Tag: Hanukkah

  • Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    COVID-19 Autoritățile române dimănamaă adză 1.096 di cazuri năi di COVID-19 tru 24 săhăţ ditu soni, aproapea 450 di cazuri ma pțănu andicra di aoa şi ună stămână. Fură raportati și altie 107 di decese ligati di Covid, 15 ditu eale di la ună dată anterioară. Tru aestu kiro, tru capitala București rata di infectare scădzu la 1,95 cazuri la ñille. Un avion di linie Tarom easti programat s’aducă năpoi tru patridă aţelli 36 di cetățeni români ambudyiusiţ tru Africa di Sud, după ţi azboiurli cătră și ditu atea văsilie fură curmati cu scupolu tra s-nu s’arăspăndească naua variantă di coronavirus Omicron.

    VACANTA Ditu weekendul tricutu româñilli s’hărsescu di ună vacanţa şcurtă. Cu sărbătorli ofiţiale di marță, 30 di brumaru și ñiercuri, 1 di andreu, guvernul apufusi s’facă și dzuua di luni dzuuă nilucrătoare. Mulță români aleapsiră s’treacă aesti dzăli adyi tru stațiuni montane ică balneare, ama și city break-urile tru locații istoriţi fură alidzeri populare. Marți, 30 di brumaru, românii ortodocși îlu yiurtusescu pi Sâmtul Andrei, hramlu ali Românie. Arăspândi zborlu al Dumidză tru Dobrogea di astăndză pi litoralu ali Âmarea Lae. Cama di 900.000 di români poartă numa a lui. Niercuri, 1 andreu, ti Dzuua Națională ali Românie, va s’aibă paradi și ţeremonii militare tru tută văsilia, inclusiv tru capitala București. Di itia a pandemiillei, ama, aesti evenimente va s’hibă cama apridunati. Tru mulţă căsăbadz ditu România videlliurli di pi geadei di sărbători va s’hibă apreasi tru aţea seară și va s’hibă dişcllisi pănăyiruri ti Cărciun.

    HANUKCA Adetea Hanukkah anvărtuşeadză pistea si nădia tru arada a membrilor comunitatillei uvrieşti, dclară prezidentulu a Romaniillei Klaus Iohannis, tu unu mesaj pitricutu cu furñia aliştei sarbatoare. Oficialu român nica spusi tru aestă noimă angajamentul ali Românie ti s’prevină și s’combată antisemitismul. Tu arada a lor, premierlu Nicolae Ciucă și prezidentulu a Camerăllei Deputațlor, Marcel Ciolacu, loară parti dumănică seara la Opera Națională di București la ună ţeremonie tru cari fu apreasă prota ţeară Hanukkah. Aţell 2 oficiali nica cundilleadză ca Israelu easti un aliat importantu tră România. Festivalu a Videlliurloru, așa cum easti cunuscut și Hanukkah, ţăni 8 dzăli și comemoreadză recupeararea a Ierusalimului și ri ahărdzearea-a ma deapoa Doilui Templu dupu ună alumtă istorică tră populu uvreu ditu secolu al II-lea ninti di Hristolu.

    MIGRANȚI Prezidentulu a Comisiillei Europene, Ursula von dir Leyen, și secretarlu genearal al NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, tăxiră că va s’anvărtuseadză coopeararea contra a fuvirserloru hibridi cari yin ditu Belarus și Rusia. Aţelli doi ofiţiali feaţiră dumănică ună vizită comună tru Lituiania și Letonia, cari, deadunu cu Polonia, s’ampulisescu cu un flux di migranț paranomu. Ursula Von dir Leyen și Jens Stoltenberg lu stipsiră Minsk di orchestrarea a crizăllei migranților, mutrită ca ună fuvirseari hibridă la adresa UE, ama Belarus nu apruke stepsurli. Vizita a aţiloru 2 oficiali s’faţi ninti a unei andamasi a miniștrilor di externe ai NATO di marță și ñiercuri tru Letonia. Va s’hibă vinitu și secretarlu di stat ali SUA Antony Blinken. S’așteaptă ca participanțălli la andamasi să-și spună găilipsearea tu tu ligătură cu anvărtuşearea a askerillei arusă apropea di sinurlu cu Ucraina.

