Tag: Haiti

  • Viorel Florescu din Statele Unite ale Americii

    Viorel Florescu din Statele Unite ale Americii

    Fotojurnalistul Viorel Florescu din Statele Unite ale Americii, cu o carieră de peste 50 de ani în presă, distins cu Premiul Presei Internaționale pentru documentarea primelor alegeri libere din Haiti urmate de masacrul de la Port au Prince din 1987, deţinător a două Premii Pulitzer, primul obținut în 1992, ca membru al echipei care a documentat accidentul tragic de la metroul din Manhattan, al doilea, în 1997, pentru fotografiile de la dezastrul aviatic din LongIsland

  • August 16, 2021

    August 16, 2021

    Covid-19. The number of daily cases of infection with
    the new coronavirus in Romania is on the rise. 280 new cases were reported on
    Monday, in 18,700 tests. Most cases were registered in Bucharest. The number of
    patients needing hospitalization is also on the rise, now standing at 940, of
    whom 120 are in severe condition. 5 Covid-19 related deaths were also reported.
    The interest in vaccination remains low, despite authorities’ efforts to boost
    the vaccination campaign. On Sunday it was reported that a little over 5,500
    people had got the shot in the last 24 hours. In total, some 5 million
    Romanians have undergone a complete vaccination scheme.

    Taliban. The Taliban are
    now controlling Afghanistan and the British and NATO forces will not return to
    fight the insurgents, the British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace was quoted as
    saying by Reuters today. According to a US official, most Western diplomats
    have left the Taliban-controlled capital of Kabul. In another move, five people
    died today at the Kabul airport, while hundreds of people were trying to force
    their way into the planes leaving the capital. It is unclear whether the
    victims were killed by gunfire or died as a result of the stampede. U.S. troops
    are in command of the airport, helping evacuate U.S. embassy personnel and
    other civilians. In a bid to put some order into the chaos, American forces
    fired shots into the air. A joint statement, backed by more than 60 countries,
    calls for Afghans and foreign nationals wishing to leave Afghanistan to be
    allowed to leave and for airports and border crossing points to remain open, Reuters reports, quoting the
    US Department of State. The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has also
    called on the Taliban and all other groups on the Afghan political scene to
    show the utmost restraint. The UN Security Council gathers today to discuss the
    situation in Afghanistan.

    Afghanistan. The Romanian
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs has re-evaluated and raised the alert level for
    Afghanistan and urged the Romanian citizens to leave the territory of this
    state urgently and to avoid any trips to Afghanistan. The activity of the
    Romanian Embassy in Kabul was suspended in 2019, following an attack that
    severely damaged the mission building. We recall that the Romanian military have
    returned to the country, at the end of almost two decades of uninterrupted
    presence in Afghanistan. 27 of them lost their lives in missions or attacks by
    Taliban terrorists, and more than 200 were injured. In all, more than 32,000
    soldiers from all categories of forces took part in missions in Afghanistan.
    The total costs of the Romanian participation in Afghanistan amounted to over 3
    billion lei (the equivalent of about 600 million euros).

    Baccalaureate. In Romania, the
    autumn session of the national Baccalaureate exam started today with the test
    in Romanian Language and Literature. The mandatory specialization testing will
    be held on Tuesday, and, the next day, the optional test for the selected
    specialization. Almost 39,000 candidates
    registered for the current session, of whom 60% are from among this year’s high-school graduates, the Ministry of
    Education has stated. The final results will be announced on September 3. The passing
    rate, after the first session held in June-July, stood at 70%, which is almost
    5 percent higher as compared to the same session last year.

    Firefighters. The more than 100 Romanian
    firefighters that helped put out the wildfires in Greece, under the EU Civil
    Protection Mechanism, are retuning to the country today. They were praised by
    the media, locals and their foreign colleagues for their intervention manner
    and bravery. On Friday, the firefighting team that took part in the operations
    in North Macedonia, also came back home, after a week of fighting the fires in
    that country.

