Tag: Helmut Kohl

  • Helmut Kohl Si Europa

    Helmut Kohl Si Europa

    Tru scurtu 1990, Europa ahurhea să s-ndreaga după multili evenimenti dit anlu di ma nainti. Sistemlu comunist s-avea surpata ca piesili a unui agioc di domino, s-avea asparta ntraoara si acutotalui. Tra nai cama multa dit european’i, maxus dit vasiliili ti avea ascapată di dictatura comunistă, nu eara dip limbid ti va s-aduca yinitlu, ti cali va s-acata. Nu eara dip limbid niti ti va s-adara Uniunea Sovietică, nica tru functiune, ama niti comunitatea a vasiliilor dezvoltate ale Europa. Eara una tatonare genearală, canda a multor oamini importanta nu la yinea s-pistipsească ti va sa s-facă.

    Cu tuti aesti, avea vara ti lucra la un plan limbid tra vasilia si populu a lui. Germania eara una vasilie ampartata dit bitisita a doilui polim mondial, cu 45 di an’I napoi. Ampărtarea s-avea fapta după ti avea agiumtă armatili aliate contra al Hitler, Armata Arose, tru Est, american’il’i, englezl’ii si aliatl’I a lor occidentali, tru Vest. Fu una ampartari ideologică si tru spiritlu la atea ti vrea s-yina ma amanat, “polimlu arati” cari s-ncuntra a Estului communistu, controlat di Uniunea Sovietică, si Vestul capitalistu.

    Linia di ampartari a continentului treati prit inima ali Germanie ase că, tru oara tru cari sistemlu communistu cădzu, Germania putea s-aiba nadie la unificare. Cancelarlu ali Germanie, Helmut Kohl, adra ma multu andicra di ti avea nadie, lucra tra unificare. Tru Germania, cancelarlu, ca sef a guvernului federal, ari mai multă puteare si multu ma multe tra adrari andicra di prezidentul a vasiliil’ei, ase că startegia si politica a lui îl’i si cad. A deapoa politica avea numa Ostpolitik si pripunea discl’idearea, nica si dialogul, cu Estul. Tru 1987, Germania di Vestu fu vizitată tra prota oara di eternul lider ali Germanie comunista, Erich Honecker, lucru imposibil fără aprobarea ali Moscova. Ama lider ali Uniunii Sovietica, dit 1985, eara Mihail Gorbaciov, cari lansa una s-una politit di transparentă cu scupolu ti să-lu reformeadza inertul sistem sovietic. Celebrele glasnost si perestroika dusira la evolutii tra nipistipseari, tru sisteme total antagoniti, Comunismul avea cadzuta, tru 1989, ama tanea keptu, nai putan tru principiu, tru Uniunea Sovietică.

    Tru scurtu 1990, cancelarlu german Helmut Kohl dusi fara andirsi tru Uniunea Sovietică tra s-pazarapseasca reunificarea a vasiliil’ei a lui. Dupu 8 mesi, la 3 di sumedru 1990, Germania s-fatea una, ateali 5 landuri dit cari eara formată fosta Ripublică Democrată Germană aderândaluui la Ripublica Federală Germană. Kohl cilastisi si cu Estul ama si cu Vestul tra s-isihaseasca asparizmili isit tru migdani di reunificarea ali Germanie.

    Isapea a atilor 17 di ani tru framtea a guvernului federal german easti una istorica, Germania ti u adra hiindalui un stat vartos, promotor ali irini si colaboraril’ei internationale, membru esential a edificiului european. Kohl fu un politician ti cilastisi tra cauza europeana si irinea tru lume. Deadun cu omologlu a lui francez, François Mittearand, adusi nai cama vartoasi imagini a unei ampacari diznau istorica ama tut deadun featira di cabili Tratatlul di Maastricht care thimil’iusi Uniunea Europeană. Moneda unică europeană avut tru Helmut Kohl un andrupamintu vartos. U alasa putearea si politica tru 1998 si di atumtea, aproapea dauă dekenii, aparitiile a lui fura aretcu si sporadite. Cându muri, tru aestu cirisar, truplu a lui fu bagat tra videari, anvalitu di hlambura europeana, tru hemiciclul di Strasbourg a Parlamentului European. Si aest dit soni evenimentu fu una premieră istorică, nica un gest tra Europa, care yine s-baga accentul di bitisita a unal’ei mira istorica dedicata tra irine si reconcilierii, colaborarea anamisa di natiuni nica si cara anamisa di eali avea eti di nivreari si ampuliseari.

