Tag: Hagi

  • March 12, 2025

    March 12, 2025

    CCR – The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), a sovereigntist opposition party in Romania’s Parliament, has described as abusive the Constitutional Court’s decision to invalidate the candidacy of the extremist Călin Georgescu in the presidential election. At the same time, the party announced that it would go on a parliamentary strike starting on Wednesday, along with the other sovereigntist parties. The Constitutional Court (CCR) confirmed on Tuesday the decision by which the Central Electoral Bureau rejected Călin Georgescu’s candidacy in the May presidential election. In December, the CCR had annulled the presidential election on the grounds that the electoral process had been flawed in his favor. The Social-Democratic Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu stated that the unanimous decision of the Constitutional Court judges regarding Călin Georgescu’s candidacy closes an extremely tense and dangerous episode that Romania has experienced in recent months.


    MAE – The Romanian Foreign Ministry considers that the latest statement by the spokesman for the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, regarding the presidential election in Romania is unacceptable. Dmitri Peskov stated that the May election without the candidacy of Călin Georgescu would have no legitimacy and that Romania chose the path of defying democracy. The Romanian Foreign Ministry responded that Russia had not had free elections for almost 20 years and that an aggressor state could not give lessons of democracy. Romania does not accept foreign interference, the MAE also writes in a statement.


    Foot-and-mouth-disease – The National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) in Bucharest has banned the transport of livestock, fodder, straw, compost and manure from Hungary to Romania, due to a confirmed outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease on a farm in Hungary, near the border with Slovakia. The ANSVSA has also imposed restrictions on animal products such as meat, milk and dairy products from the two countries. On Tuesday, the National Sanitary Veterinary Authority organized an emergency meeting with dairy farmers to discuss the necessary measures to protect Romanian farms. A few days ago, Germany also announced its first outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in 36 years, on a farm near Berlin. Foot-and-mouth disease, which is highly contagious, is one of the most serious viral infections that can affect the livestock industry.


    Award – Romania’s interim president Ilie Bolojan on Wednesday decorated former international footballer Gheorghe Hagi with the National Order ‘The Star of Romania’. According to the Presidential Administration, the highest distinction of the Romanian state, the National Order ‘The Star of Romania in the rank of Knight’ is awarded to him in sign of recognition and appreciation for his entire sporting career, as well as for his active involvement in the popularization of football. Gheorghe Hagi is a role model and a source of inspiration for all generations, the cited source also states. Born in 1965, Hagi played for the Romanian national team at three world championships in 1990, 1994 (where he was appointed to the World Cup All-Star Team) and 1998, and at three European Championships, in 1984, 1996 and 2000. He was selected 125 times for Romania, second only to Dorinel Munteanu, and is the top scorer (along with Adrian Mutu), with 35 goals. As a player at Steaua Bucharest, he has three championship titles, three Romanian cups, and the European Super Cup in 1987, when, in Monte Carlo, he scored the goal from a free kick that gave the Romanians a 1-0 victory over the Soviets at the time, Dinamo Kiev. With Galatasaray Istanbul, he won 4 championship titles, 2 cups and two Turkish Super Cups, and in 2000 he led the team to win the UEFA Cup and, with Romanian Mircea Lucescu on the bench, the European Super Cup, performances unmatched in the history of Turkish football. After retiring from the pitch, he became a coach and founded the Viitorul (today Farul) Constanța club, with which he won the Romanian championship twice.


    Commission – The plenum of Romania’s Parliament has unanimously decided to establish a special joint commission of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate to combat human trafficking. The aim of the initiative is to raise society’s awareness about the existence of human trafficking, and especially to adopt urgent measures to combat this scourge. The objectives of the Commission include analyzing the causes that favor human trafficking, including labor exploitation, sexual exploitation or trafficking of minors, as well as analyzing the activity of central and local public administration institutions and authorities in preventing, identifying, investigating and solving human trafficking. The commission will operate until the end of the current legislature, in 2028. According to the authorities, last year 610 victims of human trafficking were registered, and 152 people were convicted for involvement in this type of criminal act. (LS)

  • România, calificată la Europenele de fotbal

    România, calificată la Europenele de fotbal

    Naţionala de
    fotbal a României revine în elita continentală odată cu calificarea la Euro
    2024 din Germania. Performanţa a fost obţinută, sâmbătă, în Ungaria, după
    victoria cu 2-1 contra Israelului, echipă nevoită să-şi dispute în străinătate
    meciurile programate pe teren propriu, din cauza situaţiei de securitate.
    Tricolorilor le-ar fi fost suficient un rezultat de egalitate pentru a-şi
    atinge obiectivul, dar au câştigat, deşi au fost conduşi încă din primele
    minute ale partidei. Golurile au fost marcate de Puşcaş şi Hagi, primul
    criticat mai mereu pentru ineficienţă, al doilea menajat de majoritatea presei
    sportive, în ciuda evoluţiilor neconvingătoare, pentru că este fiul tatălui

    Este meritul selecţionerului Edward Iordănescu că a reuşit să creeze un
    grup solid, chiar extraordinar, după cum el însuşi l-a caracterizat, dintr-o
    generaţie în care nimeni n-a avut mare încredere.

    Este o bucurie fantastică,
    mă încearcă un sentiment de mândrie, pentru că antrenez un grup extraordinar.
    Sunt jucători în care am crezut din prima clipă, niciodată nu am încetat să
    cred în ei. Toţi merită felicitaţi, şi cei de aici şi cei care şi-au adus
    contribuţia pe parcurs. E un privilegiu să antrenezi jucători cu asemenea
    caracter. E un moment frumos. Calificarea s-a obţinut matematic acum, dar ea
    s-a obţinut cu eforturi şi cu fiecare picătură de sudoare pe care au lăsat-o
    aceşti jucători pentru echipa naţională. Suntem mândri că vom fi la EURO
    , a
    spus tehnicianul.