    Earthquake. The number of
    people who died as a result of the magnitude 7.2 earthquake that hit Haiti on
    Saturday has reached 1,300, and the number of injured is approaching 6,000, according
    to the Haitian civil protection service, quoted by news agencies. Many people
    are reported missing and many more are still under rubble. Tens of thousands of
    homes have been destroyed or damaged in the three most affected southern areas.
    The quake was much stronger than the one in 2010, which killed more than
    100,000 people and injured tens of thousands.

    Rowing. Romania achieved
    excellent results at the World Junior Rowing Championships in Plovdiv
    (Bulgaria), held between August 11-15: two gold and one bronze medal, which placed it
    third in the overall medal standings, the president of the Federation Rowing
    Romanian, Elisabeta Lipă, has stated. According to her, for juniors, it was the
    first major competition this year, still dominated by the pandemic and numerous
    restrictions. Romania participated in the Championships with 11 crews and 43
    athletes. It was outranked by the USA and Germany, but finished ahead of
    Switzerland, Italy, France or Spain. (MI)

  • Chronique du livre “Antoine des Gommiers” de Lyonel Trouillot, un voyage littéraire et sensoriel

    Chronique du livre “Antoine des Gommiers” de Lyonel Trouillot, un voyage littéraire et sensoriel

    Au micro d’Ioana Stăncescu, Mathieu Fabre de la librairie Kyralina de Bucarest parle d’un de ses coups de cœur, le roman Antoine des Gommiers de Lyonel Trouillot, paru en janvier 2021 aux Editions Actes Sud.

  • Nachrichten 09.10.2016

    Nachrichten 09.10.2016

    BUKAREST: Seit 2004 wird jedes Jahr in Rumänien am 9. Oktober der nationale Holocaust-Gedenktag begangen. Aufgrund der Schlußfolgerungen nach der Uberprüfung der Deportationen im Zweiten Weltkrieg, die von einer Sonderkommission geleitet vom Friedensnobelpreisträger Elie Wiesel formuliert wurden, beschloß die Bukarester Regierung vor 12 Jahren, den Holocaust anzuerkennen und den 9. Oktober zum nationalen Gedenktag des Holocaust in Rumänien zu erklären. Dieser Tag hat eine besondere Bedeutung für Rumänien: Am 9. Oktober 1941 begann das mit Nazi-Deutschland allierte Regime des Marschalls Ion Antonescu mit den Deportationen der Juden aus dem Osten Rumäniens in die besetzten sowjetischen Territorien. Laut Statistik starben mehr als 250.000 Juden während und nach ihrer Deportation im Jahr 1941 aus Bessarabien und dem Norden der Bukowina nach Transnistrien. Anlässlich des Nationalen Holocaust-Gedenktages findet am Montag am Mahnmal der Holocaust-Opfer in Bukarest eine Zeremonie zum Gedenken der Juden und Roma, die während des Holocausts gestorben sind. Vertreter der Präsidentschaft, der Regierung, des Diplomatischen Korps, der Zivilgesellschaft und Überlebende des Holocausts werden der Gedenkzeremonie beiwohnen.

    BUKAREST: Der Staatspräsident der Slowakei, Andrej Kiska, unternimmt am Montag und Dienstag einen Staatsbesuch in Rumänien, auf Einladung seines rumänischen Gegenübers, Klaus Iohannis. Hauptzweck des Besuches ist die Konsolidierung der bilateralen Beziehunhgen auf politischer, wirtschaftlicher und sektorieller Ebene und die Verstärkung der Kooperation zu aktuellen europäischen Themen im Kontext der jetzigen Herausforderungen, steht in einem Communique des rumänischen Außenministeriums. Da die Slowakei zur Zeit die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft innehat, werden die zwei Staatchefs hauptsächlich über Themen der EU-Agenda diskutieren; dabei werde Präsident Iohannis die rumänische Position in Bezug auf die Zukunft Europas präsentieren, steht noch im besagten Communique. Ferner werde Klaus Iohannis für die weitere Konsolidierung der wirtschaftlichen Kooperation zwischen den zwei Ländern plädieren, da die Handelsaustausche zwischen Rumänien und der Slowakei 2015 einen historischen Rekord von 2,4 Milliarden Euro erreicht haben und weiterhin steigen. Am Dienstag werden die zwei Staatchefs das rumänisch-slowakische Business-Forum eröffnen. Vorgesehen ist auch ein Treffen in der Ortschaft Nadlac (im Westen des Landes) mit Vertretern der slowakischen Gemeinde in Rumänien.