    Autor: Marius Tita

    Armanipsearea: Tascu Lala

  • Helmut Kohl și Europa

    Helmut Kohl și Europa

    februarie 1990, Europa începea să se aranjeze după tumultuosul an anterior.
    Sistemul comunist căzuse ca piesele unui joc de domino, se dezmembrase rapid și
    total. Pentru cei mai mulți dintre europeni, mai ales din țările ce scăpaseră
    de dictatura comunistă, nu era prea clar ce urmează, spre ce se vor îndrepta.
    Nu era foarte clar nici ce va face Uniunea Sovietică, încă în funcțiune, dar
    nici comunitatea țărilor dezvoltate ale Europei. Era o tatonare generală, parcă
    multor oameni importanți nu le venea să creadă ce se întâmpla. Totuși, cineva
    lucra la un plan clar pentru țara și poporul său. Germania era o țară divizată
    de la sfârșitul celui de al doilea război mondial, cu 45 de ani în urmă.
    Împărțirea se făcuse după ce ajunseseră armatele aliate împotriva lui Hitler,
    Armata Roșie, în Est, americanii, englezii și aliațiilor lor occidentali, în
    Vest. A fost o divizare ideologică și în spiritul a ceea ce a urmat, războiul rece care a opus Estul communist,
    controlat de Uniunea Sovietică, și Vestul capitalist.

    Linia de demarcație a
    continentului trece prin inima Germaniei astfel că, în momentul în care
    sistemul communist a căzut, Germania putea spera la unificare. Cancelarul
    Germaniei, Helmut Kohl, făcea mai mult decât spera, lucre deja la unificare. În
    Germania, cancelarul, ca șef al al guvernului federal, are mai multă putere și
    mult mai multe de făcut decât președintele țării, astfel că startegia și
    politica lui îi revin. Iar politica se numea Ostpolitik și propunea
    deschiderea, chiar dialogul, cu Estul. În 1987, Germania de Vest a fost
    vizitată pentru prima data de eternul lider al Germaniei comuniste, Erich
    Honecker, lucru imposibil fără aprobarea Moscovei. Dar lider al Uniunii
    Sovietice, din 1985, era Mihail Gorbaciov, care a lansat imediat politici de
    transparență menite să reformeze inertul sistem sovietic. Celebrele glasnost și perestroika au dus la evoluții incredibile, în sisteme total
    antagonice, Comunismul căzuse, în 1989, dar rezista, cel puțin în principiu, în
    Uniunea Sovietică. În februarie 1990, cancelarul german Helmut Kohl a mers fără
    ezitare în Uniunea Sovietică pentru a negocia reunificarea țării sale. Peste 8
    luni, la 3 octombrie 1990, Germania se reunifica, cele 5 landuri din care era
    formată fosta Republică Democrată Germană aderând la Republica Federală
    Germană. Kohl a avut de luptat și cu Estul dar și cu Vestul pentru a liniști
    temerile iscate de reunificarea Germaniei.