    Fiu, şi el, al unui fost mare jucător şi antrenor al
    naţionalei, Edi Iordănescu nu a fost ocrotit de numele pe care-l poartă, dar a
    demonstrat că e puternic, răspunzand criticilor, transformate uneori în atacuri
    nedemne, cu rezultate. El a mulţumit, de altfel, celor care au crezut în acest
    grup, precum şi celor sceptici şi s-a declarat încrezător că naţionala poate să
    facă o figură foarte frumoasă şi la turneul final.

    Căpitanul echipei naţionale
    de fotbal a României, Nicolae Stanciu, i-a chemat pe suporteri să vină în număr
    cât mai mare la turneul final din Germania pentru a susţine formaţia pregătită
    de Edward Iordănescu.

    Ne bucurăm, pentru că a fost o campanie grea, în care am
    luptat, am sacrificat tot ce am făcut, tot ceea ce trebuia pentru echipă; este vorba
    despre forţa grupului. Nu sunt individualităţi, toţi ne punem în slujba
    echipei, doar aşa poţi avea rezultate. Şi îmi doresc din suflet ca odată cu
    această calificare să facem o figură frumoasă la EURO şi să vină şi alte calificări
    pentru echipa naţională
    , a mai spus Stanciu.

    Fără înfrângere în 9 meciuri
    jucate, România conduce grupa de calificare şi poate râmâne pe prima poziţie
    dacă nu pierde cu Elveţia, marea favorită la startul preliminariilor, calificată
    la rândul ei, marţi, pe Arena Naţională din Bucureşti. România va fi pentru a
    şasea oară la turneul final al Campionatului European, după ediţiile din 1984,
    1996, 2000, 2008 şi 2016.

  • A brief look at the upcoming international football matches with Romanian participation

    A brief look at the upcoming international football matches with Romanian participation

    Three Romanian football sides are to take on their opponents in the
    return matches of the third preliminary round of the European competition known
    as Conference League.

    Starting 19 hours, local time on Wednesday, Romania’s champions, Farul
    Constanţa, will be up against Flora Tallinn of Estonia. The team coached by
    former football legend Gheorghe Hagi secured a 3-0 win through the goals scored
    by Denis Alibec, Constantin Budescu and Portuguese Diogo Queiros, so they stand
    good chances to qualify for the play-offs. If they beat Flora, the Romanians
    will be up against the loser of the match pitching the Azerbaijani eleven
    Qarabag and the Finns from HJK Helsinki, who are playing in the second
    continental competition, Europa League. Qarabag secured a 2-1 win in the first

    The holder of Romania’s Cup, Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe will be taking on the
    vice-champions of Kazakhstan, Aktobe in an away game on Thursday. The match
    will be broadcast at 18 hours, Romania’s time. The first game ended in a draw, one-all.
    Brazilian Elder Santana put Aktobe in the lead in the 65th minute,
    but Sepsi leveled the scoring through Roland Varga one minute from time. The
    side to win the return game will meet in the play-off the winner of the match
    pitching the Norwegian side Bodø/Glimt against the Armenians from Pyunik Yerevan.
    The first match went to the Norwegians 3-0.

    At 20 hours Bucharest time, Romanian football side FCSB will be playing
    Danish team Nordsjælland in an away match. The first game in Bucharest a week
    ago ended in a goaless draw. Although without a man on the ground for more than
    a half an hour, the visitors managed to prevent the hosts from scoring in the
    match in Bucharest. The Romanians hope to do this in the away game and if they
    win they will meet the winner of the match opposing Azerbaijani side Sabah to
    FK Partizan of Belgrade. Sabah won the first match 2-0.


  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    All Romanian football sides but one are currently
    on holiday. The country’s national eleven is presently training for the
    upcoming matches in the preliminaries of EURO 2024. The domestic season is over
    now with Farul Constanta as champions. We recall the club is owned by the man
    who has been considered the best Romanian footballer ever Gheorghe Hagi, who is
    also the team’s headcoach.

    It has been an extraordinary year for Farul,
    which topped the national championship from the beginning to end. Farul’s main
    challenger proved to be the Bucharest legend FCSB, formerly known as Steaua, but
    the last head-to-head game went to Farul 3-2, which eventually reaped the trophy.

    Farul will be next playing in the Champions
    League’s preliminaries, while the runner up FCSB, CFR Cluj, the side on the
    third place, and Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe, winner of Romania’s Cup are going into
    qualifiers for the Conference League.

    Tie matches were played for the position
    currently occupied by CFR. FCU Craiova first took on FC Voluntari, which they
    defeat in the penalty shootout and were eventually up against CFR Cluj in a
    decisive game for Conference League. CFR eventually secured a 1-0 win the in
    the injury time.

    Politehnica Iaşi, Oţelul Galaţi and Dinamo
    Bucureşti have joined Romania’s first football league this season. Dinamo
    Bucharest played two tie matches against FC Arges. Dinamo won the first match
    6-1 and lost their second 2-4. The other game for a place in the first football
    division pitched UTA Arad against Gloria Buzau. UTA won on aggregate after a
    goaless draw in the first match and 5-1 win in the second. CS Mioveni, Chindia
    Târgovişte and FC Argeş have been demoted to the second football league.