    Statele membre ale Organizației Mondiale a Sănătății OMICRON analizeadză tră yinitoarili 3 dzăli ună apandisi globală la pandemia di COVID-19. OMS feaţi timbihi adză că naua variantă, Omicron, prezintă un riscu global multu mari” di creastiri a infecțiilor, ama cundille, tutunăoară, că ari nica multe incertituditui tu ligătură cu piriclliurli și rata di transmiteari a aliştei variantă. Miniștrilli a sănătatillei dit G7 llia parti la ună conferință online mutrinda varianta Omicron, ţi fu aflată ti prota oară tru Africa di Sud. Omicron fu aflatu tru alti părță a lumillei, inclusiv tru Țările di Nghiosu, Danemarca și Australia”. Ma multi stati curmară azboiurli cătă și dicătă văsiliili ditu sudul ali Africă, tru ună gaereti ta s’ambudyiusească arăspândearea variantăllei.

    Autoru: Udălu a hăbărloru

    Armânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    COVID-19 Autoritățile române dimănamaă adză 1.096 di cazuri năi di COVID-19 tru 24 săhăţ ditu soni, aproapea 450 di cazuri ma pțănu andicra di aoa şi ună stămână. Fură raportati și altie 107 di decese ligati di Covid, 15 ditu eale di la ună dată anterioară. Tru aestu kiro, tru capitala București rata di infectare scădzu la 1,95 cazuri la ñille. Un avion di linie Tarom easti programat s’aducă năpoi tru patridă aţelli 36 di cetățeni români ambudyiusiţ tru Africa di Sud, după ţi azboiurli cătră și ditu atea văsilie fură curmati cu scupolu tra s-nu s’arăspăndească naua variantă di coronavirus Omicron.

    VACANTA Ditu weekendul tricutu româñilli s’hărsescu di ună vacanţa şcurtă. Cu sărbătorli ofiţiale di marță, 30 di brumaru și ñiercuri, 1 di andreu, guvernul apufusi s’facă și dzuua di luni dzuuă nilucrătoare. Mulță români aleapsiră s’treacă aesti dzăli adyi tru stațiuni montane ică balneare, ama și city break-urile tru locații istoriţi fură alidzeri populare. Marți, 30 di brumaru, românii ortodocși îlu yiurtusescu pi Sâmtul Andrei, hramlu ali Românie. Arăspândi zborlu al Dumidză tru Dobrogea di astăndză pi litoralu ali Âmarea Lae. Cama di 900.000 di români poartă numa a lui. Niercuri, 1 andreu, ti Dzuua Națională ali Românie, va s’aibă paradi și ţeremonii militare tru tută văsilia, inclusiv tru capitala București. Di itia a pandemiillei, ama, aesti evenimente va s’hibă cama apridunati. Tru mulţă căsăbadz ditu România videlliurli di pi geadei di sărbători va s’hibă apreasi tru aţea seară și va s’hibă dişcllisi pănăyiruri ti Cărciun.

    HANUKCA Adetea Hanukkah anvărtuşeadză pistea si nădia tru arada a membrilor comunitatillei uvrieşti, dclară prezidentulu a Romaniillei Klaus Iohannis, tu unu mesaj pitricutu cu furñia aliştei sarbatoare. Oficialu român nica spusi tru aestă noimă angajamentul ali Românie ti s’prevină și s’combată antisemitismul. Tu arada a lor, premierlu Nicolae Ciucă și prezidentulu a Camerăllei Deputațlor, Marcel Ciolacu, loară parti dumănică seara la Opera Națională di București la ună ţeremonie tru cari fu apreasă prota ţeară Hanukkah. Aţell 2 oficiali nica cundilleadză ca Israelu easti un aliat importantu tră România. Festivalu a Videlliurloru, așa cum easti cunuscut și Hanukkah, ţăni 8 dzăli și comemoreadză recupeararea a Ierusalimului și ri ahărdzearea-a ma deapoa Doilui Templu dupu ună alumtă istorică tră populu uvreu ditu secolu al II-lea ninti di Hristolu.