    Bilanțul celor 17 ani în fruntea
    guvernului federal german este unul istoric, Germania pe care a clădit-o fiind
    un stat puternic, promotor al păcii și colaborării internaționale, membru
    esențial al edificiului european. Kohl a fost un politician dedicat cauzei
    europene și păcii în lume. Împreună cu omologul său francez, François
    Mitterand, a oferit cele mai puternice imagini ale unei reconcilieri istorice
    dar tot împreună au făcut posibil Tratatul de la Maastricht care a creat
    Uniunea Europeană. Moneda unică europeană a avut în Helmut Kohl un susținător
    puternic A părăsit puterea și politica
    în 1998 și de atunci, aproape două decenii, aparițiile sale au fost rare și
    sporadice. Când a murit, în acest iunie, trupul său a fost expus, acoperit de
    drapelul european, în hemiciclul din Strasbourg al Parlamentului European. Și
    acest ultim eveniment a fost o premieră istorică, încă un gest pentru Europa,
    care vine să dea accentul final unui destin istoric dedicat păcii și
    reconcilierii, colaborării între națiuni chiar dacă între ele au stat secole de
    ură și confruntare.

  • June 17, 2017 UPDATE

    June 17, 2017 UPDATE

    GOVERNMENT – The Social Democratic Party, the main member of the ruling coalition in Romania, stepped up the process of dismissing its own Cabinet headed by Sorin Grindeanu. Parliament will convene on Sunday to present a motion to censure, and the document will be discussed and voted on three days later, on Wednesday. The Social Democrats need 233 votes to have the motion passed, and together with their allies, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Romania, they have 247 seats in Parliament. On Friday, ex-PM Victor Ponta was appointed secretary general of the Grindeanu Cabinet, in what analysts see as Grindeanus attempt to secure allies among the influential members of the Social Democratic Party, from which he has been recently expelled. In turn, the Social Democrats claim Sorin Grindeanu and Victor Ponta are trying to highjack the executive power. We remind you that PM Grindeanu will not step down, although the ruling coalition withdrew its political support for the Government and most ministers have resigned. Sorin Grindeanu is criticised for lack of efficiency in implementing the governing programme. In turn, he says the situation will be settled in compliance with the Constitution and the applicable legislation. The head of state, Klaus Iohannis, has called on the coalition to solve its internal crisis.

    POLITICS – Ludovic Orban, a minister of transport in 2007-2008, was elected on Saturday the new president of the National Liberal Party, the largest right-wing party in the Romanian parliamentary opposition. MEP Cristian Buşoi was his challenger in the election. Both candidates promised a revival of the party, after the deafeat in the 2016 general election, when they only got 20% of the votes, as compared to 45% for the Social Democrats. Comentators believe that, against the background of the current acute divergencies among the Social democrats, the Liberals stand good chances to return to the forefront of the domestic political arena. Attending the Liberal Congress was also the secretary general of the European Peoples Party, Antonio Lopez Isturiz White. For a long time affiliated to the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Europe, the National Liberal Party switched to the EPP in 2014. On Sunday, the Liberal Partys National coordination Council convenes to hold elections for 36 leading positions, for which over 100 party members are competing.

    HELMUT KOHL – President Klaus Iohannis sent condolences to his counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier on the death of former Chancellor Helmut Kohl. The head of the Romanian state paid tribute to “a great statesman and European leader and a source of inspiration for his handling of the challenges posed by the Cold War and the fall of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe. Iohannis added that Kohl was a close friend of Romania, having contributed to the success of the current Romanian-German relations. In turn, Emil Constantinescu, president of Romania in 1996 to 2000, said Helmut Kohl would be remembered in the history of Europe for his contribution to the remodelling of NATO and the EU in keeping with the great challenge represented by the end of the Cold War and its ultimate symbol, the fall of the Berlin Wall. Helmut Kohl died on Friday at the age of 87. Politicians from around the world have praised the outstanding European leader.