    In their qualifying matches for EURO 2024, our
    footballers will first take on Kosovo in Pristina, on June 16, then fly to
    Lucerne in Switzerland for a game against the local representative three days
    later. After the victories in March against Andorra and Belarus our footballers
    are ranking second in Group One with the same number of points as Switzerland.


  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    All Romanian football sides but one are currently
    on holiday. The country’s national eleven is presently training for the
    upcoming matches in the preliminaries of EURO 2024. The domestic season is over
    now with Farul Constanta as champions. We recall the club is owned by the man
    who has been considered the best Romanian footballer ever Gheorghe Hagi, who is
    also the team’s headcoach.

    It has been an extraordinary year for Farul,
    which topped the national championship from the beginning to end. Farul’s main
    challenger proved to be the Bucharest legend FCSB, formerly known as Steaua, but
    the last head-to-head game went to Farul 3-2, which eventually reaped the trophy.

    Farul will be next playing in the Champions
    League’s preliminaries, while the runner up FCSB, CFR Cluj, the side on the
    third place, and Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe, winner of Romania’s Cup are going into
    qualifiers for the Conference League.

    Tie matches were played for the position
    currently occupied by CFR. FCU Craiova first took on FC Voluntari, which they
    defeat in the penalty shootout and were eventually up against CFR Cluj in a
    decisive game for Conference League. CFR eventually secured a 1-0 win the in
    the injury time.

    Politehnica Iaşi, Oţelul Galaţi and Dinamo
    Bucureşti have joined Romania’s first football league this season. Dinamo
    Bucharest played two tie matches against FC Arges. Dinamo won the first match
    6-1 and lost their second 2-4. The other game for a place in the first football
    division pitched UTA Arad against Gloria Buzau. UTA won on aggregate after a
    goaless draw in the first match and 5-1 win in the second. CS Mioveni, Chindia
    Târgovişte and FC Argeş have been demoted to the second football league.

    In their qualifying matches for EURO 2024, our
    footballers will first take on Kosovo in Pristina, on June 16, then fly to
    Lucerne in Switzerland for a game against the local representative three days
    later. After the victories in March against Andorra and Belarus our footballers
    are ranking second in Group One with the same number of points as Switzerland.


  • Muzeul Fotbalului

    Muzeul Fotbalului

    Dăm fluierul de start. Pregătiți-vă
    de o călătorie interactivă prin istoria fotbalului! Așa își întâmpină
    vizitatorii primul muzeu al fotbalului din Europa de Est, situat în Centrul
    Vechi al Bucureștiului într-o clădire istorică de 1.500 mp, restaurată complet.
    Veți putea descoperi lucruri uimitoare în strânsă legătură cu fenomenul
    fotbalului, cum ar fi evoluția mingii de fotbal din 1930 până în prezent,
    istoria arbitrilor, dar și tricouri și alte lucruri care au aparținut marilor
    legende românești și internaționale. Muzeul Fotbalului a fost o inițiativă care
    a prins contur acum mai bine de doi ani, spune Bogdan Popescu, unul dintre

    Efortul a fost destul de mare până l-am deschis. N-a
    durat mult și a venit și Noaptea Muzeelor peste noi. Anul acesta, a fost prima
    dată când am participat. Am fost ambițioși să fim foarte, foarte bine
    pregătiți, iar publicul ne-a răspândit pe măsură. Am avut aproape 3000 de
    vizitatori. Am făcut o filmare cu drona, iar coada la intrare părea lungă, dar
    se mergea repede. În schimb, vizitatorii au fost mulți. Am avut un flux
    constant, mult peste ce, în mod normal, avem în muzeu.

    Este un muzeu certificat
    de către Ministerul Culturii și respectă toate reglementările în acest sens,
    spune Bogdan Popescu.

    Muzeul este găzduit de o clădire care, de afară, nu pare atât de mare.
    E o fațadă mică, dar clădirea e în lung și e înaltă, pe opt niveluri. Astfel,
    practic, parterul e dedicat serviciilor pentru vizitatori: vestiar în care pot
    lăsa rucsacul, cafenea, restaurant și magazin de suveniruri. Apoi, începând de
    la etajul unu, pe cinci niveluri, ești așteptat cu muzeul permanent. Nu e
    dedicat fotbalului românesc, ci fotbalulului internațional, dar are și un
    accent românesc. Începe cu o cameră dedicată fotbalului românesc, după care facem
    un pic de schimbare de registru, cu o cameră de experiență imersivă, cu multe
    ecrane, un clip video foarte interesant. Cele mai frumoase obiecte pe care le
    avem sunt expuse în acea cameră. Ne întoarcem, apoi, la colecția din fotbalul
    internațional, la camera internațională. Continuăm cu o cameră interactivă în
    care vizitatorii au diverse surprize, pot interacționa, se pot juca, pot
    comenta un fragment de meci. Iar ultimul spațiu este dedicat practicării
    fotbalului. Toată lumea spune că e ușor să fii fotbalist acolo. Îți dăm ocazia
    să vezi dacă e sau nu ușor.

    La plecare, vizitatorii
    spun că au văzut un muzeu modern, la standard vest-european. Practic, asta
    și-au dorit fondatorii încă de când au avut ideea înființării acestui muzeu. Însă
    există vreun exponat-vedetă? Bogdan Popescu, unul dintre cei doi fondatori
    spune că fiecare turist va găsi ceva emoționant în colecții, în funcție de
    echipa de fotbal cu care ține.