    PORT-AU-PRINCE: Angesichts Hunderter Todesopfer und massiver Zerstörungen durch Hurrikan «Matthew» hat die haitianische Regierung eine dreitägige Staatstrauer angeordnet. «Die Trauertage werden angesetzt, um das Land im Schmerz mit den Eltern und Freunden der Toten zu vereinen», teilte das Präsidialamt mit. Die Staatstrauer solle von Sonntag bis Dienstag gelten. Zuvor hatte der Zivilschutz mitgeteilt, in dem schweren Wirbelsturm seien 336 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Vier Menschen wurden demnach noch vermisst und 211 weitere verletzt. Mehr als 60 000 Menschen suchten Schutz in Notunterkünften. Ein rumänischer Offizier, Oberst Marius Dogean, vom Generalinspektorat für Notsituationen wird das Team leiten, welches die Schäden nach dem Hurrikan Matthew auf Haiti einschätzen soll. Gleichzeitig wird Oberst Dogean die internationale Unterstützung koordinieren, einschließlich die internationale Hilfe für die betroffene Bevölkerung. Marius Dogean hat eine 15 Jahre lange Erfahrung im Bereich Zivilschutz und wurde von der Europäischen Kommission zum Leiter des Zivilschutzteams ernannt, das in Haiti die Hilfeaktionen organisieren wird.

    SPORT: Die rumänische Fussball-Nationalmannschaft, trainiert vom deutschen Trainer Christoph Daum, hat im zweiten WM-Qualifikationsspiel den ersten Sieg geholt. Die rumänische Mannschaft siegte mit 5:0 (3:0) in Armenien und hat in der Gruppe E nun vier Punkte. Im dritten Qualifikationsspiel zur Fußball-WM 2018 spielt Rumänien am Dienstag in Kasachstan.

  • Nachrichten 08.10.2016

    Nachrichten 08.10.2016

    BUKAREST: Der Staatspräsident der Slowakei, Andrej Kiska, unternimmt am Montag und Dienstag einen Staatsbesuch in Rumänien, auf Einladung seines rumänischen Gegenübers, Klaus Iohannis. Hauptzweck des Besuches ist die Konsolidierung der bilateralen Beziehunhgen und die Verstärkung der Kooperation zu aktuellen europäischen Themen im Kontext der jetzigen Herausforderungen, steht in einem Communique des rumänischen Au‎ßenministeriums. Da die Slowakei zur Zeit die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft innehat, werden die zwei Staatchefs hauptsächlich über Themen der EU-Agenda diskutieren; dabei werde Präsident Iohannis die rumänische Position in Bezug auf die Zukunft Europas präsentieren, steht noch im besagten Communique. Ferner werde Klaus Iohannis für die weitere Konsolidierung der wirtschaftlichen Kooperation zwischen den zwei Ländern plädieren, da die Handelsaustausche zwischen Rumänien und der Slowakei 2015 einen historischen Rekord von 2,4 Milliarden Euro erreicht haben und weiterhin steigen. Am Dienstag werden die zwei Staatchefs das rumänisch-slowakische Business-Forum eröffnen. Vorgesehen ist auch ein Treffen in der Ortschaft Nadlac (im Westen des Landes) mit Vertretern der slowakischen Gemeinde in Rumänien.

