Tag: Hadi Faour

  • Hadi Faour of Israel

    Hadi Faour of Israel

    Instead of a university from Tel Aviv or Haifa, Hadi Faour he chose the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacology in Oradea, in north-western Romania. Hadi is enchanted with Romania, a country, which, he says, is very well known in Israel.

    Hadi Faour: “Many people from my country actually come to Romania to study medicine; a family friend suggested to me that I go to Romania and see how it is. I came to Romania, I tried in many universities and I got accepted into a few and after a while I picked to study in Oradea. It was a little hard of course coming to a new country but I met many people like me coming from different countries and studying medicine so that made it easier. And Romanians were welcoming and that helped me a lot, actually.”

    One of the reasons frequently cited by young people from abroad who come to study in Romania are the fees, which can be much lower than in the West. Also, Romania has a good tradition when it comes to medicine.

    Hadi Faour tells us about the differences between the education system in Romania and that in Israel: “At first, when I thought about studying medicine I also thought about studying in my country but in my country we had an age limit which was 21 and when I started I was 20. Also, we have fewer places in the country for studying medicine.”

    Since he arrived in Romania six years ago, Hadi Faour has had a lot of contact with Romanians and is impressed with the people he has met here. Hadi Faour: “They are very welcoming and the country is beautiful. There are many places to see. I visited many places as well: Brasov, Bucharest, Cluj, Timisoara, Arad, Maramures. Every time I visit a city I see something new, something different than in other cities. If I had the chance to visit a place one more time I would definitely visit the Carpathian Mountains and Maramures. It was a great experience for me studying here and getting to know people and getting involved actually in activities in society. We have organised a foreign students organisation here in Oradea, we have organised a cultural festival which was attended by over 1,000 locals from Oradea.”

    Hadi Faour has some advice for all those who are considering choosing Romania for their studies: “I suggest people to come to study in Romania because it’s known for teaching medicine. It’s a great country with very kind people.”

  • Medizinstudent aus Israel: Auslandsstudium in Rumänien ist vorteilhaft

    Medizinstudent aus Israel: Auslandsstudium in Rumänien ist vorteilhaft

    Als er sich vor sechs Jahren für ein Studium der Medizin entschied, suchte sich Hadi Faour keine Universität in Tel Aviv oder Haifa, sondern eine in Rumänien aus. Er bewarb sich also um einen Studienplatz an der Universität im westrumänischen Oradea (dt. Gro‎ßwardein). Zu seiner Wahlheimat hegt er eine gro‎ße Zuneigung:

    Viele meiner Landsleute studieren Medizin in Rumänien. Rumänien ist allerdings sehr bekannt in meinem Heimatland. Ein Freund von mir hatte auf ein Auslandstudium in Rumänien hingedeutet und ich fand die Idee ganz toll. Ich habe mich letztendlich für Oradea entschieden. Es war nicht einfach, in ein anderes Land zu ziehen, aber in Rumänien habe ich viele Freundschaften mit anderen ausländischen Studenten geknüpft. Die Rumänen, die ich kennengelernt habe, waren ebenfalls sehr gastfreundlich und das war sehr hilfreich.“

    Die Studiengebühren spielten auch eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entscheidung für ein Auslandsstudium in Rumänien, sagt Hadi Faour. Die rumänischen Universitäten bieten niedrigere Studiengebühren als westeuropäische Universitäten. In Rumänien besteht zudem eine langjährige Tradition des Medizinstudiums. Wie sich das rumänische Bildungssystem von dem israelischen unterscheidet, erläutert unser Gesprächspartner:

    Am Anfang dachte ich, warum nicht in meinem eigenen Land studieren? In Israel gibt es aber ein Höchstalter für einen Studiumbeginn, das bei 21 Jahren liegt. Darin unterscheiden sich zum einen die zwei Bildungssysteme, nicht zuletzt auch dadurch, dass es in den israelischen Universitäten wenige Medizin-Studienplätze gibt.“

    Seitdem er in Rumänien lebt, ist er auf viele und unterschiedliche Menschen gesto‎ßen, von den meisten von ihnen sei er positiv beeindruckt worden, sagt Hadi Faour:

    Die Rumänen sind sehr gastfreundlich und das Land ist wunderschön. Es gibt hier so viele Städte, die einen Besuch wert sind: Braşov, Bukarest, Cluj, Timişoara, Arad, dasselbe kann man über die Region Maramuresch sagen. Jede Stadt hat mich in einer unterschiedlichen Weise beeindruckt. Wenn sich die Gelegenheit ergibt, einen Ort erneut zu besuchen, würde ich mich für die Karpaten oder für die Maramuresch entscheiden. Das war eine wunderbare Erfahrung, nach Rumänien zu kommen und mich hier auch sozial zu engagieren. Ich habe in Oradea einen Verband ausländischer Studenten gegründet und ein Kulturfestival organisiert. Mehr als 1.000 Einwohner haben sich daran beteiligt.“

    Aufgrund seiner Erfahrung würde Hadi Faour allen Jugendlichen empfehlen, sich für ein Studium in Rumänien zu entscheiden:

    Ein Studium der Medizin in Rumänien ist meiner Ansicht nach empfehlenswert, denn in Rumänien besteht bekanntlich eine langjährige Tradition in diesem Bereich. Rumänien ist zudem ein tolles Land mit tollen Menschen. Wem sich für ein Auslandsstudium in Rumänien entscheidet, möchte ich zudem empfehlen, die Landessprache zu lernen. Selbst wenn man als Ausländer in Rumänien auf Englisch studieren kann, finde ich es sehr sinnvoll und nützlich, Rumänisch zu lernen. Das öffnet einem viele Türen. Im Medizinbereich werden natürlich viele Tagungen und Kongresse in rumänischer Sprache organisiert und als Auslandsstudent in Rumänien kann man auf dieser Art und Weise so vieles erfahren.“