    Ceea ce a atras atenția
    oamenilor și exponatul de care eu sunt mândru sunt mănușile portarului Helmut
    Duckadam, purtate în finala din Sevilia, din 1986, pe care am reușit recent să
    le repatriem. Totodată, avem trofeul Superligii. Recent, a fost un meci super,
    pe care echipa Farul Constanța l-a câștigat. Și-a asigurat campionatul anul
    acesta, iar trofeul rămâne permanent în muzeu, iar oamenii au ocazia de a-l
    vedea. Avem mai multe tricouri purtate de Hagi, Gică Popescu, Lăcătuș, Dobrin,
    Maradona și alții. Practic, nu cred că există un exponat vedetă. Întreg muzeul
    merită văzut.

    În data de 1 iunie, toți
    copiii cu vârsta mai mică de 14 ani au accesul gratuit. Aceștia se vor putea
    distra în camerele cu comori din lumea fotbalului și vor avea parte de experiențe

  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    Farul Constanţa is Romania’s new football
    champion. The team coached by Gheorghe Hagi has claimed the title a leg before
    the end of the championships’ play-off stage, with a 3-2 home win against FCSB,
    and put a distance of four points between them and the runner-up. Also in the last but one leg, CFR Cluj
    clinched a 2-1 win against Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe. Rapid Bucharest will be up
    against Universitatea Craiova on Monday.

    On Friday Universitatea Cluj secured a 2-1 away
    win against Hermannstadt and FC Arges a 3-0 home win against Petrolul Ploiesti.
    Chindia Targoviste versus FC FC Voluntari ended in a draw, two-all. UTA also
    drew their game against FCU Craiova, one-all. On Saturday, FC Botosani trounced
    FC Mioveni 5-1 and the latter demoted to the second football league. And so did
    Chindia Targoviste. Two sides have advanced to the first league; they are Poli
    Iasi and Otelul Galati, from eastern Romania. UTA and FC Argeş will go into the
    play-offs with the sides on the fourth and fifth positions in the second
    league. FC Arges will be up against Dinamo Bucharest and UTA takes on Gloria

    Romanian athletes have obtained good results in
    the first matches of the World Table Tennis Championships underway in Durban, South
    Africa. In the women’s singles, Andreea Dragoman has outperformed Szu-Yu Chen
    of Taiwan and Adina Diaconu defeated Goi Rui Xuan, of Singapore. In the men’s
    contest Eduard Ionescu lost to Simon Gauzy of France. Ovidiu Ionescu and
    Spanish Alvaro Robles have qualified for the round of 32 of the doubles contest
    without playing after the pair made up of Ramon Maxwell and Tyrese Knight, of Barbados
    didn’t show up. In the women’s doubles contest, Romanians Andreea Dragoman and Elizabeta
    Samara have qualified for the round of 32 after a win against the South African
    pair made up of Musfiquh Kalam and Lailaa Edwards.

    The Romanian- Spanish pair Adina Diaconu / Maria
    Xiao has also qualified after a win against Charlotte Lutz and Audrey Zarif of
    France. In the mixed-doubles, Ovidiu Ionescu and Bernadette Szőcs have qualified
    for the same round of 32 after a win against Ibrahim Gunduz and Sibel Altinkaya
    of Turkey.

    Unfortunately, Eduard Ionescu and Adina Diaconu
    lost to Simon Gauzy and Prithika Pavade of France. The latest medal obtained by
    a Romanian in the aforementioned competition was when Ovidiu Ionescu, world vice
    champion in the men’s doubles teamed up with Spanish Alvaro Robles in Budapest
    in 2019.


  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    Farul Constanţa is Romania’s new football
    champion. The team coached by Gheorghe Hagi has claimed the title a leg before
    the end of the championships’ play-off stage, with a 3-2 home win against FCSB,
    and put a distance of four points between them and the runner-up. Also in the last but one leg, CFR Cluj
    clinched a 2-1 win against Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe. Rapid Bucharest will be up
    against Universitatea Craiova on Monday.

    On Friday Universitatea Cluj secured a 2-1 away
    win against Hermannstadt and FC Arges a 3-0 home win against Petrolul Ploiesti.
    Chindia Targoviste versus FC FC Voluntari ended in a draw, two-all. UTA also
    drew their game against FCU Craiova, one-all. On Saturday, FC Botosani trounced
    FC Mioveni 5-1 and the latter demoted to the second football league. And so did
    Chindia Targoviste. Two sides have advanced to the first league; they are Poli
    Iasi and Otelul Galati, from eastern Romania. UTA and FC Argeş will go into the
    play-offs with the sides on the fourth and fifth positions in the second
    league. FC Arges will be up against Dinamo Bucharest and UTA takes on Gloria

    Romanian athletes have obtained good results in
    the first matches of the World Table Tennis Championships underway in Durban, South
    Africa. In the women’s singles, Andreea Dragoman has outperformed Szu-Yu Chen
    of Taiwan and Adina Diaconu defeated Goi Rui Xuan, of Singapore. In the men’s
    contest Eduard Ionescu lost to Simon Gauzy of France. Ovidiu Ionescu and
    Spanish Alvaro Robles have qualified for the round of 32 of the doubles contest
    without playing after the pair made up of Ramon Maxwell and Tyrese Knight, of Barbados
    didn’t show up. In the women’s doubles contest, Romanians Andreea Dragoman and Elizabeta
    Samara have qualified for the round of 32 after a win against the South African
    pair made up of Musfiquh Kalam and Lailaa Edwards.