    BUKAREST: Fast ein Jahr nach der Brandkatastrophe im Bukarester Klub Colectiv, aufgrund derer in der Nacht vom 31. Oktober zum 1 November 2015 64 Menschen ums Leben kamen und über 100 zum Teil schwer verletzt wurden, hat die Staatsanwaltschaft beschlossen, das Hauptverfahren zu eröffnen. Die Betreiber des Klubs sowie die Eigentümer und ein Beschäftiger einer Pyrotechnikfirma müssen sich wegen fahrlässiger Tötung und fahrlässiger Körperverletzung verantworten. Laut Anklageschrift war das Verfallsdatum der Feuerlöscher im Klub abgelaufen und die bei der Schalldämpfung verwendeten Baustoffe waren leicht entzündlich. Funken eines Feuerwerkskörpers bei einem Konzert hatten eine Säule im Raum angezündet, das Feuer erfasste die Decke innerhalb von 33 Sekunden, Temperaturen von 900 Grad Celsius wurden erreicht. Nach der Tragödie und anschlie‎ßenden heftigen Stra‎ßenprotesten war die sozialdemokratische Regierung unter Ministerpräsident Victor Ponta im vergangenen November zurückgetreten.

    BUKAREST: Der Nationalrat der National-Liberalen Partei Rumäniens (der zweitgrö‎ßten Partei im rumänischen Parlament) hat am Samstag die Parteivorsitzende Alina Gorghiu als einzige Vorsitzende der National-Liberalen Partei bestätigt, nach dem Rücktritt des Vize-Parteivorsitzenden Vasile Blaga. Am 28. September trat der liberale Vize-Parteivorsitzende Vasile Blaga aus seinem Amt zurück, nachdem die Staatsanwälte von der Antikorruptionsbehörde bekannt gegeben hatten, Blaga sei wegen Korruptionsverdacht unter Gerichtskontrolle gestellt worden. Die Taten sollen im Zeitraum 2009-2012 begangen worden sein, als Blaga, damaliger Innenminister und danach Senatspräsident in Bukarest, für die vorzügliche Vergabe einiger Aufträge eingegriffen hätte. Als Gegenleistung für diese Einflussnahme habe er Provisionen von 10%, in Höhe von mehreren hunderttausend Euro von dem ehemaligen Bürgermeister der nordöstlichen Stadt Piatra-Neamţ, Gheorghe Ştefan, selbst Hauptverdächtiger in mehreren Korruptionsakten, und von einem Geschäftsmann erhalten.

    XXX — Ein rumänischer Offizier, Oberst Marius Dogean, vom Generalinspektorat für Notsituationen wird das Team leiten, welches die Schäden nach dem Hurrikan Matthew auf Haiti einschätzen soll. Gleichzeitig wird Oberst Dogean die internationale Unterstützung koordinieren, einschlie‎ßlich die internationale Hilfe für die betroffene Bevölkerung. Marius Dogean hat eine 15 Jahre lange Erfahrung im Bereich Zivilschutz und wurde von der Europäischen Kommission zum Leiter des Zivilschutzteams ernannt, das in Haiti die Hilfeaktionen organisieren wird. Der verheerende Hurrikan Matthew hat in Haiti fast 900 Menschen getötet. Rund 61.500 Menschen müssen in Notunterkünften versorgt werden. Matthew ist mit Windgeschwindigkeiten bis zu 230 Kilometer pro Stunde der stärkste Wirbelsturm seit fast einem Jahrzehnt in der Karibik.

  • October 8, 2016 UPDATE

    October 8, 2016 UPDATE

    VISIT– Slovak President, Andrej Kiska, will pay a two-day state visit to Romania, as of Monday, at the invitation of his Romanian counterpart, Klaus Iohannis. According to a communiqué issued by the Romanian Presidential Administration, the main aim of the visit is to consolidate bilateral ties, at political, economic and sectoral level and to boost cooperation on European issues of topical interest, in a context marked by many challenges. Given that Slovakia is currently holding the half-yearly presidency of the EU Council, the talks will mainly focus on the European agenda, and President Iohannis will present Romanias stance on the future of Europe- the aforementioned source also says. Iohannis will also underline the need to further strengthen economic cooperation, starting from the historical record high of two-way trade exchanges reported in 2015, worth 2.4 billion Euros, which is on the rise. On Tuesday, the two presidents will open the Romanian-Slovak Business Forum and will meet, in the western town of Nadlac, with representatives of the Slokav community in Romania.