    MIGRANȚI Prezidentulu a Comisiillei Europene, Ursula von dir Leyen, și secretarlu genearal al NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, tăxiră că va s’anvărtuseadză coopeararea contra a fuvirserloru hibridi cari yin ditu Belarus și Rusia. Aţelli doi ofiţiali feaţiră dumănică ună vizită comună tru Lituiania și Letonia, cari, deadunu cu Polonia, s’ampulisescu cu un flux di migranț paranomu. Ursula Von dir Leyen și Jens Stoltenberg lu stipsiră Minsk di orchestrarea a crizăllei migranților, mutrită ca ună fuvirseari hibridă la adresa UE, ama Belarus nu apruke stepsurli. Vizita a aţiloru 2 oficiali s’faţi ninti a unei andamasi a miniștrilor di externe ai NATO di marță și ñiercuri tru Letonia. Va s’hibă vinitu și secretarlu di stat ali SUA Antony Blinken. S’așteaptă ca participanțălli la andamasi să-și spună găilipsearea tu tu ligătură cu anvărtuşearea a askerillei arusă apropea di sinurlu cu Ucraina.

    Statele membre ale Organizației Mondiale a Sănătății OMICRON analizeadză tră yinitoarili 3 dzăli ună apandisi globală la pandemia di COVID-19. OMS feaţi timbihi adză că naua variantă, Omicron, prezintă un riscu global multu mari” di creastiri a infecțiilor, ama cundille, tutunăoară, că ari nica multe incertituditui tu ligătură cu piriclliurli și rata di transmiteari a aliştei variantă. Miniștrilli a sănătatillei dit G7 llia parti la ună conferință online mutrinda varianta Omicron, ţi fu aflată ti prota oară tru Africa di Sud. Omicron fu aflatu tru alti părță a lumillei, inclusiv tru Țările di Nghiosu, Danemarca și Australia”. Ma multi stati curmară azboiurli cătă și dicătă văsiliili ditu sudul ali Africă, tru ună gaereti ta s’ambudyiusească arăspândearea variantăllei.

    Autoru: Udălu a hăbărloru

    Armânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • November 29, 2021

    COVID-19 Romanian authorities announced today 1,096 new
    COVID-19 cases for the last 24 hours, some 450 cases
    less than a week ago. Another 107 Covid-related fatalities have also been
    reported, 15 of them from a previous date. Meanwhile, in the capital Bucharest
    the infection rate dropped to 1.95 cases per thousand. A Tarom airliner
    is scheduled to repatriate the 36 Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa,
    after flights to and from that country were suspended in an attempt to prevent
    the spread of the new
    coronavirus variant Omicron.

    of this past weekend Romanians are enjoying a short holiday. With Tuesday,
    November 30th and Wednesday, December 1 official bank holidays, the
    government decided to make Monday a non-working day as well. Many Romanians
    chose to spend these days off in mountain or spa resorts, but city breaks in
    historical locations were also popular choices. On Tuesday, November 30,
    Orthodox Romanians celebrate St. Andrew, the patron saint of Romania. He spread
    the word of God in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast. More than 900,000
    Romanians are named after him. On Wednesday, December 1, on Romania’s National
    Day, military parades and ceremonies will be held across the country, including
    in the capital Bucharest. Because of the pandemic, however, these events will be
    low-key. In many Romanian cities holiday street lights will be turned on that
    evening and Christmas fairs will be opened.