    The Romanian- Spanish pair Adina Diaconu / Maria
    Xiao has also qualified after a win against Charlotte Lutz and Audrey Zarif of
    France. In the mixed-doubles, Ovidiu Ionescu and Bernadette Szőcs have qualified
    for the same round of 32 after a win against Ibrahim Gunduz and Sibel Altinkaya
    of Turkey.

    Unfortunately, Eduard Ionescu and Adina Diaconu
    lost to Simon Gauzy and Prithika Pavade of France. The latest medal obtained by
    a Romanian in the aforementioned competition was when Ovidiu Ionescu, world vice
    champion in the men’s doubles teamed up with Spanish Alvaro Robles in Budapest
    in 2019.


  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Romania’s national eleven clinched a 2-0 away win against Iceland on
    Thursday in a match counting towards the Group J of the World Cup 2022

    The win comes after four consecutive defeats in two official games
    against Germany and Armenia, and two friendlies against England and Georgia.

    Dennis Man put Romania in the lead on 47 minutes and Nicolae Stanciu
    added a second 7 minutes from time. The trainees of headcoach Mirel Radoi have
    thus taken revenge after the 1-2 defeat last autumn in Reykjavik in the playoffs
    for EURO 2020.

    The Romanians seemed to have had a good control over the game and their
    technical superiority was visible with bold and speedy actions almost all
    throughout the match. Dennis Man put the
    visitors into the lead after the break, then Ianis Hagi fired home on the 70th
    minute, shortly after his entry but had his goal cancelled for a
    challenge. Romania sealed the points on the
    83rd minute after Hagi had fed Stanciu and the latter scored the
    victory goal for the visitors.

    We can say the match
    against Iceland has been the best show put up by the Romanians since Mirel
    Radoi took the helm. Now our footballers need to prove the game in Reykjavik
    was not an accident and they can do it against Lichtenstein in Bucharest on

    They will next take on North Macedonia in Skopje on Wednesday. Until
    then Romania continues to rank fourth in Group J with only 6 points. Armenia
    tops the table with 10 points, followed by Germany with 9 and North Macedonia
    with 7. Iceland is last with 3 points. At the end of the preliminaries, the
    first side in the group’s ranking is qualified whereas the second side goes
    into playoffs.


  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Romania’s national eleven clinched a 2-0 away win against Iceland on
    Thursday in a match counting towards the Group J of the World Cup 2022

    The win comes after four consecutive defeats in two official games
    against Germany and Armenia, and two friendlies against England and Georgia.

    Dennis Man put Romania in the lead on 47 minutes and Nicolae Stanciu
    added a second 7 minutes from time. The trainees of headcoach Mirel Radoi have
    thus taken revenge after the 1-2 defeat last autumn in Reykjavik in the playoffs
    for EURO 2020.

    The Romanians seemed to have had a good control over the game and their
    technical superiority was visible with bold and speedy actions almost all
    throughout the match. Dennis Man put the
    visitors into the lead after the break, then Ianis Hagi fired home on the 70th
    minute, shortly after his entry but had his goal cancelled for a
    challenge. Romania sealed the points on the
    83rd minute after Hagi had fed Stanciu and the latter scored the
    victory goal for the visitors.

    We can say the match
    against Iceland has been the best show put up by the Romanians since Mirel
    Radoi took the helm. Now our footballers need to prove the game in Reykjavik
    was not an accident and they can do it against Lichtenstein in Bucharest on

    They will next take on North Macedonia in Skopje on Wednesday. Until
    then Romania continues to rank fourth in Group J with only 6 points. Armenia
    tops the table with 10 points, followed by Germany with 9 and North Macedonia
    with 7. Iceland is last with 3 points. At the end of the preliminaries, the
    first side in the group’s ranking is qualified whereas the second side goes
    into playoffs.


  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    British magazine FourFourTwo has drawn
    up a ranking of the 100 greatest football managers of all time. The
    list also includes three Romanians: Ștefan Kovács, Emeric Jenei and
    Mircea Lucescu. Kovács, who won two European Champions Cups with
    Ajax Amsterdam, comes on the 62nd position in the
    aforementioned ranking. Jenei, winner of the European Champions Cup
    with Steaua Bucureşti in 1986, comes 63rd. Mircea
    Lucescu, winner of the UEFA Cup with Şahtar Donetsk and the European
    Supercup with Galatasaray Istanbul, comes 87th. Scottish
    Alex Ferguson is considered the best manager ever and is followed by
    two Dutch, Rinus Michels and Johan Cruyff. The ranking was based on
    several criteria such as the trophies won, the tactical ideas used
    and their ability to motivate players, Agerpres news agency reports.

    Rangers hopes to sign
    loan star Ianis Hagi on a permanent deal, The
    Sunday Post writes. The club’s
    sporting director, Ross Wilson,
    admits the
    financial impact of the coronavirus crisis could yet scupper their
    hopes of capturing the Romanian midfielder.Wilson
    believes Hagi would love to stay at Ibrox because Steven Gerrard has
    made such a huge impact during his time on loan from Genk.Hagi is
    on loan until the end of the season 19/20 whenever that comes and in
    order to keep him, Rangers will have to pay 5 million euros to
    the Belgians.