  • Hadi Faour, Medicină, Israel

    Hadi Faour, Medicină, Israel

    Se numeşte Hadi
    Faour, este din Israel şi a venit acum şase în România să studieze Medicina. În
    loc să aleagă o universitate din Tel Aviv sau Haifa s-a îndreptat spre
    nord-vestul României, către centrul universitar Oradea. Hadi vorbeşte cu
    bucurie, dar şi cu încântare despre ţara care-l găzduieşte în prezent, amintind
    că România este foarte cunoscută în Israel. Mulţi oameni din ţara mea vin să studieze Medicina
    aici. Unul dintre prieteni mi-a sugerat să merg în România şi să văd cum e. Am
    venit şi m-am înscris la multe universităţi şi am fost acceptat la câteva. În cele din urmă, am ales să studiez în
    Oradea. A fost puţin mai greu să mă mut într-o altă ţară, dar am întâlnit mulţi
    colegi asemenea mie, venind din diferite ţări ca să studieze medicina. Astfel,
    mi-a fost mai uşor. Românii au fost, de
    asemenea, primitori, iar asta m-a ajutat mult.

    Un motiv des
    invocat de studenţii care vin să studieze în România este taxa de studiu. În
    funcţie de universitatea aleasă, aceasta poate fi mult mai mică decât la
    universităţile din Occident. De asemenea, în cazul Medicinii, România are o
    adevărată tradiţie. Cu ce este însă diferit sistemul românesc de învăţământ de
    cel din Israel? Aflăm de la Hadi Faour, student la Facultatea de Medicină şi
    Farmacie din Oradea. La
    început, când m-am gândit să studiez Medicina, m-am gândit să învăţ în ţara
    mea. Însă în ţara mea există o limită de vârstă de 21 de ani. Când am început,
    eu aveam 20 de ani. Acesta este unul dintre lucrurile diferite. De asemenea,
    avem mai puţine locuri în Israel pentru studiul Medicinii.

    Este în România de
    şase ani şi a întâlnit tot felul de oameni. Însă, în general, e foarte impresionat de oamenii de aici. Hadi
    Faour. Sunt foarte
    ospitalieri. Ţara este şi ea frumoasă. Sunt foarte multe locuri de văzut. Am
    vizitat multe zone: Braşov, Bucureşti, Cluj, Timişoara, Arad, Maramureş. În fiecare oraş, am văzut mereu ceva nou.
    Dacă aş avea ocazia să revizitez un loc, aş revizita Munţii Carpaţi şi
    Maramureş. A fost o experienţă grozavă
    pentru mine să ajung aici, să cunosc oamenii şi să mă implic în diferite
    activităţi în societate. Am înfiinţat o organizaţie a studenţilor străini în
    Oradea. De asemenea, am organizat un festival cultural, la care au participat
    peste 1.000 de localnici din Oradea.

    Hadi Faour, student la Facultatea de Medicină şi
    Farmacie din Oradea, are o recomandare pentru cei care se gândesc să aleagă
    România pentru studiu. Îndemn oamenii să vină şi să studieze în România, fiindcă este recunoscută
    pentru studiul Medicinii. E o ţară
    grozavă, cu oameni foarte buni. Celor care vin să studieze aici le recomand să
    înveţe limba română. Chiar dacă se susţin în limba engleză cursurile, e util să
    cunoşti limba. Se vor deschide multe uşi. De exemplu, în domeniu, există mereu
    conferinţe medicale, congrese, în limba română. E important să cunoşti limba,
    pentru a afla cât mai multe informaţii.

  • Hadi Faour of Israel

    Hadi Faour of Israel

    Our interlocutor today is called Hadi Faour and comes from Israel. He arrived in Romania six years ago to study medicine. Instead of a university from Tel Aviv or Haifa, he chose the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacology in Oradea, in north-western Romania. Hadi is enchanted with Romania, a country, which, he says, is very well known in Israel.

    Hadi Faour: “Many people from my country actually come to Romania to study medicine; a family friend suggested to me that I go to Romania and see how it is. I came to Romania, I tried in many universities and I got accepted into a few and after a while I picked to study in Oradea. It was a little hard of course coming to a new country but I met many people like me coming from different countries and studying medicine so that made it easier. And Romanians were welcoming and that helped me a lot, actually.

    One of the reasons frequently cited by young people from abroad who come to study in Romania are the fees, which can be much lower than in the West. Also, Romania has a good tradition when it comes to medicine.

    We asked Hadi Faour about the differences between the education system in Romania and that in Israel: “At first, when I thought about studying medicine I also thought about studying in my country but in my country we had an age limit which was 21 and when I started I was 20. Also, we have fewer places in the country for studying medicine.

    Since he arrived in Romania six years ago, Hadi Faour has had a lot of contact with Romanians and is impressed with the people he has met here. Hadi Faour: “They are very welcoming and the country is beautiful. There are many places to see. I visited many places as well: Brasov, Bucharest, Cluj, Timisoara, Arad, Maramures. Every time I visit a city I see something new, something different than in other cities. If I had the chance to visit a place one more time I would definitely visit the Carpathian Mountains and Maramures. It was a great experience for me studying here and getting to know people and getting involved actually in activities in society. We have organised a foreign students organisation here in Oradea, we have organised a cultural festival which was attended by over 1,000 locals from Oradea.

    Hadi Faour has some advice for all those who are considering choosing Romania for their studies: “I suggest people to come to study in Romania because its known for teaching medicine. Its a great country with very kind people.

    That was Hadi Faour, who came from Israel six years ago to study medicine in Romania.