    CELEBRATION – The PM of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, accompanied by the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, took part in Sibiu on Saturday in the celebration of 10 years since this Romanian city and Luxembourg were together European Capitals of Culture. A member of the German community in Romania, the descendants of the Saxon colonists coming to Transylvania in the Middle Ages, President Iohannis was the Mayor of Sibiu in 2007, when Romania joined the EU, and his city was a European capital of Culture together with Luxembourg. The partnership between Sibiu and Luxembourg remains an example of what the European spirit is all about, Klaus Iohannis said on Saturday, and voiced hope that the borders that may build walls between Europeans would be replaced by bridges of culture, freedom and tolerance. Also on Saturday, the two officials attended the opening of an honorary consular office of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Sibiu.

    FRENCH ELECTION – France is holding the second round of legislative elections on Sunday, under the restrictions of the state of emergency following the terrorist attacks of November 13, 2015. The newly elected president Emmanuel Macron is seeking to secure a parliamentary majority to support the programme on which he won the presidential ballot last month. With over 32% of the votes in the first round, held last Sunday, Macrons Republique en Marche movement is expected to win between 400 and 445 seats out of the total 577 in the French Parliament.

    FENCING – Romanias womens epee team won the bronze on Saturday in the European Fencing Championships in Tbilisi, Georgia, after beating Estonia 45-38. Romania also won the bronze in last years edition of the competition, held in Torun, Poland. Romanias participation in the Tbilisi championships thus ends with 2 bronze medals, the first of them won on Monday by Bianca Pascu, in the individual sabre event.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Nachrichten 17.06.2017

    Nachrichten 17.06.2017

    Bukarest: Die sozial-demokratische Regierungspartei PSD wird am Sonntag dem Parlament den Text des Misstrauensantrags gegen das eigene Kabinett vorlesen. Über den Misstrauensantrag gegen das Kabinett Sorin Grindeanu soll das Parlament am Mittwoch abstimmen. Um mit dem Antrag Erfolg zu haben, benötigen die Sozial-Demokraten 233 Stimmen. Die PSD verfügt zuammen mit ihrem Juniorpartner in der sozial-liberalen Kolition ALDE über 247 Parlamentssitze. Am Freitag ist der ehemalige sozialdemokratische Ministerpräsident Victor Ponta zum Generalsekretär der Regierung unter Sorin Grindeanu ernannt worden. Politische Beobachter betrachten die Entscheidung als strategischer Zug Grindeanus. Der aktuelle Regierungschef wolle nach seinem Ausschluss aus der Partei Alliierte unter den einflussreichsten Sozialdemokraten finden. Ponta war 2012 ins Amt eingeführt worden und 2015 nach heftigen Stra‎ßenprotesten wegen eines Brandes in einem Bukarester Nachtclub zurückgetreten. Ihm könnten jetzt auch weitere markante Anführer des linken Lagers folgen. Die Regierung in Bukarest erlebt gerade eine politische Krise, nachdem die Parteiführungen der beiden Koalitionsparteien dem Kabinett die Unterstützung entzogen. Ministerpräsident Grindeanu weigert sich zurückzutreten. Der Staatschef Klaus Iohannis fordert die Regierungskoalition dazu auf, die interne Krise zu lösen.

    Bukarest: Nach dem Tod von Helmut Kohl hat der rumänische Staatschef Klaus Iohannis in einem Schreiben an seinen deutschen Gegenüber Frank-Walter Steinmeier den ehemaligen deutschen Kanzler als gro‎ßer Staatsmann und europäischer Leader gewürdigt. Helmut Kohl sei eine Inspiration für die Art und Weise gewesen, in der er die Herausfoderungen des Kalten Kriegs und der Wende in Osteuropa überwunden habe. Helmut Kohl sei ein Freund Rumäniens gewesen, der einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erfolgsgeschichte der deutsch-rumänischen Beziehungen geleistet habe, fügte Klaus Iohannis hinzu. Der ehemalige Präsident Rumäniens im Zeitraum 1996-2000, Emil Constantinescu sagte seinerseits, dass Helmut Kohl für seinen wichtigen Beitrag zur Umgestaltung der Nordatlantischen Allianz und der Europäischen Union eine Schlüsselfigur der europäischen Geschichte bleiben wird. Helmut Kohl ist am Freitag im Alter von 87 Jahren verstorben. Der ehemalige deutsche Kanzler war treibende Kraft für die EU und eine gemeinsame Währung. Als sein grö‎ßter Erfolg gilt aber die deutsche Wiedervereinigung.