    HANUKKAH The Hanukkah tradition reinforces faith and hope among the
    members of the Jewish community, said the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis, in
    a message occasioned by this holiday. The Romanian official also mentioned in
    this context Romania’s commitment to preventing and fighting anti-Semitism. In
    turn, the PM Nicolae Ciucă and the Chamber of Deputies speaker Marcel Ciolacu
    took part on Sunday night at the National Opera House in Bucharest in a
    ceremony in which the first Hanukkah candle was lit. The 2 officials also
    mention that Israel is an important ally for Romania. The Festival of Lights, as the Hanukkah is also
    known, lasts for 8 days and commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent
    rededication of the Second Temple following a historic battle for the Jewish
    people in the 2nd century BCE.

    MIGRANTS The president of the European Commission,
    Ursula von der Leyen, and the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg,
    promised to strengthen cooperation against the hybrid threats coming from
    Belarus and Rusia. The 2 officials Sunday made a joint visit to Lithuania and
    Latvia, which alongside Poland are facing an inflow of illegal migrants. Ursula
    Von der Leyen and Jens Stoltenberg accused Minsk of orchestrating the migrant
    crisis, viewed as a hybrid threat against the EU, but Belarus dismissed the
    accusations. The visit of the 2 officials comes ahead of a meeting of NATO
    foreign ministers on Tuesday and Wednesday in Latvia. Also attending will be
    the US secretary of state Antony Blinken. The participants in the meeting are
    expected to voice concerns over the Russian military build-up near the
    Ukrainian border.

    OMICRON World Health Organisation member states are
    analysing for the next 3 days a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
    WHO has warned today that the new variant, Omicron, poses
    a very high global riskof infection surges, but has also emphasised that many uncertainties still
    exist with respect to the dangers and the transmission rate of this variant. G7
    health ministers are taking part in an online conference on the Omicron
    variant, first identified in South Africa. Omicron has been found in other
    parts of the world, including the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia’. Several
    countries have already suspended flights to and from countries in the south of
    Africa, in an effort to prevent the variant from spreading. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 29, 2021

    COVID-19 Romanian authorities announced today 1,096 new
    COVID-19 cases for the last 24 hours, some 450 cases
    less than a week ago. Another 107 Covid-related fatalities have also been
    reported, 15 of them from a previous date. Meanwhile, in the capital Bucharest
    the infection rate dropped to 1.95 cases per thousand. A Tarom airliner
    is scheduled to repatriate the 36 Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa,
    after flights to and from that country were suspended in an attempt to prevent
    the spread of the new
    coronavirus variant Omicron.

    of this past weekend Romanians are enjoying a short holiday. With Tuesday,
    November 30th and Wednesday, December 1 official bank holidays, the
    government decided to make Monday a non-working day as well. Many Romanians
    chose to spend these days off in mountain or spa resorts, but city breaks in
    historical locations were also popular choices. On Tuesday, November 30,
    Orthodox Romanians celebrate St. Andrew, the patron saint of Romania. He spread
    the word of God in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast. More than 900,000
    Romanians are named after him. On Wednesday, December 1, on Romania’s National
    Day, military parades and ceremonies will be held across the country, including
    in the capital Bucharest. Because of the pandemic, however, these events will be
    low-key. In many Romanian cities holiday street lights will be turned on that
    evening and Christmas fairs will be opened.

    HANUKKAH The Hanukkah tradition reinforces faith and hope among the
    members of the Jewish community, said the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis, in
    a message occasioned by this holiday. The Romanian official also mentioned in
    this context Romania’s commitment to preventing and fighting anti-Semitism. In
    turn, the PM Nicolae Ciucă and the Chamber of Deputies speaker Marcel Ciolacu
    took part on Sunday night at the National Opera House in Bucharest in a
    ceremony in which the first Hanukkah candle was lit. The 2 officials also
    mention that Israel is an important ally for Romania. The Festival of Lights, as the Hanukkah is also
    known, lasts for 8 days and commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent
    rededication of the Second Temple following a historic battle for the Jewish
    people in the 2nd century BCE.

