen Innenminister Gabriel Oprea stattgeben. Gabriel Oprea hatte sein Mandat als Senator mit Wirkung ab 1. Oktober niedergelegt. Der ehemalige Vizepremier und Innenminister Gabriel Oprea wird der fahrlässigen Tötung beschuldigt. In Oktober 2015 war ein Motorradfahrer aus der Polizeieskorte Opreas ums Leben gekommen. Die Antikorruptionsbehörde leitete die Untersuchung ein, die beweist, dass Oprea im Jahre 2015 1600 Mal die Polizeieskorte benutzt habe. Laut Staatanwälten sei die Reise, bei welcher der Polizist Bogdan Gigina ums Leben gekommen war, zum persönlichen Interesse Gabriel Opreas gewesen, und Oprea hätte kein Recht auf Polizeieskorte gehabt.

    Ein Viertel aller Investitionen der Rumänischen Regierung im Zeitraum 2007-2013 sind der Kohäsionspolitik der Europäischen Union zu verdanken. Dies verlautet aus einer unabhängigen Bewertung, die von der Europäischen Kommission veröffentlicht wurde. Rund 15 einhalb Milliarden Euro wurden in Verkehrsvorhaben, in Unterstützungsprogramme der Gesellschaften, in Forschungsprojekte und Umweltschutz durch den Europäischen Fonds für Regionalentwicklung investiert. Darüber hinaus hat die Kohäsionspolitik im besagten Zeitraum zur Schaffung von 35.000 Arbietsplätzen beigetragen. Europaweit wurden durch diese Programme 2007—2013, eine Million Arbeitsplätze geschaffen.

    Die UN-Vollversammlung hat António Guterres offiziell zum nächsten UN-Generalsekretär bestimmt. Das Gremium aus allen 193 Mitgliedstaaten bestätigte am Donnerstag in New York per Akklamation die Entscheidung des UN-Sicherheitsrats, der den ehemaligen UN-Flüchtlingskommissar vergangene Woche einstimmig nominiert hatte. Der ehemalige portugiesische Regierungschef tritt das Amt am 1. Januar an, sein Mandat gilt zunächst für fünf Jahre. Er wird sich unter anderem mit dem Bürgerkrieg in Syrien sowie den Konflikten im Jemen und im Südsudan auseinandersetzen müssen. Guterres löst den Südkoreaner Ban Ki Moon ab, der zehn Jahre an der Spitze der UNO gestanden hatte.

    Der diesjährige Literaturnobelpreis geht an die US-Rockikone Bob Dylan. Der 75-Jährige werde für die Schaffung neuer poetischer Ausdrucksformen in der großen Tradition der amerikanischen Musik geehrt, erklärte die Sprecherin der Schwedischen Akademie, Sara Danius, am Donnerstag in Stockholm. Dylan, der bereits mehrfach für die Auszeichnung im Gespräch war, gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Musiker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Die Ankündigung der Akademiesprecherin wurde mit Raunen und dann lang anhaltendem Applaus der anwesenden Journalisten aufgenommen. Zwar war Dylan in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder als Kandidat genannt worden, doch hatte niemand wirklich mit der Auszeichnung gerechnet: Es ist schließlich das erste Mal, dass ein Musiker den Literaturnobelpreis erhält.