    Bukarest: Der luxemburgische Premier Xavier Bettel hat sich am Samstag zusammen mit dem rumänischen Staatschef Klaus Iohannis im mittelrumänischen Sibiu an den Veranstaltungen beteiligt, die daran erinnern, dass vor zehn Jahren Luxemburg und Sibiu europäische Kulturhauptstädte waren. Der deutschstämmige rumänische Präsident war 2007 Bürgermeister der siebenbürgischen Stadt. Imselben Jahr trat Rumänien der EU bei. Ebenfalls am Samstag wurde in Sibiu ein Ehrenkonsulat des Staates Luxemburg eröffnet. Am Freitag hatte der luxemburgische Premier mit seinem rumänischen Gegenüber Sorin Grindeanu über die bilaterale Kooperation in den Bereichen Kommunikation, Tourismus und im Bankensektor diskutiert.

    Bukarest: Das Internationale Theaterfestival im mittelrumänischen Sibiu geht am Sonntag zu Ende. In der Altstadt und der Fu‎ßgängerzone der siebenbürgischen Stadt finden auch am Wochenende Konzerte, Paraden, Stra‎ßenkunst-und Zirksaufführungen statt, die von rumänischen und ausländischen Künstlern dargeboten werden. Für den achten Festivaltag werden insgesamt 40 Aufführungen geplant. Der renommierte Ballettänzer Mikhail Baryshnikov ist ebenfalls auf die Bühne der Internarionalen Festspiele aufgetreten. Die Internationalen Theaterfestspiele in Sibiu gelten als das grö‎ßte Festival der Darstellungskunst in Rumänien und eines der grö‎ßten weltweit.

  • June 17, 2017

    June 17, 2017

    GOVERNMENT – The Social Democratic Party, the main member of the ruling coalition in Romania, stepped up the process of dismissing its own Cabinet headed by Sorin Grindeanu. Parliament will convene on Sunday to present a motion to censure, and the document will be discussed and voted on three days later, on Wednesday. The Social Democrats need 233 votes to have the motion passed, and together with their allies, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Romania, they have 247 seats in Parliament. On Friday, ex-PM Victor Ponta was appointed secretary general of the Grindeanu Cabinet, in what analysts see as Grindeanus attempt to secure allies among the influential members of the Social Democratic Party, from which he has been recently expelled. In turn, the Social Democrats claim Sorin Grindeanu and Victor Ponta are trying to highjack the executive power. We remind you that PM Grindeanu will not step down, although the ruling coalition withdrew its political support for the Government and most ministers have resigned. Sorin Grindeanu is criticised for lack of efficiency in implementing the governing programme. In turn, he says the situation will be settled in compliance with the Constitution and the applicable legislation. The head of state, Klaus Iohannis, has called on the coalition to solve its internal crisis.

    POLITICS – MEP Cristian Buşoi and the former transportation minister Ludovic Orban are competing in Bucharest today, for the presidency of the National Liberal Party, the largest right-wing party in the Romanian Parliament. Both candidates promise a revival of the party, after the defeat in the 2016 general election, when they only got 20% of the votes, as compared to 45% for the Social Democrats. Commentators believe that, against the background of the current acute divergences among the Social Democrats, the Liberals stand good chances to return to the forefront of the domestic political arena. Attending the Liberal Congress is also the secretary general of the European Peoples Party, Antonio Lopez Isturiz White. For a long time affiliated to the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Europe, the National Liberal Party switched to the EPP in 2014. On Sunday, the Liberal Partys National coordination Council will convene, to hold elections for 36 leading positions, for which over 100 party members are competing.