    MIGRANTS The president of the European Commission,
    Ursula von der Leyen, and the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg,
    promised to strengthen cooperation against the hybrid threats coming from
    Belarus and Rusia. The 2 officials Sunday made a joint visit to Lithuania and
    Latvia, which alongside Poland are facing an inflow of illegal migrants. Ursula
    Von der Leyen and Jens Stoltenberg accused Minsk of orchestrating the migrant
    crisis, viewed as a hybrid threat against the EU, but Belarus dismissed the
    accusations. The visit of the 2 officials comes ahead of a meeting of NATO
    foreign ministers on Tuesday and Wednesday in Latvia. Also attending will be
    the US secretary of state Antony Blinken. The participants in the meeting are
    expected to voice concerns over the Russian military build-up near the
    Ukrainian border.

    OMICRON World Health Organisation member states are
    analysing for the next 3 days a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
    WHO has warned today that the new variant, Omicron, poses
    a very high global riskof infection surges, but has also emphasised that many uncertainties still
    exist with respect to the dangers and the transmission rate of this variant. G7
    health ministers are taking part in an online conference on the Omicron
    variant, first identified in South Africa. Omicron has been found in other
    parts of the world, including the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia’. Several
    countries have already suspended flights to and from countries in the south of
    Africa, in an effort to prevent the variant from spreading. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 29, 2021

    COVID-19 Romanian authorities announced today 1,096 new
    COVID-19 cases for the last 24 hours, some 450 cases
    less than a week ago. Another 107 Covid-related fatalities have also been
    reported, 15 of them from a previous date. Meanwhile, in the capital Bucharest
    the infection rate dropped to 1.95 cases per thousand. A Tarom airliner
    is scheduled to repatriate the 36 Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa,
    after flights to and from that country were suspended in an attempt to prevent
    the spread of the new
    coronavirus variant Omicron.

    of this past weekend Romanians are enjoying a short holiday. With Tuesday,
    November 30th and Wednesday, December 1 official bank holidays, the
    government decided to make Monday a non-working day as well. Many Romanians
    chose to spend these days off in mountain or spa resorts, but city breaks in
    historical locations were also popular choices. On Tuesday, November 30,
    Orthodox Romanians celebrate St. Andrew, the patron saint of Romania. He spread
    the word of God in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast. More than 900,000
    Romanians are named after him. On Wednesday, December 1, on Romania’s National
    Day, military parades and ceremonies will be held across the country, including
    in the capital Bucharest. Because of the pandemic, however, these events will be
    low-key. In many Romanian cities holiday street lights will be turned on that
    evening and Christmas fairs will be opened.

    HANUKKAH The Hanukkah tradition reinforces faith and hope among the
    members of the Jewish community, said the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis, in
    a message occasioned by this holiday. The Romanian official also mentioned in
    this context Romania’s commitment to preventing and fighting anti-Semitism. In
    turn, the PM Nicolae Ciucă and the Chamber of Deputies speaker Marcel Ciolacu
    took part on Sunday night at the National Opera House in Bucharest in a
    ceremony in which the first Hanukkah candle was lit. The 2 officials also
    mention that Israel is an important ally for Romania. The Festival of Lights, as the Hanukkah is also
    known, lasts for 8 days and commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent
    rededication of the Second Temple following a historic battle for the Jewish
    people in the 2nd century BCE.

    MIGRANTS The president of the European Commission,
    Ursula von der Leyen, and the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg,
    promised to strengthen cooperation against the hybrid threats coming from
    Belarus and Rusia. The 2 officials Sunday made a joint visit to Lithuania and
    Latvia, which alongside Poland are facing an inflow of illegal migrants. Ursula
    Von der Leyen and Jens Stoltenberg accused Minsk of orchestrating the migrant
    crisis, viewed as a hybrid threat against the EU, but Belarus dismissed the
    accusations. The visit of the 2 officials comes ahead of a meeting of NATO
    foreign ministers on Tuesday and Wednesday in Latvia. Also attending will be
    the US secretary of state Antony Blinken. The participants in the meeting are
    expected to voice concerns over the Russian military build-up near the
    Ukrainian border.