    GovITHub- A digital marathon, GovITHub, is held at the headquarters of the Romanian Government at the weekend. Over 100 young IT professionals are developing software and computer programs in an effort to enhance the quality of public services and improve the citizens relation with the state institutions. Among others, they develop an app meant to keep the Romanians in the diaspora updated of the latest developments in Romania, user-friendly governmental platforms or an app allowing citizens to report dangerous drivers or major-traffic related incidents. In a post on his Facebook page, Romanian PM, Dacian Ciolos, says the young peoples energy, skills, competence and passion stand proof of Romanias ability to modernise itself, and of the fact that even the most valuable resources can be mobilised if the State shows openness.

    DACIA CARS – The newly uplifted Logan and Sandero models produced by the Dacia Romanian car manufacturer will enter production line in the following weeks, when they are launched on the local market, says Yves Caracatzanis, General Manager and President of Automobile Dacia. Also, the new Duster EDC with automated gearbox is expected in the first half of 2017. Data released by Dacia show that at the European level, Duster is the second best selling compact car among natural persons, whereas Sandero ranks third. We recall the first Dacia car was produced in Romania back in 1966. The make belongs, as of 1999, to the Renault Group and accounts for 30% of the French Groups volume of sales.

    HURRICANE MATTHEW – A Romanian officer from the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations will lead the team which will assess the damage produced by hurricane Matthew in Haiti. Colonel Marius Dogean will also coordinate international assistance, including aid relief operations to the disaster-affected population. Boasting an extensive experience in the field of civil protection, with a career spanning over 15 years, Marius Dogean was designated by the European Commission head of the EU Civil Protection Team which will go to that Caribbean island, where approximately 900 were killed by the hurricane. Colonel Dogean also travelled to and worked extensively in Jordan, in 2012, during the crisis caused by the massive flow of refugees from Syria, and a year later in the Philippines, following Typhoon Hayian. He was also one of the national experts dispatched by the European Commission to the conflict area in Southern Sudan, on an assessment mission.

    COLECTIV TRAGEDY – Approximately one year after tragedy struck the Bucharest-based Colectiv nightclub, justice takes its course, with a trial being opened into the case. 64 people died and over 100 others got injured in the fire which accidentally broke out on the night of October 30 to 31, 2015. The three owners of the club are accused of manslaughter, bodily harm and of not taking the legal work health and safety measures. The indictment compiled by the Prosecutor Generals Office shows, among others, that they encouraged and permitted the access of a large number of people, far beyond the allowed limit, in the absence of emergency exit ways, also accepting the organisation of an indoor pyrotechnical show, in spite of improper insulation. The owners of the pyrotechnical company, one of their employees and two legal persons are being tried in the same case. The huge collective emotion produced by the Colectiv tragedy generated massive anti-corruption rallies in Romania, which led to the resignation of the coalition cabinet led by Social-Democrat Victor Ponta, on November 4, and its replacement by the technocratic government led by Dacian Ciolos.