    HELMUT KOHL – President Klaus Iohannis sent condolences to his counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier on the death of former Chancellor Helmut Kohl. The head of the Romanian state paid tribute to “a great statesman and European leader and a source of inspiration for his handling of the challenges posed by the Cold War and the fall of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe. Iohannis added that Kohl was a close friend of Romania, having contributed to the success of the current Romanian-German relations. In turn, Emil Constantinescu, president of Romania in 1996 to 2000, said Helmut Kohl would be remembered in the history of Europe for his contribution to the remodelling of NATO and the EU in keeping with the great challenge represented by the end of the Cold War and its ultimate symbol, the fall of the Berlin Wall. Helmut Kohl died on Friday at the age of 87. Politicians from around the world have praised the outstanding European leader.

    CELEBRATION – The PM of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, accompanied by the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, are taking part in Sibiu today in the celebration of 10 years since this Romanian city and Luxembourg were together European Capitals of Culture. A member of the German community in Romania, the descendants of the Saxon colonists coming to Transylvania in the Middle Ages, President Iohannis was the Mayor of Sibiu in 2007, when Romania joined the EU, and his city was a European Capital of Culture together with Luxembourg. Also today, an honorary consular office of the Great Duchy of Luxembourg is opened in Sibiu. On Friday in Bucharest, PM Xavier Bettel and his Romanian counterpart Sorin Grindeanu discussed bilateral cooperation, particularly in fields like IT, communications, tourism and banking.

    SIBIU THEATRE FESTIVAL – Many theatre performances, exhibitions, workshops and conferences are taking place in theatre halls and unconventional venues, as part of the Sibiu International Theatre Festival. Medieval market places and the pedestrian area in the centre of the city have been turned into stages for parades, concerts and circus acts presented by artists from around the world. The Sibiu International Theatre Festival, the greatest performing arts festival in Romania and one of the most important in the world, started on June 9 and comes to a close on Sunday. One of the special guests this year was the famous Russian-born dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov, who said he was impressed with the Festival in Sibiu.

    (translated by: Ana Maria Popescu)

  • June 16, 2017 UPDATE

    June 16, 2017 UPDATE

    GOVERNMENT The former Social Democratic Prime Minister Victor Ponta was appointed Secretary General of the Government headed by Sorin Grindeanu. The decision was published on Friday in the Official Journal. Ponta’s appointment is seen by pundits as an attempt made by Grindeanu to get allies from among influential people in the Social Democratic Party, party from which the latter has just been expelled. PM Grindeanu has refused to resign, so the ruling coalition formed by the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats decided to initiate a no-confidence vote in Parliament against its own government, which is to take place next week. The leader of the Social Democrats Liviu Dragnea and that of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats Calin Popescu Tariceanu blame the prime minister for lack of efficiency in the implementation of the governing programme, an accusation Grindeanu has rejected. President Klaus Iohannis has called on the ruling coalition to solve its problem internally.

    GERMANY – Helmut Kohl, who served as German chancellor from 1982 to 1998, and presided over the end of the Cold War, has died at the age of 87. The so-called “father of reunification” was modern Germanys longest serving chancellor, coinciding with the tearing down of the Berlin Wall that separated the communist East from the capitalist West.

    VISIT Luxembourgs prime minister Xavier Bettel accompanied by Romanian President Klaus Iohannis will travel to Sibiu, in central Romania, on Saturday, to attend events celebrating 10 years since the city held the title of European Capital of Culture. In 2007, when Romania joined the EU, Klaus Iohannis was mayor of Sibiu and the city was European Capital of Culture, together with Luxembourg. On Friday, Xavier Bettel also met his Romanian counterpart Sorin Grindeanu.

    LIBERAL PARTY — The EMP Cristian Busoi and the former Transport Minister Ludovic Orban run for the position of president of the National Liberal Party (PNL), the most important right-of-centre party in Romania’s Parliament. Both candidates have promised to reform the party after the defeat at the parliamentary elections last year. The Liberals’ congress will be attended by the European People’s Party president Antonio Isturiz White. PNL joined EPP in 2014.