    OMICRON World Health Organisation member states are
    analysing for the next 3 days a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
    WHO has warned today that the new variant, Omicron, poses
    a very high global riskof infection surges, but has also emphasised that many uncertainties still
    exist with respect to the dangers and the transmission rate of this variant. G7
    health ministers are taking part in an online conference on the Omicron
    variant, first identified in South Africa. Omicron has been found in other
    parts of the world, including the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia’. Several
    countries have already suspended flights to and from countries in the south of
    Africa, in an effort to prevent the variant from spreading. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 29, 2021

    November 29, 2021

    COVID-19 Romanian authorities announced today 1,096 new
    COVID-19 cases for the last 24 hours, some 450 cases
    less than a week ago. Another 107 Covid-related fatalities have also been
    reported, 15 of them from a previous date. Meanwhile, in the capital Bucharest
    the infection rate dropped to 1.95 cases per thousand. A Tarom airliner
    is scheduled to repatriate the 36 Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa,
    after flights to and from that country were suspended in an attempt to prevent
    the spread of the new
    coronavirus variant Omicron.

    of this past weekend Romanians are enjoying a short holiday. With Tuesday,
    November 30th and Wednesday, December 1 official bank holidays, the
    government decided to make Monday a non-working day as well. Many Romanians
    chose to spend these days off in mountain or spa resorts, but city breaks in
    historical locations were also popular choices. On Tuesday, November 30,
    Orthodox Romanians celebrate St. Andrew, the patron saint of Romania. He spread
    the word of God in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast. More than 900,000
    Romanians are named after him. On Wednesday, December 1, on Romania’s National
    Day, military parades and ceremonies will be held across the country, including
    in the capital Bucharest. Because of the pandemic, however, these events will be
    low-key. In many Romanian cities holiday street lights will be turned on that
    evening and Christmas fairs will be opened.

    HANUKKAH The Hanukkah tradition reinforces faith and hope among the
    members of the Jewish community, said the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis, in
    a message occasioned by this holiday. The Romanian official also mentioned in
    this context Romania’s commitment to preventing and fighting anti-Semitism. In
    turn, the PM Nicolae Ciucă and the Chamber of Deputies speaker Marcel Ciolacu
    took part on Sunday night at the National Opera House in Bucharest in a
    ceremony in which the first Hanukkah candle was lit. The 2 officials also
    mention that Israel is an important ally for Romania. The Festival of Lights, as the Hanukkah is also
    known, lasts for 8 days and commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent
    rededication of the Second Temple following a historic battle for the Jewish
    people in the 2nd century BCE.

    MIGRANTS The president of the European Commission,
    Ursula von der Leyen, and the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg,
    promised to strengthen cooperation against the hybrid threats coming from
    Belarus and Rusia. The 2 officials Sunday made a joint visit to Lithuania and
    Latvia, which alongside Poland are facing an inflow of illegal migrants. Ursula
    Von der Leyen and Jens Stoltenberg accused Minsk of orchestrating the migrant
    crisis, viewed as a hybrid threat against the EU, but Belarus dismissed the
    accusations. The visit of the 2 officials comes ahead of a meeting of NATO
    foreign ministers on Tuesday and Wednesday in Latvia. Also attending will be
    the US secretary of state Antony Blinken. The participants in the meeting are
    expected to voice concerns over the Russian military build-up near the
    Ukrainian border.

    OMICRON World Health Organisation member states are
    analysing for the next 3 days a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
    WHO has warned today that the new variant, Omicron, poses
    a very high global risk of infection surges, but has also emphasised that many uncertainties still
    exist with respect to the dangers and the transmission rate of this variant. G7
    health ministers are taking part in an online conference on the Omicron
    variant, first identified in South Africa. Omicron has been found in other
    parts of the world, including the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia’. Several
    countries have already suspended flights to and from countries in the south of
    Africa, in an effort to prevent the variant from spreading. (tr. A.M. Popescu)