    PARTY LEADER – The National Council of the National Liberal Party, the second largest party in the Romanian Parliament on Saturday confirmed Alina Gorghiu as the Liberals only president, following the resignation tendered by Vasile Blaga from the position of party co-president. On September 28, Blaga stepped down, after anti-corruption prosecutors announced he was subject to legal restrictions pending trial in a corruption case. The acts of corruption were reportedly carried out in the 2009-2012 period, when Blaga was interior minister and later on Senate Speaker, and he favoured the preferential granting of contracts. In exchange for this influence peddling, he would have received commissions worth 10% of the value of contracts, that is 700,000 Euros for himself and the party he was a member of, the Liberal Democratic Party, which later merged with the National Liberal Party. (Translated by D. Vijeu)

  • October 8, 2016

    October 8, 2016

    VISIT– Slovak President, Andrej Kiska, will pay a two-day state visit to Romania, as of Monday, at the invitation of his Romanian counterpart, Klaus Iohannis. According to a communiqué issued by the Romanian Presidential Administration, the main aim of the visit is to consolidate bilateral ties, at political, economic and sectoral level and to boost cooperation on European issues of topical interest, in a context marked by many challenges. Given that Slovakia is currently holding the half-yearly presidency of the EU Council, the talks will mainly focus on the European agenda, and President Iohannis will present Romanias stance on the future of Europe- the aforementioned source also says. Iohannis will also underline the need to further strengthen economic cooperation, starting from the historical record high of two-way trade exchanges reported in 2015, worth 2.4 billion Euros, which is on the rise. On Tuesday, the two presidents will open the Romanian-Slovak Business Forum and will meet, in the western town of Nadlac, with representatives of the Slokav community in Romania.

    ROMANIAN DIASPORA – The town of Slatina in the western Ukrainian region of Transcarpathia (a.k.a. Zakarpattia) is today hosting the first meeting of the Romanian cultural associations in Ukraine. Initiated by the Dacia Union of the Romanians living in Transcarpathia, jointly with the Department for the Romanian Diaspora with the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the meeting is devoted to the problems encountered by these organisations in their activity, particularly financing. Almost half a million ethnic Romanians are living in the neighbouring state of Ukraine, most of them residing in localities along the common border, in the Romanian eastern territories annexed by the former USSR in 1940, following an ultimatum, and taken over by Ukraine in 1991, as a successor state.

    COLECTIV TRAGEDY – Approximately one year after tragedy struck the Bucharest-based Colectiv nightclub, justice takes its course, with a trial being opened into the case. 64 people died and over 100 others got injured in the fire which accidentally broke out on the night of October 30 to 31, 2015. The three owners of the club are accused of manslaughter, bodily harm and of not taking the legal work health and safety measures. The indictment compiled by the Prosecutor Generals Office shows, among others, that they encouraged and permitted the access of a large number of people, far beyond the allowed limit, in the absence of emergency exit ways, also accepting the organisation of an indoor pyrotechnical show, in spite of improper insulation. The owners of the pyrotechnical company, one of their employees and two legal persons are being tried in the same case. The huge collective emotion produced by the Colectiv tragedy generated massive anti-corruption rallies in Romania, which led to the resignation of the coalition cabinet led by Social-Democrat Victor Ponta, on November 4, and its replacement by the technocratic government led by Dacian Ciolos.

    PARTY LEADER – The National Council of the National Liberal Party, the second largest party in the Romanian Parliament on Saturday confirmed Alina Gorghiu as the Liberals only president, following the resignation tendered by Vasile Blaga from the position of party co-president. On September 28, Blaga stepped down, after anti-corruption prosecutors announced he was subject to legal restrictions pending trial in a corruption case. The acts of corruption were reportedly carried out in the 2009-2012 period, when Blaga was interior minister and later on Senate Speaker, and he favoured the preferential granting of contracts. In exchange for this influence peddling, he would have received commissions worth 10% of the value of contracts, that is 700,000 Euros for himself and the party he was a member of, the Liberal Democratic Party, which later merged with the National Liberal Party.

    HURRICANE MATTHEW – A Romanian officer from the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations will lead the team which will assess the damage produced by hurricane Matthew in Haiti. Colonel Marius Dogean will also coordinate international assistance, including aid relief operations to the disaster-affected population. Boasting an extensive experience in the field of civil protection, with a career spanning over 15 years, Marius Dogean was designated by the European Commission head of the EU Civil Protection Team which will go to that Caribbean island, where approximately 900 were killed by the hurricane. Colonel Dogean also travelled to and worked extensively in Jordan, in 2012, during the crisis caused by the massive flow of refugees from Syria, and a year later in the Philippines, following Typhoon Hayian. He was also one of the national experts dispatched by the European Commission to the conflict area in Southern Sudan, on an assessment mission.