    UEFA has sent a letter of recommendations to the Romanian Football
    Federation for the end of the season. The European forum writes that
    if there is no time for having completed the series of the Romanian
    Cup’s games, the European place reserved to the winner will be
    carried over to the championships, Romanian paper Gazeta Sporturilor
    move would benefit Astra Giurgiu, the fourth side in the frozen
    rankings of Romania’s first football league, which has a higher
    goal average than the next side, FC Botoșani.

    by bill)

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    British magazine FourFourTwo has drawn
    up a ranking of the 100 greatest football managers of all time. The
    list also includes three Romanians: Ștefan Kovács, Emeric Jenei and
    Mircea Lucescu. Kovács, who won two European Champions Cups with
    Ajax Amsterdam, comes on the 62nd position in the
    aforementioned ranking. Jenei, winner of the European Champions Cup
    with Steaua Bucureşti in 1986, comes 63rd. Mircea
    Lucescu, winner of the UEFA Cup with Şahtar Donetsk and the European
    Supercup with Galatasaray Istanbul, comes 87th. Scottish
    Alex Ferguson is considered the best manager ever and is followed by
    two Dutch, Rinus Michels and Johan Cruyff. The ranking was based on
    several criteria such as the trophies won, the tactical ideas used
    and their ability to motivate players, Agerpres news agency reports.

    Rangers hopes to sign
    loan star Ianis Hagi on a permanent deal, The
    Sunday Post writes. The club’s
    sporting director, Ross Wilson,
    admits the
    financial impact of the coronavirus crisis could yet scupper their
    hopes of capturing the Romanian midfielder.Wilson
    believes Hagi would love to stay at Ibrox because Steven Gerrard has
    made such a huge impact during his time on loan from Genk.Hagi is
    on loan until the end of the season 19/20 whenever that comes and in
    order to keep him, Rangers will have to pay 5 million euros to
    the Belgians.

    UEFA has sent a letter of recommendations to the Romanian Football
    Federation for the end of the season. The European forum writes that
    if there is no time for having completed the series of the Romanian
    Cup’s games, the European place reserved to the winner will be
    carried over to the championships, Romanian paper Gazeta Sporturilor
    move would benefit Astra Giurgiu, the fourth side in the frozen
    rankings of Romania’s first football league, which has a higher
    goal average than the next side, FC Botoșani.

    by bill)

  • La Roumanie à la Coupe du monde de football (2e partie)

    La Roumanie à la Coupe du monde de football (2e partie)

    participer à la Coupe accueillie par l’Italie, ils ont dû affronter le
    Danemark, la Grèce et la Bulgarie. Les Danois avaient une équipe forte, qui
    allait remporter l’Euro 1992. Alors que dans la sélection nationale de la
    Roumanie de l’époque on retrouvait quelques-uns des meilleurs joueurs que notre
    pays ait jamais eu, dont le célèbre Gheorghe Hagi. Son entraîneur était le tout
    aussi renommé Emerich Jenei. Une fois arrivés en Italie, les tricolores tombent
    dans un groupe des poids lourds du football mondial : l’Argentine,
    championne du monde, le Cameroun (champion d’Afrique) et l’URSS (vice – championne
    d’Europe). Premier match, première victoire : l’URSS est vaincue par 2
    buts à 0, les deux marqués par Marius Lacatus, un autre footballeur roumain
    connu. S’ensuit une défaite face au Cameroun : 1 but à 2. Mais c’est le
    match contre l’Argentine de Maradona qui marque l’apogée de ce groupe, un match
    comptant pour la qualification dans l’étape suivante. Le score est
    surprenant : 1 partout, et ce sont la Roumanie et le Cameroun qui poursuivent
    leur chemin vers la Coupe du monde. Dans les 8e de finale, les
    tricolores doivent affronter l’Irlande entraînée par Jackie Charlton, une
    équipe sérieuse et habile. Après 120 minutes de jeu, aucun but n’est marqué.
    C’est pendant les tirs au but que les Irlandais s’imposent par 5 buts à 4.

    Quatre ans
    plus tard, en 1994, les Roumains rêvaient d’améliorer leur performance d’Italie.
    Toutefois, leur départ dans les préliminaires est désastreux : 2 buts à 5
    pour la Tchécoslovaquie. L’entraîneur Cornel Dinu est destitué et remplacé par
    Anghel Iordanescu, qui allait devenir un nom de référence du football roumain.
    Les Roumains se qualifient au Mondial des Etats Unis, à égalité de points avec
    la Belgique. Leur premier adversaire est la Colombie : score 3 buts à 1
    pour la Roumanie. Le dernier but a été marqué par Hagi, restant dans l’histoire
    comme un des plus beaux buts de la Coupe du monde. L’euphorie de la victoire ne
    dure pas trop, car les tricolores s’inclinent devant la Suisse, score 1 but à
    4. Ils réussissent à se remobiliser pour vaincre les Etats – Unis et se
    qualifier dans les 8e de finale. Ils y rencontrent à nouveau un
    adversaire redoutable : l’Argentine, sans Maradona, mais avec Simeone,
    Batistuta et Ortega. Et, pour la 2e fois consécutive, la Roumanie
    réussit à éliminer l’Argentine de la compétition mondiale. Score final : 3
    but à 2 pour la Roumanie, dont deux marqués par un joueur très connu :
    Ilie Dumitrescu. Les tricolores arrivent ainsi dans les quarts de finale, leur
    meilleure position dans une compétition mondiale. Ils y affrontent la Suède,
    font un match honorable, mais ils perdent en fin de compte toujours aux tirs au
    but. Voilà pour leur parcours de 1994.