    THEATRE – The International Theatre Festival continues in Sibiu, where the citys mediaeval streets and historic centre have been turned into outdoor stages for shows and circus performances from companies from around the world. More than 40 different performances are scheduled on Day 8 of the festival. The famous dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov will again give his one-man show based on the poems of Nobel Prize winner Iosif Brodski. The biggest performing arts festival in Romania and one of the biggest in the world, the Sibiu International Theatre Festival comes to an end on Sunday.

    INFLATIONThe annual inflation rate dropped in May to 1.4% in the eurozone and to 1.6% in the European Union from 1.9% and 2%, respectively, in April, the Eurostat announced on Friday. Ireland, Romania, Denmark and Holland saw the lowest inflation rates in the European Union. The highest levels were reported in Estonia, Lithuania and the UK. According to Eurostat, the inflation rate in the eurozone is moving further from the target level of the European Central Bank, which wants to maintain price increases to around 2%, a level it sees as beneficial to economic activity.

    TOURISM The number of foreign visitors who used accommodation in Romania in the first quarter of the year stood at around 450,000. They spent around 220 million euros in the country, according to the National Institute for Statistics. Last year, Romania received 2.4 million foreign visitors, who spent 530 euros per person on average. Business was the main reason for the trips by non-residents visitors in the first quarter of the year, followed by congresses, conferences, courses, fairs and exhibitions, while the amount they spent in the country accounted for 66% of the total.

    TENNIS — The best Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, no. 2 in the world, has announced she will not take part in the tournament in Birmingham between June 19 and 25. She has taken this decision in order to protect her ankle after the injury she suffered last month in the final in Rome.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • 10 Jahre seit dem Nato-Beitritt Rumäniens

    10 Jahre seit dem Nato-Beitritt Rumäniens

    Alles begann am 29. März 2004 mit dem NATO-Beitritt. Es folgten 10 Jahre, in denen Rumänien an den NATO-Missionen im Ausland aktiv teilnahm. Das forderte auch Opfer: Bis jetzt wurden 26 rumänische Militärs im Irak und in Afghanistan getötet. In einer ersten Welle traten Polen, Tschechien und Ungarn der NATO bei. Rumänien gehörte der zweiten Welle an. Der Historiker Adrian Pop von der Nationalen Hochschule für Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaften in Bukarest erklärt, warum Rumänien nicht in der ersten Welle aufgenommen wurde:

    Beim NATO-Gipfel in Madrid 1997 wurde der Integrationswunsch nicht verwirklicht. Damals erfreute sich Rumänien nicht der Unterstützung der Schlüssel-Länder — in erster Linie der USA und Deutschlands –, die den NATO-Beitritt beschlossen hätten können. Es gab damals eine Rivalität für die Kontrolle der 6. Flotte im Mittelmeer. Frankreich unterstützte den Beitritt Rumäniens und wollte die Kontrolle über diese Flotte haben. Der Beitritt der südöstlichen Länder hätte Frankreich erleichtert, die Kontrolle zu bekommen. Zugleich wollten aber die USA die Kontrolle über diese Flotte behalten. Rumänien stand dazwischen in diesem Interessenskonflikt zwischen wichtigen Mächten innerhalb der NATO.

    Rumänien hat zudem die Chance verpasst, eine gute Beziehung zu Deutschland aufzubauen. Deutschland spielt eine riesige Rolle in Europa innerhalb der NATO. Gleich nach 1990 hatte Rumänien eine schwierige Beziehung zu Deutschland. Der erste deutsche Regierungschef, der Rumänien besuchen wollte, war Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl. Und dieser Besuch wurde höflich verschoben. Der erste Minister eines westlichen Landes, der Rumänien nach der Wende besucht hat, war Frankreichs Au‎ßenminister Roland Dumas. Aus dieser Sicht war es ein ungünstiger Kontext. Wir müssen aber auch zugeben, dass Rumänien auch nicht alle nötigen Schritte gegangen war, um sich auf diesen Moment vorzubereiten.“