    FOOTBALL Romanias national football squad will take on Armenia this evening in an away fixture counting towards the World Cup preliminaries in 2018. In the same group, E, Poland take on Denmark and Montenegro face Kazakhstan. Three days after the match in Yerevan, Romania face Kazakhstan, also away from home. Last month the national team were held to a 1-all draw by Montenegro on home turf, in what counts as the debut game for the newly appointed manager of the national team, the German Christoph Daum, the first foreign manager to have been appointed at the helm of the national team. This autumn, Romania also takes on Poland on home turf, on November 11th. (Translated by D. Vijeu)

  • Uraganul Mathew afectează Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica și Republica Dominicană

    Uraganul Mathew afectează Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica și Republica Dominicană

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe informează cetăţenii români că, începând din data de 3 octombrie, ora 18:00, ora locală, zona orientală a Cubei și teritoriile statelor Haiti, Jamaica și Republica Dominicană vor fi afectate puternic de uraganul Mathew.

    Uraganul va avea gradul 4 și conform Centrului de prognoză national cubanez, va avea o viteză de 230 km/h. Numărul de telefon care poate fi apelat în situații de urgență este:+5352767376.

  • Ion Jinga – întâlnire cu ofițerii români detaşaţi în Haiti

    Ion Jinga – întâlnire cu ofițerii români detaşaţi în Haiti

    Ambasadorul Ion Jinga, reprezentant Permanent al României la ONU, s-a întâlnit la sediul Misiunii cu comisarul şef de poliţie Raluca Domuţa şi comisarul şef de poliţie Iuliana Boancă, ofiţeri români detaşaţi în Misiunea ONU de Stabilizare din Haiti. În cadrul întâlnirii, Ion Jinga a exprimat aprecierea şi admiraţia sa faţă de profesionalismul şi rezultatele deosebite obţinute de ofiţerii de poliţie români în misiunea din Haiti, activitatea acestora constituind o contribuţie vizibilă și tangibilă la asigurarea credibilității şi promovării imaginii României în peisajul onusian, în sfera păcii şi securităţii.

    La rândul lor, au prezentat succint realitățile specifice misiunii din Haiti și provocările aferente mediului profesional și de securitate în care își desfășoară activitatea.

    De asmenea, a fost marcată importanța continuării prezenței polițienești românești, în pofida diminuării progresive a numărului personalului internațional, în contextul autonomizării forțelor de securitate locale și al procesului de tranziție prin care trece misiunea, după cum se arată în comunicatul de presă remis presei de Misiunea Permanentă a României la ONU.

  • Jandarm român medaliat de ONU

    Jandarm român medaliat de ONU

    Un român a primit medalia În serviciul păcii“, din partea Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite. Distincția i-a fost acordată căpitanului Silviu Fărcaş, jandarm român care participă la o misiune internaţională în Republica Haiti, a anunțat Inspectoratul General al Jandarmeriei.

    Medalia a fost acordată în cadrul unei ceremonii oficiale la care a participat reprezentantul special al secretarului general al ONU, Sandra Honore, şi comandantul misiunii, general Ajax Porto Pinheiro.

    În cadrul Misiunii Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite de Stabilizare din Haiti (MINUSTAH), ofiţerul Jandarmeriei Române îndeplineşte funcţia de monitor de poliţie civilă al ONU și are atribuţii în domeniul instruirii, reformării şi monitorizării sistemului naţional de poliţie din Republica Haiti.

    Căpitan Fărcaș Silviu din cadrul Inspectoratului de Jandarmi Județean Brașov este primul jandarm român selecționat de ONU să participe la misiunea din Republica Haiti.

    Sursa: Agerpres