    En 1998,
    c’est la France qui accueille la Coupe du monde de football. Avec le même
    Anghel Iordanescu à sa tête, la sélection roumaine dépasse sans problèmes
    l’étape préliminaire, ayant pour adversaires plus sérieux la Macédoine et
    l’Irlande. Après le tirage au sort, ses adversaires deviennent la Colombie,
    l’Angleterre et la Tunisie. Les poids lourds sont à nouveau dépassés : la
    Colombie par 1 but à 0 et l’Angleterre par 2 buts à 1. Match nul avec la
    Tunisie. Et une nouvelle qualification dans les 8e de finale. Nouvel
    adversaire : la Croatie. Une équipe extrêmement ambitieuse, qui s’impose
    par un 1 but à 0 suite à un penalty accordé trop facilement de l’avis de
    certains commentateurs. Et voilà. Ainsi s’achève l’histoire des tricolores à la
    Coupe du monde de football.

    C’était il y a 20 ans, jour pour jour. Victorieuse
    à domicile en 1998, la France vient de remporter un nouveau titre mondial, face
    à la Croatie. Quant à la Roumanie, elle rêve toujours de participer un beau jour
    à une nouvelle Coupe du monde. (Trad. Valentina Beleavski)

  • EM-Vorbereitung: Rumänien und Spanien trennen sich torlos

    EM-Vorbereitung: Rumänien und Spanien trennen sich torlos

    30.000 Zuschauer in der ausverkauften Cluj Arena hatten am Sonntagabend ungeduldig auf den Anpfiff der Partie gegen den amtierenden Europameister Spanien gewartet. Die Schweigeminute zu Ehren des verstorbenen Johan Cruyff wurde vom Publikum nach nur 30 Minuten mit Beifall unrühmlich unterbrochen. Auch wenn es nur ein Freundschaftsspiel war: Spanien ist und bleibt Rumäniens stärkster Gegner in der Vorbereitung auf die Europameisterschaft in Frankreich.

    Vor genau vier Jahren hatten sich die Iberer mit einem niederschmetternden 4:0 im EM-Endspiel gegen Italien in Kiew die kontinentale Krone aufgesetzt. Aus dem damaligen Kader waren noch sieben Spieler auch von Trainer Vicente Del Bosque für die Begegnung mit Rumänien in Klausenburg nominiert worden. Allerdings waren am Sonntag nur vier der Europameister in der spanischen Startelf zu finden: Torwartlegende Iker Casillas, derzeit beim portugiesischen Serienmeister FC Porto unter Vertrag, die Verteidiger Gerard Pique und Jordi Alba vom FC Barcelona, und Manchester City-Mittelfeldmann David Silva.

    Auf der anderen Seite wusste Rumäniens Nationaltrainer Anghel Iordănescu, dass das Spiel wohl die beste Chance war, potentielle Stammspieler für die EM in zwei Monaten zu testen. Auch hielt er einige Überraschungen parat: Der in Spanien ausgebildete Jungstürmer Florin Andone sowie Steaua-Rechtsaußen Adrian Popa durften von Beginn an ran, dafür mussten Claudiu Keşeru vom bulgarischen Meister Ludogorets Razgrad und Gabriel Torje vom türkischen Erstligisten Osmanlispor auf der Bank Platz nehmen. Zum ersten Mal wurde auch ein 4-4-1-1 System getestet, wobei Popa und Linksaußen Bogdan Stancu auf einer Linie mit den Defensivkräften Hoban und Pintilii spielten. Jungstar und Kreativmann Nicuşor Stanciu von Steaua Bukarest wurde hinter der Sturmspitze Andone aufgestellt. So wollte Iordănescu den technischen und schnellen Spaniern möglichst wenig Platz im Spielaufbau überlassen.

    Und der Plan scheint unmittelbar nach Anpfiff aufzugehen, die Abwehr der Gäste wackelt von Beginn an nach den Sprints und Flanken des schnellen Popa und den Dribblings von Nicuşor Stanciu. Die Spanier antworten mit den Vorstößen von Pique und Pedro, Schlussmann Tătăruşanu vom AC Florenz ist jedoch auf dem Posten. Lediglich Innenverteidiger und Mannschaftskapitän Vlad Chiricheş vom SSC Neapel zeigt an dem Abend einige Schwächen im Stellungsspiel. Seine offensichtlichen Fehler auch im Testspiel gegen Litauen letzte Woche lassen bei ihm ein Formtief erahnen.

    Das rumänische Team spielt aber selbstbewusst und steht nicht mehr so tief wie sonst gegen Großkaliber des Weltfußballs. Stanciu, der gegen Litauen bei seinem Debüt auch gleich den Siegtreffer erzielt hatte, findet sich im Mittelfeld immer besser zurecht. Die von ihm verteilten Bälle sorgen immer wieder für Druck im spanischen Straufraum. Neben den Vorstößen von Popa, ist inzwischen auch Rechtsverteidiger Săpunaru von Pandurii Targu Jiu mit Bananenflanken gefährlich.

    Allein die zündende Idee vor dem Abschluss fehlt. Derselbe Stanciu kommt dem Führungstreffer am nächsten, mit einem perfekten Schuss in der 34. Minute- der inzwischen 34-Jährige Casillas streckt sich und lenkt den Ball mit den Fingerspitzen um den Pfosten. Spanien wird nur noch bei einer Flanke von Pedro gefährlich, doch Rumäniens zweiter Innenverteidiger Grigorie, der bei Al Saylia im Qatar spielt, wehrt den letzten Ball des ersten Durchgangs ab.