    Um die Jahrtausendwende befand sich die Welt im Wandel, die wichtigsten Weltmächte haben ihre Au‎ßenpolitik tiefgreifend geändert. Die Terroranschläge vom 11. September 2001 haben einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Neuausrichtung der weltweiten Strategie der NATO geleistet. Rumänien sollte von den Änderungen profitieren, allerdings darf sich das Land den Erfolg auch selbst zuschreiben, dank seines Engagements auf diesem Weg, erklärt Adrian Pop.

    Nach den Terroranschlägen von 2001 haben sich die Rahmenbedingungen radikal verändert. Erneut wurde dem Schwarzmeerraum eine extrem gro‎ße Bedeutung beigemessen. Man hat erkannt, dass das Schwarze Meer eine Transitregion für den internationalen Terrorismus ist, der die neue Bedrohung für die Weltsicherheit darstellt. Es war sehr wichtig, dass Länder wie Rumänien und Bulgarien dem westlichen Sicherheitssystem angehörten, denn mit ihrer Hilfe war der Westen besser vor dieser Bedrohung geschützt. In diesem geänderten Kontext wurde die Einladung zum NATO-Gipfel nach Prag 2002 begünstigt, zwei Jahre nach der Ratifizierung war unser NATO-Beitritt vollendet. Und 2004 war das rumänische Militär anders aufgestellt, es war viel besser vorbereitet. Bis dahin hatte es aber einen langen Weg zurückgelegt. Vor 1989 betrug die Truppenstärke 370.000 Mann, dazu war die rumänische Armee schlecht ausgestattet und ausgerüstet, schwergängig und unflexibel. Sie wurde dann einem Prozess zur schrittweisen Reduzierung und Umkehrung der hierarchischen Pyramide unterzogen. Die überschüssige Anzahl der hochrangigen Offiziere wurde erheblich gesenkt und so erreichte man ein normaleres Verhältnis zugunsten der niedrigeren Militärgrade. Sowohl die innen- als auch die au‎ßenpolitischen Umstände haben damals den NATO-Beitritt Rumäniens begünstigt.“

    Welcher war aber der wirtschaftliche Nutzen für Rumänien als NATO-Mitglied?, haben wir Adrian Pop noch gefragt.

    Es ist bekannt, dass die Zugehörigkeit zu einem politisch-militärischen Bündnis, und hier ist die Rede von dem erfolgreichsten Bündnis der Geschichte, gewisse Garantien für potentielle Investoren bedeutet. Die Investitionen haben im Vergleich zu der Zeit vor dem Beitritt zugenommen, auch wenn nicht in dem von Rumänien erhofften und erwünschten Ausma‎ß. Es hat sogar Probleme in der Beziehung zum wichtigsten Mitglied der NATO, den Vereinigten Staaten, gegeben. Lange Zeit waren unsere bilateralen Handelsbeziehungen recht dünn, auch nach dem Beitritt. Die Situation wurde im Laufe der Zeit korrigiert. Gleichzeitig wurde dieser Schutzschirm geöffnet, der im 5. Artikel des Nordatlantikvertrags betreffend die kollektive Verteidigung verankert ist. In heikleren oder kriegerischen Umständen, einschlie‎ßlich der aktuellen Rahmenbedingungen, ist dieser Schutz sehr wichtig für ein Land am Rande des NATO-Raums, in der Nähe der Russischen Föderation.“

    Es gibt wenige Menschen, die sich einen tragischen und tödlichen Krieg wünschen. Gleichzeitig müssen aber all diejenigen entmutigt werden, die eine nichtdemokratische politische Agenda durchsetzen und in imperialistischen Phantasien schwelgen — das ist eine demokratische, militärische und solidarische Antwort, die zu den Grundwerten aller NATO-Mitglieder gehört.

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