    Einen ähnlichen Spielverlauf beobachten die zufriedenen Fans auch nach dem Seitenwechsel, als Spanien versucht, Rumänien mit dem typischen Kurzpassspiel einzulullen. Doch die Karpatenkicker sind mit ihrem neuen Balldirigenten Nicusor Stanciu immer hartnäckiger. Auch ihr Laufpensum ist an diesem Tag beachtlich. Der Mann des Tages beteiligt sich an weiteren schönen Aktionen in der Nähe des Casillas-Gehäuses. Einmal vergibt Andone ganz knapp nach seinem Zuspiel, das andere Mal verpasst Stanciu selbst nach einer sehenswerten Einzelaktion den letzten Pass auf seinen Fast-Namensvetter Stancu. Und als er ganz frech den viel erfahrenen Fabregas tunnelt, spendet sogar Coach Iordanescu Beifall. Nicht zuletzt versucht er egoistisch einen Heber aus 35 Metern, als er in einer Drei-gegen-Zwei Situation hätte abspielen können. Der Ball segelt über die Latte.

    In der Schlussphase benachteiligt der französische Schiedsrichter das Gästeteam ganz deutlich. Săpunaru geht ungestüm gegen Fabregas im Strafraum zu Werke, der Elfmeter scheint glasklar, doch der Unparteiische bleibt stumm. Dann geht die Partie zu Ende. Der allgemeine Eindruck von der rumänischen Nationalmannschaft ist nach langer Zeit wieder heller geworden: Die Mannschaft kann theoretisch mit derartigen Leistungen auch bei der EM etwas reißen. Allerdings wartet gleich im Eröffnungsspiel des Turniers der Gastgeber Frankreich mit all seinen Stars, von Varane und Griezmann bis hin zu Matuidi und wahrscheinlich Benzema. Da wäre ein torloses Remis wie gestern gegen Spanien ideal.

  • Semana deportiva 4 de febrero de 2015

    Semana deportiva 4 de febrero de 2015


    El CS Dínamo de Bucarest se clasificó segundo en la Eurocopa de Esgrima masculina, que tuvo lugar el pasado lunes en Padova (Italia), al perder en la final ante los italianos del Fiamme Gialle, por 45 a 40, tras haber superado en semifinales por 45-40 al equipo francés Pau.

    La competición contó con 7 equipos procedentes de seis paises: Italia, Rumanía, Francia, Bielorrusia, Georgia y Polonia.


    Simona Halep se mantiene en el tercer puesto del ránking de las mejores tenistas profesionales del mundo (WTA), hecho público el pasado lunes, tras haber igualado su resultado del año pasado en el Abierto de Australia donde alcanzó los cuartos de final.

    Serena Williams, de EE:UU., lidera el ránking seguida por la rusa María Sharapova, la ganadora de este año en Melbourne.

    Irina Begu se sitúa en el mejor puesto de su carrera, el 34, dado que ha subido ocho puestos tras haber alcanzado los octavos del Abierto de Australia. Monica Niculescu desciende 8 puestos y se sitúa en el puesto 57, entre las 100 primeras tenistas también figura la rumana Alexandra Dulgheru, la no. 95. En dobles, Monica Niculescu conserva su puesto 44, e Irina Begu hace un salto de 7 puestos y figura en el 49.

    Copa de bob

    La rumana María Adela Constantin ganó la Eurocopa FIBT de bob 2014-2015, con un total de 758 puntos , tras haberse clasificado el equipo femenino rumano de bob-2 en la tercera posición el pasado sábado en la competición disputada en Winterberg (Alemania).

    En la clasificación mundial (FIBT), María Adela Constantin se sitúa en el puesto 16, con 658 puntos, siendo la líder la estadounidense Elana Meyers Taylor, con 1.268 p.


    El HCM Baia Mare comienza con éxito los partidos en el segundo grupo principal de la Liga de los Campeones de balonmano femenino, el pasado domingo al derrotar al equipo sueco IF Savehof, en Partille por 28-26. (15-14).

    El campeón de Rumanía disputará su próximo partido el 8 de febrero en casa con el Györi Audi ETO KC, el ganador de las dos últimas ediciones de esta competición.


    Gica Hagi es para los rumanos algo así como Pelé a Brasil, Maradona a Argentina o Cruyff a Holanda. De hecho, en sus años de éxito, en el Steaua, se le conocía por el Maradona de los Cárpatos. Este 5 de febrero el rey cumple 50 años.

    Empezó su carrera en 1982 jugando para el Farul Constantza, un año después y con 18 años, fichó por el Sportul Studenţesc de Bucarest

    En el invierno de 1987, se produjo su traspaso al Steaua de Bucarest

    En 1990, Hagi juega su primer Mundial. Su juego impresiona al Real Madrid, que lo ficha al acabar la competición. Su traspaso fue el más caro de la historia a un equipo rumano (4.3 millones de dólares), récord aún en la primera división del país de los Cárpatos. Hagi permaneció en el Real Madrid dos años, siendo vendido al Brescia italiano. Con el Brescia, Hagi subió al equipo a la Serie A, siendo fichado al finalizar esa temporada por el FC Barcelona.

    Dos técnicos marcaron su etapa española: Radomir Antic en el Real Madrid, y Cruyff en el FC Barcelona. Tras 2 años en el FC Barcelona, Hagi firma por el Galatasaray.

    Se retiró como futbolista en 2001, recibiendo un homenaje en Bucarest que congregó a los mejores jugadores del fútbol mundial.

    Hagi jugó en total con la selección en tres Mundiales de Fútbol: Italia 90, USA 94 y Francia 98. También disputó tres Eurocopas: Francia 84, Inglaterra 96 y Bélgica y Países Bajos 2000. El Mundial del ´94 fue su primera vez como capitán de Rumanía y portó el brazalete hasta que se retiró de la selección. Disputó con la selección 125 partidos y marcó con ella 35 goles, siendo el máximo goleador rumano de la historia. ¡Feliz cumple, Gica!